LC Croagunk


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Croagunk's unique typing and ability let it compress a variety of roles into a single team slot and serve as a fantastic glue Pokemon for offensive teams. Due to its typing, Croagunk has resistances to the common Fighting- and Dark-type moves, and due to its Dry Skin ability, it has a pseudo-immunity to Water. With these resistances, Croagunk becomes one of the few Pokemon in Little Cup with the ability to check all of the Pokemon that rely on these types, such as Chinchou, Mienfoo, Timburr, Pawniard, and Carvanha. Croagunk's typing is helpful offensively as well, as the only relevant Pokemon that resist its STAB coverage are Ghost-types, which it can hit with Knock Off, and other Poison-types. Additionally, Croagunk's wide movepool and acceptable all-around base stats allow it to customize its moveset and thus fit on a wide variety of teams. Access to Knock Off and various forms of priority, including Sucker Punch and Vacuum Wave, further improve Croagunk's ability to support its teammates. However, Croagunk's typing gives it weaknesses to the common Flying- and Ground-type moves and a susceptibility to being trapped and KOed by Diglett. Additionally, Croagunk's Speed is quite low, which leaves it susceptible to being revenge killed by a large portion of the metagame, though its access to priority somewhat remedies this.

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Vacuum Wave
item: Eviolite / Berry Juice
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Modest
evs: 52 HP / 116 Def / 188 SpA / 116 SpD / 36 Spe


Nasty Plot allows Croagunk to boost its Special Attack and punch holes into opposing teams, and it gets many setup opportunities due to its myriad of resistances. Thief can be used over Nasty Plot, which reduces Croagunk's wallbreaking potential but gives it more utility, as it lets Croagunk remove defensive items from foes after Croagunk takes a Knock Off or has consumed its Berry Juice. Sludge Bomb is Croagunk's primary STAB move, 2HKOing most of the Pokemon in the metagame that don't resist it after a Nasty Plot boost. It also has a decent chance to poison foes, which can help wear them down to the point where Croagunk can pick them off with Vacuum Wave. Focus Blast is a much more powerful but less reliable STAB move, which Croagunk can use in situations where it needs to deal more damage, securing a good chance to OHKO Timburr after a Nasty Plot boost. It also has terrific coverage alongside Sludge Bomb. Shadow Ball is an option in the third slot to keep this Croagunk set from being walled by Ghost-types such as Honedge and Gastly, but it gives Croagunk worse overall coverage, as it then lacks a powerful Fighting-type STAB move. Vacuum Wave gives Croagunk a STAB priority move that it can use to threaten revenge killers that can take advantage of its low Speed. Most notably, it does significant damage to Diglett, which would otherwise trap and remove Croagunk, though Diglett must have taken some prior damage to be KOed even if Croagunk is at +2.

Set Details

The given EV spread coupled with a Modest nature maximizes Croagunk's Special Attack, giving it maximum wallbreaking potential. The remaining EVs give Croagunk optimal bulk alongside Eviolite by giving it even-numbered stats in both defenses, which allow it to take a myriad of hits while setting up, most notably avoiding the 2HKO from Choice Scarf Mienfoo's High Jump Kick with an Eviolite. A point is also invested into Speed, to allow Croagunk to outpace most defensive foes, specifically RestTalk Mudbray. An alternate EV spread of 52 HP / 116 Def / 188 SpA / 36 SpD / 116 Spe can be used to give Croagunk enough Speed to reliably outspeed bulky foes such as Timburr, but it does not allow Croagunk to hit even-numbered defenses, which costs it significant bulk. While an Eviolite is generally used to give Croagunk maximum bulk, Berry Juice is also an option for an item, reducing Croagunk's bulk but allowing it to take more hits over the course of the match, thus giving it more opportunities to set up Nasty Plot. However, as Croagunk frequently is hit by Knock Off early-game, it often appreciates the initial bulk provided by Eviolite more than the HP boost provided by Berry Juice. Dry Skin is Croagunk's most useful ability because it gives it a pseudo-immunity to Water-type moves, allowing it to reliably check many Water-type Pokemon such as Corphish and Mareanie.

Usage Tips

Croagunk should be brought in to check Pokemon that can't deal significant damage to it, such as Timburr, Mienfoo, Corphish, and Chinchou. After coming in, Croagunk will usually force a foe out. Against balanced and bulky offensive teams, it is generally better to either switch Croagunk out or attack early-game, as if Croagunk sets up, it will often be forced out immediately by the foe that comes in. Against slower-paced teams, hyper offensive teams, and balanced and bulky offense teams that have been worn down significantly, Croagunk can use Nasty Plot to begin punching holes in the opponent's team. Although this Croagunk set can be used as a glue Pokemon and switch directly into attacks that threaten its team, keep in mind that the lack of any kind of recovery means that it will get worn down quite easily, so bringing Croagunk in without it taking a hit is ideal when possible. Keep in mind that even with Eviolite, Croagunk is not especially bulky, so avoid allowing it to take super effective or powerful neutral hits while it is still needed in a match.

Team Options

This Croagunk set works well on teams that appreciate its resistances but don't rely on it as the sole check to all of the Pokemon it can check, which gives it more leeway to set up. Entry hazard support from Pokemon such as Onix, Dwebble, and Omanyte is helpful due to the switches Croagunk forces and allows it to secure more KOs with Vacuum Wave. Pursuit support from the likes of Alolan Grimer and Pawniard is useful to trap Abra and Ghost-types, which force Croagunk out, and to wear down faster foes to the point where they can be picked off with Vacuum Wave. Ground-types are especially problematic for this set, so teammates that can switch in on Ground-types, most notably Snivy and Pumpkaboo, make good partners. Flying-types can also shut this set down, so checks to these Pokemon, such as Onix and Omanyte, fit well alongside Croagunk, and Croagunk can take on the Fighting- and Grass-types that threaten them. Knock Off support is useful to help Croagunk secure more KOs. Mienfoo and Timburr both provide this support well and synergize decently offensively with Croagunk too, as they are able to form an offensive Fighting-type core.

name: Mixed Utility
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Vacuum Wave
move 4: Drain Punch / Sucker Punch
item: Eviolite
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Quiet
evs: 132 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 108 SpA / 116 SpD


Knock Off is a terrific support move that allows Croagunk to pressure switch-ins and support its team by removing its foes' defensive items. Sludge Bomb is generally Croagunk's most useful STAB move and comes with a nifty poison chance that can help Croagunk wear down foes. Vacuum Wave allows Croagunk to pick off weakened faster foes, as well as deal with certain threats such as Carvanha and Pawniard without taking any damage. Drain Punch is a secondary STAB move that has fantastic coverage alongside Sludge Bomb and gives Croagunk a way to recover its health while dealing damage to Steel-types that can take a Vacuum Wave like Ferroseed. Sucker Punch is an alternative that lets Croagunk heavily damage faster threats that don't mind Vacuum Wave, such as Abra and Gastly, before it can be KOed.

