Found another bug.
If you have two mimikyus on your team so you can have disguise on mimikyu. Disguise will not work even though your Pokemon you have is a mimikyu.
This is due to disguise only working if speciesid is 'mimikyu' or 'mimikyutotem ' and the chimera metagame adding chimera to the end speciesid.
Also the HP bug still exists as described earlier in the thread but I have no idea why it happens.
If you have two mimikyus on your team so you can have disguise on mimikyu. Disguise will not work even though your Pokemon you have is a mimikyu.
This is due to disguise only working if speciesid is 'mimikyu' or 'mimikyutotem ' and the chimera metagame adding chimera to the end speciesid.
Also the HP bug still exists as described earlier in the thread but I have no idea why it happens.