Ubers Charizard

The Dragon Master

So you have chosen, Death
is a Pre-Contributor
name: Dynamax Sun Sweeper
move 1: Fire Blast
move 2: Air Slash
move 3: Dragon Pulse
move 4: Focus blast
item: Heavy-Duty Boots / Life Orb
ability: Solar Power
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
in-battle alt: Gmax

Gigantamax Charizard is a staple on sun teams where its able to use its ability, typing, and Speed to become a threatening sweeper and wallbreaker under the sun. It's signature G-Max Move Gmax Wildfire is obscenely powerful under sun, performing feats such as OHKOing most neutral targets like physically defensive Mandibuzz and 2HKOing most Pokemon that resist it like offensive Eternatus and Zekrom. Its secondary effect of dealing 16% damage to every non-Fire-type foe for the next 4 turns further increases its power, letting it 2HKO even Blissey. Fire blast is chosen over Flamethrower for the ability to KO Zacian-C outside of sun and it can 2HKO Chansey when in Dynamax in sun. Charizards base Speed of 100 already lets it outspeed Pokemon such as Lunala with a timid nature which is further augmented by its access to STAB Max Airstream to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame after a boost, including Zacian-C and some Choice Scarf users like Galarian Darmanitan while still doing high amounts of damage to neutral targets, notably it can KO offensive Eternatus after stealth rocks. Air Slash is the preferred Flying-type STAB move, as it gives Charizard a useful secondary STAB move when not in Dynamax and can get you out of sticky situations with its flinch chance; for example it can put an Eternatus into KO range for Dragon Pulse after a flinch or two. Dragon Pulse hits Dragon-types hard, while Focus Blast nails Tyranitar, preventing it from safely switching in to override the weather. Heavy-Duty Boots lets Charizard switch in even when Stealth Rock is up on your side, while Life Orb can be used for power at the cost of longevity, notably always OHKOing Zacian-C and 2HKOing Eternatus outside of sun.

As Charizard is decently bulky when Dynamaxed, it's often worth it to take a strong neutral hit to get to +1 Speed. Be careful, though, because Solar Power and Life Orb recoil can easily put it in KO range for priority moves like Marshadow's Shadow Sneak. Stay away from status at all costs as paralysis ruins Charizard, while Toxic wears it down incredibly quickly in conjunction with Life Orb and Solar Power, both of which can limit its ability to wallbreak. Against other weather teams, don't Dynamax until the opposing weather setter has been eliminated. However, you should apply offensive pressure in base form as none of the weather setters can safely switch in on Charizard and it still hits quite hard even without Dynamax. Torkoal is a mandatory teammate because it sets sun and also has access to moves such as Stealth Rock and Yawn, which allow Charizard to function more effectively as a wallbreaker. Venusaur is a good secondary sun sweeper with its high speed and excellent coverage. Zacian-C is can clean up effectively late-game, and on sun teams it can use Solar Blade to beat Quagsire, thereby limiting the opponent's ability to stand up to this dual-pronged assault. Eternatus is another good partner, as it can handle rain teams well, especially its Cosmic Power and Choice Scarf sets. Dugtrio is can trap and eliminate non-Shed Shell variants of Tyranitar and Blissey, which can be an annoyance to Charizard with their high special bulk as well as offer support with Memento. A Defog user like Lunala or Mandibuzz is recommended especially if Charizard runs Life Orb, as both Torkoal and Charizard are weak to Stealth Rock.

- Written by: [[TheDragonMaster, 521275]]
- Quality checked by: [[Minority, 222996], [Manaphy, 50695]]
- Grammar checked by: [[The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
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Hey man, obviously this isn't the best grammatically but I heard you’re not a native speaker and thats GP’s job anyway so I won’t bother you about that. The overall analysis is pretty solid
This also makes zacians behemoth blade an OHKO on opposing zacian and also lets life orb eternatus almost always ko opposing zacian with flamethrower. It also lets it beat focus sash users in 1 turn.
Remove this
Charizard is frail however, it's not paper thin, and it ok typing gives it a few opportunities to switch in safely such as against necrosma DM's earthquake. It's ok to take some decently strong hits when dynamaxed like marshadows spectral theif as it's often worth losing that health to get to +1 speed. Do not overestimate it's bulk however as it can't take too many hits.
This is pretty awkwardly worded, I would simplify here if possible. You should talk about the recoil damage from LO and solar power a lil bit.
I would also mention Cosmic Power Eternatus as a good teammate since it handles Rain teams very well.
Will check after changes
Hey man, obviously this isn't the best grammatically but I heard you’re not a native speaker and thats GP’s job anyway so I won’t bother you about that. The overall analysis is pretty solid

