Corsavian Hindenbird
the dead mans oddysey Oct 8, 2013 #59 Hindenbird Corsavian hindenberg seems the most original, and it sounds like a sailor corsavian mostly because it sounds cool (Korski edit: check your spelling in future polls) Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2013
Hindenbird Corsavian hindenberg seems the most original, and it sounds like a sailor corsavian mostly because it sounds cool (Korski edit: check your spelling in future polls)
Leviathes Oct 8, 2013 #62 Cawmodore Cawptain Gustern Corsavian Damn I missed the submission stage ;_; I don't get all this hype over Hindenbird... naming something based on a tragic accident is stupid IMO.
Cawmodore Cawptain Gustern Corsavian Damn I missed the submission stage ;_; I don't get all this hype over Hindenbird... naming something based on a tragic accident is stupid IMO.