Da Letter El I thought my best shot at winning was letting you and Jal split votes. That's why I wanted you around come the vote for f4.
yeah I get you. I think it's probably fair to say that's probably not how this'll go down, and that if jalmont had given you some arguments on how "I always win in an f3" or some such, that you probably could have been convinced.

Nonsense. Why would Hannah willingly go to a tiebreaker instead of voting out alore which I maintain puts her in the best spot to win? Explain to me how Hannah wins against you if I was voted out? How is that a better scenario for her than this? It puts me into a better position but not Hannah. I thought Hannah figured that out as well, but maybe not.
This is valid, but it doesn't seem like she pieced that together as being a motivation to vote Alore there or she would have brought that up by now and just illustrates a missed opportunity for you to capitalize on.

Also, with Alore asking to be voted out, it's almost more likely that the tie happens between me and Alore rather than me and Hannah, since odds are Hannah wouldn't just outright tell me "I'm gonna vote you" at that sort of f4 position
im largely basing my .01 vote on participation in my challenge

dle tried to kill the poor schlub Stanley, i could never vote for such heartless scum

hannahh didnt participate

jalmont gets it because he stuck up for the poor fella. good lad.
. But haven't I said multiple times that I knew that DLE/Me/Alex, Dle swept. Jal/Me/Alex, Jal swept. Either way, both of you won if not pit against eachother.
jalmont probably wins in you/jalmont/alex but I don't think he sweeps

you have good pre-merge arguments for the partnerships you became a part of. you also were part of what was easily the most influential partnership in early merge of you/wolv, and can show your act of keeping me around led to threats like viper/wolv getting eliminated, before you then made the play to get me out -- if you had done so at 5 or 4, with the same or arguably better arguments for a social game than jalmont.

You probably still lose there, but I think you get more votes in jalmont/alex/you than in this f3.
Lol and uh, here is my song:
For anyone who needs context, this is from the musical Heathers. They're talking about how Veronica, their newest "recruit" into their clique is being dumb etc and reasons for her to follow them and be a rude bitch.

I feel like all game I was tugged around and I felt like Veronica all game, plus this is a great song so enjoy!!!!
im largely basing my .01 vote on participation in my challenge

dle tried to kill the poor schlub Stanley, i could never vote for such heartless scum

hannahh didnt participate

jalmont gets it because he stuck up for the poor fella. good lad.

Lol and uh, here is my song:
For anyone who needs context, this is from the musical Heathers. They're talking about how Veronica, their newest "recruit" into their clique is being dumb etc and reasons for her to follow them and be a rude bitch.

I feel like all game I was tugged around and I felt like Veronica all game, plus this is a great song so enjoy!!!!
is this paperblade
The closing statements are in:

Hannah's closing statement:
Before this tribal ends, I want to give a better case than I've already given. I've worked so hard this game and honestly, balancing it w/ my jobs and my online class etc has been a struggle but I'm so glad we got to play because this was so much fun (besides some games :thinking: ). I'll definitely respect any vote y'all cast, I just want to point out that I'm different from both DLE and Jal. They seem to be in the same situation here and I'm kind of that lost puppy off to the side, but they've also gone crazy trying to show why they are right and they’ve both come off somewhat arrogantly in that sense, whereas I’m just trying to keep it real and not swing any lies by anyone at this point. I want you to see that all three of us are justifiable winners and ask that you don’t just vote between them but consider me too, as I’m kinda an underdog here I guess lol. Please just don't let me end this with 0 votes. This is why I wanted to be voted out in f4 originally lol, this is just far too stressful for me tbh. Have fun voting guys, it was a pleasure to play with all of you.

