CAP 3 CAP 3 - Topic Leader Candidates

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Since we're apparently stating who we'd want if we don't win, I would vote for Gothic_Togekiss. Out of the other candidates, I feel he is most active amongst them, and contributes to discussions.
stall said:
eric the espeon said:
I am not too keen on [...] Stall
Any reasons other than my documented displeasure with your tourney rules?

Yes, i don't think you have been active in this progect for as long or contributed as much as GT or Dane. The same goes for SA but to a lesser extent.
Although I haven't had much to do with the second CaP (that'll hopefully change with the third), Doug asked me to vote, so I am. Based on my experience with the first one, I'll have to give my vote to Gothic Togekiss, who participated in every thread with more than just a click in the poll and a statement of what he voted for. zerowing seems responsible (anyone with mod status must be), but I honestly can't remember seeing him at all in the 1st CaP. Time mage isn't on the server enough for my liking, which makes me think he's not exactly committed. Or he doesn't have a lot of time on his hands, which is just as bad when it comes to the hordes of impatient voters.

So go GT.
Time mage isn't on the server enough for my liking, which makes me think he's not exactly committed. Or he doesn't have a lot of time on his hands, which is just as bad when it comes to the hordes of impatient voters.

Eh, eh, I've never proposed myself as a candidate! ^_^U

I don't have enough free time to even be on the server for long periods of time, so of course being TL was out of the question.

Also, I'm not too sure if the voting was meant to happen now and publicly...
Eh, eh, I've never proposed myself as a candidate! ^_^U

I don't have enough free time to even be on the server for long periods of time, so of course being TL was out of the question.

Hey man, I'm just going by the mod list on the server. Except I haven't seen Mag much at all and don't know if Alphabet_Soup is even on smogon.

But just looking through a thread, I'd have to recommend Futuresuperstar as the next TL, if he wants the job. He was a big factor in nominating Ghost/Fighting as Revenankh's type, and every post he made was analytical in some way. I vote to add him.

I swear I'll be better about voting and such next time guys....

EDIT: Also eric the espeon. He'd make a good TL, because he was very forceful in the first CaP. The guy made me extend the voting period, at least.
Speaking of FSS what ever happened to him? After halfway through the Revenankh polls, he disappeared. I thought he would stick around long enough to see if he wanted to be TL.
Hey man, I'm just going by the mod list on the server. Except I haven't seen Mag much at all and don't know if Alphabet_Soup is even on smogon.
mag and AS are good mods, but i dont see mag on here that much, and I dont think i have even seen AS.

But just looking through a thread, I'd have to recommend Futuresuperstar as the next TL, if he wants the job. He was a big factor in nominating Ghost/Fighting as Revenankh's type, and every post he made was analytical in some way. I vote to add him.
I think he left... he would be a very good TL if he was still here.

EDIT: Also eric the espeon. He'd make a good TL, because he was very forceful in the first CaP. The guy made me extend the voting period, at least.
I have not put myself forward as a TL candidate, I will not be on enough to run an entire CaP project for the next month or so as i have exams... however I would like to be co or backup Topic Leader.

And about the ice shell thing I have recently been re-reading the old polls to see what went on and I must say i was in the wrong and did not explain myself clearly (my objection about the late change was related to previous talks and a poll not just the one that you changed it in, I was away during the time I should have made my complaint/disagreement so was forced to say it at an inapropriate time) I am sorry for this.

edit: FSS was on last today, but his last post was on the 14th of march. I expect he is too busy to reply to stuff but reads things.
Hey man, I'm just going by the mod list on the server. Except I haven't seen Mag much at all and don't know if Alphabet_Soup is even on smogon.

But just looking through a thread, I'd have to recommend Futuresuperstar as the next TL, if he wants the job. He was a big factor in nominating Ghost/Fighting as Revenankh's type, and every post he made was analytical in some way. I vote to add him.

I swear I'll be better about voting and such next time guys....

EDIT: Also eric the espeon. He'd make a good TL, because he was very forceful in the first CaP. The guy made me extend the voting period, at least.
I do exist on here. I just don't post much.

And seeing as everyone is throwing out support, mine goes to Dane. I don't feel the need to type out reasons everyone else has posted 50 times, but I agree that Dane would be a very good choice.
Let me clarify what I've been saying, because Doug has told me I'm doing it wrong. These are the people I'm recommending to help judge the contestants:

  • [.darkie]
  • eric the espeon
  • futuresuperstar (if he's even still here)

Gothic Togekiss is my vote for actual TL, because saying who you're voting for seems to be the cool thing to do.

eric was already recommended by Hyra, so that vote is somewhat unnecessary. However, FSS and [.darkie] would bring the voter count up to seven. Doug would like an even number, so I've thrown in two names to be safe (FSS not being here or darkie not wanting to do it). I'm sorry for any confusion, but I believe I've said everything correctly now.

eric, you are forgiven for past transgressions.
Submissions for new candidates are officially closed. I have sent information to all the members of the TL selection panel, based on the suggestions from Hyra and Cooper. Here are the Selection Panelists:

eric the espeon
Deck Knight

I have asked the panel to complete their selection within two days, and urged them to do so sooner, if possible. As soon as their selection is made, I will inform the new Topic Leader and they can kick off the first discussion thread.

If you would like to continue to post support for any of the candidates in this thread, feel free to do so. The selection panel will be referring to posts in this thread to inform their decision.
The TL Selection Panel has concluded the selection and balloting process...

Congratulations to our next Topic Leader - Gothic Togekiss!

I have notified GT of the next steps and we should see the first discussion thread posted soon.
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