Set Details

The given EV spread coupled with a Quiet nature aims to optimize Croagunk's defensive stats by giving it even numbers in both defenses to maximize the Eviolite boost while maintaining offensive presence on both sides of the spectrum. An Eviolite further enhances Croagunk's bulk and pairs well with Drain Punch to give Croagunk longevity. Dry Skin is the optimal ability for this set because it allows Croagunk to take on Water-types such as Carvanha, Corphish, and Mareanie.

Usage Tips

Croagunk should be used as a glue Pokemon and brought in against the Pokemon that it checks, such as Fighting-types, Water-types, and Dark-types that don't carry coverage to beat it, most notably Mienfoo, Timburr, Corphish, Pawniard, and non-Psychic Staryu variants. Because Croagunk is used as a glue Pokemon, it should not be expected to deal high amounts of damage or repeatedly take powerful hits it doesn't resist. Instead, it should be preserved and switched in and out of battle, recovering HP with Drain Punch as needed, to deal with the threats it needs to check on an opposing team; specifically, it should be kept around for Fighting-, Dark-, and Water-types that its team can't deal with. Opposing setup sweepers such as Scraggy and Shellder fit this bill as well: Croagunk should be preserved while these Pokemon exist on the foe's team so it can revenge kill them with Vacuum Wave. If the opposing team has a Diglett, play cautiously with Croagunk to prevent it from getting trapped, potentially leaving your team open to a Pokemon that Croagunk checks. Opposing pivots such as Mienfoo and Chinchou, which Croagunk can check, become more threatening when paired with Diglett because they can bring Croagunk in and pivot into Diglett, so keep this in mind. Throughout a match, Croagunk tends to force switches because it checks such a variety of Pokemon. Use these switches, especially early-game, to use Knock Off and weaken the opposing team by removing defensive items.

Team Options

This Croagunk set needs little support to perform its role, so it should be fit onto teams that need it rather than built around. It fits well onto teams that are weak to Fighting-, Dark-, or Water-type Pokemon and need a Pokemon that can compress resistances to these types into a teamslot. That said, Psychic- and Ground-types present Croagunk with a variety of issues and need to be dealt with by teammates. Pursuit trappers, such as Alolan Grimer and Pawniard, make good choices as partners to deal with the former, while Grass-types, such as Snivy and Pumpkaboo-XL, make good choices to deal with the latter. Flying-types can easily revenge kill Croagunk as well, making checks to them such as Onix and Omanyte good partners. In terms of the support Croagunk provides, Pokemon that are weak to Fighting, such as Ferroseed, or Poison, such as Snubbull, pair well with Croagunk defensively. In return, Ferroseed can check Psychic-types and some Ground-types for Croagunk, and Snubbull can take on Pokemon that threaten Croagunk with physical attacks thanks to Intimidate. Offensively, Croagunk forms valuable Fighting-type cores with Scraggy and Mienfoo, as they can wear down and use Knock Off on each other's checks. Finally, as Croagunk is one of the better Knock Off users in the metagame, setup sweepers that appreciate its support make good partners. Bulk Up Timburr, Omanyte, and Shellder are all examples of Pokemon with decent synergy with Croagunk, but most setup sweepers in the metagame can take advantage of the Knock Off support that this Croagunk set provides.

name: Physical Support
move 1: Drain Punch
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Knock Off / Thief / Bulk Up
move 4: Sucker Punch / Bulk Up
item: Eviolite
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Adamant
evs: 52 HP / 188 Atk / 116 Def / 116 SpD / 36 Spe


Drain Punch is a reliable STAB move that has the beneficial side effect of providing Croagunk with some recovery and hits the Dark-types that Croagunk checks, such as Pawniard and Carvanha, for good damage. Gunk Shot provides excellent STAB coverage alongside Drain Punch and deals much more damage, but it is less reliable due to its miss chance and does not provide Croagunk with recovery. Poison Jab can be used over Gunk Shot as a more reliable alternative, as it has higher accuracy, but the drop in power makes it more difficult for Croagunk to check Fairy-types. The final two moveslots can be customized depending on what support Croagunk needs to provide for its team. Knock Off is an excellent utility move that provides great coverage alongside Croagunk's STAB moves and removes defensive items from foes to make them easier for Croagunk to deal with. Thief provides the same good coverage and utility in removing items as Knock Off, potentially giving Croagunk a defensive item and helping it while hurting the foe, but it requires Croagunk to have been hit by Knock Off to have maximum effect. Bulk Up can be used to allow Croagunk to take advantage of the switches it forces to set up, making it simultaneously harder to switch into and more difficult to take out physically. Sucker Punch gives Croagunk a decently powerful form of priority, allowing it to not be completely helpless against faster revenge killers, especially Abra and Doduo, which can easily OHKO it.

Set Details

The given EV spread maximizes Croagunk's Attack to allow it to hit as hard as possible while investing enough EVs into both defenses to optimize Croagunk's bulk in conjunction with Eviolite. The final EV points are put into Speed to allow Croagunk to outspeed Spritzee and Ferroseed. An Eviolite maximizes Croagunk's bulk and pairs well with Drain Punch, allowing Croagunk to take little damage from opposing attacks and heal itself somewhat with Drain Punch. Finally, Dry Skin is Croagunk's best ability because it enables it to check Pokemon that rely on Water-type moves.

Usage Tips

This Croagunk makes for a fantastic glue Pokemon and should be directly switched into the myriad of Pokemon it checks, including Mienfoo, Timburr, Chinchou, and Cottonee. After being switched in, Croagunk can take advantage of its wide coverage to pressure the opposing team. Croagunk should be kept healthy as long as it is needed to check foes. Avoid allowing it to take super effective or powerful neutral hits, as Croagunk's defenses are mediocre even when boosted by Eviolite. Additionally, Drain Punch should be used as much as possible to keep Croagunk's health up. Be wary of Pokemon such as Ponyta that can burn Croagunk, drastically lowering its effectiveness for a match. Knock Off should be used often to weaken foes by removing their defensive items and to put pressure on opposing teams by threatening to remove said items. Because Croagunk has only mediocre Attack and Sucker Punch does not get boosted by STAB, it does not hit particularly hard. For this reason, it should usually be used as a way to pick off weakened and faster foes, not as a reliable method of dealing damage. Be especially wary of opposing Diglett, which can come in after Croagunk secures a KO, trap it, and remove it from the match, allowing a foe that Croagunk checks such as Bulk Up Timburr to sweep. Sucker Punch is not a reliable way of dealing with Diglett, as it frequently runs Substitute, forcing Croagunk into mind games, and it only takes out Diglett if it is severely weakened. Croagunk should use Bulk Up on a predicted switch to surprise an incoming foe that will become unable to KO it after it has a Defense boost.

