Celebi (Calm Mind)

I think it's still worked on since I didn't get any GP checks. I wrote to a leader of GP team, changed it to Copyediting... What to do more?
You need <p></p> tags for each of your paragraphs. Basically:


Name: Defensive Calm Mind
Move 1: Calm Mind
Move 2: Recover
Move 3: Energy Ball / Grass Knot
Move 4: Hidden Power Fire / Earth Power
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spe (Spaces are needed between slashes and EVs)

Um the write-up is a bit clustered up at the moment. I'd advise having 2 paragraphs explaining the set which will go under SET COMMENTS, ie.


<p>Paragraph 1</p>

<p>Paragraph 2</p>


<p>Paragraph 1</p>

<p>Paragraph 2</p>

Something like that, and please refrain from referring to Celebi as 'you', use 'it' instead.
If you want something to get GP checked, you need to message me so that I can put it on the GP queue.

Anyway, that aside, I noticed that your OP has a lot of very nasty writing, no offense intended. Sentences like: "Basically, Celebi recieved only 236 Special Attack but the situation changes when it sets up." are completely useless and tell the user nothing of importance. Furthermore, most of them are barely intelligible and draw conclusions based on previous discussion that you simply have not provided.

If you're completely unfamiliar with English or aren't very experienced with it, I can have someone else with a better grasp of it take over for you; this is probably the easiest solution given the condition of the OP. I am certain that if I had this GPed now, the entire thing would need to be rewritten anyway. If you really want to keep trying, though, you'll need to give this intense proofreading and fix everything yourself. If you have a solid grasp of English, a single read over will elucidate exactly what's wrong with it.
I think that my English isn't that bad (FCE-level, I'm from Poland), but I think that somebody may take it over instead of me. Thanks for that.

Actually, I sent a message to you.
I haven't received any message from you, in case you accidentally forgot to send it. That said, I'd be happy to take it over for you myself; I've been itching to type something for the site recently, but being a mod tends to get in the way.

EDIT: Talked to Nenloth. I'll take this over for him and finish this tomorrow.
Man, you guys have no idea how good it feels to write an analysis for the site again. All this moderator stuff sometimes makes you forget why you enjoyed it all in the first place! Anyway, I've finished up the set and it's ready for GP checks.
Changes in bold
Removals in red

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Recover
move 3: Energy Ball / Grass Knot
move 4: Hidden Power Fire / Earth Power
item: Leftovers
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spe


<p>Celebi's stat distribution gives it a lot of versatility, which it can take advantage of to both deal respectable damage and take hits while setting up. Calm Mind, when compared with Celebi's other boosting option, Nasty Plot, is best used with defense in mind, as Celebi's natural bulk and typing allow it to set up more freely and better complement its usual teammates.</p>

<p>Calm Mind is the most important move on the set because it simultaneously rounds out Celebi's defenses and gives it the much needed power to punch through all but the most dedicated of special walls. Recover helps keep Celebi healthy so that it can set up multiple times over the match or restore HP after taking a hit while setting up. The last two moveslots are reserved for Celebi's attacks. Unfortunately, with only room enough for two, moves and unexciting STABs, Celebi will always be walled by something no matter what it runs. Energy Ball is a reliable move that deals consistent damage, making it a good primary STAB, although Grass Knot will hit Pokemon like Tyranitar harder at the expense of being worthless against lightweight Pokemon such as Rotom-A. Hidden Power Fire is the main choice for coverage move as the many ever-present Steel-types of OU neutral or immune to Ground-type attacks will destroy Celebi otherwise. Earth Power is still a valuable option, though, as without it Celebi will be soundly beaten by Heatran.</p>


<p>The EV spread and Bold nature are the same as for a typical defensive Celebi, chosen for maximum physical bulk and enough Speed to outpace Jolly non-Choice Scarf Tyranitar. The physical bulk serves double duty on this set, however, as it reduces physical damage taken where Calm Mind doesn't help. Leftovers as an item is critical to giving Celebi some lasting power to abuse while setting up. An alternate EV spread of 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 Spe used with a Timid nature allows Celebi to outspeed even the fastest of Suicune, which can be very useful if your team needs the extra buffer against it.</p>

<p>First and foremost, teammates are necessary to cover Celebi's coverage gaps based on the second attacking move you use. With Hidden Power Fire, something to cover Heatran is absolutely necessary to have on your team. Good choices to beat Heatran include Suicune, Swampert, and bulky Gyarados depending upon the pace of your team. With Earth Power chosen over Hidden Power Fire, Celebi will have issues with Skarmory and Bronzong. Conveniently, Heatran can handle both of these Pokemon effectively and perfectly covers Celebi's weaknesses. Heatran can also eliminate Blissey with Explosion, which would otherwise stop Celebi cold even if it managed to set up 6 Calm Minds. As usual, Celebi will have trouble with strong U-Turn and Pursuit users such as coming from Scizor and Tyranitar, respectively in addition to Scizor's U-turn. In order to lessen the threat of these powerful Pokemon, using either a lure, such as RestTalk Rotom-A with Will-O-Wisp to burn them, or a powerful attacker that can punch through them (like Machamp) is recommended.</p>
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Recover
move 3: Energy Ball / Grass Knot
move 4: Hidden Power Fire / Earth Power
item: Leftovers
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spe


<p>Celebi's stat distribution gives it a lot of versatility that it can take advantage of to both deal respectable damage and as well as take hits while setting up. Calm Mind, when compared with Celebi's other boosting option, Nasty Plot, is best used with defense in mind, as Celebi's natural bulk and typing allow it to set up more freely and better complement its usual teammates.</p>

