Other Counter That Pokemon! (Final Battle Friday @ 12 PM EST)

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While I do agree with Flare Blitz ---> Fire Blast, I can't say I agree with Thunderpunch. This is because the utility U-Turn bring is far to good to pass up. I mean, if Talonflame switches in on a U-Turn, sure, it does shit damage, but you're now able to switch out into something that can better deal with this Pokemon. Same goes for the other examples of Azumarill and Mega Gyarados, if they are picked. Finally, U-Turn also has the utility of keeping momentum up, something we'd lose with Thunderpunch. I'll switch to Fire Blast, though, thanks for the suggestion!
We don't have a whole lot for Azumarill or Mega Gyarados which is also why Thundurus (although T-Wave seems far more useful than NP since it guarantees they will live as well as pressure the enemy team from sweeping early, maybe I should nominate it?) mentioned earlier is a good idea, but please if you're not then at least put Blaze over Iron Fist lol.
I feel like we need a nomination that checks physical sweepers. As of now, Mega Zard-X, Mega Gyara and Mega Pinsir all sweep through the team when they get 1 boost. The lack of pivots to attacks is also glaring. Checking all the above while having a Stealth Rocker or Defogger/Spinner seems hard. I will nominate when I can think of something.
I feel like we need a nomination that checks physical sweepers. As of now, Mega Zard-X, Mega Gyara and Mega Pinsir all sweep through the team when they get 1 boost. The lack of pivots to attacks is also glaring. Checking all the above while having a Stealth Rocker or Defogger/Spinner seems hard. I will nominate when I can think of something.
If a check to those threats is what you are looking for, Scarf Terrakion is probably your best bet.
Nominating Life Orb Terrakion

Terrakion @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SAtk
Naive Nature
IVs: 30 Def / 30 HP
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Hidden Power [Ice]

This Terrakion Is designed to Outspeed and beat all 3 of team 1's members,additionally It checks future threats which Team 1 may choose(Mega pinsir/Charizard)
Close Combat is to beat ferro and Kyurem B with great Coverage and STAB,Stone Edge is there for strong STAB and coverage with Close Combat.Earthquake is for beating aegis and other steels which are not hurt by EQ.HP Ice is there for hitting Lando on its weak defense and other things which wall it(Gliscor Hippo etc)

As of right now, I can honestly say that a Mega Gardevoir pick next round will destroy us. There's very little we can do about it right now either. I couldn't decide whether to consider this with this pick or not, so ultimately I decided to put it into the hands of this project to counter the pick after they pick it. Unfortunately very little puts a large amount of offensive pressure on Team 1 as it is, and most anything will either have a hard time dealing with Mega Gardevoir or outspeeding what it needs to. So, ultimately, I picked something that has a hard time dealing with a healthy Gardevoir in hopes that we can deal with it with the next picks.


Noivern @ Life Orb
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Mild Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Hurricane
- Flamethrower
- U-Turn

Right now, Noivern has the ability to outspeed everything on the team and can OHKO both Landorus and Kyurem-B, while just barely missing the OHKO on Ferrothorn (84-100.5%, 6.3% chance to ohko). Infiltrator also gives Noivern the ability to bypass Cube's subs, ensuring we are pretty much guaranteed an OHKO on one of the two biggest powerhouses that will be on Team 1. U-Turn also gives Noivern the valuable ability to deal damage while switching, helping us to easily send out counters we have chosen to whatever may show up. For those wondering, Hurricane does 58.9-69% to Mega Gardevoir. We still outspeed Gardevoir even with a Mild nature, however Noivern falls one point behind all positive natured base 108's. Noivern also has the exact same typing as Dragonite which can create problems, however Noivern is mainly used to exert offensive pressure and is going to die to most anything anyways, so his typing shouldn't be that huge of an issue. Overall, Noivern gives us a good check to a future Fighting type which would help immensely, due to the fact a Fighting type can easily remove steel types for Mega Gardevoir.