Team Options

This Croagunk set works best on offensive teams that can make use of a non-passive Pokemon with its set of resistances and specifically appreciate a strong Sucker Punch user that can take on opposing Gastly and Abra. Pokemon that are weak to Fighting, such as Pawniard and Carvanha, appreciate Croagunk's ability to take on the likes of Mienfoo and especially Timburr, and thus make good partners. Pokemon weak to Dark-types, such as Pumpkaboo-XL and Gastly, and Pokemon weak to Water-types, such as Mudbray, can make good use the resistances provided by Croagunk as well. Dark-types form a potent core with Croagunk offensively and defensively. Alolan Grimer and Pawniard both can Pursuit trap the Ghost- and Psychic-types that give Croagunk some trouble, and Alolan Grimer forms a Poison-type core offensively as well. Vullaby also pairs well with Croagunk, as they share very good defensive synergy, together resisting a large portion of each other's weaknesses. Pokemon that can take out Ground-types also make good teammates, as Croagunk tends to bring these Pokemon in. Snivy and Z-Trick-or-Treat Pumpkaboo-S are especially notable for their ability to use opposing Ground-types as setup bait, but most other Water- and Grass-types also fill this role well. Rock-types such as Onix and Omanyte pair well with Croagunk because they can check Fire- and Flying-types that can significantly damage it, and they can set up entry hazards to allow Croagunk to more efficiently wear down opposing teams.

Other Options

A Life Orb set is somewhat viable, as its unexpected power can be used as a lure, but the lack of bulk means Croagunk will nearly always be revenged killed very quickly, and the Life Orb will often be revealed due to Croagunk's tendency to be hit by Knock Off. Both Fightinium Z and Poisonium Z are options on the Nasty Plot set to give Croagunk one high-power attack to break through a would-be check, but it costs Croagunk significant defensive capabilities. Earthquake is an option to hit the likes of opposing Croagunk and Mareanie, which otherwise wall Croagunk, but has mostly redundant coverage with its Fighting-type moves otherwise, and neither of these Pokemon threaten Croagunk much offensively while taking acceptable damage from Knock Off. Croagunk gets several other priority options, such as Bullet Punch and Fake Out, which can be mixed onto the above sets, but they tend to be less consistently useful than the moves listed above. Substitute can be used to give Croagunk free turns against foes such as Ferroseed and Foongus and can even be paired with Focus Punch to deal more damage than any of Croagunk's other STAB moves. However, running one or both of these moves causes Croagunk to lose valuable coverage. Croagunk gets several alternative Poison-type STAB moves, such as Sludge Wave and Venoshock. However, the former does not get significantly better rolls than Sludge Bomb and has a much lower poison chance, and Venoshock should only be used with Toxic Spikes support. Finally, Croagunk can bluff Dry Skin and run Poison Touch as its ability, as the poison chance can wear down foes. However, this turns Croagunk into a much worse check to opposing Water-types.

Checks and Counters

**Poison-types**: Poison-types are among the only Pokemon that resist both of Croagunk's types, with the other being Ghost-types, which are weak to Knock Off. This means that Pokemon such as Salandit, Mareanie, and opposing Croagunk can all come in on Croagunk and wear it down, though they can't do very much damage due to Croagunk's resistances, except for the odd Hidden Power Psychic Skrelp.

**Ground-types**: Ground-types, such as Mudbray and Hippopotas, don't take significant damage from Croagunk's moves and can easily KO it with their STAB attacks. Additionally, Diglett, although it can't switch in, can trap and remove Croagunk thanks to Arena Trap.

**Ghost-types**: Although Croagunk generally carries Knock Off or Thief to hit Ghost-types, the Nasty Plot set has no such coverage, which means that Ghost-types such as Gastly and Pumpkaboo-XL check it well. Additionally, Honedge, though uncommon, walls the Nasty Plot set completely. The rare Shadow Ball on the Nasty Plot set can hit all of these Pokemon, however.

**Super Effective Attacks**: Due to Croagunk's low natural bulk, it is prone to being KOed by most super effective attacks. Flying-type attacks from the likes of Vullaby and Doduo, Psychic-type attacks from Abra, and Fire-type attacks, which Croagunk has a pseudo-weakness to due to Dry Skin, are all problematic.
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High-low My-low
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* In your second line, replace "Pokemon that rely on these types." with relevant examples of Pokemon that Croagunk checks. Saying that Pokemon 'rely on these types' honestly doesn't make much sense.
* Add Ghost-types when talking about Pokemon that resist Croagunk's STAB coverage, but also add that they fear Knock Off.

Looks good.

* Your Nasty Plot line is honestly a little confusing. Croagunk uses the move to boost its Special Attack, not its resistances. Just say that the move itself allows Croagunk to boost its Special Attack to threatening levels, since saying that its resistances give it a reliable setup opportunity is better for Usage Tips anyway.
* When talking about Thief, add 'or has consumed its Berry Juice' to the end of the sentence, since you have it listed in the set and that seems like just as common a scenario as getting hit with Knock Off.
* You say that Focus Blast is useful in situations where Croagunk needs to do more damage to a foe. Give examples of said situations.

Set Details
* Say something about the Speed investment here. It may be small but is necessary info (say that it hits 12 Speed and outpaces most defensive foes).
* I wouldn't refer to Croagunk's Water-immunity provided by Dry Skin to be 'pseudo,' it's just an immunity.
* I'd mention something like Mareanie alongside Corphish when talking about Water-types Croagunk can check, since one example isn't really enough and Mareanie can barely do anything to Croagunk.

Usage Tips
Looks great!

Team Options
* This looks good, I'd just add that the Pursuit trappers you mentioned can also trap Abra and Ghost-types, which would otherwise wall Croagunk or force it out.


* I just spent a solid 5 minutes laughing at the 'Carvagunk' part of your Vacuum Wave section, but I think it's Carvanha ;)
* I'd also add in your Drain Punch line that the move allows Croagunk to deal sufficient damage to Steel-types like *give example* that can usually take a Vacuum Wave.

Set Details
* You obviously weren't going to keep it like that, but change the Dry Skin line lol. (Make sure to give examples of waters it checks!)
* You don't ever touch on the nature, so go ahead and include it somewhere in here, doesn't really need its own line.

Usage Tips
* Give some examples of the Pokemon you say Croagunk needs to check in your second line.
* I'd add in your line about Diglett that if it's on the other team Croagunk should be especially careful against Pokemon that can use pivoting moves, and maybe give some examples.
* I'd add here that Croagunk can take advantage of the switches it forces to use Knock Off, as almost nothing switching in will enjoy the removal of their item.

Team Options
* Specify in your first line that teams with glaring weaknesses to Fighting- or Dark-type Pokemon in particular appreciate Croagunk's support.
* When talking about Ferroseed and Snubbull, go ahead and give some examples of types that they can cover for Croagunk as well. Ferroseed can switch into Psychic-type attacks, while Snubbull can switch into especially powerful physical attacks that may threaten Croagunk by virtue of Intimidate.


