CAP 9 CAP 9 - Art Submissions

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EDIT: I just stumbled across this fella from CaP 4. Though it was originally intended to be a Poison/Dark type, I feel as though the general design could fit better with this CaP. Do you guys think I should revisit this concept and tweak this design? Recent to New Art/pestilence.png
You know the second that Ground was confirmed to be our second type I thought "KOA's CAP4 Wolf/Horse" would be perfect for a Dark/Ground type, so I think you should revise it.
Had a few concepts drawn out, but this was the one I liked the most. I combined common attributes from mammalian and reptilian body structures as I believe they both encapsulate the Dark and Ground types so well.

The end result is a Pokemon with well developed forelimbs for digging and clawing as well as powerful hindlimbs for quick movement and powerful kicks in a dire situation. Add some powerful jaws to top it off. :) Recent to New Art/hyenard.png
This is my favorite one so far.
Im really digging (pun intended) Caladbolg's Armadillo submission.

TO be Dark type it doesnt have to look completely dark (eg Crawdaunt, Carvanha, Cacturne) etc. Ground is pretty obvious as well.

But the thing that stands out to me is that an armadillo's armour is fends off nearly all attacks from its enemies. This is quite ismilar to our concept, Stop the Secondary, as the shell can be seen to stop the opponents secondary damages
Well, I might revisit Taz, but for now I'm working on another "devil"

A dust devil!

Ah yeah, I had made an alternative color because I wasn't sure about the green myself.

One thing I'd wanted to avoid though was getting too heavy with earth tones. We have plenty of ground Pokemon that come in green, blue, purple, and red, and dark Pokemon with barely any black on them at all. In trying to avoid the cliche though, I may have picked colors that didn't work as well together. Is this combination better?
I actually really liked the green actually, but I think that shade of purple makes him look like a Poison type. And I agree not all ground types need to be sand colored, look at Donphan and Garchomp!
why do people always "choose" the meanest/badass-looking ones :(
Well... it's a Dark type. Dark types are supposed to be mean looking, even if they aren't actually mean. That's their whole shtick.

Oh and I also really like the Mockturtle.

The Dust Devil looks cool but it also looks like a legendary. :x ... that's not a bad thing though. I've always wondered what it'd be like if the Smogonmon were in an RPG. (The dust devil and Cyclohm could be part of a legendary trio. What theme they'd have? I have no idea. But it'd be sweet.)
Wow, all of these quoted pictures are really streaching the page, but oh well.

That dust devil actually looks promising! I'll really be looking foward to the colored version.
That armadillo's my favourite, all you need to do is add a bit of dark to it.
Although in my opinion, it looks a little like a cross between cyndaquil and sandshrew
So far:

Atryoki - Still my favorite. Although the coloring could use a little touch up, I still feel that it exudes the concept the most. It switches in, and then punishes the opponent whether they stay in or leave. The spikes just reinforce the idea.

Cartoons - I loved your idea the moment I read "Mockturtle." Being familiar with the tale myself, I really like how you basically brought it to life. It definitely gives off a very bitter vibe. Less evil, but more "I'm not in a good mood and you tricking shit onto me is not helping either!".

KoA said:
Had a few concepts drawn out, but this was the one I liked the most. I combined common attributes from mammalian and reptilian body structures as I believe they both encapsulate the Dark and Ground types so well.

The end result is a Pokemon with well developed forelimbs for digging and clawing as well as powerful hindlimbs for quick movement and powerful kicks in a dire situation. Add some powerful jaws to top it off. :)

<Insert Awesomness>

I like what you have so far, KoA. Though, the pose seems a bit odd. You don't really get to see a good portion of the body. I do like the description though. It definitely sounds like it is going to fit well when you are done.
I liked the idea of the Anubismon, if not the rendering - except I had come up with Set rather than Anubis as a base; Set being the god of deserts, darkness, and storms. He also had the head of a jackal, a desert creature. So basing it loosely off Set, it would be a humanoid jackal with huge claws, to put it very simply? Actually, that's sounding a lot like Lucario....hmm....I'd try to draw it out, but I have absolutely no drawing skills.

Asfor current art, I'm liking the thorny devil, mockturtle and dust devil a lot. Especially torn between the first 2....

