[COMPLETED] Azumarill


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Why is this thing so good.


<li>Huge Power gives it a very high Attack</li>
<li>Amazing Water- and Fairy-type STAB</li>
<li>Has priority in the form of Aqua Jet</li>
<li>Learns Superpower, allowing it to beat Ferrothorn</li>
<li>Access to Belly Drum</li>


<li>Base 50 Speed; prone to being easily revenge killed</li>
<li>Reliance on Choice Band for power can oftentimes make it setup fodder</li>
<li>Fairy typing gives it an extra weakness to the Poison-type, and it also has other easily exploitable weaknesses</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>name: Choice Band<br />
move 1: Aqua Jet<br />
move 2: Play Rough<br />
move 3: Superpower<br />
move 4: Waterfall / Return<br />
ability: Huge Power<br />
item: Choice Band<br />
evs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe<br />
nature: Adamant</p>

<p>This set takes advantage of Azumarill's monstrous Attack stat and powerful STAB moves to hit a majority of the metagame extremely hard. Aqua Jet is fantastic for smashing through faster Pokemon such as Alakazam and Volcarona, while also picking off weakened threats. Play Rough provides Azumarill with a powerful Fairy-type STAB that demolishes Dragon-types like Garchomp, Dragonite, and Goodra, while also providing fantastic neutral coverage against Pokemon that normally resist its Water-type STAB, like Rotom-W. Superpower is specifically for Ferrothorn, which walls this set otherwise, so it's a must. Waterfall is recommended to give Azumarill a powerful Water-type STAB aside from just Aqua Jet, but Return is very nice for hitting Pokemon that resist both of its STAB moves, like Amoonguss and Tentacruel.</p>

<p>The Speed EVs are to outrun Blissey and OHKO it before it cripples Azumarill with Thunder Wave or Toxic. Mystic Water or Life Orb are options over Choice Band if you want Azumarill to become a more reliable attacker, but the drop in overall damage output is massive. Double-Edge is a more powerful alternative to Return, but Azumarill will not appreciate the extra recoil. Aqua Tail can be used over Waterfall for a more powerful alternative, but most of the time it's not worth the accuracy drop. If possible, pairing Azumarill with Drizzle Politoed will significantly increase the power of its Water-type attacks. Talonflame, Garchomp, and Aegislash are also good partners because they can set up on a lot of Pokemon that check Azumarill, such as Scizor, Amoonguss, and Breloom. Scolipede has the advantage of Baton Passing Speed boosts as well. Gothitelle can trap Poison-types like Tentacruel.</p>

<p>name: Belly Drum<br />
move 1: Belly Drum<br />
move 2: Aqua Jet<br />
move 3: Play Rough<br />
move 4: Waterfall / Superpower<br />
ability: Huge Power<br />
item: Mystic Water / Lum Berry<br />
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def<br />
nature: Adamant</p>

<p>The set is very simple; set up with Belly Drum and sweep teams with Aqua Jet, while occasionally using coverage moves. For simply 50% of its HP, Azumarill's Attack instantly raises all the way to +6, making it one of the most terrifying sweepers in the tier all in just one turn. Although Azumarill is decently bulky, it's very prone to being KOed at 50% health, so Belly Drum should only be used on predicted switches, or on very weak resisted hits. Aqua Jet is mandatory, as it makes up for Azumarill's abysmal Speed and allows it to OHKO most of the metagame with ease. Play Rough, although a nice STAB Fairy-type move, will most likely never find much usage, as most of the Pokemon that resist Aqua Jet are either still OHKOed by it, or can outspeed and KO Azumarill before it can use Play Rough. Waterfall is great for hitting extremely bulky Steel-types such as Forretress and Skarmory that can avoid the OHKO from Aqua Jet. Superpower is specifically for Ferrothorn, which can take an Aqua Jet as well. It should be noted that Waterfall still has a 50% chance to OHKO Ferrothorn after Stealth Rock.</p>