* I'd give some examples of Drain Punch targets, or at least relevant types of Pokemon that it hits for sufficient damage.
* I'd also add in your Gunk Shot line that it's useful to hitting Fairy-types like *insert examples here*.
* In your Sucker Punch line, give some examples of Pokemon that it can dent before they revenge Croagunk (Gastly and Abra especially work as examples).
* I'd add Poison Jab to this section. Say that it can be used over Gunk Shot for its more reliable accuracy, but usually isn't as preferable due to the notable loss in power.

Set Details
* In your Dry Skin line, change pseudo-immunity to just immunity, and then give examples of Pokemon that Dry Skin can help Croagunk check.

Usage Tips
* I'd say that when talking about Knock Off that it can even pressure Croagunk's would-be switch-ins, and give some examples. This section looks great otherwise!

Team Options
* I'd add that Pokemon that can remove Psychic-types are helpful, as despite its access to Knock Off and Sucker Punch, Croagunk still needs things like Abra whittled down to Sash or Slowpoke weakened so not to deal some damage to them then faint.

Other Options
* I'd add that Skrelp and Mareanie don't enjoy Knock Off anyway in your Earthquake line.
* Add in your Poison Touch line that Alolan Grimer is usually a better user of the ability anyway, due to its better typing.

Checks and Counters
* Remove Koffing as an example when talking about Poison-types, it isn't relevant. I'd replace it with either opposing Croagunk or Alolan Grimer. I'd also add in this section that Croagunk should be wary of Hidden Power Psychic from Skrelp.
* I'm honestly not convinced that Flying-types shouldn't have their own section. Super effective attacks still works as a section, but maybe mention Flying-types separately since most function as revenge killers anyway and thus can capitalize on Croagunk's average bulk and Speed.

Very well done, implement these and give yourself Hilo 1/1


San Bwanna
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
  • Just say Croagunk is immune to Water thanks to Dry Skin. Pseudo-resistance sounds really weird when it's just an immunity. Also in that bullet point, Morelull can technically also check all those types, but since mentioning Morelull is bad, just say that Croagunk is one of very few Pokemon that can check all those types.
  • Since Bullet Punch is mentioned no where on the analyses outside of OO, it shouldn't be the first form of priority you mention. Either move it to the back of the list or remove it entirely
  • Mention that Croagunks's susceptibility to being revenge killed is somewhat remedied thanks to its access to priority.
Set: Special Attacker

  • Sludge Bomb is Croagunk's primary STAB move, 2HKOing most of the metagame that doesn't resist it. Clarify if this is before or after a NP boost
Set Details
  • Any notable special hits the bulk allows you to take?
  • You should include an alternate spread of 52 HP / 116 Def / 188 SpA / 36 SpD / 116 Spe to outrun Timburr and Clamperl, at the cost of minor special bulk and not hitting an Eviolite number (though this ofc doesn't matter if you run BJ), as well as not taking the hits I asked about above.
Team Options
  • Mention birb checks
Set: Mixed Utility

Set Details
  • Any notable hits the EV spread allows Gunk to take? Any KOes it gets?
Usage Tips
  • such as the Fighting-types, Water-types, and Dark-types that don't carry coverage to beat it. Give some examples
Team Options
  • Please mention Pawniard in stead of Stunky. I get that it may seem repetitive after the previous set but Pawn is like a million times better
  • Again, mention birb checks
Set: Physical Support

Team Options
  • Oh come on. You mentioned birb checks here (at least somewhat) why not in the other sets?
Checks and Counters
  • Make a Ghost-type section. While they are hit super effectively by Thief/Knock Off, they completely stop the Nasty Plot set, which is the main set, if it lacks Shadow Ball (which isn't even slashed).
Thunderboy 1/1, write me up Scotty

Aaron's Aron

A concussion update in my info tab

  • When talking about Croagunk's typing, you say "With these resistances, Croagunk becomes one..." Add "and immunity" after resistances since the Water-type protection isn't actually a resistance and you proceed to mention Water-types in the same sentence.
  • " the only relevant Pokemon that resist its STAB coverage are other Poison-types, and Ghost-types, which it can hit with Knock Off." This is a grammar thing, but I don't think you need the comma after Poison-types in this sentence.

Set: Special Attacker

  • Pretty good.
  • In the first line you say punch holes, but it's a special attacker, so I think it should be blast holes. Not a big deal, but it was bothering me.
  • Mention Carvanha when talking about Vacuum Wave. Croagunk is immune to its Water-type moves, but is OHKOd by Psychic Fangs, so Vacuum Wave lets Croagunk outspeed and KO if previous damage has been dealt or at +2.
Set Details
  • "A point is also invested into Speed, to allow Croagunk to outpace most defensive foes, specifically RestTalk Mudbray." You don't need the first comma. Also, would it be better to say a point or 36 EVs? I'm not sure what the protocol is here, but just saying a point could be confusing to some people.
Usage Tips
  • When talking about Croagunk's lack of recovery so it is worn down quickly (basically the entire last two sentences in general), mention that this makes it too difficult to set up Nasty Plot later if it is worn down too much.
Team Options
  • 10/10, would read again

Set: Mixed Utility

  • Good that.
  • Thumbs up.
Set Details
  • Yup yup.
Usage Tips
  • Say that Diglett traps and KOs Croagunk.
  • In the last sentence, say that it removes all items (because it weakens the opponent's team my removing their offensive items like Life Orb and Choice Scarf too).
Team Options
  • Mhmm.

Set: Physical Support

  • Very nice.
  • On the second line you have a typo. You said "to to" but you meant "due to."
Set Details
  • Looks good.
Usage Tips
  • "Avoid allowing it to take super effective or powerful neutral hits, as Croagunk's defenses are mediocre even when boosted by Eviolite." I wouldn't say they're mediocre as that implies they're pretty bad. I would say "Croagunk's defenses are only average even when boosted by Eviolite" or something along those lines.
Team Options
  • "This Croagunk set works best on offensive teams that appreciate having a Pokemon with its set of resistances that isn't passive." This sentence is a bit confusing. I'd try rewording the last part because its hard to understand what you mean.
  • "Grimer-Alola and Pawniard both can Pursuit trap the Ghost- and Psychic-types that give Croagunk some trouble, and, and Grimer-Alola forms a Poison-spam core offensively as well." You used and twice in the middle.
  • Give an example of a Water-type, such as Staryu.

Other Options
  • In the last sentence, specifically mention non-Psychic Staryu.

Checks and Counters
  • In the Super Effective Moves section, mention Staryu next to Abra with Psychic-type moves.

I stopped trying to fix the commas and a couple other things because I felt it was turning into a Grammar-Prose check...