Remove this

This is pretty awkwardly worded, I would simplify here if possible. You should talk about the recoil damage from LO and solar power a lil bit.
I would also mention Cosmic Power Eternatus as a good teammate since it handles Rain teams very well.
Will check after changes

Kk, not sure about the Scarf Etern but it’s probably fine, I’ll leave the rest up to other QC if they have any concerns

QC 1/2
Kk, not sure about the Scarf Etern but it’s probably fine, I’ll leave the rest up to other QC if they have any concerns

QC 1/2

For scarf entern it can revenge kill dreadnaw if I'm correct

Edit: it can outspeed adamant dreadnaw and live a jolly max quake from full health
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It's signature G-Max move Gmax wildfire is obscenely powerfull under sun OHKOing most neutral targets and 2HKOing even most resists.
This is a good place to namedrop a couple notable examples.

It's power is further jacked up by it's secondary effect which does 16% to every non fire opponent for the next 5 turns which lets it 2HKO the metagames premire wall blissey in sun.
I believe the effect of G-Max Wildfire lasts for four (4) additional turns, not five.

...which lets it 2HKO the metagames premire wall blissey in sun.
See first comment.

Fire blast is chosen over flamethrower for the base move as it is has a change to ko Zacian-C outside of sun.
What about the impact this has on the damage output of G-Max Wildfire?

Max airstream lets it outspeed the entire metagame save a few scarfers like eternatus while still doing high amounts of damage to neural targets.
I would be specific as to exactly what it outspeeds to.

...while focus blast nails tyranitar on its 4* fighting weakness.
"On its 4* fighting weakness" is unnecessary information. Simply list the major relevant targets for these moves.

Both items have their benefits...
This goes without saying, remove.

Heavy duty boots lets it switch in even when stealth rocks are up on your side while life orb can be used for power at the cost of longevity.
Does Life Orb get any important KOs? What are they?

Charizards base Speed of 100 with a timid nature lets it outspeed Pokemon such as all lunala and galarian darmanitan before a boost and Pokemon such as zacian- C and eternatus after a boost.
Move this to the same place where you discuss Charizard's Speed when at +1.

Content of the second paragraph is good, but fragment sentences need to be merged and extraneous information needs to be cut. Implement these changes and I'll stamp.
This is a good place to namedrop a couple notable examples.

I believe the effect of G-Max Wildfire lasts for four (4) additional turns, not five.

See first comment.

What about the impact this has on the damage output of G-Max Wildfire?

I would be specific as to exactly what it outspeeds to.

"On its 4* fighting weakness is unnecessary information. Simply list the major relevant targets for these moves.

This goes without saying, remove.

Heavy duty boots lets it switch in even when stealth rocks are up on your side while life orb can be used for power at the cost of longevity.Does Life Orb get any important KOs? What are they?

Move this to the same place where you discuss Charizard's Speed when at +1.

Content of the second paragraph is good, but fragment sentences need to be merged and extraneous information needs to be cut. Implement these changes and I'll stamp.

Implemented most of these but.

Content of the second paragraph is good, but fragment sentences need to be merged and extraneous information needs to be cut. Implement these changes and I'll stamp.
Didn't understand what you meant please elaborate.
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Didn't understand what you meant please elaborate.

Torkoal is a must have because of its ability drought which sets sun for Charizard to abuse. It also has access to stealth rocks and yawn which can let it wallbreak more easily.
For example, both of these sentences in the second paragraph are talking about a singular idea: Torkoal as a good teammate for Charizard. Therefore, the should be merged into a single sentence so that the analysis reads much better and so that GP has less work down the line: "Torkoal is a must have teammate because it sets sun and also has access to moves such as Stealth Rock and Yawn which allow Charizard to function more effectively as a wallbreaker."

There's a number of sentences like this that need to be merged down or have the extraneous information removed. Once that's taken care of I'll go ahead and stamp.
For example, both of these sentences in the second paragraph are talking about a singular idea: Torkoal as a good teammate for Charizard. Therefore, the should be merged into a single sentence so that the analysis reads much better and so that GP has less work down the line: "Torkoal is a must have teammate because it sets sun and also has access to moves such as Stealth Rock and Yawn which allow Charizard to function more effectively as a wallbreaker."

There's a number of sentences like this that need to be merged down or have the extraneous information removed. Once that's taken care of I'll go ahead and stamp.
Implemented plz stamp.

