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Banned deucer.

You see these concrete slabs? Yeah, I eat them for breakfast



<LI>Great 140 attack</LI>

<LI>Slow speed makes it a great Trick Room user</LI>

<LI>Priority in the form of Mach Punch</LI>

<LI>Great HP and Defense making it able to sponge most moves</LI>

<LI>3 great abilities (Guts, Sheer Force, Iron Fist)</LI>

<LI>Access to elemental punches</LI>

<LI>Able to sponge status with Guts</LI>

<LI>Has usable spread moves (Earthquake / Rock Slide)</LI>

<LI>Good counter to have for Trick Room</LI>




<LI>Horrible Sp Def</LI>

<LI>Many flying and psychic Pokemon lurking everywhere</LI>

<LI>Very weak to Discharge</LI>

<LI>Unable to break most psychical walls without help</LI>


[Set Recommendations]

Set Name: Standard

Conkeldurr @ Life Orb

Ability: Iron Fist / Guts

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def

Adamant / Brave Nature

- Drain Punch

- Mach Punch

- Ice Punch

- Rock Slide / Payback

  • Drain Punch lets Conkle get a lot of its health back. It is also a reliable STAB move to use

  • Mach Punch is for picking off weakened targets

  • Ice Punch is for coverage like dragons and birds

  • Rock Slide is for spread damage. It also has a pretty good chance of flinch (30%)

  • Payback is your best chance at getting those pesky psychic types. Also, since Conk is so slow it will hit with 100 base power most of the time

  • Iron Fist is a guaranteed 120% boost when using Drain Punch, Mach Punch and Ice Punch

  • Guts is a high risk high pay strategy because it takes a lot of predictions to switch in Conk to that Wil-o-wisp and not an Overheat
Set Name: Trick Room Counter/Abuser

Conkeldurr @ Flame Orb

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def

Brave Nature

- Drain Punch / Hammer Arm

- Mach Punch

- Ice Punch

- Rock Slide / Poison Jab / Earthquake

  • Very similar to the lead set, only without Payback because you will be (hopefully) going first

  • Brave Nature to outslow (Is that even a word lol) other Pokemon that might be running a neutral nature in speed

  • Flame Orb makes sure Conk gets a Choice Band boost without the predictions. It also protects you from Amoonguss’s Spore

  • Hammer Arm is stronger and lowers your speed even more. After one Hammer Arm you despeed Amoonguss which is a common Trick Room supporter. It doesn’t have perfect accuracy though (90%)

  • Drain Punch is more reliable although you won’t be getting a lot of health back if you are moving first

  • Rock Slide is pretty much a 90% pointless filler move as Conkeldurr will be relying on the top 3 moves much more often. It does take out Charizard Y though in Trick Room

  • Poison Jab does a lot of damage to Azumarill which is another common Trick Room sweeper

  • Earthquake is to kill Electric types before they hit you and it hits Mega Ampharos pretty hard
Set Name: Bulk Up!

Conkeldurr @ Guts

Ability: Flame Orb

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def

Adamant Nature / Brave Nature

- Bulk Up

- Drain Punch

- Mach Punch

- Ice Punch / Payback

  • Needs support to work

  • Bulk Up increases its already high Defense and Attack even higher

  • Able to set up in many common VGC Pokemon like T-Tar, Scizor etc

  • Drain Punch is what makes this set work, it gets all of its health back when it attacks

  • Ice Punch hits flying types harder than Drain / Mach Punch who resist it

  • Payback hits Psychic Types harder than Drain / Mach Punch who resist it

  • Basically the best partner for Conkeldurr would be someone who can easily “dispose” of psychic or flying types. (The one that you don’t cover)

[Checks and Counters]

  • Reuniclus doesn’t care about pretty much anything Conk throws at it and since its even slower than Conk Payback should do pretty much nothing. (If Psychic didn’t kill it first)

  • Although Talonflame is scared of Rock Slide, a banded priority Brave Bird hurts

  • Special spread moves put a dent on Conkeldurr (Heat Wave and Discharge)

  • Slowbro walls pretty much everything here. Payback doesn’t do a lot because of its massive defense

  • Fast special attackers put a dent on it

  • With status and weather Conkeldurr loses 3/16th of its health per turn which means that it’ll die pretty quickly w/o Drain Punch
Right off the bat you have some major, major problems here.
  • The elemental punches are BW2 tutor attacks and completely unavailable for VGC.
  • Where is Protect and why is it missing completely? Wide Guard too for that matter.
  • You're overemphasizing Conkeldurr's special fragility. 105 / 65 is far from the end of the world.
  • I don't understand where you're getting Discharge is a major problem.
  • Your two first sets ought to be condensed into one set. Conkeldurr can work in and out, with and against Trick Room.
  • That Bulk Up set looks sketchy as hell and unless you have some replays or logs backing you up I really don't buy it.
  • Your under emphasis on Rock Slide when Talonflame and Charizard Y give Conkeldurr trouble and are very common at the moment is concerning.
  • You're missing some pretty common stuff as problematic for conkeldurr like Mawhile and Gyarados.
  • Your team mate information is really lacking to the point where I don't think you've even mentioned any specfic partners Conkeldurr likes. You've mentioned Trick Room and things that can deal with Psychic and Flying types, but that's very vague. Get to specific helpful Pokemon and specific major threats to Conkeldurr.
I don't want to sound harsh, but these are some big problems that really need to be fixed. The info you're conveying needs serious work.
Expert Belt Talonflame is an almost guaranteed OHKO, while a Choice Band Talonflame IS a guaranteed OHKO. Needs to be mentioned.

You completely neglect Conkeldurr's other weakness: Fairy types such as Mega Mawile, Azumarill, and Sylveon who all can OHKO with Play Rough or Moonblast.

And yeah Ice Punch is not available in VGC2014 for Conkeldurr.

Absolutely need a Wide Guard set as Conkeldurr is one of the few that have access to it in this metagame.
The special defenses can be somewhat remedied by Assault Vest anyway, so it shouldn't be heavily stated.

In my experience, it does not become an issue with just some EV investment. Also, I disagree with just about all the Cons you have listed.
1.Psychic and Flying types everywhere? No
2.Very weak to Discharge? No
Honestly, this is where you contradict yourself.
Great 140 attack
[/QUOTE]Unable to break most psychical walls without help[/QUOTE]
First you say he has a great Attack which he does. Then you say how he cant break physical walls. Also, not to be rude but your sets are practically the same exact things. First off, I would need somebody to agree here but Im not a fan of the so called Standard set. Also, for his Bulk Up set, I would recommend these changes as this was the set I used.
Conkeldurr(Guts) @ Leftovers
196 HP/252 Atk/60 SpDef
-Bulk Up
-Drain Punch
-Mach Punch
-Rock Slide
Also, like Mantyke said, the first two sets really could be put into one but I have never even seen the "Standard" set anyway.
So from a lot of what's being conveyed through what you've written, I'm going to have to lock this. You don't seem to have a very clear idea of what's going on and what works in VGC 2014. I would suggest taking a break from writing analysis for now and honing your skills in vgc first. We really do appreciate your enthusiasm, but this really isn't up to the quality we need.
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