Here's my concept so far, it's based on the Graoully Dragon (A miasma spewing creature, which served as an allegory for Christianity "slaying" Paganism) and Spider-Tailed Horned Vipers. The idea is that it floats using the gas that's built up in it's body, while also using the tail as a shaker of sorts. (So I guess there's also some vague hints of Rattle Snake mixed into the design? Lol.) I feel the fumes serve pretty well as a hint to Throat Spray without really relying on it too much conceptually.
Overall, I feel relatively okay about this design so far. My main issues really are trying to make sure it doesn't read too much like a ghost type, which the concept of a decaying demonic serpentine dragon really does imply (Not to mention the ghastly shades of the fumes and the pale purple body), and simplifying some aspects of the design. Specifically, the teeth and spines, which are more than kinda cluttered.