You see these concrete slabs? Yeah, I eat them for breakfast
<LI>Great 140 attack</LI>
<LI>Slow speed makes it a great Trick Room user</LI>
<LI>Priority in the form of Mach Punch</LI>
<LI>Great HP and Defense making it able to sponge most moves</LI>
<LI>3 great abilities (Guts, Sheer Force, Iron Fist)</LI>
<LI>Access to elemental punches</LI>
<LI>Able to sponge status with Guts</LI>
<LI>Has usable spread moves (Earthquake / Rock Slide)</LI>
<LI>Good counter to have for Trick Room</LI>
<LI>Horrible Sp Def</LI>
<LI>Many flying and psychic Pokemon lurking everywhere</LI>
<LI>Very weak to Discharge</LI>
<LI>Unable to break most psychical walls without help</LI>
[Set Recommendations]
Set Name: Standard
Conkeldurr @ Life Orb
Ability: Iron Fist / Guts
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant / Brave Nature
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Ice Punch
- Rock Slide / Payback
- Drain Punch lets Conkle get a lot of its health back. It is also a reliable STAB move to use
- Mach Punch is for picking off weakened targets
- Ice Punch is for coverage like dragons and birds
- Rock Slide is for spread damage. It also has a pretty good chance of flinch (30%)
- Payback is your best chance at getting those pesky psychic types. Also, since Conk is so slow it will hit with 100 base power most of the time
- Iron Fist is a guaranteed 120% boost when using Drain Punch, Mach Punch and Ice Punch
- Guts is a high risk high pay strategy because it takes a lot of predictions to switch in Conk to that Wil-o-wisp and not an Overheat
Conkeldurr @ Flame Orb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature
- Drain Punch / Hammer Arm
- Mach Punch
- Ice Punch
- Rock Slide / Poison Jab / Earthquake
- Very similar to the lead set, only without Payback because you will be (hopefully) going first
- Brave Nature to outslow (Is that even a word lol) other Pokemon that might be running a neutral nature in speed
- Flame Orb makes sure Conk gets a Choice Band boost without the predictions. It also protects you from Amoonguss’s Spore
- Hammer Arm is stronger and lowers your speed even more. After one Hammer Arm you despeed Amoonguss which is a common Trick Room supporter. It doesn’t have perfect accuracy though (90%)
- Drain Punch is more reliable although you won’t be getting a lot of health back if you are moving first
- Rock Slide is pretty much a 90% pointless filler move as Conkeldurr will be relying on the top 3 moves much more often. It does take out Charizard Y though in Trick Room
- Poison Jab does a lot of damage to Azumarill which is another common Trick Room sweeper
- Earthquake is to kill Electric types before they hit you and it hits Mega Ampharos pretty hard
Conkeldurr @ Guts
Ability: Flame Orb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature / Brave Nature
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Ice Punch / Payback
- Needs support to work
- Bulk Up increases its already high Defense and Attack even higher
- Able to set up in many common VGC Pokemon like T-Tar, Scizor etc
- Drain Punch is what makes this set work, it gets all of its health back when it attacks
- Ice Punch hits flying types harder than Drain / Mach Punch who resist it
- Payback hits Psychic Types harder than Drain / Mach Punch who resist it
- Basically the best partner for Conkeldurr would be someone who can easily “dispose” of psychic or flying types. (The one that you don’t cover)
[Checks and Counters]
- Reuniclus doesn’t care about pretty much anything Conk throws at it and since its even slower than Conk Payback should do pretty much nothing. (If Psychic didn’t kill it first)
- Although Talonflame is scared of Rock Slide, a banded priority Brave Bird hurts
- Special spread moves put a dent on Conkeldurr (Heat Wave and Discharge)
- Slowbro walls pretty much everything here. Payback doesn’t do a lot because of its massive defense
- Fast special attackers put a dent on it
- With status and weather Conkeldurr loses 3/16th of its health per turn which means that it’ll die pretty quickly w/o Drain Punch