Chatot Revamp

QC: galbia / TONE114 / GrimoireGod
GP: The Dutch Plumberjack / Rhythms


Chatot sets itself apart from other offensive Pokemon in the PU tier with its access to one of the strongest moves in the game in Boomburst, which allows it to break through bulkier Pokemon. It can be threatening to slower teams with its good Special Attack and its base 91 Speed. On the downside, it is very frail and easily taken on by faster Pokemon such as Raichu, Simipour, and Ninetales if it isn't holding a Choice Scarf because of its bad Speed tier. It can also be picked off by strong priority users such as Piloswine and Pawniard and is weak to Stealth Rock, which limits the number of times it can come in to wallbreak or revenge kill.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Heat Wave / Sleep Talk
move 3: Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Specs
ability: Tangled Feet
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst allows Chatot to take on almost anything that doesn't resist it and is boosted by STAB. Heat Wave is used to take on Steel-types such as Pawniard. It is also the best option that Chatot has to take on Ghost-types such as Misdreavus and Gourgeist-XL. Sleep Talk can be used to more easily take on sleep inducers such as Jumpluff. Hidden Power Fighting is also helpful for taking on Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass and Golem. U-turn is helpful for gaining momentum against Pokemon it can't hit as hard such as Misdreavus and Dusclops; however, Chatot is limited in how many times it can use U-turn if Stealth Rock is up.

Set Details

Maximum Speed and Special Attack EVs along with a Timid nature and Choice Specs are used to hit extremely hard, OHKOing Shell Smash Carracosta after Stealth Rock and a layer of Spikes, and to outspeed Pokemon such as non-Choice Scarf Mr. Mime. The remaining 4 EVs are placed into Special Defense which allows Chatot to switch into Stealth Rock four times.

Usage Tips

Chatot can be switched in after a KO or pivoted in by a slow Volt Switch or U-turn to give it a safe switch in without taking damage. It shouldn't be switched into attacks, even on resisted moves, because it is very frail and easily worn down. It should mainly spam Boomburst, as there are few neutral targets that can take two of them. Chatot should be used to wallbreak, allowing its teammates to sweep. If a Pokemon that Chatot can't take on well such as Misdreavus and Dusclops is on the opposing team, Chatot should use U-turn to gain momentum, although it shouldn't use U-turn too often if Stealth Rock is up on your side of the field.

Team Options

Probopass is a great partner for Chatot, as it can trap Steel-types such as Pawniard and opposing Probopass with Magnet Pull to allow Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. It also provides a slow Volt Switch, giving Chatot a free switch. Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard make for good partners because of their ability to take out Ghost-types, such as Misdreavus, therefore allowing Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. Rapid Spinners and Defoggers such as Armaldo and Swanna are good partners because of their ability to clear away Stealth Rock, which Chatot is weak to; Rapid Spin is preferred over Defog though, because Chatot appreciates entry hazards of its own. Leavanny is a good partner for Chatot, as it can lay down Sticky Web, causing the foe's team to be slowed down, allowing Chatot to outspeed faster threats such as Ninetales and Raichu. Alternatively, Thunder Wave support from Pokemon such as Togetic and Kadabra is helpful to allow Chatot to outspeed bulkier threats, even affecting Flying-type and Levitate foes, unlike Sticky Web. Entry hazard setters such as Roselia and Dwebble are helpful to Chatot to wear down bulkier Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Grumpig; Stealth Rock allows Chatot to 2HKO both of them after they take damage. Setup sweepers such as Misdreavus and Ninetales appreciate Chatot's wallbreaking capabilities because it helps them sweep more easily.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Heat Wave / Sleep Talk
move 3: Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Tangled Feet
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst allows Chatot to take on a lot of offensive Pokemon, especially with Chatot's Choice Scarf to help it outspeed them. Heat Wave is used to take on Steel-types such as Pawniard. It is also the best move that Chatot has to take on Ghost-types such as Misdreavus and Gourgeist-XL. Sleep Talk can be used to more easily take on sleep inducers such as Jumpluff. Hidden Power Fighting is also helpful for taking on Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass and Golem. U-turn is helpful for gaining momentum against Pokemon Chatot can't hit as hard, such as Misdreavus and Grumpig.

Set Details

Maximum Speed and Special Attack EVs along with a Timid nature and Choice Scarf are used to be as fast as possible so Chatot can outspeed Pokemon such as Ninetales and Zebstrika while still hitting very hard. A Modest nature can be used instead, but then Chatot won't be able to outspeed other Choice Scarf users such as Rotom-F and Mr. Mime. The remaining 4 EVs are placed into Special Defense to allow Chatot to switch into Stealth Rock four times.