<p>The EVs are to make Azumarill as bulky and powerful as possible. Mystic Water gives Aqua Jet some extra power that can matter in the long run, but Lum Berry can be useful if Azumarill wants to set up on something with Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, or Thunder Wave. Leftovers is a good option because it gives Azumarill a slight source of recovery which could really help it in the long run, as Scizor can no longer potentially OHKO with Bullet Punch after 1-2 turns of Leftovers. Aqua Tail can be used over Waterfall for a bit more power, but again, it's not really worth the accuracy drop. A Sitrus Berry can give Azumarill a bit more HP after Belly Drum, but it's usually not worth it at all. The best way to set up with Azumarill is on Choice-locked Dragon-types, as Azumarill is immune to their STAB. Mega Venasaur is a fantastic partner because it completely walls pretty much anything that can check Azumarill, and deal back serious damage with a coverage move. Garchomp checks Aegislash very nicely. Spikes support is necessary in order to obtain the OHKO on Ferrothorn with Waterfall, so Klefki, Forretress, and Skarmory are good partners.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>There really aren't too many safe counters to Azumarill until you know exactly for sure what move it's locked into. Tentacruel and Qwilfish are some of the best viable counters, as they can tank any of one of its moves and retaliate next turn with Sludge Bomb or Poison Jab. Ferrothorn can switch into most of its moves, but it must be wary of Superpower. Amoonguss and Venasaur are also fantastic counters because they resist both of its STAB moves.</p>

<p>Checking Azumarill is a different story. Although Aqua Jet is still a problem for some, Azumarill's terrible Speed leaves it prone to revenge killing. Rotom-W, Venasaur, Aegislash, Breloom, Heliolisk, and Magnezone are all overall great checks to Azumarill. RestTalk Gyarados and Mega Scizor can also check Azumarill quite nicely because of their high defensive bulk and both can set up all over it. Gengar must be wary of Aqua Jet, but it can OHKO Azumarill with a Sludge Bomb otherwise.</p>
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This definitely needs a quick glance over before being QC ready, because as of right now I'm kind of scrunched for time. I'll look this over heavily tomorrow though, and then if everything is okay I will allow QC go at it.

By the way, is there anything significant that either sets should be outspeeding this generation? As of now, I see no reason to outspeed anything other than the rare Blissey. Also I was discussing with SS and Halcyon whether I should slash Superpower before Waterfall on the Belly Drum set, but overall we decided on Waterfall because of its ability to break through Skarmory and shit without having to worry about the defense or attack drop. Superpower does always OHKO Ferro though, which can be big, but Waterfall can still OHKO Ferrothorn after SR 50% of the time. Still not sure.
Consider Leftovers on the Belly Drum set. Otherwise, CB Scizor has a great chance to just revenge you before you can have any fun.

252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Azumarill: 195-229 (48.26 - 56.68%)

(Or of course outspeeding it, but that may be a challenge as Scizor can always outspeed Azumarill if it wants to...)
Please remove the Other Options section.

Thank you.

Removed....derp. I really need to get some sleep.

Consider Leftovers on the Belly Drum set. Otherwise, CB Scizor has a great chance to just revenge you before you can have any fun.

252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Azumarill: 195-229 (48.26 - 56.68%)

(Or of course outspeeding it, but that may be a challenge as Scizor can always outspeed Azumarill if it wants to...)

That is a valid point. For now I'll put Lefties in the AC for though.

EDIT: Now ready for QC.

EDIT 2: According to various sources and Serebii, I've learned that Ice Punch is currently illegal right now because it's a BW2 tutor move, so I'm going to remove all mentions of Ice Punch. Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up so there's no confusion as to why it's not included.
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I've spoken to Gary about Azumarill a lot, and I can't see any significant mistakes. Good job Gary. I'll bring this up to other QC members, but I don't think too much is going to be changed.

Imo, Leftovers should be slashed after Mystic Water in the second set and Lum Berry should only get a mention in AC.

<li>50 base Speed</li>
<li>Prone to being easily revenge killed</li>
<li>Reliance on Choice Band for power can oftentimes make it setup fodder</li>
<li>Fairy-typing gives it an extra weakness to the Poison-type</li>
<li>Weak to common Grass and Electric-type attacks</li>

The first two cons are the same thing and could be mentioned in the same line. Same goes for the two last cons, just merge them and mention he has some easily exploitable weaknesses.


QC Approved 2/3

EDIT: Oh and add a couple of partners to deal with Pokemon that give Azumarill trouble.
Imo, Leftovers should be slashed after Mystic Water in the second set and Lum Berry should only get a mention in AC.


The first two cons are the same thing and could be mentioned in the same line. Same goes for the two last cons, just merge them and mention he has some easily exploitable weaknesses.