Jalmont's closing statement:
I want to take another look at what DLE is saying here because I think this has summed up his performance at tribal and even throughout the game. Everyone here has seen it for themselves; DLE has greatly over-exaggerated his own game and the extent to which he controlled the game. "Best social game" - we all know that isn't close to being true. Time again DLE has overstated his knowledge of what was happening. We know DLE let relationships lapse (like with Wolv). How did the man with the best social game fail to get word of his ally being blindsided? The most "vote control in the game"? Please. Without a couple immunities, DLE's endgame alliance would never have happened. Who really had all the control in not voting DLE out? It wasn't DLE himself, it was you guys, the people on the Jury.

Best overall challenge performance? Lol that's good shit right there. Everyone on the Rufflets tribe knows what I did for challenges. Same goes for Vullabies part 2. DLE had plenty of help in winning challenges. Individually speaking, DLE was fortunate to win the ones he did; he won one by a host decision to DQ his opponents lol. I won all my challenges fair and square - I had to bust my ass to beat RAD's score, and most importantly, I won the challenge that showed who knew the jury the best. Everyone was there for that and can affirm. Does anyone really believe DLE was the "best" anything to get to this point? Maybe but that fails to give due credit to me and Hannah and everyone on the jury. DLE had his fair share of luck, whether he wants to admit it or not.

I get it though. He's trying to sell himself as hard as he can. No one can blame him for pulling out all the stops to win. For some juries, that's what it's about. Talking up your game and covering up the cracks as best you can.

I'm not about that though. I've played this game as I play any game, and I've made it here being myself and I wasn't about to stop that now. I've been as honorable as I can be, but I haven't hesitated to make tough decisions to reach this point. I have lied to play both sides and maintain my neutrality and thus my options going forward. I have made mistakes. I haven't been perfect. I could've done a lot of things differently. But I'm upfront about those mistakes. I will willingly admit to everyone here that I did not play perfectly. I'm not going to sit here and bullshit everyone pretending I knew everything or pulled the strings on most every vote or whatever. That's not me.

I will tell you how I did get here though. I got here because of my social game. I didn't rely on one person to get here. I made a bond with RODAN. I lost that but I was ok with that because I had other bonds. I thought Trace was with me, but he stabbed me and I recognized that, cut him, and moved on. I had a bond with Wolv which kept me in the game. But I voted him out too because I knew he wasn't going to be the best for my game. Same with RAD. I couldn't trust him and I had to vote him out. I approached every person in the game with the hopes of trying to build a relationship with them. I'm not sure anyone else did that. I wasn't looking to use anyone or create a pseudo-relationship to get farther in the game. I legitimately wanted to get to know everyone and play the game based off those bonds I built. I may have not have been successful with everyone, but I was successful enough to avoid most votes without any form of immunity, which DLE can't say. Hannah can, but she was not nearly as targeted as I was.

My game wasn't passive, it was reactive. You don't have to like that style of play - but you should at least respect that it takes balls to pull off. Why else would I willingly put myself at risk by allowing other people's whims to potentially kill off my game? Who else is ok with the potential fact that there closest ally might get voted off? Would anyone else here have been fine with that, or would they have scrambled and potentially lost their entire game? It's hard to see anyone else acting the same way. Instead of always doing what was necessarily best for my game, I let others do what they want because that in turn gave me the social capital to stay safe. I continued to use that to my advantage especially after I lost RODAN. Perhaps that isn't the best way to get to the end, and maybe my strategy was at times a mistake. But most important, I was confident in my strategy because I felt that I had the type of social game to pull it off. And I think it worked, as otherwise I wouldn't be here.

The choice ultimately rests in your guys' hands. With Hannah, you can point to her having a good social game and going relatively untargeted. You can see DLE's claims of having so much control over the game. With me, you have a game where I made a conscious decision to let the game come to me and influence it in not so obvious ways. I think it was always a tough task to try and explain the game I played, and I'm not surprised when/if I fail. But my hope is that you guys recognize the ways I played - how I interacted with everyone, how I tried to work with as many people as possible, but also how I wasn't afraid to make the tough decisions regardless of my personal loyalties. If you want someone who played an under the radar game but who was still active in influencing his own future, then I'm the person you want.