Usage Tips

Chatot can be switched in after a KO to revenge kill the foe or be pivoted in by a slow Volt Switch or U-turn to give it a safe switch without taking damage. It shouldn't be switched into attacks, even if it resists the foe's move, as it is very frail and can be easily worn down. It should mainly spam Boomburst, as it can take on a ton of Pokemon in the tier, being able to OHKO Pokemon such as Zebstrika and Leafeon. Chatot can also be used as a late-game cleaner once the opponent's team has been weakened. If a Pokemon that Chatot can't take on well is on the opposing team, such as Misdreavus or Dusclops, Chatot should use U-turn to gain momentum and switch to a more suitable Pokemon to take on the foe.

Team Options

Slow Volt Switch, U-turn, and Baton Pass users make for good partners for Chatot, as they can provide it with a free switch. Probopass is a great partner for Chatot, as it provides a slow Volt Switch, giving Chatot a free switch, and it can trap Steel-types such as Pawniard and opposing Probopass with Magnet Pull to allow Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard and Stoutland are helpful to Chatot to take out Ghost-types, such as Misdreavus and Gastly, therefore allowing Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. Rapid Spinners and Defoggers such as Torkoal and Pelipper respectfully are good partners for Chatot to clear away Stealth Rock, which it is weak to. Pokemon such as Ursaring and Ninetales are good partners for Chatot to take on bulkier Pokemon such as Misdreavus and Lickilicky, therefore allowing Chatot to sweep. Entry hazard setters such as Roselia and Dwebble are helpful to Chatot to allow it to 2HKO Pokemon it normally wouldn't, such as Shell Smash Carracosta.

Other Options

Nasty Plot is another option usually used with Life Orb or Silk Scarf that can help Chatot take on bulkier Pokemon such as Lickilicky and perform more as a setup sweeper; the problem with this is that it is easily revenge killed because of its frailty and bad Speed tier compared to other offensive Pokemon. Substitute along with Salac Berry and Encore can be used with Nasty Plot to avoid status moves or lock the foe into a move that can deal little to no damage to Chatot. Chatot can also make use of Agility or Tailwind along with Life Orb or Silk Scarf, allowing it to outspeed offensive threats such as Zebstrika and Simipour; Agility can only support Chatot, while Tailwind supports the entirety of Chatot's team. Taunt allows Chatot to prevent the foe from using status moves, such as Grumpig's Thunder Wave, or to prevent Pokemon such as Roselia from setting up entry hazards. Chatot can make use of Air Cutter for a STAB boost, but it is very weak overall and Boomburst is a much more spammable STAB move. Chatot can also use Ominous Wind to take on Ghost-types, such as Misdreavus, although it is very weak and situational.

Checks and Counters

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types such as Misdreavus, Frillish, and Dusknoir are immune to Chatot's Boomburst and don't take super effective damage from any of its attacks; Misdreavus can take advantage of Chatot by setting up on it with Nasty Plot, Frillish can inflict status on Chatot, and Dusknoir can predict Chatot's switch and use Trick, crippling a teammate.

**Faster Attackers**: Faster attackers such as Zebstrika and Simipour, although being unable to switch in, are able to outspeed and KO Chatot, especially if Chatot doesn't have a Choice Scarf.

**Special Walls**: Special walls such as Lickilicky and Grumpig can take hits from Choice Scarf Chatot relatively well, although they struggle to take on Choice Specs Chatot; the former can wear it down by using Knock Off and constantly healing itself with Wish while the latter can use it as setup fodder.

**Rock-types**: Rock-types such as Golem and Probopass resist Chatot's Boomburst and can retaliate with super effective attacks; the former can take advantage of Chatot by setting up Stealth Rock against it, while the latter can gain momentum with Volt Switch.

**Priority Users**: Because Chatot is so frail, it is vulnerable to priority moves such as Piloswine's Ice Shard and Pawniard's Sucker Punch.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types such as Zebstrika, Raichu, and Electabuzz all outspeed Chatot and are able to OHKO it with either Thunderbolt or Volt Switch. If Chatot is switched out, the foe can use Volt Switch and gain momentum.
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Late on my end, so providing some brief mentions. The overview needs to be beefed up. Mention Chatot's fraility and how it can be picked off by strong priority users. Also mention how Stealth Rock limits how often it can come in and function. Also the two sets are different. Specs Chatot is a wallbreaker while Scarf Chatot is a revenge killer/late game cleaner. Make sure you specify this in usage tips. In Team Options for the Specs set, mention set up sweepers and fast Pokemon that appreciate Chatot's ability to wear down bulkier foes. Mention what entry hazards can help Chatot 2HKO or OHKO for both sets. Mentioned that Chatot is too frail to try a Nasty Plot set. In Checks and Counters, mention that faster attackers can't directly switch into Chatot. Also mention that Special Walls can easily handle Chatot if it is Scarfed, but not Specs. I'll look this over again when I can.

