Ubers Buzzwole


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Buzzwole @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 152 Def / 104 Spe
Impish Nature
- Bulk Up
- Ice Punch
- Drain Punch
- Roost

More than just your average mosquito, Buzzwole acts as a great check to many physically offensive Pokemon in Ubers, such as Yveltal, Necrozma-DM, Marshadow, and Zygarde-C. In particular, it's one of the best switch-ins to Yveltal's hard-hitting Knock Off that anyone could ask for. Bulk Up combined with Drain Punch and Roost lets Buzzwole set up on physical threats that it walls, while Ice Punch allows Buzzwole to take out Zygarde-C. Buzzwole Speed ties with standard specially defensive Necrozma-DM and outspeeds paralyzed non-Choice Scarf Calyrex-S and the niche Calyrex-I. Buzzwole has abysmal Special Defense, so specially defensive Pokemon such as bulky Yveltal, Eternatus, and Blissey can cover for it; Blissey can also remove status, such as poison. Calyrex-S complements Buzzwole offensively, as it benefits from Buzzwole's ability to check both Yveltal and Marshadow. Offensive Eternatus sets that need their item to function, such as Power Herb Meteor Beam and Life Orb sets, appreciate Buzzwole absorbing Knock Off.
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Buzzwole @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 152 Def / 104 Spe
Impish Nature
- Bulk Up
- Ice Punch
- Drain Punch
- Roost

More than just your average mosquito, Buzzwole acts as a great check to many physically offensive Pokemon in Ubers, such as Yveltal, Necrozma-DM, Marshadow, and Zygarde-C. In particular, it's one of the best switch-ins to Yveltal's hard-hitting Knock Off that anyone could ask for. Bulk Up combined with Drain Punch and Roost lets Buzzwole set up on physical threats that it walls, while Ice Punch allows Buzzwole to take out Zygarde-C. Buzzwole's Speed investment is just enough for it to Speed tie Speed ties with standard specially defensive Necrozma-DM and outspeeds paralyzed non-Choice Scarf Calyrex-S and the niche Calyrex-I. Buzzwole has abysmal Special Defense, so specially defensive Pokemon such as bulky Yveltal, Eternatus, and Blissey can cover for it; Blissey can also remove status, such as poison. Calyrex-S complements Buzzwole offensively, as it can benefit benefits from Buzzwole's ability to check both Yveltal and Marshadow. Offensive Eternatus sets that need their item to function, such as Meteor Beam Eternatus holding Power Herb and Life Orb Eternatus Power Herb Meteor Beam and Life Orb sets, appreciate Buzzwole being able to absorb absorbing Knock Off.
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