Either way, thanks again everyone for your time and effort. Whatever happens, this has been a great game that I've had a lot of fun being a part of.


DLE's closing statement:

Thanks for putting up with the walls of text we’ve thrown at you these past 6 pages. I’ll try to prevent posting too long and sum things up here.

I think that you should vote for me because I did what was needed to get to f3 despite acknowledgement as being the strongest player for most of the endgame, I had a strong social game, and I directed key votes to put myself in a position to succeed. I’ve laid out what I did in challenges to support my position socially come late-game, the votes I convinced people to make and not make on my behalf, and the relationships I forged and utilized to put me in the final tribal council position that no betting man should have put me in out of f9.

When you’re voting for someone, you have to consider a vote against the other alternatives.

If you are considering a vote for Hannah over me, a few things to think about:

1. What did Hannah fundamentally do to control the game? Especially after merge, she mostly let Wolv handle negotiations and votes, and played a fairly passive role outside of pushing for me not to be voted, which I don’t think she should be given very much credit for.

2. What did Hannah show you in this ftc that ought illustrate a reason to vote for her? I don’t think she did very much here to convince the jury that she ought be the vote.

3. Should awareness of every vote bar the Wolv vote outweigh the directing of multiple votes that directly impact a player’s chances to win?

4. When Hannah acknowledges that I probably should win outside of having a bit of a cocky intro, I think Hannah has made clear who she believes deserves to win this game, as a player who has been in the game for the whole time.

If you are considering a vote for jalmont over me, a few more things to think about:

1. Why does jalmont let RODAN go at 10 and allow trace to off-vote? If it was due to a lack of awareness on RODAN being the vote, that’s something that I, zorbees, at least 6 other players in the game knew was the counter-push (I can’t speak for RODAN).

2. What does jalmont do to fundamentally control the game? Having a decent social game isn’t something unique to jalmont; even if jalmont were closer to you the jury member than I was, I think my relationships with: managing the 3p1k flip, working well with zorbees/aura guardian and setting up that alliance, working well enough with viper to prevent an f8 vote when I could easily be vulnerable, and managing to get two players in Hannah and Alore whose closest allies I pushed to eliminate at f7 and f6 – votes jalmont concedes I directed (although he maintains autonomy) – to want me in their final 3.

3. Should awareness of every vote bar the RODAN vote outweigh the directing of multiple votes that directly impact a player’s chances to win (also note: a large reason why jalmont knew how votes were going after f8 were because I told him as much)?

4. What plays did jalmont make to try to better his position? At f5, he tries to paint his position as strategically tricking me into bringing him to f4, but he doesn’t do enough socially to salvage/better this position, and he relies on whim to live at 5. To argue this is a misplay on my end would require that you believe that jalmont had done something prior that was problematic come end-game. What is it that jalmont did that outweighs what I did at f8-f6, as well as socially to avoid f9, f5, and f4?

5. Do you believe jalmont’s argument that “there was no hope getting me out” when Hannah outright states that she would “easily” vote for me in these last few pages, especially at f4?

6. Jalmont notes that he wanted me out at f6 and had been arguing throughout to get me out before ftc “because I would win.” This feels genuine, with this ftc being jalmont’s best effort to try to scounge up “something”. I think you should probably believe him here that he truly believes that I probably ought win here.

I worked really hard, I had a lot of fun, and I hope that people vote in my favor.

You probably had little to no ties to trace at all and knew wherever he fell, it wouldn’t be in working with you (whether that be in following RODAN or viper). You also probably felt there were fault lines between alore/viper (especially viper) vs Hannah/wolv/3p1k that would be possible to use, and felt that your relationship with Wolv (and possibly Hannah) could get you over any humps, keeping you in a position of playing the middle man in a way similar to what I did at f7 and f6. With that, there’s potential to vote me out if you ever get particularly worried that I have too much of an argument in ftc or to just leverage for safety later as needed, although I can’t and won’t speak to what specific ideas you had in mind and whether you planned to bring me to f3 or not.