Keldeo@Expert Belt
EV's: 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 SpD
Trait: Justified
Timid Nature
-Hydro Pump
-Secret Sword
-Icy Wind
-HP Flying

Taking it back to 5th gen when this thing was a suspect. Keldeo currently demolishes all of Team 1 with ease. Nothing can switch in without risking being 2HKO'd. I think most of the moves and EV's are self explanatory, but the reason I put HP Flying>Ghost/Electric/Bug was to detour a Mega Venusaur pick. However, that last moveslot is open for suggestions because I am not completely sold on it yet. Of course, two pokemon that do well against Keldeo are Florges and Sylveon, and probably more so the latter than the former. I calc'd Poison Jab and it can do a pretty decent chunk without Attack investment, but it really wasn't worth the moveslot. Also, with Sylveon being so slow and more than likely only carrying one move, unless its an offensive variant, it will be very easy to switch in to and take down with a strong physical move. Jellicent completely walls this set (lol) but I think that's fine because I doubt it will do anything besides wall Keldeo if Team 1 wants to go that route.
Team 2 has some solid answers to everything Team 1 has, this round of nominations so far we have been focusing on sweepers that already cover those threats which have great synergy with the rest of the team - my favourite being Terrakion. As mentioned earlier we really don't have anything to stop strong set up sweepers from sweeping the team, for this reason I nominate Choice Band Talonflame.


Talonflame @ Choice Band
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-Turn
- Will-o-Wisp

Talonflame not only offers Team 2 a great revenge killing Pokemon, it also offers a strong threatening pivot that can sweep Team 1 at a moments notice. This Talonflame has a good chance to 2HKO each member of Team 1, also providing the additional utility of being able to stop weakened set-up sweepers such as Azumarill, Mega-Charizard-X & Mega-Pinsir.

Obviously this opens us up to a huge Stealth Rocks weakness, giving Team 1 the option to run threats such as Heatran & Tyranitar (Sand Rush Excadrill), also Rotom-W can become a major problem.
All in all Talonflame limits the options for strong sweepers that Team 1 can use, but comes with a nasty drawback, giving them the option to run a solid bulkymon for Team 2 to deal with.

I would also like to suggest running Stealth Rocks on that variant of Terrakion, seeing as we already run Greninja for bulky Ground types - not to mention Dragonite being a complete stop to Landorus.
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Now that there are a few nominations, I think it might be useful to think about likely picks for Team 1 to check / counter each of these options and Mega Scizor.

NP Thundurus -> HP Fire Mega Venusaur, Specially Defnesive Quagsire (gimmicky, but it works), Mega Ampharos, Rotom-H, Ditto

LO Infernape -> Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Gyarados, Talonflame, Quagsire, Scarf Keldeo, Zapdos

LO Terrakion -> HP Fire Mega Venusaur, Rotom-W, Scarf Infernape, Scarf Keldeo

LO Noivern -> Heatran, Mega Manectric, Scarf Keldeo

EB Keldeo -> Rotom-W, Mega Gyarados, Mega Manectric, Suicune, Mega Ampharos, Talonflame

CB Talonflame -> Heatran, Rotom-W, Rotom-H, Mega Manectric, Suicune

SR Bisharp -> Mega Charizard X, Keldeo, Mega Gyarados, Mega Mawile, Mega Scizor (Team 1 could use a set which beats Team 2's Mega Scizor), HP Fire Mega Venusaur, Rotom-W, Rotom-H, Mega Aggron, Infernape, Mega Houndoom, Mandibuzz, Quagsire, Mega Garchomp (tl;dr Bisharp and Mega Scizor share a lot of checks and counters, don't vote for it)

Sash Terrakion -> Quagsire, HP Fire Mega Venusaur (checks Terrakion after its sash is broken by Ferrothorn's Iron Barbs), Scarf Keldeo, Scarf Infernape, Mega Scizor (252 HP Mega Scizor always survives +2 CC without SR)

Azumarill -> Team 1 already has Ferrothorn as a counter and Kyurem-B as a check, so all Team has to do is counter Mega Scizor. Azumarill is a bad pick.

Sylveon -> Already walled by Ferrothorn

Cresselia -> Already walled by Ferrothorn

I have probably missed some potential checks and counters, so if anyone wants me to edit this list just tell me. According to this list as it is right now, it looks like Noivern gives Team 1 the fewest options in response to Team 2's picks. The biggest issues with Noivern are that it shares the same typing as Dragonite including the SR weakness and it is setup bait after Draco Meteor. Actually, most of the picks here make Team 2's SR weakness worse. Terrakion might be better since it shares more obscure checks / counters with Mega Scizor than the others. I might change my Thundurus nomination since it seems to give Team 1 plenty of options to choose from.
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Now that there are a few nominations, I think it might be useful to think about likely picks for Team 1 to check / counter each of these options and Mega Scizor.

