Creative (and good) Movesets (READ THE OP FIRST)

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Stone edge gives better coverage alongiside waterfall anyway. With waterfall+EQ you're walled by opposing Gyara, Salamence, Dragonite, Lati@s, Rotom and basically everything that is immune to EQ and resists waterfall.
Bounce is better imo since ferrothorn doesnt wall you to hell and back as well as celebi and other grass types. you do miss out on other gyaras and rotom-w but the sub takes care of that.

bounce is a dream world move and is legal.
With Rain-boosted Waterfall, its STAB would be hitting Rotom-W just as hard as Stone Edge, so it's really not needed. And again, if it is only carrying Volt Switch to touch Gyarados, Gyara can simply put up a Substitute.
This might nit be good but its brought me a little success.

Hitmonchan (F) @ Lefties
Trait: Iron Fist
Nature: Impish
EV Spread: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spe
-Bulk Up
-Mach Punch
-Bullet Punch

Substitute lets me get off at least one Bulk Up thanks to the beastlike bulk of Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan isn't the quite the trackstar so Bullet Punch and Mach Punch seem like ideal choices. He does suffer from 4 move syndrome, ThunderPunch would be a good choice if there was another moveslot. After a couple Bulk Ups Hitmonchan beasts almost everything bar bulky waters that resist or have immunity to Mach Punch i.e Gyrados, Slowbro, Slowking, Jellicent and Tentacruel.
Sorry, but I don't understand why there are so many Hitmonchan sets. You do realize that Gallade pretty much does any of its sets better, right?
Gallade even gets Ice Punch.
I think it's mainly because Gallade does not get STAB mach punch. Hitmonchan gets a slightly higher attack than Gallade with Iron Fist (if using punching moves only, of course). Bullet Punch also gets boosted whereas Gallade's Shadow Sneak does not.

That said, that Hitmonchan set from dregstr is entirely outclassed by Technician Hitmontop which can run the exact same bulk and moveset but hits harder.
EDIT: Or, better bulk with the same attack power, etc. Basically Techtop outclasses IronFist chan if chan's only using moves with base power of 60 or lower (... unless you care about speed).
@Woodchuck Hitnonchan gets all the Elemental Punches lol.

Lol I forgot about Hitmontop having Technician, but Hitmontop doesn't get the prio punches though (unless you gameshark or PO lets you use Tyrouge Evos exclusive moves on the others.)
Yeah that's why Hitmonchan needs to use moves with 60+ base power (i.e. elemental punches for coverage probably - or close combat, but then it'd be outclassed by Gallade) to not be outclassed by top.

I only compared with top because the mentioned Hitmonchan was a defensive one, and Top has better defenses and better attack if using only tech boosted moves.
Sorry, but I don't understand why there are so many Hitmonchan sets. You do realize that Gallade pretty much does any of its sets better, right?
Gallade even gets Ice Punch.

2 in a page is a lot more than ever, but I just personally like Hitmonchan and wish that it didn't suck as much.

Also, gallade's psychic typing doesn't really help it in the metagame. At least Hitmonchan can switch into almost any dark type without fear, rather than worrying about Crunch finishing it off before it can begin setting up. Iron fist gives chan a slight edge in power as well, though their coverage is the same. Chan also gets boosted mach punch, which is pretty minor in terms of what it helps him hit, I just wanted to see a way to make hitmonchan viable, and that's pretty much the best it's got without being outclassed, and even then it's still kind of outclassed...
Brick Break isn't boosted by Iron Fist. Drain Punch (which Kenshiro already mentioned in his set) and Focus Punch do though. Bulk Up with Sub and Focus Punch can potentially work and is not outclassed, though I'm sure it's not really that new.

Hitmontop (M) @ Leftovers/Heat Rock
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 244 Def / 12 Spd
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Rapid Spin
- Close Combat
- Foresight/Toxic/Rest
- Sunny Day

So this is a Hitmontop I've been using on my sun teams. It can switch into or force out Tyranitar, which is where Sunny Day comes in! Hitmontop can even switch into Mixed sets due to his decent special bulk. This guy can take a lot of pressure of Ninetales since it can set up Sunny Day on so much stuff using his ability Intimidate. Another awsome thing is Rapind Spin. Your Ninetales and Volcarona will no longer have to worry about Stealth Rock! Not extremely creative, but it works ^-^

Hitmontop (M) @ Leftovers/Heat Rock
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 244 Def / 12 Spd
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Rapid Spin
- Close Combat
- Foresight/Toxic/Rest
- Sunny Day

So this is a Hitmontop I've been using on my sun teams. It can switch into or force out Tyranitar, which is where Sunny Day comes in! Hitmontop can even switch into Mixed sets due to his decent special bulk. This guy can take a lot of pressure of Ninetales since it can set up Sunny Day on so much stuff using his ability Intimidate. Another awsome thing is Rapind Spin. Your Ninetales and Volcarona will no longer have to worry about Stealth Rock! Not extremely creative, but it works ^-^
Beastly. May I suggest Spore and Stealth Rocks, jk.

Nasty Plot Volbeat?
Volbeat @ Life Orb/Focus Sash
Trait: Whatever
Nature: Timid/Modest
EVs: 255 SpA/255 Spe
-Tail Glow
-Bug Buzz
-Hidden Power Fire/Ice/Dragon
No way man, HP Dragon totally hits Kingdra SE.