The Final Tribal Council has concluded. Jury, it has come time for you to vote for the sole survivor. You have 24 hours.
It's been a genuine pleasure for me to host this game over the past month and a half. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to watch you guys play.

This is a permanent invite to the postgame server, where the recap episodes are located. Spectators are very welcome to join.

TONIGHT, the jury votes will be revealed live and the winner will be announced at 6pm California (7pm central, 9pm eastern). The winner will have their chance to announce the charity that will receive the 100 dollar prize.

This thread is locked so that the discord link is easily accessible. If you've been following up, or even if you're reading this thread months after the game has finished, please feel free to join the discord. It has 40 pages of episodic recap of what's happened in this game, a lot of quotes, a lot of strategy and a lot of funny moments.

Take care everyone.
Also for the record a lot of postgame talk happened in the discord, join it, there are episodic recaps i spent a lot of time on, it got to like 40 pages on gdocs small font, please read it!!!
7 years later and im still getting cockblocked by da letter el fml

I came into this game wanting to give it way more effort than the last survivor, which was way too long and alongside school drained my energy and my care for the game (although maybe i should've just said f school given i don't have a job now lul). I felt like I had a pretty good shot to make it far and while I did make the jury, my undoing was basically because I didn't give an effort to reach out to people and what not. So I wanted to try and make amends for that and do my best to be a major player in this game.

I think I did a pretty good job of that. I wasn't perfect at all - but I did what I wanted to do in reaching out to everyone, giving a shit about every challenge as much I could, etc. I got kinda hosed in the middle because it turns on graduating and going on vacation makes it harder to spend idle time online LOL. That said, I don't really have any regrets how I played. I think I played a pretty darn good game and was probably winning against everyone in at least the final 6 other than DLE. Don't need to repeat anything about how I played the game since I said it at the last tribal so yup.

I knew exactly what was likely to happen going to the end with DLE because I've played plenty of games with him. But I felt that I needed to actually get to the end and bank on the fact that I played an interesting enough game to garner votes so that's what I did. There's no doubt that essentially being afk for votes 9 through 7 messed me up but I couldn't have helped it. I'm not frustrated by the jury at all because I can't blame them since DLE I think did play the better game (or at least the more appealing game). It was hard to articulate what I did well and I still don't think I really made that clear but it's ok. Yeah, I guess I could've pushed harder to get rid of him. There probably was a lot more room to make that happen that I thought or wanted to believe there was but I honestly don't really blame myself. You could say I choked in the moment probably, I had my chance to win and didn't take it. If anything that's probably what I'm most frustrated/sad about but it's cool. No blame because that wasn't ever me, but still sad about that. yeah. I think this was probably my best ever chance to win a game like this, given that it was already tough to get myself in a position to even be near the end, and even then, I figure I'm probably the sort of player that will probably always be out near merge just based off reputation. Regardless, this game was a great experience and I should be impressed that I managed to make it to the final in the first place.

Thanks to ap and rssp1 for hosting. It was really cool to see a non-Pokemon based Survivor game, which I think definitely has a ton of merits. Overall, everything was hosted pretty well with just a few hiccups. Thanks for putting in the time to put this together and keep everything flowing smoothly. This game really benefited from ap's activity and that should be clear to anyone who looks at this thread, the challenges, and the discord postgame.

Thanks to everyone who was in the game. I'm just repeating what I said, but it's really cool to see a format that I started on this site become pretty popular. I'm really happy its expanded so much and is something that seems like people want to play.

Special shout out to RODAN and aj for voting for me, it didn't mean anything in the end, but I'm glad that you guys appreciated my game enough to vote for me, whatever your reasons may have been. Shoutout to everyone else on the jury and pre-merge regardless, especially Flyhn Trace Wolv RAD. and of course, shoutouts to DLE and Hannah for making it to the end and helping me out along the way, because I couldn't have made the end without them. Congrats of course to DLE but no one needs me to talk that man up =]

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