QC: 2/2
Remove Add Comments (AC = add comma AP = add period AA = add apostrophe)
name: Dynamax sun sweeper Sun Sweeper
move 1: Fire Blast
move 2: Air Slash
move 3: Dragon Pulse
move 4: Focus blast Blast
item: Heavy duty boots / Life orb Heavy-Duty Boots / Life Orb
ability: Solar power Power
nature: timid Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 252 spe / 4 def 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Gigantamax- yes
Gigantamax - Yes (not sure if this is supposed to be here as I didn't see it on any other Uber Analyses)
(add spacing)

(remove spacing)
Gigantamax charizard Charizard is a staple on (fix spacing) sun teams where it's able to use it's ability, typing and Speed to be a threatening sweeper and wallbreaker under the sun. (fix spacing) It's signature G-Max move Gmax wildfire G-Max Wildfire is obscenely powerful under sun, (AC) performing feats such as OHKOing most neutral targets like physically defensive Mandibuzz and 2HKOing most resists like offensive Eternatus and Zekrom. It's secondary effect which does deals 16% damage to every non fire Fire-type opponent for the next 4 turns further increases its power, (AC) letting it 2HKO even Blissey. Fire blast Blast is chosen over flamethrower Flamethrower for the base first move as it can ko KO Zacian-C outside of sun and it can 2HKO chansey Chansey when dynamaxed Dynamaxed in the sun. Charizard's (AA) base Speed of 100 with a timid Timid nature already (don't think this is needed) lets it outspeed Pokemon such as Lunala which is further augmented by it's access to a STAB Max Airstream. (AP) which lets it Max Airstream lets Charizard outspeed the entire unboosted metagame after a boost including Zacian-C and even some (fix spacing) scarfers Choice Scarf Pokemon like Galarian Darmanitan while still (fix spacing) doing dealing high amounts of damage to neural targets, notably it can ko offensive KO Offensive Eternatus after stealth rocks Stealth Rock. Air slash Slash is the preferred flying Flying-type STAB move (fix spacing) as it gives (fix spacing) charizard Charizard (fix spacing) a useful secondary stab STAB move when not dynamaxed Dynamaxed and also for its (fix spacing) 30% flinch chance Flinch rate which can get you Charizard out of sticky situations.(AP) , for As an example it Air Slash can put an Eternatus into ko KO range after a Flinch (I'm assuming this is meant to be added here) for dragon pulse Dragon Pulse. Dragon pulse Pulse is to hit dragons Dragon-types hard(fix spacing), while focus blast Focus Blast nails Tyranitar, (AC) preventing it from safely switching in to override the weather. Heavy duty boots Heavy-Duty Boots lets it Charizard switch in even when stealth rocks are Stealth Rock is up on your side while life orb Life Orb can be used for extra power at the cost of longevity, (AC) notably allowing Charizard to always OHKOing Zacian-C (fix spacing) and (fix spacing) 2HKOing Eternatus outside of sun.

(remove spacing)
As Charizard is decently bulky when dynamaxed Dynamaxed so it's often worth it to take a strong neutral hit to get to + 1 speed +1 Speed. Be careful though, because solar power Solar Power and life orb Life Orb recoil can easily put it in range for priority attacks like Marshadow's (AP) shadow sneak Shadow Sneak to KO it. Stay away from status at all costs as paralysis Paralysis ruins it while toxic Toxic wears it down incredibly quickly in conjunction with life orb Life Orb and solar power Solar Power, (AC) both of which can limit it's ability to wallbreak. Against other weather teams, don't dynamax Dynamax until the opposing weather setter has been eliminated. (AP) but yYou should still try to apply offensive pressure in base form as none of the weather setters can safely switch in on it and it as Charizard still hits quite hard even in base form. Torkoal is a must have mandatory teammate because it sets sun and also has access to utility moves such as Stealth Rock and Yawn which allow Charizard to function more effectively as a wallbreaker. Venusaur is a good secondary sun abuser with its high speed and excellent coverage. Zacian-C is an excellent teammate for Charizard as it can (fix spacing) clean up effectively late game and on sun teams it can (fix spacing) use Solar Blade to beat Quagsire thereby limiting the opponent's (AA) ability to stand up to this dual-pronged assault. Eternatus is another good partner as it can handle rain teams well, especially with its cosmic power Cosmic Power and choice scarf Choice Scarf sets. Dugtrio is a great partner as it can trap and eliminate non shed shell Shed Shell variants of Tyranitar and Blissey which can be an annoyance to Charizard with their high special bulk, (AC) and it can also use memento while also offering support with Memento to bring Charizard in safely. A defog Defog user like Lunala and Mandibuzz is recommended especially if Charizard runs life orb Life Orb as (fix spacing) both Torkoal and Charizard are weak to Stealth Rock.