You're gonna wanna give that Volbeat Baton Pass (though that makes it orthodox)
Here's another fun set to try, but it's actually OU-worthy:

Mew @ Leftovers
252 HP/252 Spe/4 Def OR 252 HP/176 Def/80 SpDef
Timid / Synchronize

Magic Coat
Protect / Softboiled / Psychic
Baton Pass

This is THE anti-baton-pass baton pass and anti-anti-stall pokemon. Sounds confusing, but it really isn't. Snatch steals any stat-up move, as well as nifty things like Substitute, Heal Bell, Roost/Recover/Softboiled/Rest/etc.. Magic Coat is greatly improved to bounce back Taunt, entry hazards, and phazing. Protect scouts for Trick and choice users' moves, allowing you to Baton Pass into an advantageous matchup. Max HP and Speed give this set the ability to pass out of most pokemon, though you could opt for a more defensive spread to better tank hits from threats assuming you mispredict. This isn't meant to defeat Dragon Dancers, though it can do that if you really want it to. It's meant to check bulky setup like SD Gliscor, Bulk Up and Calm Mind pokemon that stall struggles with. It can also stall out pokemon with Toxic Spikes quite admirably since Snatch can steal recovery and healing moves like Softboiled and Aromatherapy/Heal Bell, meaning a more defensive spread and Softboiled instead of Protect can be used as a defensive team's answer to opposing stall teams and common stallbreakers. The one stallbreaker that becomes a problem is NP Thundurus, but if you opt to run Psychic it can cleanly 2hko after Stealth Rock.
My Murkrow before I go to bed:

Murkrow @ Eviolite
Nature : Sassy
EVs : 232 HP / 152 Def / 124 SpD
~ Roost
~ Substitute
~ Mean Look
~ Perish Song

If you can't figure it out, you're pretty thick.

He's bulky. He's got PerishTrap. He's got Priority SubRoosting.

Alternatively, run Featherdance for lulz.
So you're Murkrow is a Nasty Plot sweeper with Heat Wave to take out Ferrothorn?

I use a Golem in RU after he uses Rox he slits his wrists.

Golem @ Leftovers
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 SpD
Trait: Sturdy duh
-Stone Edge/Rock Slide

EdgeQuake is pretty standard for Pokés that can utilize it. R0x is obvious, Explision pretty much 1-4-1s which is nice for taking out walls.

But he's outclassed by Gigalith who can do the same exact thing without a 6th weakness and 2 more x4s.

CurseSeed Cradily

Cradily @ Lefties
Trait: Storm Drain
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 212 HP/40 Atk/124 Def/124 SpD
-Leech Seed
-Stone Edge
-HP Fire

The set uses Cradily to annoy the opponent with Leech Seed healing Cradily until they switch meanwhile I Curse up boosting my attack and defense. Stone Edge is for coverage and I'm not useless while Taunted. HP Fire covers the best wall to this set, Ferrothorn who resists Stone Edge and thanks to it's Grass typing is immune to Leech Seed.
That's a cool Cradily set, dregstr. Grass moves are pretty valuable, with all the Water mons running around, so I'd definitely replace HP Fire for Seed Bomb. An uninvested HP Fire wouldn't hurt many things anyways.
So you're Murkrow is a Nasty Plot sweeper with Heat Wave to take out Ferrothorn?

I use a Golem in RU after he uses Rox he slits his wrists.

Golem @ Leftovers
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 SpD
Trait: Sturdy duh
-Stone Edge/Rock Slide

EdgeQuake is pretty standard for Pokés that can utilize it. R0x is obvious, Explision pretty much 1-4-1s which is nice for taking out walls.

But he's outclassed by Gigalith who can do the same exact thing without a 6th weakness and 2 more x4s.

CurseSeed Cradily

Cradily @ Lefties
Trait: Storm Drain
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 212 HP/40 Atk/124 Def/124 SpD
-Leech Seed
-Stone Edge
-HP Fire

The set uses Cradily to annoy the opponent with Leech Seed healing Cradily until they switch meanwhile I Curse up boosting my attack and defense. Stone Edge is for coverage and I'm not useless while Taunted. HP Fire covers the best wall to this set, Ferrothorn who resists Stone Edge and thanks to it's Grass typing is immune to Leech Seed.

Cradily doesn't learn leech seed.
Physical Jumpluff Wall?

Jumpluff @ Lefties
Nature: Impish
Trait: Leaf Guard
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 Spe
-Leech Seed
-Cotton Guard
-Aromatherapy / Synthesis
-Seed Bomb/Acrobatics

Cotton Guard is automatic +3 to my defense boosting my wall capabilities. 252/252 is probably the best way to go on defensive Jumpluff. Leech Seed allows me to recover every turn with Lefties. Aromatherapy is more for the person that wants to use it is a support role and Synthesis for the true wall. Seed Bomb is for physical STAB and I don't wanna be taunted. I've been having a fair bit of success with this set on a sun team. Rest I feel could be viable with Leaf Guard being like Hydration for Sun. Substitute over Seed Bomb is also a viable change because with it Taunt won't effect me. I have been facing a recurring problem, Rocks and everysetisthesameOthorn. I need constant spin support and switch-ins to Fire type Pokés.
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