CAP 25 - Part 10 - CAP 25w Name Submissions--OPEN FOR FINAL SUBMISSIONS

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Pronunciation: DES-car-go
IPA: <ˈdeskaʁɡo>

Combing "despot" with "escargot", we clearly have a royal snail, one who seeks to maintain absolute control over his matchups. Even when pronounced incorrectly, like des-car-GOT, the word "Despot" still comes through, relaying the royal design of this mon.
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Combination of Coral + Poseidon (the greek god of the sea)

Pronounced: Cor-Si-don

Gets the coral part of its name due to its shell looking like coral.
WIP (1/3)


Triton + Tonne

Pronounced Tri-Ton

Not overly original but I think the reference to it's weight and size is good and keeps the sound uncomplicated


Concharon (2/3)

Conch + Charon

Con - Cha - Ron


Royatoll (3/3)

Royal + Atoll

Roy - a - toll
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Aqua + Guardian

Pronounced: "a-QWAR-dee-en"


sentinel + snail

Pronounced: "SEN-ten-ale"


Bastion + nautical
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Shell + swirl, aslo sounds similar to pearl

Pronounced: SHWURL
IPA: [ʃwɜːl]


Shell + lock, also similar to Sherlock*

Pronounced: SHEH-lok
IPA: [ˈʃɜlɒk]

* Sherlock Holems is often shown smoking a pipe, which might be considered a human equivalent of using Toxic Orb


Pronounced Neh-Ree-Tear-ree-an

Nereids were Sea Nymphs; Tyrian Purple worn by Emperors made from Sea Snails; Mithridates was king of the land making it and immune to poison
WIP (1/3)


"Atoll" + "Mollusk"

Pronounced: "Ay - Tol - Usk"

Emphasising the reef-like nature of 25w's back, I've invoked the Atoll reef, along with a matching snail word.


WIP (2/3)


"Gastropod" + "Pond"

Pronounced: "Gas - Tro - Pond"

Gastropod are snails, Ponds are Dangerous (oh, and y'know, bodies of water).


"reef" + "Charonia"

Pronounced: "ree-FOE-nee-uh"
IPA: riːfoʊnɪjə

Charonia is the genus of the giant triton, the animal it’s based on, and it has a mini reef on its back.
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"Escargot" + "Fortress"
This giant triton is basically a snail fortress that guards corals (i.e. Corsola) from the crown-of-thorns (i.e. Mareanie)

Pronounced: "es-KA-fort"
IPA: 'ɛs.kaʁfɔːt


Coral + Cay (A low bank of coral or sand) + Triton (Referring to the Triton snail or Greek god)

Pronounced: "cor - CAY - ton"

I wanted the name to be of similar length compared to other starter names and to convey verbal texture descriptive of how I imagine the idea of a snail being said as a word. Many of the starter names are obviously derived from multiple words ("Venusaur," "Incineroar"), but I have a personal preference for names from which I can glean meaning without the entire name being an obvious compound to me when analyzed directly ("Sceptile," "Primarina"), and thus can feel like their own descriptive word. I think that this name does a decent job at meeting these self-imposed requirements, though I can't wait to hear all of the other submissions that come in.

Previously I had tried "Coraeton," (cor-EYE-ton) but I felt that there was a bit too much emphasis on the "-ITON" sound, which in my mind brought more of an idea of might. The sounds of words such as "Coral" and "Cay," on the other hand, bring a softer sound befitting a sea snail, so I mixed in the word "Cay" to soften the "-ITON" and arrive at "Corcaiton."

WIP (2/3)


Pacific + Undine (An elemental being associated with water)

Pronounced: "pa - si -fi - dine"

After my commentary post on various submissions, I found examples of a number of underutilized words for roots. My two favorites fit together quite well, and thus constitute my second submission. The sound of the name seems like a strong fit for the Pokemon. My only qualm with the name is that it doesn't describe a specific aspect of the Pokemon other than its general ocean-dwelling nature. The name could become more fitting during the Pokedex flavor stage depending on what lore gets added, but what the name implies doesn't seem to be the current direction. I'll choose my final submission based off of feedback and personal decision.
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Aquastropod or Aquapod

"Aqua + Gastropod"

Two simple words combine as such as with some of the starter mons (Blastoise , Feraligatr)
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"Pomatia" + "Nautilus"

Pronounced: po-MAY-ti-luss

From the botanical name for escargot, Helix pomatia.


“Acanthinucella punctulata (a snail species)” + “Leptopsammia (coral species)”

Pronunciation: “ac-ap-TOP-sa”
WIP (1/3)


"Viscount" (rank of nobility) + "Charonia" (genus of the Triton Snail)

Pronounced: VY-care-un

The design looks very regal and noble so I figured using a rank of nobility would work well. I used viscount mostly because it fit the best with the other words I was trying to use.

WIP (2/3)


"Triton" + "Atoll"

Pronounced: TRY-toll

Going for a bit of a bit more coral related name with this one.

WIP (3/3)


"Viscount" + "Ranellidae" (the family most marine gastropods are in)

Pronounced: VY-can-ell

See WIP 1.
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