  • Chatot has access to one of the strongest moves in the game, being Boomburst, which allows it to break through bulkier Pokemon.
  • It can be threatening to slower teams with its good Special Attack stat and its base Speed of 91.
  • On the downside, it is very frail and easily taken on by faster Pokemon such as Raichu, Simipour, and Ninetales if it isn't holding a Choice Scarf.
  • It can also be picked off by strong priority users such as Piloswine and Pawniard.
  • Chatot is also weak to Stealth Rock, which limits the number of times it can come in to wallbreak or revenge kill.
mention its shitty speed tier which lets stfuf like kadabra, sawsbuck, simi, raichu, zeb, tales, and a SHITTON of stuff outspeed it and easily OHKO. for anotherp pkmn this might not matter but this rlly sux for chatot
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Heat Wave
move 3: Hidden Power Fighting / Hidden Power Ground
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Specs
ability: Tangled Feet
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

  • Boomburst is Chatot's extremely strong STAB move that can take on almost anything that doesn't resist it. This should be the main move to spam.
  • Heat Wave is used to take on Steel-types such as Pawniard. It is also all that Chatot has to take on Ghost-types such as Misdreavus.
  • Hidden Power Fighting is also helpful for taking on Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass with and Golem.
  • Hidden Power Ground is another option that allows Chatot to take on Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass and Golem, although Probopass may carry an Air Balloon. why is hp fighting better? mention that it hits air balloon probo earlier just to highlight why its first slash
  • U-turn is helpful for gaining momentum against Pokemon it can't hit as hard such as Misdreavus and Dusclops. mention that because of sr weakness u dont want to do this too many times, while this also eases prediction in case the opp has a counter in the back (like u mentioned)
Set Details
  • Maximum Speed and Special Attack EVs along with a Timid nature and Choice Specs is used to hit extremely hard and to outspeed Pokemon such as non-Choice Scarf Mr. Mime. this doesn't really say anything lol, i guess you can say that it let's you ohko ss carracosta after sr and ~5% prior damage
  • The remaining 4 EVs are placed into Special Defense to allow Chatot to switch into Stealth Rock 4 times.
Usage Tips
  • Chatot can be switched in after a KO or pivoted in via a slow Volt Switch or U-turn user; this is to give it a safe switch in without taking damage.
  • It should mainly spam Boomburst, as it can take on almost anything in the tier it doesn't resist. <- does this mean that it can ohko/2hko almost all non-resists? the way you've written it is REALLY weirdly worded
  • Chatot should be used to wallbreak, allowing other teammates to sweep. examples? what common counters are you wearing down? some stuff mite be covered in TO so no need to go too indepth
  • If a Pokemon that Chatot can't take on well is on the opposing team such as Misdreavus or Dusclops, Chatot should use U-turn to gain momentum. like i said though it's sr weak so this shouldnt be done every time, do it when you predict them to come in and go into a threatening mon
Team Options
  • Probopass is a great partner for Chatot, as it can trap Steel-types with Magnet Pull such as Pawniard and opposing Probopass to allow Chatot to spam Boomburst. It also provides a slow Volt Switch, allowing Chatot a free switch in.
  • Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard and Stoutland are good partners for Chatot to take out Ghost-types such as Misdreavus and Gastly, therefore allowing Chatot to spam Boomburst. wouldnt mention stoutland lol, unless missy is weakened to a point where u ohko, it can't force a 50/50 and u get WoWed. plus pursuit doesnt do much at all if it stays in
  • Rapid Spin users and Defog users such as Armaldo and Swanna are good partners for Chatot to clear away Stealth Rock, which it is weak to.
  • Leavanny is a good partner for Chatot, as it can lay down Sticky Web, causing the foe's team to be slowed down. This allows Chatot to outspeed faster threats such as Ninetales and Raichu. ya chatot is particularly good on webs due to a spammable move that usually destroys stuff, gud
  • Hazard setters such as Roselia and Dwebble are helpful to Chatot to wear down bulkier Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Grumpig; Stealth Rocks allow Chatot to 2HKO both of the two. just say sr helps secure the 2hko against licki and pig, no need to draw it out liek taht
  • Setup sweepers such as Carracosta and Ninetales appreciate Chatot's wallbreaking capabilities since it makes for an easier sweep. how? chatot lures pilo really well to help tales? idk how carracosta is helped but i guess defensive costa/gourg are lured so meh
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Heat Wave
move 3: Hidden Power Fighting / Hidden Power Ground
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Tangled Feet
nature: Timid pretty sure modest was a slash agreed on cuz you only lose out on scarf buck rotomf and another mon i cant remember atm
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