Really nicely done, Nineage. I know I didn't list much, but you did really well and Hilomilo and Xayah covered most of everything that needed fixing. Solid work!
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- Don't mention Bullet Punch

Mixed Utility Usage Tips:
- Add something about sometimes preserving Croagunk to help deal with threats like Scraggy/Shellder/etc. w/ Vacuum Wave

Physical Support Usage Tips:
- This is a bit too specific and in a lot of game situations wont hold true, I'd remove. "Thief should not be revealed until Croagunk has lost its item if possible, because if the opponent knows Croagunk has Thief they can switch as Croagunk uses Thief to lock it into a suboptimal item, such as a Life Orb or Choice Scarf."
- Use a better example like BU Timburr, DD Scraggy, CM Spritz, etc. "Be especially wary of opposing Diglett, which can come in after Croagunk secures a KO, trap it, and remove it from the match, allowing a foe such as Mienfoo that is checked by Croagunk to sweep"
- Sucker isn't a 50/50 against Dig, it does like zero dmg

Physical Team Options:
- Explain why you'd use this over the other sets. One big reason is a strong Sucker Punch to help your team against abra and stuff

Other Options:
- Replace Skrelp w/ opposing gunker when talking about eq
- add fightium and poisonium z for np sets

Checks and Counters:
- Skrelp is not a pokemon in SM, I'd replace its mentions with Salandit
- Add being cautious of Shadow Ball for ghosties

Other 1/1. go gp

P Squared

a great unrecorded history
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please make sure to post in the GP queue; we had no idea this was ready for GP!!!

i added this along with many other LC / OU analyses but yeah in the future ty

Croagunk's unique typing and ability give it the ability to compress a variety of roles into a single team slot and serve as a fantastic glue Pokemon for offensive teams. Due to its typing, Croagunk has resistances to the common Fighting- and Dark-types, and due to its Dry Skin ability, it has a pseudo-immunity to the Water-type. (RC); (AC) with these resistances, Croagunk becomes one of the few Pokemon in Little Cup with the ability able to check all of the Pokemon that rely on these types, such as Chinchou, Mienfoo, Timburr, Pawniard, and Carvanha. Croagunk's typing is helpful offensively as well, as the only relevant Pokemon that resist its STAB coverage are other Poison-types, and Ghost-types, (RC) which that it can hit with Knock Off (I'm worried about implying that Poison-types are hit super effectively by Knock Off). Additionally, Croagunk's wide movepool and acceptable all-around base stats allow it to customize its moveset, and thus fit on a wide variety of teams. Access to Knock Off and various forms of priority, including Sucker Punch and Vacuum Wave, further Croagunk's ability to support its teammates. However, Croagunk's typing gives it weaknesses to common Flying- and Ground-type moves, and a susceptibility to being trapped and KOed by Diglett. Additionally, Croagunk's Speed is quite low, which leaves it susceptible to being revenge killed by a large portion of the metagame, though its access to priority somewhat remedies this.

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Vacuum Wave
item: Eviolite / Berry Juice
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Modest
evs: 52 HP / 116 Def / 188 SpA / 116 SpD / 36 Spe


Nasty Plot allows Croagunk to boost its Special Attack and punch holes into opposing teams, and it gets many setup opportunities due to its myriad of resistances. Thief can be used over Nasty Plot, which reduces Croagunk's wallbreaking potential but gives it more utility, as it lets Croagunk remove defensive items from foes after Croagunk takes has taken a Knock Off or has consumed its Berry Juice. Sludge Bomb is Croagunk's primary STAB move, 2HKOing most of the metagame that doesn't resist it after a Nasty Plot boost. It also has a decent chance to poison foes, which can help wear them down to the point where Croagunk can pick them off with Vacuum Wave. Focus Blast is a much more powerful, (RC) but less reliable STAB move which Croagunk can use in situations where it needs to deal more damage, securing a good chance to OHKO Timburr after a Nasty Plot boost. It also has terrific coverage alongside Sludge Bomb. Shadow Ball is an option in the third slot to keep this Croagunk set from being walled by Ghost-types such as Honedge and Gastly, but gives Croagunk worse overall coverage on the metagame as it will lack a powerful Fighting-type STAB. Vacuum Wave gives Croagunk a STAB priority move that it can use to threaten revenge killers which can that take advantage of its low Speed. Most notably, it does significant damage to Diglett, which would otherwise trap and remove Croagunk, though Diglett must have taken some prior damage to be KOed even if Croagunk is at +2.

Set Details

The given EV spread, coupled with a Modest nature, maximize Croagunk's Special Attack, giving it maximum wallbreaking potential. The remaining EVs give Croagunk optimal bulk by giving it Eviolite numbers in both defenses to allow it to take a myriad of hits while setting up, most notably avoiding the 2HKO from Choice Scarf Mienfoo's High Jump Kick if Croagunk has an Eviolite as its item. A point is also invested into Speed, to allow Croagunk to outpace most defensive foes, specifically RestTalk Mudbray. An alternate EV spread of 52 HP / 116 Def / 188 SpA / 36 SpD / 116 Spe is possible to give Croagunk enough Speed to reliably outspeed bulky foes such as Timburr, but does not allow Croagunk to hit Eviolite numbers, which costs it significant bulk. While an Eviolite is generally used to give Croagunk maximum bulk, Berry Juice is also an option for an item, reducing Croagunk's bulk but allowing it to take more hits over the course of the match, and thus more opportunities to set up Nasty Plot. However, as Croagunk frequently is hit by Knock Off early on, Croagunk often appreciates the initial bulk provided by Eviolite more than the HP boost provided by Berry Juice. Dry Skin is Croagunk's most useful ability because it gives it a pseudo-immunity to the Water-type moves, allowing it Croagunk to reliably check many Water-type Pokemon such as Corphish and Mareanie.

Usage Tips

Croagunk should be brought in to check the Pokemon that can't deal significant damage to it, such as Timburr, Mienfoo, Corphish, or Chinchou. After coming in, Croagunk will usually (you mean 'should'?) force an opponent the (only one of them) foe out. Against balanced and bulky offensive teams, it is generally better to either switch Croagunk out or attack early-game, (RC) as; (ASC) if Croagunk sets up it will often be forced out immediately by the foe that comes in. Against slower-paced teams, hyper-offensive teams, and balanced and bulky offense teams that have been worn down significantly, Croagunk can use Nasty Plot to immediately begin punching holes in the opponent's team. Although this Croagunk set can be used as a glue Pokemon, (RC) and switching directly into attacks that threaten its team, keep in mind that the lack of any kind of recovery means that it will get worn down quite easily, so bringing Croagunk in without it taking a hit is ideal when possible. Keep in mind that, even with Eviolite, Croagunk is not especially bulky, so avoid allowing it to take super effective or powerful neutral hits while it is still needed in a match.

