Just with our Dragon STAB, any of the common Dragon-types should be afraid of switching into CAP 28.
:krillowatt: Neither of these pivots should have an easy time against our neutral coverage.
Mandibuzz and Tomohawk are two of the most common defensive pivots on the metagame right now and while our typing doesn't allow us to hit them super effectively, they shouldn't be able to come in for free. These matchups could become much more difficult against physical sets, but I think forcing them to lose momentum by using Roost would still be doable.
While our matchup against Equilibra is pretty complicated, as it resists both of our STABs, the fact that it's one of the most common mons in the metagame means that we would benefit a lot from preventing it from completely countering CAP 28.
Given that we'll be trying to pressure Equilibra, it's very likely that we'll pressure Excadrill as a side effect. Even disregarding that, Excadrill is relatively frail and somewhat slow, so it seems unlikely it will enjoy even our resisted moves.
Two natural victims of our Bug typing, we should be able to pressure them very naturally.
(only offensive sets) Offensive Jumbao sets should fear our Bug-type moves. It's possible that bulkier sets might be able to tank them,so those aren't included here.
While they are both very bulky, they should be somewhat wary of our Bug moves, and we may be able to exploit their lack of recovery to beat them 1v1.
These are all miscellaneous offensive Pokemon that shouldn't be able to switch into our STAB moves.