QC Approved 2/3

EDIT: Oh and add a couple of partners to deal with Pokemon that give Azumarill trouble.
Looks pretty goodra

qc 3/3

Thanks guys. Oh and alexwolf I added all your implementations expect the Lefties, because I talked it over with SS and he doesn't think it warrants a spot over Lum Berry, because he agreed with me that it helps Azumarill setup Belly Drum. Lefties is really only useful so Banded Scizor can't OHKO it from Belly Drum range. Unless a majority of QC agree with Lefties being slashed over it, I'm going to keep Lum but definitely give Lefties an AC mention.

Anyways, onto GP!!



<li>Huge Power gives it a very high Attack stat</li>
<li>Amazing Water- and Fairy-type STAB</li>
<li>Has priority in the form of Aqua Jet</li>
<li>Learns Superpower, allowing it to beat Ferrothorn</li>
<li>Access to Belly Drum</li>


<li>Base 50 base Speed; prone to being easily revenge killed</li>
<li>Reliance on Choice Band for power can oftentimes make it setup fodder</li>
<li>Fairy typing gives it an extra weakness to the Poison-type, and it also has other easily exploitable weaknesses</li>

<p>Azumarill @ Choice Band<br />
Ability: Huge Power<br />
EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe<br />
Adamant Nature<br />
- Aqua Jet<br />
- Play Rough<br />
- Superpower<br />
- Waterfall / Return</p>

<p>This set takes advantage of Azumarill's monstrous Attack stat and powerful STAB moves to hit a majority of the metagame extremely hard. Aqua Jet is fantastic for smashing through faster Pokemon such as Blaziken, Alakazam, and Volcarona, while also picking off weakened threats. Play Rough provides Azumarill with a powerful Fairy-type STAB that demolishes Dragon-types like Garchomp, Dragonite, (AC) and Goodra, while also providing fantastic neutral coverage against Pokemon that normally resist its Water-type STAB, like Rotom-W for example. Superpower is specifically for Ferrothorn, (AC) which who walls this set otherwise, so it's a must. Waterfall is recommended to give Azumarill a powerful Water-type STAB aside from just Aqua Jet, but Return is very nice for hitting Pokemon that resist both of its STAB moves, like Amoonguss and Tentacruel.</p>

<p>The Speed EVs are to outrun Blissey and OHKO it before it cripples Azumarill with Thunder Wave or Toxic. Mystic Water or Life Orb are options over Choice Band if you want Azumarill to become a more reliable attacker, but the drop in overall damage output is massive. Double-Edge is a more powerful alternative to Return, but Azumarill will not appreciate the extra recoil. Aqua Tail can be used over Waterfall for a more powerful alternative, but most of the time it's not worth the accuracy drop. If possible, pairing Azumarill with Drizzle Politoed will significantly increase the power of its Water-type attacks. Blaziken, Garchomp, and Aegislash are also good partners because they can set up on a lot of Pokemon that check Azumarill, such as Scizor, Amoonguss, and Breloom. Blaziken has the advantage of Baton Passing Speed boosts as well. Gothitelle and Mega Gengar can trap Poison-types like Tentacruel.</p>

<p>Azumarill @ Mystic Water / Lum Berry<br />
Ability: Huge Power<br />
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def<br />
Adamant Nature<br />
- Belly Drum<br />
- Aqua Jet<br />
- Play Rough<br />
- Waterfall / Superpower</p>

<p>The set is very simple; set up with Belly Drum and sweep teams with Aqua Jet, while occasionally using coverage moves. For simply 50% of its HP, Azumarill's Attack instantly raises all the way to +6, making it one of the most terrifying sweepers in the tier all in just one turn. Although Azumarill is decently bulky, it's very prone to being KOed at 50% health, so Belly Drum should only be used on predicted switches, or on very weak, (RC) resisted hits. Aqua Jet is mandatory, as it makes up for Azumarill's abysmal Speed and allows it to OHKO the most of the metagame with ease. Play Rough, although a nice STAB Fairy-type move, will most likely never find much usage, as most of the Pokemon that resist Aqua Jet are either still OHKOed by it, or can outspeed and can KO Azumarill before it can use Play Rough it. Waterfall is great for hitting extremely bulky Steel-types such as Forretress and Skarmory that can avoid the OHKO from Aqua Jet. Superpower is specifically for Ferrothorn, who which can take an Aqua Jet as well. It should be noted that Waterfall still has a 50% chance to OHKO Ferrothorn after Stealth Rock. Is this 100% with spikes? If so, ensure that teammates are mentioned for this, as it'd be huge</p>