- Written by: [[TheDragonMaster ,521275]]
- Quality checked by: [[Minority , 222996 ], [Manaphy ,50695 ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

- Written by: [[TheDragonMaster, 521275]]

- Quality checked by: [[Minority, 222996], [Manaphy, 50695]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
(some spacing issues, just seemed easier to do this instead)

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remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/1
name: Dynamax Sun Sweeper
move 1: Fire Blast
move 2: Air Slash
move 3: Dragon Pulse
move 4: Focus blast
item: Heavy-Duty Boots / Life Orb
ability: Solar Power
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Gigantamax- yes in-battle alt: Gmax

Gigantamax Charizard is a staple on sun teams where it's able to use it's its ability, typing, (AC) and Speed to become a threatening sweeper and wallbreaker under the sun. It's signature G-Max Move G-Max Wildfire is obscenely powerful under sun, performing feats such as OHKOing most neutral targets like physically defensive Mandibuzz and 2HKOing most resists Pokemon that resist it like offensive Eternatus and Zekrom. It's Its secondary effect which deals of dealing 16% damage to every non-Fire-type (AH) opponent foe for the next 4 turns further increases its power, (AC) letting it 2HKO even Blissey. Fire Blast is chosen over Flamethrower for the base move as it can ability to KO Zacian-C outside of sun and it can 2HKO Chansey when dynamaxed during Dynamax in sun. Charizards Charizard's base Speed of 100 with a timid nature lets it outspeed Pokemon such as Lunala with a Timid nature, which is further augmented by it's its access to a STAB Max Airstream which lets it to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame after a boost, (AC) including Zacian-C and some Choice Scarf users like Galarian Darmanitan, (AC) while still doing high amounts of damage to neural neutral targets; notably, (AC) it can KO offensive Eternatus after Stealth rocks Rock. Air Slash is the preferred Flying-type (AH) STAB move, (AC) as it gives Charizard a useful secondary stab STAB move when not Dynamaxed and also for its 30% flinch chance which can get you out of sticky situations with its flinch chance; (SC) for example, (AC) it can put an Eternatus into KO range for Dragon Pulse after a flinch or two. Dragon Pulse is to hit hits Dragon-types hard, (spacing) while Focus Blast nails Tyranitar, (AC) preventing it from safely switching in to override the weather. Heavy-Duty (AH) Boots lets it Charizard switch in even when Stealth Rocks Rock is up on your side, while Life Orb can be used for power at the cost of longevity, (AC) notably always OHKOing Zacian-C and 2HKOing Eternatus outside of sun.

As Charizard is decently bulky when Dynamaxed, it's often worth it to take a strong neutral hit to get to +1 Speed. Be careful, (AC) though, because Solar Power and Life Orb recoil can easily put it in KO range for priority moves like Marshadow's Shadow Sneak. Stay away from status at all costs, (AC) as paralysis ruins it Charizard, (AC) while Toxic wears it down incredibly quickly in conjunction with Life Orb and Solar Power, (AC) both of which can limit it's its ability to wallbreak. Against other weather teams, don't Dynamax until the opposing weather setter has been eliminated. However, you should apply offensive pressure in base form, (AC) as none of the weather setters can safely switch in on it Charizard, and Charizard it still hits quite hard even in base form without Dynamax. Torkoal is a mandatory teammate because it sets sun and also has access to moves such as Stealth Rock and Yawn, (AC) which allow Charizard to function more effectively as a wallbreaker. Venusaur is a good secondary sun abuser sweeper with its high speed and excellent coverage. Zacian-C is an excellent teammate for Charizard as it can clean up effectively late-game, (AH, AC) and on sun teams, (AC) it can use Solar Blade to beat Quagsire, (AC) thereby limiting the opponent's ability to stand up to this dual-pronged assault. Eternatus is another good partner, (AC) as it can handle rain teams well, especially its Cosmic Power and Choice Scarf sets. Dugtrio is a great partner as it can trap and eliminate non-Shed (AH) Shell variants of Tyranitar and Blissey, (AC) which can be an annoyance to Charizard with their high special bulk, (AC) and it can also while also offering as well as offer support with Memento. A Defog user like Lunala and or Mandibuzz is recommended especially if Charizard runs Life Orb, (AC) as both Torkoal and Charizard are weak to Stealth Rock.

- Written by: [[TheDragonMaster, 521275]]
- Quality checked by: [[Minority, 222996], [Manaphy, 50695]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]