Team Options

This Croagunk set works well on teams that appreciate Croagunk's its resistances, (RC) but don't need it Croagunk to check as many things in one slot on a team, (RC) which; (ASC) this gives it more leeway to set up. Entry hazard support is helpful due to the switches Croagunk forces, and helps it to secure it more KOs with Vacuum Wave. Pokemon such as Onix, Dwebble, and Omanyte provide this support well. Pursuit support from the likes of Alolan Grimer-Alola and Pawniard is useful to trap opposing Abra and Ghost-types, which force Croagunk out, and to wear down faster foes to the point where they can be picked off with Vacuum Wave. Ground-types are especially problematic for this set, so teammates that can switch in on Ground-types, most notably Snivy and Pumpkaboo, make good partners. Flying-types, too, can shut this set down, so checks to these Pokemon, such as Onix and Omanyte, fit well alongside Croagunk, and Croagunk can take on the Fighting- and Grass-types that threaten them. Knock Off support is useful to help Croagunk secure more KOs. Mienfoo and Timburr both provide this support well, and both synergize decently offensively with Croagunk too, as they are able to form a Fighting-spam core.

name: Mixed Utility
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Vacuum Wave
move 4: Drain Punch / Sucker Punch
item: Eviolite
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Quiet
evs: 132 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 108 SpA / 116 SpD


Knock Off is a terrific support move which allows Croagunk to pressure switch-ins and support its team by removing its foes' defensive items. Sludge Bomb is Croagunk's most generally useful STAB move, and comes with a nifty poison chance that can help Croagunk it wear down foes. Vacuum Wave allows Croagunk to pick off weakened faster foes, as well as deal with certain threats such as Carvanha and Pawniard without taking any damage. Drain Punch is a secondary STAB that has fantastic coverage alongside Sludge Bomb and gives Croagunk a way to recover its health while dealing damage to Steel-types like Ferroseed that can take a Vacuum Wave. Sucker Punch is an alternative that lets Croagunk heavily damage faster threats that don't mind Vacuum Wave, such as Abra and Gastly, before it can be KOed.

Set Details

The given EV spread, coupled with a Quiet nature, aims to optimize Croagunk's defensive stats, (RC) by giving it Eviolite numbers in both defenses, (RC) while maintaining all-around offensive presence on both sides of the spectrum. An Eviolite further enhances Croagunk's bulk, and pairs well with Drain Punch recovery to give Croagunk longevity. Dry Skin is the optimal ability for this set because it allows Croagunk to take on Water-types such as Carvanha, Corphish, and Mareanie.

Usage Tips

Croagunk should be used as a glue Pokemon, (RC) and; (ASC) it should be brought in against the Pokemon that it checks, such as the Fighting-types, Water-types, and Dark-types that don't carry coverage to beat it, most notably, Mienfoo, Timburr, Corphish, Pawniard, and non-Psychic Staryu variants. Because Croagunk is used as a glue Pokemon, it should not be expected to deal high amounts of damage or repeatedly take powerful hits it doesn't resist. Instead, it should be preserved and switched in and out of battle, recovering HP with Drain Punch as needed, to deal with the threats it needs to check on an opposing team, specifically, the opposing Fighting-, Dark-, and Water-types that its team can't deal with. Opposing setup sweepers such as Scraggy and Shellder fit this bill as well:(RC); (ASC) Croagunk should be preserved while these Pokemon exist on the foe's team so it can revenge kill them with Vacuum Wave. If the opposing team has a Diglett, play cautiously with Croagunk, (RC) as; (ASC) if Diglett is able to get a free switch in against Croagunk it can trap it, potentially leaving your team open to a Pokemon that Croagunk checks. Opposing pivots such as Mienfoo and Chinchou, which Croagunk can check, become more threatening when paired with Diglett, because they can bring Croagunk in and pivot into Diglett, so keep this in mind. Throughout a match, Croagunk will tend to force switches because it checks such a variety of Pokemon. Use these switches, especially early-game, to use Knock Off and weaken the opposing team by removing defensive items.

Team Options

This Croagunk set needs little support to perform its role, and as such should be fit onto teams that need it rather than built around. It fits well onto teams that are weak to a combination of Fighting-, Dark-, or Water-type Pokemon and need a Pokemon that can compress resistances to these types into a team slot. That said, however, Psychic- and Ground-types present Croagunk with a variety of issues, and need to be dealt with by teammates. Pursuit trappers, such as Alolan Grimer-Alola and Pawniard, make good choices as partners to deal with the former, while Grass-types, such as Snivy and Pumpkaboo-XL, make good choices to deal with the latter. Flying-types can easily revenge kill Croagunk as well, making Onix and Omanyte, (RC) which can check such Pokemon, (RC) (redundant) good partners. In terms of the support Croagunk provides, Pokemon that are weak to Fighting, such as Ferroseed, or Poison, such as Snubbull, pair well with Croagunk to form defensive resistance cores. In return, Ferroseed can check Psychic-types and some Ground-types for Croagunk, and Snubbull can take on Pokemon that threaten Croagunk with physical attacks thanks to Intimidate. Offensively, Croagunk forms valuable type spam cores with Scraggy and Mienfoo, as they can wear down and Knock Off each others' checks. Finally, as Croagunk is one of the better Knock Off users in the metagame, setup sweepers that appreciate its Knock Off support make good partners. (RP); (ASC) Bulk Up Timburr, Omanyte, and Shellder, (RC) are all examples of Pokemon with decent synergy with Croagunk, but most setup sweepers in the metagame can take advantage of the Knock Off support that this Croagunk set provides.

name: Physical Support
move 1: Drain Punch
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Knock Off / Thief / Bulk Up
move 4: Sucker Punch / Bulk Up
item: Eviolite
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Adamant
evs: 52 HP / 188 Atk / 116 Def / 116 SpD / 36 Spe


Drain Punch is a reliable STAB move that has the beneficial side effect of providing Croagunk with some recovery, and hits the Dark-types that Croagunk checks, such as Pawniard and Carvanha, for good damage. Gunk Shot provides excellent STAB coverage alongside Drain Punch, and deals much more damage, but is less reliable to due to its miss chance, (RC) and does not provide Croagunk with recovery. Poison Jab can be used over Gunk Shot as a more reliable alternative, (AC) as it has higher accuracy, but the drop in power makes it more difficult for Croagunk to check Fairy-types. The final two moveslots can be customized depending on what support Croagunk needs to provide for its team. Knock Off is an excellent utility move that provides great coverage alongside Croagunk's STAB moves, and removes defensive items from foes to make them easier for Croagunk to deal with. Thief provides the same good coverage and item-removing utility as Knock Off, but requires Croagunk to have been hit by Knock Off to have maximum effect. However, if Croagunk has been hit by Knock Off, Thief can give it a defensive item, helping Croagunk while hurting the foe. Bulk Up can be used to allow Croagunk to abuse the switches it forces to set up, making it simultaneously harder to switch into and more difficult to take out physically. Sucker Punch gives Croagunk a decently powerful form of priority, allowing it to not to be completely helpless (still sounds a little weird, maybe change the wording) against faster revenge killers, especially Abra and Doduo, which can easily OHKO it.