<p>The EVs are to make Azumarill as bulky and powerful as possible. Mystic Water gives Aqua Jet some extra power that can matter in the long run, but Lum Berry can be useful if Azumarill wants to set up on something with Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, (AC) or Thunder Wave for example. Leftovers is a good option because it gives Azumarill a slight source of recovery which could really help it in the long run, as Scizor can no longer potentially OHKO with Bullet Punch at 50% after 1-2 turns of Leftovers. Aqua Tail can be used over Waterfall for a bit more power, but again, it's not really worth the accuracy drop. A Sitrus Berry can give Azumarill a bit more HP after Belly Drum, but it's usually not worth it at all. The best way to set up with Azumarill is on Choice-locked d Dragon-types locked into a Dragon-type move, as it Azumarill is immune to their STAB it. Although a +6 Aqua Jet destroys just about everything, pairing Azumarill with a trapper like Mega Gengar to weaken or OHKO fast, bulky Water-types such as Tentacruel and Rotom-W can be very beneficial. Mega Venasaur is also a fantastic partner because it completely walls pretty much anything that can check Azumarill, and deal back serious damage with a coverage move. Garchomp checks Aegislash very nicely.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>There really aren't too many safe counters to Azumarill until you know exactly for sure what move it's locked into. As of now Tentacruel and Qwilfish are some of the best viable counters, as they can tank any of one of its moves and retaliate next turn with Sludge Bomb or Poison Jab. Ferrothorn can switch into most of its moves, but it must be wary of Superpower. Amoonguss and Venasaur are also fantastic counters because they resist both of its STAB moves. </p>

<p>Checking Azumarill is a different story. Although Aqua Jet is still a problem for some, Azumarill's terrible Speed leaves it prone to revenge killing. Rotom-W, Dragagle, Aegislash, Amoonguss, Breloom, Heliolisk, and Magnezone are all overall great checks to Azumarill.</p>
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Any mention of partners to weaken the checks (Tentacruel, Rotom-W, etc) to BD Azumarill?

Woops now there is.




<li>Huge Power gives it a very high Attack stat</li>
<li>Amazing Water- and Fairy-type STAB</li>
<li>Has priority in the form of Aqua Jet</li>
<li>Learns Superpower, allowing it to beat Ferrothorn</li>
<li>Access to Belly Drum</li>


<li>Base 50 base Speed; prone to being easily revenge killed</li>
<li>Reliance on Choice Band for power can oftentimes make it setup fodder</li>
<li>Fairy typing gives it an extra weakness to the Poison-type, and it also has other easily exploitable weaknesses</li>

<p>Azumarill @ Choice Band<br />
Ability: Huge Power<br />
EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe<br />
Adamant Nature<br />
- Aqua Jet<br />
- Play Rough<br />
- Superpower<br />
- Waterfall / Return</p>

<p>This set takes advantage of Azumarill's monstrous Attack stat and powerful STAB moves to hit a majority of the metagame extremely hard. Aqua Jet is fantastic for smashing through faster Pokemon such as Blaziken, Alakazam, and Volcarona, while also picking off weakened threats. Play Rough provides Azumarill with a powerful Fairy-type STAB that demolishes Dragon-types like Garchomp, Dragonite, (AC) and Goodra, while also providing fantastic neutral coverage against Pokemon that normally resist its Water-type STAB, like Rotom-W for example. Superpower is specifically for Ferrothorn, (AC) which who walls this set otherwise, so it's a must. Waterfall is recommended to give Azumarill a powerful Water-type STAB aside from just Aqua Jet, but Return is very nice for hitting Pokemon that resist both of its STAB moves, like Amoonguss and Tentacruel.</p>

<p>The Speed EVs are to outrun Blissey and OHKO it before it cripples Azumarill with Thunder Wave or Toxic. Mystic Water or Life Orb are options over Choice Band if you want Azumarill to become a more reliable attacker, but the drop in overall damage output is massive. Double-Edge is a more powerful alternative to Return, but Azumarill will not appreciate the extra recoil. Aqua Tail can be used over Waterfall for a more powerful alternative, but most of the time it's not worth the accuracy drop. If possible, pairing Azumarill with Drizzle Politoed will significantly increase the power of its Water-type attacks. Blaziken, Garchomp, and Aegislash are also good partners because they can set up on a lot of Pokemon that check Azumarill, such as Scizor, Amoonguss, and Breloom. Blaziken has the advantage of Baton Passing Speed boosts as well. Gothitelle and Mega Gengar can trap Poison-types like Tentacruel.</p>