NP Thundurus -> HP Fire Mega Venusaur, Specially Defnesive Quagsire (gimmicky, but it works), Mega Ampharos, Rotom-H, Ditto

LO Infernape -> Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Gyarados, Talonflame, Quagsire, Scarf Keldeo, Zapdos

LO Terrakion -> HP Fire Mega Venusaur, Rotom-W, Scarf Infernape, Scarf Keldeo

LO Noivern -> Heatran, Mega Manectric, Scarf Keldeo

EB Keldeo -> Rotom-W, Mega Gyarados, Mega Manectric, Suicune, Mega Ampharos, Talonflame

CB Talonflame -> Heatran, Rotom-W, Rotom-H, Mega Manectric, Suicune

I have probably missed some potential checks and counters, so if anyone wants me to edit this list just tell me. According to this list as it is right now, it looks like Noivern gives Team 1 the fewest options in response to Team 2's picks. The biggest issues with Noivern are that it shares the same typing as Dragonite including the SR weakness and it is setup bait after Draco Meteor. Actually, most of the picks here make Team 2's SR weakness worse. Terrakion might be better since it shares more obscure checks / counters with Mega Scizor than the others. I might change my Thundurus nomination since it seems to give Team 1 plenty of options to choose from.
You need to add aegis for terrakion(it's best counter)
I nominate Bisharp, as he is a top rank mon in OU and does a few things for us that are beneficial. For one thing, he offers strong physical dark-type STAB which is a decent and safe move to use for general spamming. This is further bolstered with his access to Knock Off and if we find ourselves facing a Defogger, Defiant also adds a lot of offensive presences. He also has the utility of Pursuit trapping and the priority of Sucker Punch which provides us with form of priority. I like Bisharp because he can do so much with just these 3 moves and his ability alone, the tricky part comes with his fourth move, we could opt for Swords Dance which would be extra useful in the event that the other team does not pack a defogger, but also adds to his sometimes overwhelming offensive presence. Alternatively, we could pack Thunder Wave, as speed control is always nice. However, I find when I use T Wave Bisharp he often does not end up using it very often, if at all. Iron head would be a great choice for alternative STAB, but Scizor definitely does that better. Therefore, I think Stealth Rock is a fantastic option for Bisharp's fourth move as a defiant SR Bisharp makes it very tricky for the other team to properly deal with.


Ability: Defiant
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Nature: Adamant
Item: Life Orb
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
- Pursuit
- Stealth Rock
252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Aegislash-Shield: 200-237 (61.7 - 73.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Don't forget Iron head OHKOs if life orb is used I do agree that aegis is not a full counter,but he can kill or neutralise Terrakion quite well while being good overall
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Aegislash might be able to check Terrakion, but it does not do well against Mega Scizor and is checked by Dragonite which makes it a poor choice for Team 1 no matter what Team 2 picks.
So we have 3 picks left. I take it we would want a hazard setter and remover. We would also want someone to put pressure on the other team but that would be better suited for the 5th/6th pick. Team 1 will pick a hazard setter and remover in their next picks as they want the most freedom for their last pick. So in this pick we need a hazard setter or remover. Ik a terrakion has already been nominated but this is a different one.


Terrakion @ Focus Sash
Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance
- Stealth Rock

As we know team 1 is weak to fighting except Landorus-I. Terrakion can easily 2hko that with stone edge and kos all the time with cc, then stone edge after stealth rock. It also checks mega Gyarados and mega Charizard X if we don't have rocks on our side. As we get to counter pick team 1's rock setter with our defogger/spinner that won't be too rare. These two threats are otherwise huge threats. Team 1 also can't pick Terrakion' main counter in Landorus-T as they already have Landorus-I. Picking our hazard setter now isn't bad as Terrakion is very hard to counter with a spinner/defogger. It can also act as sort of a mini sweeper with SD.