<p>Calm Mind is the most important move on the set because it simultaneously rounds out Celebi's defenses and gives it the much needed power to punch through all but the most dedicated of special walls. Recover helps keep Celebi healthy so that it can set up multiple times over the match or restore HP after taking a hit while setting up. The last two moveslots are reserved for Celebi's attacks. Unfortunately, with only two moves and unexciting STABs, Celebi will always be walled by something no matter what it runs. Energy Ball is a reliable move with consistent damage for primary STAB, although Grass Knot will hit Pokemon like Tyranitar harder at the expense of being worthless against lightweight Pokemon such as Rotom-A. Hidden Power Fire is the main choice for coverage move because the ever-present Steel-types of OU neutral or immune to Ground-type attacks will destroy Celebi otherwise; however, Earth Power is still a valuable option, though, as without it, Celebi will be soundly beaten by Heatran.</p>


<p>The EV spread and Bold nature are the same as for a typical defensive Celebi, chosen for maximum physical bulk and enough Speed to outpace Jolly non-Choice Scarf Tyranitar. The physical bulk serves double duty on this set, however, as it reduces physical damage taken where Calm Mind doesn't help. Leftovers as an item is critical to giving Celebi some lasting power to abuse while setting up. An alternate EV spread of 252 HP / 120 Def / 126 Spe used with a Timid nature allows Celebi to outspeed even the fastest of Suicune, which can be very useful if your team needs the extra Suicune coverage.</p>

<p>First and foremost, teammates are necessary to cover Celebi's coverage gaps based on the second attacking move you use. With Hidden Power Fire, something to cover Heatran is absolutely necessary to have on your team. Good choices to beat Heatran include Suicune, Swampert, and bulky Gyarados depending upon the pace of your team. With Earth Power chosen over Hidden Power Fire, Celebi will have issues with Skarmory and Bronzong. Conveniently, Heatran can handle both of these Pokemon effectively and perfectly covers Celebi's weaknesses. Heatran can also eliminate Blissey with Explosion, which would otherwise stop Celebi cold even if it managed to set up 6 Calm Minds. As usual, Celebi will have trouble with strong Pursuits coming from Scizor and Tyranitar, in addition to Scizor's U-turn. In order to lessen the threat of these powerful Pokemon, using either a lure, such as RestTalk Rotom-A with Will-O-Wisp to burn them, or a powerful attacker that can punch through them like Machamp is recommended.</p>

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Recover
move 3: Energy Ball / Grass Knot
move 4: Hidden Power Fire / Earth Power
item: Leftovers
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spe


<p>Celebi's stat distribution gives it a lot of versatility that it can take advantage of to both deal respectable damage and take hits while setting up. Calm Mind, when compared with Celebi's other boosting option, Nasty Plot, is best used with defense in mind, as Celebi's natural bulk and typing allow it to set up more freely and better complement its usual teammates.</p>

<p>Calm Mind is the most important move on the set because it simultaneously rounds out Celebi's defenses and gives it the much needed power to punch through all but the most dedicated of special walls. Recover helps keep Celebi healthy so that it can set up multiple times over the match or restore HP after taking a hit while setting up. The last two moveslots are reserved for Celebi's attacks. Unfortunately, with only two moves and unexciting STABs, Celebi will always be walled by something no matter what it runs. Energy Ball is a reliable move with consistent damage for primary STAB, although Grass Knot will hit Pokemon like Tyranitar harder at the expense of being worthless against lightweight Pokemon such as Rotom-A. Hidden Power Fire is the main choice for coverage move because the ever-present Steel-types of OU who are neutral or immune to Ground-type attacks will destroy Celebi otherwise; however, Earth Power is still a valuable option, as without it Celebi will be soundly beaten by Heatran.</p>


<p>The EV spread and Bold nature are the same as for a typical defensive Celebi, chosen for maximum physical bulk and enough Speed to outpace Jolly non-Choice Scarf Tyranitar. The physical bulk serves double duty on this set, however, as it reduces physical damage taken where Calm Mind doesn't help. Leftovers as an item is critical to giving Celebi some lasting power to abuse while setting up. An alternate EV spread of 252 HP / 120 Def / 126 Spe used with a Timid nature allows Celebi to outspeed even the fastest of Suicune, which can be very useful if your team needs the extra Suicune coverage.</p>

<p>First and foremost, teammates are necessary to cover Celebi's coverage gaps based on the second attacking move you use. With Hidden Power Fire, something to cover Heatran is absolutely necessary to have on your team. Good choices to beat Heatran include Suicune, Swampert, and bulky Gyarados,(comma) depending upon the pace of your team. With Earth Power chosen over Hidden Power Fire, Celebi will have issues with Skarmory and Bronzong. Conveniently, Heatran can handle both of these Pokemon effectively and perfectly covers Celebi's weaknesses. Heatran can also eliminate Blissey with Explosion, which would otherwise stop Celebi cold even if it managed to set up 6 Calm Minds. As usual, Celebi will have trouble with strong Pursuits coming from Scizor and Tyranitar, in addition to Scizor's U-turn. In order to lessen the threat of these powerful Pokemon, using either a lure, such as RestTalk Rotom-A with Will-O-Wisp to burn them, or a powerful attacker that can punch through them like Machamp is recommended.</p>

Blue is edit
Red is remove

This is pretty much perfect already >.<

Thanks for that check. The OP is updated and this is ready to be uploaded. Whoever uploads it remember that you need to remove both of the other CM sets and replace them with this one!