<p>Azumarill @ Mystic Water / Lum Berry<br />
Ability: Huge Power<br />
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def<br />
Adamant Nature<br />
- Belly Drum<br />
- Aqua Jet<br />
- Play Rough<br />
- Waterfall / Superpower</p>

<p>The set is very simple; set up with Belly Drum and sweep teams with Aqua Jet, while occasionally using coverage moves. For simply 50% of its HP, Azumarill's Attack instantly raises all the way to +6, making it one of the most terrifying sweepers in the tier all in just one turn. Although Azumarill is decently bulky, it's very prone to being KOed at 50% health, so Belly Drum should only be used on predicted switches, or on very weak, (RC) resisted hits. Aqua Jet is mandatory, as it makes up for Azumarill's abysmal Speed and allows it to OHKO the most of the metagame with ease. Play Rough, although a nice STAB Fairy-type move, will most likely never find much usage, as most of the Pokemon that resist Aqua Jet are either still OHKOed by it, or can outspeed and can KO Azumarill before it can use Play Rough it. Waterfall is great for hitting extremely bulky Steel-types such as Forretress and Skarmory that can avoid the OHKO from Aqua Jet. Superpower is specifically for Ferrothorn, who which can take an Aqua Jet as well. It should be noted that Waterfall still has a 50% chance to OHKO Ferrothorn after Stealth Rock. Is this 100% with spikes? If so, ensure that teammates are mentioned for this, as it'd be huge</p>

<p>The EVs are to make Azumarill as bulky and powerful as possible. Mystic Water gives Aqua Jet some extra power that can matter in the long run, but Lum Berry can be useful if Azumarill wants to set up on something with Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, (AC) or Thunder Wave for example. Leftovers is a good option because it gives Azumarill a slight source of recovery which could really help it in the long run, as Scizor can no longer potentially OHKO with Bullet Punch at 50% after 1-2 turns of Leftovers. Aqua Tail can be used over Waterfall for a bit more power, but again, it's not really worth the accuracy drop. A Sitrus Berry can give Azumarill a bit more HP after Belly Drum, but it's usually not worth it at all. The best way to set up with Azumarill is on Choice-locked d Dragon-types locked into a Dragon-type move, as it Azumarill is immune to their STAB it. Although a +6 Aqua Jet destroys just about everything, pairing Azumarill with a trapper like Mega Gengar to weaken or OHKO fast, bulky Water-types such as Tentacruel and Rotom-W can be very beneficial. Mega Venasaur is also a fantastic partner because it completely walls pretty much anything that can check Azumarill, and deal back serious damage with a coverage move. Garchomp checks Aegislash very nicely.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>There really aren't too many safe counters to Azumarill until you know exactly for sure what move it's locked into. As of now Tentacruel and Qwilfish are some of the best viable counters, as they can tank any of one of its moves and retaliate next turn with Sludge Bomb or Poison Jab. Ferrothorn can switch into most of its moves, but it must be wary of Superpower. Amoonguss and Venasaur are also fantastic counters because they resist both of its STAB moves. </p>

<p>Checking Azumarill is a different story. Although Aqua Jet is still a problem for some, Azumarill's terrible Speed leaves it prone to revenge killing. Rotom-W, Dragagle, Aegislash, Amoonguss, Breloom, Heliolisk, and Magnezone are all overall great checks to Azumarill.</p>

Thanks Gato! This is now finished.
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Shouldn't there be a mention of Assault Vest somewhere in teh CB set? Imo it can be pretty useful to fake CB and catch a surprise KO against certain set-up Pokemon that think they can switch in after revenging stuff. Dragonite might be called in after you revenged something with Aqua Jet thinking to set up Dragon Dance, but then takes Play Rough in the face for the KO.
Why use Assault Vest when you could bluff the Band with Splash Plate anyway? Azumarill wants power, not special bulk. Unless there's some KO that Azumarill avoids with Assault Vest it seems like an inferior item choice to me.
Sorry for the necro, but since Mega Gengar is banned, I'd suggest removing its mention from the teammates section of the Belly Drum analysis.
Maybe I'm just biased, but I feel like Sitrus Berry is a really good option on the Belly Drum Set. Some neutral attacks are going to bring you to the 50% health barrier or less and having the opportunity to setup again has saved my butt a lot of times.