Close Combat: Primary stab, does huge damage to most of team 1.
Stone Edge: Has great coverage, 2hkos Landorus as well as being its second stab.
Swords Dance: Makes Terrakion a lot harder to counter and allows it to perform a mini sweep. With Focus Sash it makes it even harder to counter as pokemon may have to take to +2 attacks.
Stealth Rock: We need a pokemon with rocks now and Terrakion is one of the best to set it up, while putting huge pressure on team 1. Makes Kyurem a lot easier to deal with.
EVs + Nature: To speed tie with other base 108s and outspeed the 3 current members of team 1. Max attack for the most damage. Four special defence evs to give Porygon 2 attack boost as Genescect would just pick Flash cannon. It's mainly useless but it may come in handy.
Item: This allows us to check the two megas that give us so much trouble at the moment. Also almost gives us Stealth Rock or allows it to take a hit when sweeping.

How are team deals with it's counters:
Starmie: Greninja can u-turn if they attempt to lead with it. Scizor does well against it and Dragonite beats it one on one.
Tentacruel: Greninja has extrasensory which will handle it.
Aegislash: Dragonite can take hits except iron head, Greninja can take a hit bar sacred sword, Scizor beats it.
Slowbro: Scizor can knock off assault vest or leftovers. Greninja can U-Turn. May need a better switch in but it's not that hard to counter. Also hates +2 stone edges.
Gliscor: Greninja can ohko, Scizor can set up on it.
Nidoqueen: Greninja can take it.
Toxicroak: A very unlikey addition. Greninja ohkos, Scizor can deal with it one on one.
Mega Venasaur: If they pick this then we don't have to worry about Mega Gyarados or Mega Charizard X anymore. Also without hp fire Scizor can do a lot and with it Dragonite can wall it. Greninja can extrasensory. May need another check. Also when will they pick it as it's not the sweeper of a last pokemon and team 1 needs a hazard remover/setter.
Scarf Infernape/Keldeo: Dragonite. Doesn't like a +2 CC.
Rotom-W: Doesn't like a +2 CC.

Most of it's counters won't get picked as they don't apply enough pressure or we already handle it. By adding this poke now, we get rocks and a difficult pokemon to counter that forces team 1 into a pokemon that is slow or easy to counter. We also get a check to multiple dangerous sweepers if we can keep rocks away. Finally we get two strong stabs and a pokemon capable of punching holes in the opponents team.
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While I agree that Terrakion is a good idea as a hazard lead, I'm not too sold on SD, because in a meta infested with priority and faster mons, it might not be feasible to aim to sweep with Terrakion - why not change SD to EQ, which gives it a solid option against Mawile and Aegislash amongst others?
While I agree that Terrakion is a good idea as a hazard lead, I'm not too sold on SD, because in a meta infested with priority and faster mons, it might not be feasible to aim to sweep with Terrakion - why not change SD to EQ, which gives it a solid option against Mawile and Aegislash amongst others?
We've already covered the fact that we have M-Scizor for Aegi. Swords Dance sounds like a great idea, since it can threaten a sweep from the get go, it also limits Team 1 as to what kind of walls it can choose. Also, +1 Terrakion does massive damage to M-Mawile, making it dead weight after a hit. Seeing as Team 1 have already chosen a Grass type, I don't see Breloom becoming an issue for this set either.
We've already covered the fact that we have M-Scizor for Aegi. Swords Dance sounds like a great idea, since it can threaten a sweep from the get go, it also limits Team 1 as to what kind of walls it can choose. Also, +1 Terrakion does massive damage to M-Mawile, making it dead weight after a hit. Seeing as Team 1 have already chosen a Grass type, I don't see Breloom becoming an issue for this set either.
Ferro doesn't guarantee they won't pick Breloom, and even then SD Terrakion still has stuff like Deoxys-S and Lati@s to make setting up worthless. I mean, I guess it's okay, but we already have Mega Scizor anyways so we're fine.
I love how every pokemon nominated this round, including my own, gets hit with one of Kyurem-B's moves for super effective damage...