  • Boomburst is Chatot's extremely strong STAB move that can take on a lot of offensive Pokemon, especially with Chatot's Choice Scarf to help it outspeed them. This should be the main move to spam.
  • Heat Wave is used to take on Steel-types such as Pawniard. It is also all that Chatot has to take on Ghost-types such as Misdreavus.
  • Hidden Power Fighting is also helpful for taking on Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass with and Golem.
  • Hidden Power Ground is another option that allows Chatot to take on Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass and Golem, although Probopass may carry an Air Balloon.
  • U-turn is helpful for gaining momentum against Pokemon it can't hit as hard such as Misdreavus and Grumpig.
Set Details
  • Maximum Speed and Special Attack EVs along with a Timid nature and Choice Scarf is used to be as fast as possible to outspeed Pokemon such as Ninetales and Zebstrika while still hitting very hard. i mean with a scarf you are considerably faster than ninetales so this doesn't really matter. talk about modest and timid.
  • The remaining 4 EVs are placed into Special Defense to allow Chatot to switch into Stealth Rock 4 times.
Usage Tips
  • Chatot can be switched in after a KO to revenge kill the foe or pivoted in via a slow Volt Switch or U-turn user; this is to give it a safe switch in without taking damage.
  • It should mainly spam Boomburst, as it can take on a ton of Pokemon in the tier. name some offensive pokemon u ohko/2hko. talk about rk'ing capabilities.
  • Chatot can also be used as a late-game cleaner once the foe's Pokemon are weakened.
  • If a Pokemon that Chatot can't take on well is on the opposing team such as Misdreavus or Dusclops, Chatot should use U-turn to gain momentum and switch into a more suitable Pokemon to take on the foe.
Team Options
  • Probopass is a great partner for Chatot, as it can trap Steel-types with Magnet Pull such as Pawniard and opposing Probopass to allow Chatot to spam Boomburst. It also provides a slow Volt Switch, allowing Chatot a free switch in.
  • Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard and Stoutland are good partners for Chatot to take out Ghost-types such as Misdreavus and Gastly, therefore allowing Chatot to spam Boomburst.
  • Rapid Spin users and Defog users such as Armaldo and Swanna are good partners for Chatot to clear away Stealth Rock, which it is weak to.
  • Pokemon such as Ursaring and Ninetales are good partners for Chatot to take on bulkier Pokemon such as Misdreavus and Lickilicky, therefore allowing Chatot to sweep.
  • Hazard setters such as Roselia and Dwebble are helpful to Chatot to allow it to 2HKO Pokemon it normally wouldn't, such as Shell Smash Carracosta. pretty sure modest 2hkoes with no prior damage lol?
this almost looks like you've c/ped it ngl, w/ the first 2/3 points, just change around the wording a little bit to shake it up.
Other Options
  • Nasty Plot is another option that Chatot can use to help it take on bulkier Pokemon such as Lickilicky and to use it more as a setup sweeper; the problem with this is that it is easily revenge killed because of its fraility. and bad speed tier
  • Taunt is an option that allows Chatot to prevent the foe from using status moves such as Thunder Wave from Grumpig or to prevent hazards to be set up from Pokemon such as Roselia.
  • Chatot can use Ominous Wind to help it take on Ghost-types such as Misdreavus, although it is very weak and situational. also it has like 20 bp more against ghosts which doesnt really matter
Checks and Counters

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types such as Misdreavus and Dusknoir are immune to Chatot's Boomburst and don't take super effective damage from any of its attacks.

**Faster Attackers**: Faster attackers such as Zebstrika and Simipour, although being unable to switch in, are able to outspeed Chatot and KO it; especially if Chatot doesn't have a Choice Scarf.

**Special Walls**: Special walls such as Lickilicky and Dusclops can take hits from Choice Scarf Chatot relatively well, although they struggle to take on Choice Specs Chatot; the former can wear it down by using Knock Off and constantly healing itself with Wish while the latter can use it as setup fodder.

**Rock-types**: Rock-types such as Golem and Probopass resist Chatot's Boomburst and can retaliate with super effective attacks. probo gains momentum

**Electric-types**: Electric-types such as Zebstrika, Raichu, and Electabuzz all outspeed Chatot and are able to OHKO it with either Thunderbolt or Volt Switch. If Chatot is switched out, the foe can use Volt Switch and gain momentum.

i might mention pawniard as an offensive check that takes ONE boomburst and can force 50/50s w/ sucker and pursuit. could put it under revenge killers and incorporate faster attackers into that idk

man this took some time
Mention that heat wave is the best moves vs ghost types bar frillish especially gourgeist but sleep talk can be slashed after it I guess its pretty cool. HP ground hits nothing at all bar metang which is hit harder by hw. Make air cutter oo I guess
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Choice Specs
'This should be the main move to spam.' More of a UT thing.
Mention the upsides and downsides of HP Fighting and HP Ground, atm it's unclear why you would use HP Fighting over Ground and the other way around.

Usage Tips
Mention why it's a bad idea to switch Chatot into even a resisted move.

Team Options
Gastly is ranked but still irrelevant and gets bopped by Heat Wave :[ I'd even mention Frillish before Gastly lol because it actually walls really hard.
Mention that Rapid Spin support is better than Defog because Chatot appreciates entry hazards itself.
I wouldn't mention Costa as a setup sweeper that likes Chatot wallbreaking because no physical wall is going to switch into Chatot.

Choice Scarf
Same thing about HP Fighting and HP Ground and spamming Boomburst.