It was really the whole "Stopping the Secondary" thing that made me think of this design, as it was kind'a designed with Rapid Spin in mind (no poll jumping intended, I'm not implying it NEEDS Rapid Spin at all).

Apologies for the VERY poor image, I only had 5 minutes, and paint to work with, but the idea is that when burrowing underground it can retreat within it's shell, or it can stand upright wearing the shell as either armor or a weapon (depending on stat bias results).
Any comments/suggestions/criticisms would be appreciated.
So far I really enjoy Cyzir's anteater tank. It just looks like something wacky that would come in to screw up with the opponents secondary.

I also really like aragornbird's dust devil. It sort of reminds me of your submission for CaP 8, with the spiral bottom and all.
I doodled and sketched some designs between classes today, and these are the two rough designs I liked best to do on the computer. Colors are basic ideas.


The first is supposed to be a feline like thing. I'm thinking of making it more skunk/badger/bearcat like. I'm not sure on the markings, incase they make it too Umbreon like.

The second is a mole-bear. It is part bear, part mole. Yeah...

I might find a way to combine the two.
Mannn awesome CAP designs, I love Cyzir's and Calad's.


Bleeh well heres my first try at a design for this. What do you guys think?
Hello, all.

My idea was a little uninnovative, but only because I hadn't got a long time to work on it.
Behold, my Dark/Ground Baboon:

Evil monkey is evil
Its dark because its a monkey that plays tricksies + horns and tail
Its ground because it walks... on the ground... yeah

Please comment.

Edit: Improved with dodge/burn. Keep in mind this is my very first time sketching/coloring my idea since i've thought of it, so if you think its lame now, just wait. and lol@breastplate
Evil monkey is evil

The only thing I think that one is missing is a breastplate or something armour-like to make it appear more "stop the secondary"-like, since I was arguing that to stop the secondary, you'd have to be able to switch in on the secondary with impunity. Perhaps a breastplate could reflect the ground typing a bit more than it is being reflected in your current design.

Meh, it's either that or Aragornbird's dust devil for me.
Aragornbird's design needs more love, what an excellent piece of art, and an excellent concept for it, being a dust demon really caught my eye.

Also, Buffalo's drawing looking cool as always ^___^

Good job artists, a lot of good sumbissions in very few time, what shall we expect from the future!
Damn, have I missed the first shots?

Oh well. Always my favourite part, the artwork.

Tentative first sketch:

Based on a Gila Monster. Perfect for Dark/Ground, and also some Poison qualities... and yes, I did this on MSPaint. And no, I did not use a mouse. Comments and criticism are appreciated.

Alright, here's my second concept. Some people are saying that everyones art is looking too offensive and speedy so this is a more defensive looking CAP9.The first picture on top is a full body picture of him out of the sand with a tiny version of how he looks from an orthographic top view. The second is a picture of him hiding in the sand. I can see this guy shrugging off some damage(Stopping Secondary) but still being a threat.

I'm working on my first concept as well. Adding some chunks of dirt or flying debris within the smokey/dusty darkness of his body. So that's coming right up. Thanks for all the encouragement and constructive criticism so far!
Alrighty, here it goes. I apologize for the low quality, and I'll brush up and color the ones people are interested in.
This is a minotaur-like design. It's a bit bulky, as if to scare off potential secondary attackers.
Another minotaur, but this one is more slender and agile.
A mole! I'd like to incorporate the helmet more into the overall design to make it seem more dark.
I like this concept. It's a sandcastle with a shovel and bucket for hands, and shells for feet.
This one is a thorny dinosaur-like creature, with immense weight grounding it and forcing it to fend off potential attackers, rather than running.
A lion-like quadruped with a sinister smile.

I'd love criticism!


Late work in progress, folks. I always had the idea for a dark/ground grim reaper mole Pokemon...but I think it was a good idea to show him now. BTW, his scythe-drill is a prop.

BTW, are the exterior shadow effects on this guy allowed? I'm assuming the interior ones count as gradients, but still, if there's anything illegal with this guy...just tell me. I'm still a noob here, and I wish to play it safe.
Alright, here are the uncolored versions (click for bigger picture and better quality)



It doesn't have wings, it's a cape. It has two fake eyes, and one real one visible. They are fresh from the scanner so they are messy.

EDIT: BMB, the gila's tail gets too narrow when it meets the body.
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