That's why I picked Keldeo because the next pokemon to get selected by Team 1 will definitely have a fire type attack since Kyu-B wrecks face currently outside of Mega Scizor. I don't think it would be wise to pick another pokemon weak to SR or Ice because those are two nasty weaknesses no team wants to have since its easy to exploit them through hazards and priority. Sure you may say Mega Scizor already covers all that but all it takes is one fire type attack and its history. Thanks to Keldeo being a water type, it hinders how Team 1 will be able to counter both Mega Scizor and Keldeo. All the things that Red Cat had mentioned cannot switch in on Keldeo because either Icy Wind slows them down (Mega Manetric), will be hit hard if they decide to stay in, or are too frail to switch in directly (Talonflame).
I don't think Sworld Dance Terrakion lead is a good idea.

Turn 1 : Terrakion Uses Stealth Rock
Your opponent breaks your focus Sash

Turn 2 : Terrakin Uses Sworld Dance
Your opponent kills you

like vyomov said this meta was infested with priority and faster mons, i don't think Terrakion can do anything except for setting up the Stealth Rock and hit the opponent with it great Coverage

Here is my nomination


Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Bulldoze

Sound Weird , right ? Azumarill rarely (I mean really really rare ) run this set in an usual OU team but i think it fit the project. Let me explain my set.
With Sitrus Berry, Azumarill can tank 2 Earthquake from +1 M-Charizard X who might be picked by Team 1 and then KO back with his stab
He can also tank 1 Earth Power from Lando and 1 Fushion Bolt from Kyurem-B
Bulldoze to lower the speed of some Dragon Dance and Quiver Dance set up sweeper so his Teammates can come in and revenge kill that mon
Every other moves are self explained
I don't think Sworld Dance Terrakion lead is a good idea.

Turn 1 : Terrakion Uses Stealth Rock
Your opponent breaks your focus Sash

Turn 2 : Terrakin Uses Sworld Dance
Your opponent kills you

like vyomov said this meta was infested with priority and faster mons, i don't think Terrakion can do anything except for setting up the Stealth Rock and hit the opponent with it great Coverage

Here is my nomination


Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Bulldoze

Sound Weird , right ? Azumarill rarely (I mean really really rare ) run this set in an usual OU team but i think it fit the project. Let me explain my set.
With Sitrus Berry, Azumarill can tank 2 Earthquake from +1 M-Charizard X who might be picked by Team 1 and then KO back with his stab
He can also tank 1 Earth Power from Lando and 1 Fushion Bolt from Kyurem-B
Bulldoze to lower the speed of some Dragon Dance and Quiver Dance set up sweeper so his Teammates can come in and revenge kill that mon
Every other moves are self explained
Azumarill is not a really good pick since Team 1 already has Ferrothorn to counter it. Also, Team 1 can run Thunderpunch on Mega Charizard X since it knows Team 2 is using Azumarill and probably not Heatran. It also loses to many of the checks and counters to Mega Scizor which I listed earlier.
I love how every pokemon nominated this round, including my own, gets hit with one of Kyurem-B's moves for super effective damage...

That's why I picked Keldeo because the next pokemon to get selected by Team 1 will definitely have a fire type attack since Kyu-B wrecks face currently outside of Mega Scizor. I don't think it would be wise to pick another pokemon weak to SR or Ice because those are two nasty weaknesses no team wants to have since its easy to exploit them through hazards and priority. Sure you may say Mega Scizor already covers all that but all it takes is one fire type attack and its history. Thanks to Keldeo being a water type, it hinders how Team 1 will be able to counter both Mega Scizor and Keldeo. All the things that Red Cat had mentioned cannot switch in on Keldeo because either Icy Wind slows them down (Mega Manetric), will be hit hard if they decide to stay in, or are too frail to switch in directly (Talonflame).
Rotom-W, Mega Ampharos, and Suicune don't take much damage from Keldeo on the switch and don't really care about Icy Wind. Gyarados can switch in while in base form and get speed back with Dragon Dance. Gyarados can play mind games with Greninja if it tries to switch in on Dragon Dnace, so Team 2 would probably have to deal with that pick if it chooses Keldeo this round. Talonflame cannot switch into Keldeo, but it is a huge threat to Team 2 if it comes in after a kill. Team 2 will have to patch up some holes with its next pick if it picks Keldeo, and that is in addition to eventually needing to have SR support and Defog or spin support with its next two picks.
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Since Landorus isn't carrying Sludge Wave:


Sylveon @ Leftovers
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP, 56 Def, 200 SDef
Calm nature
- Hyper Voice
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Protect

