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  • Hi. I saw on TheMantyke's thread, Breeding Perfect Pokémon in X&Y, that you may be working on a guide for Breeding Pokémon in Generation 6. I was wondering if you were still working on this?
    Gratz on Ladybug ^.^
    Hmm? What are you referring to?
    On your newly attained Pre-Contributor badge :o (it looks like a ladybug so we call it that ^.^)
    Oh nice, I didn't even notice. Thank you
    Hi! I added your friend code from the forums, please add me back! 1907-8565-6436! Thanks!
    Hi! I added your friend code from the forums, please add me back! 1907-8565-6436! Thanks!
    Hey I saw a post from you on smogon somewhere and was interested in your Friend Safari. Could I add you? FC: 2723-9089-0141. My safari has: Combee, Illumise, and Heracross. Thank you in advance! - Hao
    Sounds good, I'll add you on my end either tonight or tomorrow.
    Alright thanks! Much appreciated.
    Can I add you for your Friend Safari? My FC is 2638 - 0687 - 1521
    sure thing. I probably wont be on much for the next couple days but add away.
    Yeah, that works. 1332 - 8238 - 2906
    0473-7776-5401. I'll add you either tonight or tomorrow morning
    When you get the chance, can you tell me what all three of my Friend Safari Pokemon are? I'm missing the third one.
    Yeah, the lack of a seconds hand really is a pain. There's only around 5 Timer0s on the original DS (or DS Lite), right?
    Ah, ok. Yeah, I'm getting my original DS repaired just so RNG abuse will be easier, lol. About how many Timer0s do you get on each system?
    Hey Sprocket. I saw an old post of yours in the RNG thread where you mentioned being able to RNG on a 3DS XL without problems. Just wondering... have you done any system updates after finding your parameters, and have you RNG'd since that update? If so, you've never had any issues with your parameters changing after a system update, have you? Do you have any idea whether or not it's possible for that to happen?
    Sorry, but could you give me a new Challange? One that's...easier to obtain? And preferably uses Special moves? Sorry, just I can't get a Scyther (very easily) to save my life.
    Well, if it makes you feel better, he'll be the last mon I train up to the same level as he rest of the team. I may go out of my OCD and keep him exactly 1 level below the rest.
    Quick Question: Can it be equal to my highest level mon? I tend to train mons equally ingame if at all possible. Its still accepted though.
    I'll make it at the same time I make the XP version. That will be after I add all the features like dream radar as well as support for the European and Korean games.
    Definitely. Introduction of Landorus-T makes it so much easier for more defensive teams to handle.
    Hm, I guess so. Only it competes with other Dragons and stuff a lot better and has much stronger Attack than Flygon. I'm just not overly impressed with Chomp like I thought I would be. It's not the menace it once was.
    Hey. I want a beldum with 31 attack Ev's. I'm breeding a metagross with 31 attack Ev's with a ditto. The metagross has a power thing that boosts attack and the ditto has an ever stone. They are both adamant natures. Is there anything else I can do to increase my chances?
    Well Alakazam is just really frail so I didn't bother with mentioning that EV spread. I guess I'll mention it in AC.
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