Set Details

The given EV spread maximizes Croagunk's Attack to allow it to hit as hard as possible, while investing enough EVs into both defenses to allow Croagunk to hit Eviolite numbers and thus optimize its bulk. The final EV point is put into Speed to allow Croagunk to outspeed Spritzee and Ferroseed. An Eviolite maximizes Croagunk's bulk, (RC) and pairs well with Drain Punch, allowing Croagunk to take little damage from opposing attacks and heal itself somewhat with Drain Punch. Finally, Dry Skin is Croagunk's optimal ability because it enables it to check Pokemon that rely on Water-type moves because it gives it an immunity to these.

Usage Tips

This Croagunk makes a fantastic glue Pokemon, and should be directly switched into the myriad of Pokemon it checks, including Mienfoo, Timburr, Chinchou, and Cottonee. After being switched in, Croagunk can abuse its wide coverage to pressure the opposing team. Croagunk should be kept healthy as long as it is needed to check foes. (RP); (ASC) avoid allowing it to take super effective or powerful neutral hits, as Croagunk's defenses are mediocre even when boosted by Eviolite. Additionally, Drain Punch should be used as much as possible to keep Croagunk's health up. Be wary of Pokemon such as Ponyta that can burn Croagunk, crippling its effectiveness for a match. Knock Off should be used often if it is run to weaken foes by removing their defensive items, and to put pressure on opposing teams by threatening to remove said items. Because Croagunk has only mediocre Attack and Sucker Punch does not get boosted by STAB, it does not hit particularly hard. For this reason, it should usually be used as a way to pick off weakened, faster, foes, not as a reliable method of dealing damage. Be especially wary of opposing Diglett, which can come in after Croagunk secures a KO, trap it, and remove it from the match, allowing a foe such as Bulk Up Timburr that is checked by Croagunk to sweep. Sucker Punch is not a reliable way of dealing with Diglett, as it frequently runs Substitute, forcing Croagunk into 50/50s, and it Croagunk can only takes out Diglett if it is severely weakened. (GP help my pronouns pls) (a lot of these changes are pronoun changes) If using Bulk Up, Croagunk should use this move on a predicted switch to surprise an incoming foe, (AC) which will become unable to KO it after it has a Defense boost.

Team Options

This Croagunk set works best on offensive teams that appreciate having a Pokemon with its set of resistances that isn't passive, and specifically appreciate a strong Sucker Punch user which that can take on opposing Gastly and Abra. Pokemon that are weak to Fighting, such as Pawniard and Carvanha, appreciate Croagunk's ability to take on the likes of Mienfoo, (RC) and especially Timburr, and thus make good partners. Pokemon weak to Dark-types, such as Pumpkaboo-XL and Gastly, and Pokemon weak to Water-types, such as Mudbray, appreciate the resistances provided by Croagunk as well. Dark-types form a potent core with Croagunk offensively and defensively. Both Alolan Grimer-Alola and Pawniard both can Pursuit trap the Ghost- and Psychic-types that give Croagunk some trouble, (RC) and, and; (ASC) Alolan Grimer-Alola forms a Poison-spam core offensively as well. Vullaby also pairs well with Croagunk, as they share very good defensive synergy, together resisting a large portion of each other's weaknesses. Pokemon that can take out Ground-types also make good teammates, as Croagunk tends to bring these Pokemon in. Snivy and Z-Trick-or-Treat Pumpkaboo-S are especially notable for their ability to use opposing Ground-types as setup bait, but most other Water- and Grass-types fill this role well. Rock-types, such as Onix and Omanyte, pair well with Croagunk because they can check Fire- and Flying-types that can significantly damage it, and they can set up hazards to allow Croagunk to more efficiently wear down opposing teams.

Other Options

A Life Orb set is potentially viable, as its unexpected power can be used as a lure, but the lack of bulk means Croagunk will nearly always be revenged killed very quickly, and the Life Orb will often be revealed due to its tendency to be hit by Knock Off (wouldn't that remove it, rendering Life Orb pointless? also wouldn't it be revealed on the first attack you make?). Both Fightium Z and Poisonium Z are options on the Nasty Plot set to give Croagunk one high-power attack to break through a would-be check, but it costs Croagunk significant defensive capability. Earthquake is an option to hit the likes of opposing Croagunk and Mareanie, which otherwise wall Croagunk, but has mostly redundant coverage with its Fighting-type moves otherwise, and neither of these Pokemon threaten Croagunk much offensively while taking acceptable damage from Knock Off. Croagunk gets several other priority options, such as Bullet Punch and Fake Out, which that can be mixed onto into the above sets, but they tend to be less consistently useful than the above sets. Substitute can be used to give Croagunk free turns against foes such as Ferroseed and Foongus, and can even be paired with Focus Punch to deal more damage than any of Croagunk's other STAB moves. However, running one or both of these moves causes Croagunk to lose valuable coverage. Croagunk gets several alternative Poison STAB moves, such as Sludge Wave and Venoshock. However, the former does not get significantly better rolls than Sludge Bomb and has a much lower Poison chance, and Venoshock should only be used with Toxic Spikes support. Finally, Croagunk can bluff Dry Skin and run Poison Touch as its ability, as the Poison chance can wear down foes. However, this clearly turns Croagunk into a much worse check to opposing Water-types.

Checks and Counters

**Poison-Types**: Poison-types are among the only Pokemon which resist both of Croagunk's STAB types, with the other being Ghost-types, which are weak to Knock Off. This means that Pokemon such as Salandit, Mareanie, and opposing Croagunk, (RC) can all come in on Croagunk and wear it down, though they can't do very much damage due to Croagunk's resistances, except for the odd Hidden Power Psychic Skrelp.

**Ground-Types**: Ground-types, such as Mudbray and Hippopotas, don't take significant damage from Croagunk's moves and can easily KO it with their STAB moves. Additionally, Diglett, although it can't switch in, can trap and remove Croagunk thanks to Arena Trap.

**Ghost-Types**: Although Croagunk generally carries Knock Off or Thief to hit Ghost-types, the Nasty Plot set has no such coverage, which means that Ghost-types such as Gastly and Pumpkaboo-XL check it well. Additionally, Honedge, though uncommon, walls the Nasty Plot set completely. The rare Shadow Ball on the Nasty Plot set can hit all of these Pokemon, however.