Avoids the 2HKO from Lando's Earth Power and Kube's Fusion Bolt
Wins against them both one on one with Wish, Protect and/or Hyper Voice
Cleric support for the team
I'll nominate a mon that is not used much in the tier but can take some of the defensive pressure off Mega Scizor: Cresselia

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD
Nature: Bold
- Moonlight
- Toxic
- Psychic/Moonblast
- Ice Beam

This set can easily wall both Landorus-I and Cube, taking some of the pressure off M-Scizor. While this does not exert any offensive pressure, it allows the other members of the team to take care of the offensive part - the main option is between Moonblast for Cube or Psychic for general STAB.

The risks of such a pick are mainly the lack of offensive pressure - while there is little that Cresselia cannot wall, the lack of offensive pressure may hurt in the long run. Team 1 could also pick Weavile, who could threaten a multitude of pokemon on our team, with nothing stopping him from doing so.

Before I make a final submission, I just wanted to know whether Psychic>Moonblast or not.
They could pick TTar and then of course it will be a matter of time that Keldeo follows
We have 3 picks left here. We need a way to set up and remove hazards, commonly using 2 pokes. We have 1 pick left that doesn't have any restrictions and I'd like to use it in rounds 5/6, where we know our opponents team best. It also needs to put pressure on team 2. Thats why I nominated Terrakion.

Swords Dance is used over Earthquake because all our other pokes do ok against aegislash and Mega Mawille doesn't like +1 CCs. It also alloys more pressure with SD as we can threaten a sweep or punch holes in order for another poke to sweep. It also helps against skarmory who is a huge threat to us at the moment but it won't like a +2 Close combat.

Team 1 also has 3 picks left and their last pick will be used on a free sweeper. Their next two picks have to have a hazard setter/remover. Mega Mawille and Aegislash don't commonly setup or remove hazards and aren't the final pick team 1 would want.

Finally this match will be played between 2 good battlers. No good battler sets up rocks on an attack to break a sash then sets up an SD. We'll hopefully get free rocks on a switch. Terrakion applies huge pressure as he can hit hard or set up rocks and team 1 won't want to mispredict.
Well, the way this is ran typically the first pick is the defensive/counter mon while the second pick is something that is used to exert offensive pressure and reliably check most of the opposing team. We already made a defensive pick, so I think it's in our high interest to make an offensive pick, because if we choose to ignore anything with the ability to exert offensive pressure, we won't have much on our team that can reliably clean up the opposing team. Making a defensive pick twice would really be a less than ideal situation, because the opposing team can just pick a wallbreaker and then choose either a revenge killer or utility mon and save the last pick to just choose another wallbreaker that gives them the best synergy. While I'm not saying its a bad idea to pick a defensive mon at all, I think it's in our best interest to save it for when the next pair of picks comes around, because we'll also be looking for utility at that point, which hasn't been brought up much now bar Heal Bell on Slyveon and rocks on Terrakion. Keep in mind we also need a revenge killer, because right now if Greninja is out of the battle Landorus is faster than anything on our team (which will be true once again if we don't pick something faster this round). I highly recommend avoiding a defensive pick right now and saving it for the next pair of picks.
I agree with dragontamer74pe and think we should pick his Sash Terrakion set for Team 2. Sash Terrakion almost forces Team 1 to pick Quagsire as its next pick (I listed some other options, but none of them are as good or as reliable as Quagsire in stopping both Terrakion and Mega Scizor). While it sucks that Quagsire walls almost all of Team 2, it is easy to wall itself and does not provide any additional utility for Team 1.

So let's say we pick Sash Terrakion here. Let's assume Team 1 picks Quagsire in response. Then here are both teams after 4 picks:

Team 1: Landorus, Ferrothorn, Kyurem-B, and Quagsire

Team 2: Dragonite, Greninja, Mega Scizor, and Terrakion

In this scenario, Team 1 is slow and has no priority. Team 1 also lacks a SR setter or any hazard removal capabilities. On the other hand, every member of Team 2 is either fast or has a priority move. Team 2 also has its SR setter taken care of (and most spinners / defoggers do not want to switch into Terrakion). So after 4 picks apiece, Team 2 appears to have a clear advantage.
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