CAP 25 - Part 10 - CAP 25w Name Submissions--OPEN FOR FINAL SUBMISSIONS

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WIP (1/3)


Coral + Lord

Pronounced: Cora-Lord

WIP (2/3)


Escargot + Ton, weight unit measure (1 t = 2204,62 lb)

Pronounced: Escargot-Ton

WIP (3/3)


Oceanus, first son of Gaia and Uranus in greek mythology + Gastropod

Pronounced: Ocean-Po-Dus
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WIP (1/3)


Combination of "Abyss" + "Snail"

Pronounced: "Ah-bis-nail"

WIP (2/3)


Combination of "Abyss" + "Slug"

Pronounced: "Ah-bis-lug"
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Final Submission


Combination of "Triton" and "Barrier" (Great Barrier Reef)

Pronounced "Try-TAER-i-er"
IPA: traɪtæriər
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We've had some submissions but not really any discussion yet. Here are a few names that I would like to share my thoughts on.

Marine + regalia, cus it wears the marine life (coral) on its back like clothing
When I first read the name, it didn't really appeal to me. It must have been the way I read it, however, because it has really grown on me! On that note, I am wondering how it is supposed to be pronounced, especially in regards to the second "a." I think the first time I read it as a short "a" rather than a long one, which I probably shouldn't have done. Anyways, this sounds like a nice name to me!

Conch + Chriton, the famous author Triton, the son of Poseidon in Greek Mythology

Con - cry - ton
Another name that I think is well constructed. It sounds less soothing to me than "Marigalia" does, and was the first name submission that I took interest in. It isn't quite intuitive to me to read the name the way it ought to be pronounced, but that is more of a nitpick. This name also happens to be similar to my later submission, partially because it brought the name "Triton" into my consideration as a possible element of my submission, which I ended up going with. Overall, I like this submission and have compared others to it when thinking about other names.

Triton + Ondine
I had to look up "Ondine." It really contributes to how much I like the name, and I wanted to bring attention to it because I think that "Ondine" and its variation "Undine" could make for a really good root for future submissions. I'll certainly be considering it if I create another WIP name.

Pacific + Poseidon
Another set of good words, especially Pacific.

“Acanthinucella punctulata (a snail species)” + “Leptopsammia (coral species)”

Pronunciation: “ac-ap-TOP-sa”
This stuck me as one of the more innovative submissions. We have had a few subs that have made use of scientific names, but none have gone as all-in to create an original-sounding name that is still incredibly descriptive by nature of its obscure roots. It should be noted that it does risk being too obscure, making it hard to glean any meaning from it without doing your research and potentially making the name hard to pronounce. But I do believe that the unique approach that this name takes is worth noting for future submissions.


"Aura" & "Deoleoun"

Pronounciation: AURA-LEE-OWN

Leoun: Derived from "deoleoun geos", the Korean word for slime.
Final Submission


Combination of "Coral" + "Poison" ('Coral' references its coral reef-like shell. 'Poison' is simply stems from its typing.)

Pronounced: "kôr oiz(ə)n"


"Charonia" + "Clairon"

"Charonia" is the genus of the Triton Snail. When translated literately, "Clairon" is French for "bugle", which is relevant because the snail is commonly known as "Triton's trumpet" and fitting because the military use of the horn compliments the guardian nature of the design.

Pronounced: "Clair-O-ni-ah"
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Final Submission



"Royal" + "Mollusk"

Appearance and attire create the image of royalty in the form of a mollusk. I kinda got Loki vibes from this one.

From "Tyrian purple" (a pigment derived from a type of sea snail) + "whelk" (a type of sea snail)--also echoes names that end with -lka (e.g. Olka, Jelka, Homolka)

Pronunciation: TIE-ree-AHL-kuh

WIP 2:

From "Triton" (both snail type and minor sea god) and "whelk"; still ends with -lka

Pronunciation: try-TEHL-kuh
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"Almighty" + "Triton"

Pronunciation: awl-MAHY-tuhn
IPA: /ɔːlˈmaɪtən/

A portmanteau of "almighty," referencing CAP 25w's size and bearing, and "triton," the type of snail that appears to have inspired the CAP's design.