Usage Tips
Same as Specs.

Team Options
Same as Specs.
Mention with which hazards Chatot 2HKOes Costa just to be clear.

Other Options
Mention Life Orb
Mention Silk Scarf
Mention Modest
Mention Tailwind
Mention Agility (same as Tailwind but doesn't support team and lasts until you switch out)
Mention Substitute (also mention the possibility of Salac Berry with this)
Mention Encore

Specifically say that Sub and Encore work best with Nasty Plot, and that Tailwind / Agility should use Life Orb and possibly Modest / Silk Scarf

Checks and Counters
Dusclops is not a special wall.
For Ghost- and Rock-types also say how they take advantage of Chatot.
I guess you could add a Priority category because Chatot's bulk is zero so it takes a ton from it, especially Piloswine's Ice Shard. Soundproof category could be argued for as well but almost no one uses that now so don't add unless someone else wants to have it here.

Also make sure to change the wording a bit like Kingler said.
Frillish to get a little mention in counters under ghost types since it has reliable recovery 1/3
Mention Thunder Wave support as well as Sticky Web isn't that common and doesn't affect non-grounded Pokemon. Looks good otherwise so QC 2/3.
add (Capitalize)
(comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)


Chatot sets itself apart from other offensive Pokemon in the PU tier with its access to one of the strongest moves in the game, being in Boomburst, which allows it to break through bulkier Pokemon. It can be threatening to slower teams with its good Special Attack stat and its base Speed of 91. On the downside, it is very frail and easily taken on by faster Pokemon such as Raichu, Simipour, and Ninetales if it isn't holding a Choice Scarf, because of its weak bad Speed tier. It can also be picked off by strong priority users such as Piloswine and Pawniard and it is also weak to Stealth Rock, which limits the number of times it can come in to wallbreak or revenge kill.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Heat Wave / Sleep Talk
move 3: Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Specs
ability: Tangled Feet
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst is Chatot's extremely strong STAB move that can allows it to (or w/e, but Boomburst doesn't take them on, Chatot does) take on almost anything that doesn't resist it. Heat Wave is used to take on Steel-types such as Pawniard. It is also the best thing option that Chatot has to take on Ghost-types with such as Misdreavus and Gourgeist-XL. Sleep Talk can be used to more easily take on sleep inducers such as Jumpluff. Hidden Power Fighting is also helpful for taking on Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass and Golem. U-turn is helpful for gaining momentum against Pokemon it can't hit as hard such as Misdreavus and Dusclops, although Chatot is limited to in how many times it can use U-turn if Stealth Rocks are on the field of play Rock is up.

Set Details

Maximum Speed and Special Attack EVs along with a Timid nature and Choice Specs is are used to hit extremely hard, OHKOing Shell Smash Carracosta after Stealth Rocks and a Spike layer of Spikes, and to outspeed Pokemon such as non-Choice Scarf Mr. Mime. The remaining 4 EVs are placed into Special Defense to allow Chatot to switch into Stealth Rock 4 four times.

Usage Tips

Chatot can be switched in after a KO or pivoted in via a slow Volt Switch or U-turn user; this is to give it a safe switch in without taking damage. (period) as It shouldn't be switched into attacks, even on resisted moves, because it is very frail and easily worn down. It should mainly spam Boomburst, as there are few neutral targets who that can take two of them. Chatot should be used to wallbreak, allowing other its teammates to sweep. If a Pokemon that Chatot can't take on well is on the opposing team, (AC) such as Misdreavus or Dusclops, Chatot should use U-turn to gain momentum, although don't it shouldn't use U-turn too often if Stealth Rocks are Rock is up on your side of the field.

Team Options

Probopass is a great partner for Chatot, as it can trap Steel-types with Magnet Pull such as Pawniard and opposing Probopass with Magnet Pull to allow Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. It also provides a slow Volt Switch, allowing Chatot a free switch in. Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard make for a good partners for Chatot for their ability to take out Ghost-types such as Misdreavus, therefore allowing Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. Rapid Spin users and Defog users such as Armaldo and Swanna are good partners for Chatot for their ability to clear away Stealth Rock, which it Chatot is weak to; Rapid Spin is prefferable preferred over Defog because Chatot appreciates entry hazards of its own. Leavanny is a good partner for Chatot, as it can lay down Sticky Web, causing the foe's team to be slowed down. This allows and allowing Chatot to outspeed faster threats such as Ninetales and Raichu. Alternatively, Thunder Wave support from Pokemon such as Togetic and Kadabra is helpful to allow Chatot to outspeed bulkier threats, even if they aren't grounded affecting non-grounded foes, unlike Sticky Web. Hazard setters such as Roselia and Dwebble are helpful to Chatot to wear down bulkier Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Grumpig; Stealth Rocks allow Rock damage allows Chatot to 2HKO both of the two them. Setup sweepers such as Misdreavus and Ninetales appreciate Chatot's wallbreaking capabilities since because it makes for an easier sweep helps them sweep more easily.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Heat Wave / Sleep Talk
move 3: Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Tangled Feet
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst is Chatot's extremely strong STAB move that can allows it to take on a lot of offensive Pokemon, especially with Chatot's Choice Scarf to help it outspeed them. Heat Wave is used to take on Steel-types such as Pawniard. It is also the best move that Chatot has to take on Ghost-types with such as Misdreavus and Gourgeist-XL. Sleep Talk can be used to more easily take on sleep inducers such as Jumpluff. Hidden Power Fighting is also helpful for taking on Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass with and Golem. U-turn is helpful for gaining momentum against Pokemon it Chatot can't hit as hard, (AC) such as Misdreavus and Grumpig.

