Final Submission:
Since no one really found anything wrong with my design, I opted to not change anything about him. I did decide to go with this color over the other thanks to your (that would be you guys) insight. Since I'm in a kind of lazy mood right now, I'll just copy down what I said about it in my last post.
Supporting Artwork:
So basically my design is based of the Ur-turtle, or more comonly called, the World Turtle. With his head hiding in his shell with his glaring eyes sybolizing DARK type, almost sinister, while having his shell decorated like a globe to sybolizing, obviously the Earth, or better yet, his GROUND type.
I placed Lunatone next to him because my idea was that my Pokemon has a sort of relationship with it much like Mantine and Remoraid do. As in like you would need Lunatone and my pokemon's "pre-evolved form" to evolve into what you see up there (And perhaps there would be a different evolved form if it were Solrock). Lunatone would revolve around him, like the moon does to earth.
Any criticism or random comments would be gladly apreciated.