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<li>Unique typing offers some cool resistances, including Normal, Flying, Fire, Bug, and Dark.</li>
<li>Immunity to Dragon offers some free switch-ins.</li>
<li>Good defenses for surviving hits while it sets up.</li>
<li>Gets some cool support options, including dual screens and Stealth Rock.</li>


<li>Its weaknesses are crippling for a defensive Pokemon, particularly its quadruple weakness to Steel-type.</li>
<li>Slow and weak offensively.</li>
<li>No reliable form of recovery.</li>
<li>It doesn't really do anything; many of the roles it could run are severely outclassed.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>name: Dual Screens<br />
move 1: Stealth Rock<br />
move 2: Light Screen<br />
move 3: Reflect<br />
move 4: Explosion<br />
ability: Sturdy<br />
item: Light Clay<br />
evs: 88 Def / 252 HP / 168 SpD<br />
nature: Impish</p>

<p>This is about the only thing Carbink can run. If Carbink isn't taunted, it can set up Stealth Rock and dual screens before going down; at least one is guaranteed thanks to Sturdy. When it is done, use Explosion to finish it with a bang. EVs and nature are to maximize its bulk so that Carbink can perform its role to its highest potential. Carbink could also potentially run Trick Room if your team needs the support.</p>

<p>Smogon's best battlers have quite a bit to say when it comes to Carbink. Below are some select quotes directly from some of this site's top competitive minds to help you formulate an opinion of Carbink and what it's capable of doing this generation.</p>

<dt>"What do you think of Carbink's role within the Gen6 Overused metagame?"</dt>

<dd>"Its role is being a rock with eyes." - Snunch <em>8th Official Smogon Tournament Winner</em></dd>

<dd>"It... doesn't have one?"" - LonelyNess <em>Smogon Premier League Creator</em></dd>

<dd>"Maybe it will have a cool niche in stall, but nothing else, unless it has a great breeding movepool." - dragonuser <em>Rate My Team Moderator</em></dd>

<dd>"It is genderless, DU." - Jirachi <em>Another Rate My Team Moderator</em></dd>

<dd>"Carbink's got like no offensive presence. Sure, it can set hazards, and its defensive typing is alright. But I don't see what's good about it. Although take what I'm saying with a grain of salt; I haven't really started metagaming this gen." - DetroitLolcat <em>BW Tiering Contributor</em></dd>

<dd>"wtf is carbink" - blarajan <em>Little Cup Tiering Leader</em></dd>

<dd>"Carbink was looking like a better Shuckle... until Shuckle got Sticky Web." - jas61292 <em>CAP Project Moderator</em></dd>

<dd>"It's like Shuckle's retarded third cousin." - kd24 <em>Uncharted Territory Moderator</em></dd>

<dd>"It sucks, imo. Birkal, are you trolling me?" - Haunter <em>XY Tiering Leader</em></dd>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Taunt is Carbink's biggest stop, which prevents it from setting up any of its support options; it has no way of stopping it outside of Protect. The Fairy-type's weakness to Steel has made it a prevalent coverage move in this metagame, which is no help to Carbink. Its biggest advantage is that it can switch into Dragons, but they can always switch to coverage options (Earthquake or Water-type attacks) when their STAB doesn't work. Defog removes Carbink's Stealth Rock easily, and Rapid Spin is even more relevant in this metagame. Things are not looking up for Carbink at the moment.</p>
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Remove the WIP tab this is ready for QC checks. But damn, this thing is so bad i can't even...


QC Approved 1/3


<li>Unique typing offers some cool resistances, including Normal, Flying, Fire, Bug, and Dark</li>
<li>Immunity to Dragon-type offers some free switch ins</li>
<li>Good defenses for surviving hits while it sets up</li>
<li>Gets some cool support options, including dual screens and Stealth Rock</li>


<li>Its weaknesses are crippling for a defensive Pokemon, particularly its quadruple weakness to Steel-type</li>
<li>Slow and weak offensively</li>
<li>No reliable form of recovery outside of Rest</li>
<li>It doesn't really do anything; many of the roles it could run are severely outclassed</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Carbink @ Light Clay<br />
Ability: Sturdy <br />
EVs: 88 Def / 252 HP / 168 SpD<br />
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)<br />
- Stealth Rock<br />
- Light Screen<br />
- Reflect<br />
- Explosion</p>

<p>This is about the only thing Carbink can run. If you aren't Carbink isn't Taunted, you it can set up Stealth Rock and dual screens before going down; at least one is guaranteed thanks to Sturdy. When its it is done, use Explosion to finish it with a bang. EVs and nature are to maximize its bulkiness so that it Carbink can perform its role to its highest potential. You Carbink could also potentially run Trick Room if your team needs the support.</p>

<p>Smogon's best battlers have quite a bit to say when it comes to Carbink. Below are some select quotes directly from some of this site's top competitive minds to help you formulate an opinion of Carbink and what it's capable of doing this generation.</p>

<dt>"What do you think of Carbink's role within the Gen6 Overused metagame?"</dt>

<dd>"Its role is being a rock with eyes." - Snunch <em>8th Official Smogon Tournament Winner</em></dd>

<dd>"It... doesn't have one?"" - LonelyNess <em>Smogon Premier League Creator</em></dd>

<dd>"Maybe it will have a cool niche in stall, but nothing else, unless it has a great breeding movepool." - dragonuser <em>Rate My Team Moderator</em></dd>

<dd>"It is genderless, DU." - Jirachi <em>Another Rate My Team Moderator</em></dd>

<dd>"Carbink's got like no offensive presence. Sure, it can set hazards, and its defensive typing is alright. But I don't see what's good about it. Although take what I'm saying with a grain of salt; I haven't really started metagaming this gen." - DetroitLolcat <em>BW Tiering Contributor</em></dd>

<dd>"wtf is carbink" - blarajan <em>Little Cup Tiering Leader</em></dd>

<dd>"Carbink was looking like a better Shuckle... until Shuckle got Sticky Web." - jas61292 <em>CAP Project Moderator</em></dd>

<dd>"It's like Shuckle's retarded third cousin." - kd24 <em>Uncharted Territory Moderator</em></dd>

<dd>"It sucks, imo. Birkal, are you trolling me?" - Haunter <em>XY Tiering Leader</em></dd>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Taunt is its Carbink's biggest stop, which prevents it from setting up any of its support options; it has no way of stopping it outside of Protect. The Fairy-type's weakness to Steel has made it a prevalent coverage move in this metagame, which is no help to Carbink. Its biggest advantage is that it can switch into Dragons, but they can always switch to coverage options (Earthquake or Water-type attacks) when their STAB doesn't work. Defog removes Carbink's Stealth Rock easily, and Rapid Spin is even more relevant in this metagame. Things are not looking up for Carbink at the moment.</p>
Carbink will rock your world, just you wait...


GP Approved 1/1
In the sceond last sentence or so, 'Dragons' is mentioned(that isn't fixed in the GP check), which should be changed to 'Dragon-types'.
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By the way, do we know if Light Clay is accessible yet? I looked around and I didn't see anything with it on Serebii as far as locations, but perhaps someone here in Smogon has found it?
<li>Immunity to Dragon offers some free switch-ins.</li>
<li>No reliable form of recovery outside of Rest.</li> <--- Should either be "no reliable form of recovery" or "no recovery outside of rest" as rest is not reliable
You know, I run him as a lead and he's not too bad. With good enough support, you can switch him out after rocks and screens and he will serve as an amazing pivot.