Set Details

Maximum Speed and Special Attack EVs along with a Timid nature and Choice Scarf is are used to be as fast as possible to and outspeed Pokemon such as Ninetales and Zebstrika while still hitting very hard. A Modest nature can be used instead, although then Chatot won't be able to outspeed other Choice Scarf users such as Rotom-F and Mr. Mime. The remaining 4 EVs are placed into Special Defense to allow Chatot to switch into Stealth Rock 4 four times.

Usage Tips

Chatot can be switched in after a KO to revenge kill the foe or be pivoted in via a slow Volt Switch or U-turn user; this is to give it a safe switch in without taking damage. It shouldn't be switched into attacks, even if it resists the given move, as it is very frail and easily worn down. It should mainly spam Boomburst, as it can take on a ton of Pokemon in the tier, being able to OHKO Pokemon such as Zebstrika and Leafeon. Chatot can also be used as a late-game cleaner once the foe's opponent's Pokemon are have been weakened. If a Pokemon that Chatot can't take on well is on the opposing team, (AC) such as Misdreavus or Dusclops, Chatot should use U-turn to gain momentum and switch into a more suitable Pokemon to take on the foe.

Team Options

Slow users of Volt Switch, U-turn, or Baton Pass make for good partners for Chatot, as Chatot gets they can provide it with a free switch in and isn't required to take any extra damage. Probopass is a great partner for Chatot, as it provides a slow Volt Switch, allowing Chatot a free switch, (AC) in and it can trap Steel-types with Magnet Pull such as Pawniard and opposing Probopass with Magnet Pull to allow Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard and Stoutland are helpful to Chatot to take out Ghost-types such as Misdreavus and Gastly, therefore allowing Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. Rapid Spin users and Defog users such as Torkoal and Pelipper are good partners for Chatot to clear away Stealth Rock, which it is weak to. Pokemon such as Ursaring and Ninetales are good partners for Chatot to take on bulkier Pokemon such as Misdreavus and Lickilicky, therefore allowing Chatot to sweep. Entry hazard setters such as Roselia and Dwebble are helpful to Chatot to allow it to 2HKO Pokemon it normally wouldn't, such as Shell Smash Carracosta.

Other Options

Nasty Plot is another option usually used with Life Orb or Silk Scarf that can help Chatot can use to help it take on bulkier Pokemon such as Lickilicky and to use it perform more as a setup sweeper; the problem with this is that it is easily revenge killed because of its fraility and its bad Speed tier compared to other offensive Pokemon. Substitute along with Salac Berry and Encore can be used with Nasty Plot to avoid status moves or lock the opponent into a move that can do little to nothing to Chatot. Chatot can also make use of Agility or Tailwind along with Life Orb or Silk Scarf, allowing it to outspeed offensive threats such as Zebstrika and Simipour; Agility is can only used to support Chatot, (AC) while Tailwind supports the entirety of Chatot's team. Taunt is an option that allows Chatot to prevent the foe from using status moves, (AC) such as Thunder Wave from Grumpig, (AC) or to prevent Pokemon such as Roselia from setting up entry hazards to be set up from Pokemon such as Roselia. Chatot can make use of Air Cutter for a STAB boost, but it is very week overall and Boomburst is a much more spammable STAB move. Chatot can also use Ominous Wind to help it take on Ghost-types such as Misdreavus, although it is very weak and situational.

Checks and Counters

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types such as Misdreavus, Frillish, and Dusknoir are immune to Chatot's Boomburst and don't take super effective damage from any of its attacks; Misdreavus can take advantage of Chatot by setting up on it with Nasty Plot, Frillish can inflict status on Chatot, and Dusknoir can predict Chatot's switch and use Trick, crippling a teammate.

**Faster Attackers**: Faster attackers such as Zebstrika and Simipour, although being unable to switch in, are able to outspeed Chatot and KO it, (comma) especially if Chatot doesn't have a Choice Scarf.

**Special Walls**: Special walls such as Lickilicky and Grumpig can take hits from Choice Scarf Chatot relatively well, although they struggle to take on Choice Specs Chatot; the former can wear it down by using Knock Off and constantly healing itself with Wish while the latter can use it as setup fodder.

