I like Atyroki's thorn devil the most, but it needs to be more Dark-type, being the main type and all.
I do believe I love you.What better representation of ground than a burrowing rodent? :>
Any feedback would be appreciated.
I have three works right now.
1.- The Quicksand. Yeah, sand... killer sand. What can be more Dark/Ground than this?
2.- The Ventriloquist. Its looks is very Dark, but less Ground in my opinion.
3.-The Armadillo. Armadillos are desertic animals that go out only at night, to avoid hight tempetures. So, its nocturnal (Dark) and its desertic (Ground).
Thanks for watching. Please, tell me what do you think about this capmons.
Okay, we got some neat looking Wolverines/Devils going on here, but what about the Thorny Devil?
A lizard that lives in the desert, despite its appearance, the thorny devil is actually quite timid.
Not the finished version, but I really like it so far.
Yes, I know it looks nothing like a Pokemon yet and that the legs and face are fucked. I will fix these things and more if I go with this concept- that may well not even be the final pose. I have a second idea, but that'll have to wait till tomorrow. Comments on this one (keeping what I said in mind) are totally welcome. :V
I really thought that the claw on the left hand looked abit weird,other than that its pretty good.Heh, it looks like some of us are vibrating on similar wavelengths in regards to this type combination. I was going to do an ant-eater too, but with a vacuum cleaner theme instead of a tank.
Anyway, I ended up going with the fabled mockturtle as the base for this submission.
Lots of Pokemon are based on Japanese mythical creatures that have appeared in poems and stories and the like. I figured why not take a monster from an English writer whose contributions to Western imaginative lore have trickled down even to today.
The mockturtle always seemed pretty down in the dumps, so this Pokemon justifies its typing by being pretty sour itself. Not so much malevolent as much as a permeating bitterness that bums everyone else out too.
More art and animations to come.
That looks way more like a Poison-type for me than Ground. :/Heh, it looks like some of us are vibrating on similar wavelengths in regards to this type combination. I was going to do an ant-eater too, but with a vacuum cleaner theme instead of a tank.
Anyway, I ended up going with the fabled mockturtle as the base for this submission.
Lots of Pokemon are based on Japanese mythical creatures that have appeared in poems and stories and the like. I figured why not take a monster from an English writer whose contributions to Western imaginative lore have trickled down even to today.
The mockturtle always seemed pretty down in the dumps, so this Pokemon justifies its typing by being pretty sour itself. Not so much malevolent as much as a permeating bitterness that bums everyone else out too.
More art and animations to come.
Best so far, I think. It needs to be more 'ground' though...maybe bits of earth/stone in amongst the fog?
That's why my Coyotemon has a "shield", but I forgot to post pictures I drew of MeerkatMon stopping moves like Will-O-Wisp and Toxic Spikes.Please people, it must remember the concept (stop the secondary) and not be an agressive fast desert demon, IMO. Anyway i would wait for the bias poll... it can change the decision of the mass (me included).