Name: Dedicated Win Condition
General Description: A Pokemon which can very easily and effortlessly win if its checks and counters are removed, but is a liability until then.
Justification: Obviously, a lot of Pokemon are designed to sweep once its checks and counters are weakened. However, most of them are able to come in during midgame and weaken their checks to the point where they can sweep later, and/or can be stopped from sweeping with careful play even if the opponent has no checks left. This concept would take the idea of a win condition to the extreme, with a Pokemon completely unable, for one reason or another, to wear down its counters, but once those are removed, can win without any effort or possible counterplay. A completely dedicated win condition would help us explore the mechanics of checking and countering, and the ways in which said checks and counters can be removed.
Questions To Be Answered:
- Can a sweeper be successful even if it lacks the ability to weaken its switch-ins?
- What is the most effective way to remove a certain Pokemon's counters?
- Will this Pokemon necessarily have to rely on lures or trappers to get rid of its counters?
- Will it fit better on offensive or defensive teams?
- Is a Pokemon which cannot possibly lose once its answers are gone a good or bad thing for the metagame?
Explanation: This concept was mainly inspired by 2 Pokemon, Serperior and Rock Polish Mega Diancie. The former is an extremely unique Pokemon, and the closest thing to this concept there is. If the opposing team has a Heatran, a Talonflame, a Venusaur, or an Amooguss, Serperior is a liability, since all it will ever do is deal minuscule damage to one of these Pokemon, take unnecessary Life Orb damage, and be immediately forced out. However, if these checks are removed, Serperior can usually just come in and win, and with little to no effort or possible counterplay too, you can't sack anything to it or force it to go down from Life Orb damage given Contrary Leaf's Storm snowball effect. Serperior proves that this kind of concept is possible, however, it isn't a perfect realisation of it : for one, even if its counters are gone, it can still be revenge killed by scarfers, and it also has a SubSeed set which actually can wear down Heatran and Talonflame... kinda. I highly doubt Contrary is necessary for this concept to work though, another good example of it in action is Rock Polish MDiancie, who pretty much has a single shot to sweep, but if you can get rid of the likes of Ferrothorn, Scizor, Mega-Venusaur, and certain defensive Pokemon, there's little you can do to stop it. However, when using it, I realised it didn't really work like a normal sweeper. You couldn't send it in mid-game to wear down its checks, since its low speed pre-evo and mediocre bulk post-evo meant that it would take far too much damage to pull off a sweep later, especially given that this specific Diancie set runs a SpA boosting nature as opposed to a Speed-boosting one. You have to save Diancie until the very lategame, which means you can't get away with just running counters to Diancie's checks in order to facilitate its sweeps, since said checks could easily switch out, and only really need to switch in when Diancie pops up which it won't as long as these checks are still alive. It's better to either run lures, like HP Fire Latios or Psychic Thundurus, or trappers like Magnezone and Gothitelle. The same thing applies to Serperior. So I'm curious to see if this kind of extreme one-shot win condition necessarily requires lures or trappers to function. I'd also like to see if something like this would be a good thing for the metagame despite having common checks : after all, Serperior is currently BL despite having a very good and common check in UU in Crobat.