**Rock-types**: Rock-types such as Golem and Probopass resist Chatot's Boomburst and can retaliate with super effective attacks; the former can take advantage of Chatot by setting up Stealth Rock against it, while the latter can gain momentum with Volt Switch.

**Priority Users**: Because Chatot is so frail, it is vulnerable to priority moves such as Piloswine's Ice Shard and Pawniard's Sucker Punch.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types such as Zebstrika, Raichu, and Electabuzz all outspeed Chatot and are able to OHKO it with either Thunderbolt or Volt Switch. If Chatot is switched out, the foe can use Volt Switch and gain momentum.

GP 1/2
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Chatot sets itself apart from other offensive Pokemon in the PU tier with its access to one of the strongest moves in the game in Boomburst, which allows it to break through bulkier Pokemon. It can be threatening to slower teams with its good Special Attack stat and its base 91 Speed of 91. On the downside, it is very frail and easily taken on by faster Pokemon such as Raichu, Simipour, and Ninetales if it isn't holding a Choice Scarf, because of its bad Speed tier. It can also be picked off by strong priority users such as Piloswine and Pawniard and is weak to Stealth Rock, which limits the number of times it can come in to wallbreak or revenge kill.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Heat Wave / Sleep Talk
move 3: Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Specs
ability: Tangled Feet
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst is Chatot's extremely strong STAB move that allows iallows Chatot to take on almost anything that doesn't resist it and is boosted by STAB. Heat Wave is used to take on Steel-types such as Pawniard. It is also the best option that Chatot has to take on Ghost-types such as Misdreavus and Gourgeist-XL. Sleep Talk can be used to more easily take on sleep inducers such as Jumpluff. Hidden Power Fighting is also helpful for taking on Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass and Golem. U-turn is helpful for gaining momentum against Pokemon it can't hit as hard such as Misdreavus and Dusclops, although; (Add semicolon) however, Chatot is limited in how many times it can use U-turn if Stealth Rock is up.

Set Details

Maximum Speed and Special Attack EVs along with a Timid nature and Choice Specs are used to hit extremely hard, OHKOing Shell Smash Carracosta after Stealth Rocks and a layer of Spikes, and to outspeed Pokemon such as non-Choice Scarf Mr. Mime. The remaining 4 EVs are placed into Special Defense towhich allow Chatot to switch into Stealth Rock four times.

Usage Tips

Chatot can be switched in after a KO or pivoted in viaby a slow Volt Switch or U-turn to give it a safe switch in without taking damage. It shouldn't be switched into attacks, even on resisted moves, because it is very frail and easily worn down. It should mainly spam Boomburst, as there are few neutral targets that can take two of them. Chatot should be used to wallbreak, allowing its teammates to sweep. If a Pokemon that Chatot can't take on well is on the opposing team, such as Misdreavus or Dusclopsand Dusclops is on the opposing team, Chatot should use U-turn to gain momentum, although it shouldn't use U-turn too often if Stealth Rock is up on your side of the field.

Team Options

Probopass is a great partner for Chatot, as it can trap Steel-types such as Pawniard and opposing Probopass with Magnet Pull to allow Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. It also provides a slow Volt Switch, allowgiving Chatot a free switch. Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard make for good partners forbecause of their ability to take out Ghost-types, (AC) such as Misdreavus, therefore allowing Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. Rapid Spin users and Defog usners and Defoggers such as Armaldo and Swanna respectively are good partners because ofor their ability to clear away Stealth Rock, which Chatot is weak to; Rapid Spin is preferred over Defog though, because Chatot appreciates entry hazards of its own. Leavanny is a good partner for Chatot, as it can lay down Sticky Web, causing the foe's team to be slowed down and, (AC) allowing Chatot to outspeed faster threats such as Ninetales and Raichu. Alternatively, Thunder Wave support from Pokemon such as Togetic and Kadabra is helpful to allow Chatot to outspeed bulkier threats, even affecting non-grounded foes, unlike Sticky Web. HFlying-type and Levitate foes, unlike Sticky Web. Entry hazard setters such as Roselia and Dwebble are helpful to Chatot to wear down bulkier Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Grumpig; Stealth Rock damage allows Chatot to 2HKO both of them after they take damage. Setup sweepers such as Misdreavus and Ninetales appreciate Chatot's wallbreaking capabilities because it helps them sweep more easily.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Heat Wave / Sleep Talk
move 3: Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Tangled Feet
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst is Chatot's extremely strong STAB move that allows iallows Chatot to take on a lot of offensive Pokemon, especially with Chatot's Choice Scarf to help it outspeed them. Heat Wave is used to take on Steel-types such as Pawniard. It is also the best move that Chatot has to take on Ghost-types such as Misdreavus and Gourgeist-XL. Sleep Talk can be used to more easily take on sleep inducers such as Jumpluff. Hidden Power Fighting is also helpful for taking on Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass with and Golem. U-turn is helpful for gaining momentum against Pokemon Chatot can't hit as hard, (AC) such, as Misdreavus and Grumpig.

