Ciran draws Pokemon


Queen Of Puns
is a Top Artistis a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
I'm very out of practice, maybe having somewhere to post to and an excuse to draw stuff might give me an incentive to draw more. So, here goes.

Process of a thing I submitted for the Scholastic Room's intro on PS. Think I submitted it too late to be considered, obviously it wasn't accepted. Here's my first three:


Applied texture

I like this texture. Found it here on deviantart.

Some sketches of SSB2016 Pokemon of friends and myself from the most recent monthly meta on PS.

Random sketches, more recent are towards the top.


For Sondero. Watercolor paper texture was gotten from deviantart, sorry I lost the link to it.



Drifloon with a pompadour.

French Dragonite as per requested.

Critique is always welcome and appreciated, but preferably on newer things. Some of these are pretty old.
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Well, this worked to motivate me enough to draw and color something, so it's working so far. Here's the start of new drawings.

I like seeing sketches, personally, so I threw these in; in case anyone else likes seeing progression.

For SpecsMegaBeedrill

I usually do my initial sketch in red.

Cleaned up, ready to color.

I like how h_n_g_m_n colored this maractus, the background being the same color as the main body color was clever and I wanted to give it a try. Forgot to add some highlights on the edges of the shaded areas on the pointy things, maybe later. The right big pointy thing got away from me a bit, not too happy with it anyway.
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Flattered I could inspire a piece, thanks for the mention!

I really like your wurmple- the muted colours and background add loads to the overall feel of the painting, which feels like a flashback of a Butterfree's younger days studying or something. If I could make one suggestion, it'd be not to forget to add some shadows under your objects to give them a sense of grounding.

Hope to see more of your work soon!
Thanks! Yeah, usually I do backgrounds as an after thought and I'm terrible at remembering to do that. It's a bad habit I need to break. Also, Beautifly*, get your nerd game up.

Sketch dump. More in the Drifloon hairdo series. I was gonna do more and maybe clean it up a bit, but I need to reinstall my tablet driver or something. Sadly restarting my laptop didn't do the usual trick.

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I draw on my second monitor because it's bigger, but the colors on it are a little darker than average. I forgot to cross compare the colors on my main screen before finishing; but I lucked out this time since the contrast seems to be a bit better on my normal screen. Went a little overboard on the cloud top, might have been stronger with less detail. Maybe next time.

Ethereal Dusk
Your artwork is really cute! I think my only critique would be to work on shadows a bit more. Aside from that, I really like how out-of-the-box some of these are, like French Dragonite and pompadour Drifloon.
place holder post/reminder to self

nv -
[23:40:55] %nv: Hmm well the team was built around Mesprit + Skuntank
[23:41:09] %nv: And the show, Supernatural, has two main characters (Sam and Dean)
[23:41:31] %nv: So maybe like them drawn in a style to where they look like the brothers on the show

What about drawing an '67 Impala w/ Mesprit driving and Skuntank in the passenger seat
this angle:

Edit: Did a warm up sketch while looking up stuff on the characters.

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I started this a bit ago and I have accepted that I don't feel like finishing it. Mostly the shading isn't done, especially on the head and chest blade-things, and no highlights. Now everyone knows that I can do line art if I feel like it.


Who me?
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Wanted to quickly illustrate why I don't like Togedemaru's design. Aside from the fact that it looks a lot like Quilladin, I can't stand that the tail is in the middle of its back. It's one of the Pokemon that looks way better in other people's styles, but the tail issue is still there. Though this does make me want a kangaroo mouse Pokemon.


Quick sketch turned into a quick color which turned into more of a speed paint today.


These are all great, a shame that I haven't replied sooner. Your lineart is charismatic and clean, and also cool to see that you've some traditional tricks up those sleeves as well. Gonna go ahead and approve you since your work have both the quality and consistency I'm generally looking for, so if you're unfamiliar with that position, here's some more info about it.

Top stuff.
These are all great, a shame that I haven't replied sooner. Your lineart is charismatic and clean, and also cool to see that you've some traditional tricks up those sleeves as well. Gonna go ahead and approve you since your work have both the quality and consistency I'm generally looking for, so if you're unfamiliar with that position, here's some more info about it.

Top stuff.

Thanks, Bummer! That means a lot coming from you.

Am I supposed to do something, like make a post on the Artist Approvals forum, or is that that?

Bummer edit: That's that. Anti-climactic, I know.