Pronunciation: Con-shell

A combination of Conch and Shell, but playing on the "c" in the middle, using it as an "s" as in "shell," but coming off of Conch.
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Portmanteau of "Umi" (Japanese for sea/ocean) + "Maimai"(Japanese for snail - usually for terrestrial species) + "Guard" (Since this CAP is more oriented for defenses with its bulk and shell)

Pronounced: "OO-my-GAHD"

IPA: /uːmaɪ.gɑːd/
WIP 1/3


Pacific Ocean + Poseidon

Pronunciation: "pa-SI-fi-don"



Aqua + Abalone (a type of snail)

Pronunciation: "a-KWAH-ba-lown"



Fortify (due to its defenses) + Shell

Pronunciation: "FOR-ti-shel"



Charonia (genus of the Triton snail) + Royal

Pronunciation "ka-ROH-yal"



Marshal (a military rank) + Shell

Pronunciation "MAR-shell"



Tycoon (a wealthy magnate) + Tidal + Conch (a sea snail's shell)

Pronunciation "ty-KONK"


of the Distant Past
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Regalia (formal, royal clothing) + Snail
Pronunciation: "Ree-SNAIL-yah"
IPA: /ɹəˈsneɪl.i.ə/

Going with the royal trend, but focusing more on the shell attire part...
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WIP 2/3


Play on words with 'majesty', as well as linking to 'mage' due to the robe-like appearance of the outer skin (at least in my opinion!)


((I had another one around like acquiescence or something but it just wasn't really working out, if I find something I'm happy with I'll add it as a third WIP))


Clefable's wish came true!
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"Joy" + "Buoyant"

Pronounced: "joy-ant"

A combination of the words joy and buoyant. Regardless of how it looks at first glance, I wanted a name that was more than one word + another word. While doing research, i discovered that in pre Columbian America, snails were considered a symbol of joy. They are also seen as a symbol of enjoying life at a slower pace. This seemed fitting as 25w seems to always have a joyful disposition about itself.

Next, I looked for synonyms of joy as I wasn't sold on the word at the time. I ended up at the phrase joie de vivre hoping to incorporate some French element because "snails." I then noticed that buoyancy was a synonym of joyful. It was nice because it incorporated a "water" word but maintained a connection with the original.

Buoyant -
1. able or apt to stay afloat or rise to the top of a liquid or gas
2. cheerful and optimistic

I originally tried Joyancy as a name but It sounded too much like Chansey. I ended up with going with Joyant instead. I also avoided spelling it "Juoy" to avoid the Ju since Jumbao was last CAP.


Portmanteau of "Coral", "Royal" and "Coriolis" (The Coriolis Force impacts the movements of ocean currents around the globe - give a sense of scope since this is a bulky mon)

Pronounced: "Caw-roh-yal-is"


pink wingull
is a Top Artistis a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Reiga : Concoral
I don't really see this snail as a conqueror but I still like this name

Pipotchi : Marigalia
One of the few names that has a really nice flow, sounds nice, and fits the Pokemon

KirbyAirRider : Reefender
I want to like this because the combination of words works well, but it reads as Reef + Ender instead of Defender

Bughouse : Slugguard
I like this, but I'd like it more if it didn't sound like sluggard

flying moose : Snailstrom
This is pretty clever but it might be better for a second stage mon. It isn't quite distinguished enough for this mon. I would still vote for it though.

Sgt.Moose : Neptopod
Sounds good and has good flow. I like it.

pokehimon : Tritonne is definitely the best of the 3

Kurobat : Pacifidon
Pacify could be a root word for this name too, I can't decide if it's good for this guy to be seen as a pacifist though

BaffleTome : Coroyalis
One of my favourites, I hope other people appreciate the use of the word Coriolis


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mix of Decor (referencing its shell) and Coral, with the last half of it sort of having a corruption of the word Royale, referencing its elegant, posh look.

Pronounced: "Deck - Core - Ale"
WIP 2/3


Michel Foucault + Coast

I don't know why, but 25w gives me an intelectual vibe and it reminds me of Foucault's studies about the relationship between power and knowledge (lol).

Pronounced: "foo-COAST"

WIP 3/3


Capricious + Precious Coral (the red coral's popular name)
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