Set Details

Maximum Speed and Special Attack EVs along with a Timid nature and Choice Scarf are used to be as fast as possible so Chatot cand outspeed Pokemon such as Ninetales and Zebstrika while still hitting very hard. A Modest nature can be used instead, althoughbut then Chatot won't be able to outspeed other Choice Scarf users such as Rotom-F and Mr. Mime. The remaining 4 EVs are placed into Special Defense to allow Chatot to switch into Stealth Rock four times.

Usage Tips

Chatot can be switched in after a KO to revenge kill the foe or be pivoted in viaby a slow Volt Switch or U-turn to give it a safe switch without taking damage. It shouldn't be switched into attacks, even if it resists the givenfoe's move, as it is very frail and can be easily worn down. It should mainly spam Boomburst, as it can take on a ton of Pokemon in the tier, being able to OHKO Pokemon such as Zebstrika and Leafeon. Chatot can also be used as a late-game cleaner once the opponent's Pokemon haveteam has been weakened. If a Pokemon that Chatot can't take on well is on the opposing team, such as Misdreavus or Dusclops, Chatot should use U-turn to gain momentum and switch to a more suitable Pokemon to take on the foe.

Team Options

Slow users of Volt Switch, U-turn, or Baton Pasand Baton Pass users make for good partners for Chatot, as they can provide it with a free switch. Probopass is a great partner for Chatot, as it provides a slow Volt Switch, allowgiving Chatot a free switch, and it can trap Steel-types such as Pawniard and opposing Probopass with Magnet Pull to allow Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard and Stoutland are helpful to Chatot to take out Ghost-types, (AC) such as Misdreavus and Gastly, therefore allowing Chatot to freely spam Boomburst. Rapid Spin users and Defog usners and Defoggers such as Torkoal and Pelipper respectfully are good partners for Chatot to clear away Stealth Rock, which it is weak to. Pokemon such as Ursaring and Ninetales are good partners for Chatot to take on bulkier Pokemon such as Misdreavus and Lickilicky, therefore allowing Chatot to sweep. Entry hazard setters such as Roselia and Dwebble are helpful to Chatot to allow it to 2HKO Pokemon it normally wouldn't, such as Shell Smash Carracosta.

Other Options

Nasty Plot is another option usually used with Life Orb or Silk Scarf that can help Chatot take on bulkier Pokemon such as Lickilicky and perform more as a setup sweeper; the problem with this is that it is easily revenge killed because of its fraility and its bad Speed tier compared to other offensive Pokemon. Substitute along with Salac Berry and Encore can be used with Nasty Plot to avoid status moves or lock the fopponent into a move that can do little to nothingeal little to no damage to Chatot. Chatot can also make use of Agility or Tailwind along with Life Orb or Silk Scarf, allowing it to outspeed offensive threats such as Zebstrika and Simipour; Agility can only support Chatot, while Tailwind supports the entirety of Chatot's team. Taunt is an option that allows Chatot to prevent the foe from using status moves, such as Grumpig's Thunder Wave from Grumpig, or to prevent Pokemon such as Roselia from setting up entry hazards. Chatot can make use of Air Cutter for a STAB boost, but it is very weeak overall and Boomburst is a much more spammable STAB move. Chatot can also use Ominous Wind to take on Ghost-types, (AC) such as Misdreavus, although it is very weak and situational.

Checks and Counters

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types such as Misdreavus, Frillish, and Dusknoir are immune to Chatot's Boomburst and don't take super effective damage from any of its attacks; Misdreavus can take advantage of Chatot by setting up on it with Nasty Plot, Frillish can inflict status on Chatot, and Dusknoir can predict Chatot's switch and use Trick, crippling a teammate.

**Faster Attackers**: Faster attackers such as Zebstrika and Simipour, although being unable to switch in, are able to outspeed Chatot and KO iand KO Chatot, especially if Chatot doesn't have a Choice Scarf.

**Special Walls**: Special walls such as Lickilicky and Grumpig can take hits from Choice Scarf Chatot relatively well, although they struggle to take on Choice Specs Chatot; the former can wear it down by using Knock Off and constantly healing itself with Wish while the latter can use it as setup fodder.

**Rock-types**: Rock-types such as Golem and Probopass resist Chatot's Boomburst and can retaliate with super effective attacks; the former can take advantage of Chatot by setting up Stealth Rock against it, while the latter can gain momentum with Volt Switch.

**Priority Users**: Because Chatot is so frail, it is vulnerable to priority moves such as Piloswine's Ice Shard and Pawniard's Sucker Punch.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types such as Zebstrika, Raichu, and Electabuzz all outspeed Chatot and are able to OHKO it with either Thunderbolt or Volt Switch. If Chatot is switched out, the foe can use Volt Switch and gain momentum.

GP 2/2
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