**Super Effective Attacks**: Due to Croagunk's low natural bulk, it is prone to being KOed by most super effective attacks. Flying-type attacks from the likes of Vullaby and Doduo, Psychic-type attacks from Abra, and Fire-type attacks, which Croagunk has a pseudo-weakness to due to Dry Skin, are all problematic.
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sorry for taking kinda long
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Croagunk's unique typing and ability give it the ability to compress a variety of roles into a single team slot and serve as a fantastic glue Pokemon for offensive teams. Due to its typing, Croagunk has resistances to the common Fighting- and Dark-types Dark-type moves, and due to its Dry Skin ability, it has a pseudo-immunity to the Water-type. With these resistances, Croagunk becomes one of the few Pokemon in Little Cup with the ability able to check all of the Pokemon that rely on these types, such as Chinchou, Mienfoo, Timburr, Pawniard, and Carvanha. Croagunk's typing is helpful offensively as well, as the only relevant Pokemon that resist its STAB coverage are Ghost-types, which it can hit with Knock Off, and other Poison-types, and Ghost-types, which it can hit with Knock Off (otherwise this kinda sounds unclear whether you're talking about ghost-types or ghost- and poison-types). Additionally, Croagunk's wide movepool and acceptable all-around base stats allow it to customize its moveset, and thus fit on a wide variety of teams. Access to Knock Off and various forms of priority, including Sucker Punch and Vacuum Wave, further improve Croagunk's ability to support its teammates. However, Croagunk's typing gives it weaknesses to the common Flying- and Ground-type moves, (RC) and a susceptibility to being trapped and KOed by Diglett. Additionally, Croagunk's Speed is quite low, which leaves it susceptible to being revenge killed by a large portion of the metagame, though its access to priority somewhat remedies this.

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Vacuum Wave
item: Eviolite / Berry Juice
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Modest
evs: 52 HP / 116 Def / 188 SpA / 116 SpD / 36 Spe


Nasty Plot allows Croagunk to boost its Special Attack and punch holes into opposing teams, and it gets many setup opportunities due to its myriad of resistances. Thief can be used over Nasty Plot, which reduces Croagunk's wallbreaking potential but gives it more utility, as it lets Croagunk remove defensive items from foes after Croagunk takes a Knock Off or has consumed its Berry Juice. Sludge Bomb is Croagunk's primary STAB move, 2HKOing most of the Pokemon in the metagame that doesn't don't resist it after a Nasty Plot boost. It also has a decent chance to Poison poison foes, which can help wear them down to the point where Croagunk can pick them off with Vacuum Wave. Focus Blast is a much more powerful, but less reliable STAB move, (AC) which Croagunk can use in situations where it needs to deal more damage, securing a good chance to OHKO Timburr after a Nasty Plot boost. It also has terrific coverage alongside Sludge Bomb. Shadow Ball is an option in the third slot to keep this Croagunk set from being walled by Ghost-types such as Honedge and Gastly, but it gives Croagunk worse overall coverage, (AC) on the metagame as it will lack then lacks a powerful Fighting-type STAB move. Vacuum Wave gives Croagunk a STAB priority move that it can use to threaten revenge killers which that can take advantage of its low Speed. Most notably, it does significant damage to Diglett, which would otherwise trap and remove Croagunk, though Diglett must have taken some prior damage to be KOed even if Croagunk is at +2.

Set Details

The given EV spread, (RC) coupled with a Modest nature, maximize maximizes Croagunk's Special Attack, giving it maximum wallbreaking potential. The remaining EVs give Croagunk optimal bulk by giving it Eviolite numbers (eviolite numbers is a technical term which we generally try to avoid using in analyses - instead you should rephrase this to explain what exactly this means) in both defenses to allow it to take a myriad of hits while setting up, most notably avoiding the 2HKO from Choice Scarf Mienfoo's High Jump Kick if Croagunk has an Eviolite as its item with an Eviolite. A point is also invested into Speed, to allow Croagunk to outpace most defensive foes, specifically RestTalk Mudbray. An alternate EV spread of 52 HP / 116 Def / 188 SpA / 36 SpD / 116 Spe is possible can be used to give Croagunk enough Speed to reliably outspeed bulky foes such as Timburr, but it does not allow Croagunk to hit Eviolite numbers (again, same thing as above), which costs it significant bulk. While an Eviolite is generally used to give Croagunk maximum bulk, Berry Juice is also an option for an item, reducing Croagunk's bulk but allowing it to take more hits over the course of the match, and thus giving it more opportunities to set up Nasty Plot. However, as Croagunk frequently is hit by Knock Off early on early-game, Croagunk it often appreciates the initial bulk provided by Eviolite more than the HP boost provided by Berry Juice. Dry Skin is Croagunk's most useful ability because it gives it a pseudo-immunity to the Water-type moves, allowing it to reliably check many Water-type Pokemon such as Corphish and Mareanie.

Usage Tips

Croagunk should be brought in to check the Pokemon that can't deal significant damage to it, such as Timburr, Mienfoo, Corphish, or and Chinchou. After coming in, Croagunk will usually force an opponent a foe out. Against balanced and bulky offensive teams, it is generally better to either switch Croagunk out or attack early-game, as if Croagunk sets up it will often be forced out immediately by the foe that comes in. Against slower-paced teams, hyper-offensive teams, and balanced and bulky offense teams that have been worn down significantly, Croagunk can use Nasty Plot to immediately (you use "teams that have been worn down significantly" so it's not really immediate) begin punching holes in the opponent's team. Although this Croagunk set can be used as a glue Pokemon, switching directly and switch directly into attacks that threaten its team, keep in mind that the lack of any kind of recovery means that it will get worn down quite easily, so bringing Croagunk in without it taking a hit is ideal when possible. Keep in mind that, (RC) even with Eviolite, Croagunk is not especially bulky, so avoid allowing it to take super effective or powerful neutral hits while it is still needed in a match.

Team Options

This Croagunk set works well on teams that appreciate Croagunk's its resistances, but don't need it to check as many things (as many things as what? if you're referring to another set, remove this, as cross-set referencing isnt allowed) in one slot on a team, which gives it more leeway to set up. Entry hazard support from Pokemon such as Onix, Dwebble, and Omanyte is helpful due to the switches Croagunk forces, (RC) and to secure it more KOs with Vacuum Wave. Pokemon such as Onix, Dwebble, and Omanyte provide this support well. Pursuit support from the likes of Grimer-Alola Alolan Grimer and Pawniard is useful to trap opposing Abra and Ghost-types, which force Croagunk out, and to wear down faster foes to the point where they can be picked off with Vacuum Wave. Ground-types are especially problematic for this set, so teammates that can switch in on Ground-types, most notably Snivy and Pumpkaboo, make good partners. Flying-types, too, can also shut this set down, so checks to these Pokemon, such as Onix and Omanyte, fit well alongside Croagunk, and Croagunk can take on the Fighting- and Grass-types that threaten them. Knock Off support is useful to help Croagunk secure more KOs. Mienfoo and Timburr both provide this support well, (RC) and both synergize decently offensively with Croagunk too, as they are able to form a Fighting-spam Fighting-type spam core.

name: Mixed Utility
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Vacuum Wave
move 4: Drain Punch / Sucker Punch
item: Eviolite
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Quiet
evs: 132 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 108 SpA / 116 SpD


Knock Off is a terrific support move which that allows Croagunk to pressure switch-ins and support its team by removing its foes' defensive items. Sludge Bomb is generally Croagunk's most generally (sounds less awkward) useful STAB move, (RC) and comes with a nifty poison chance that can help Croagunk wear down foes. Vacuum Wave allows Croagunk to pick off weakened faster foes, as well as deal with certain threats such as Carvanha and Pawniard without taking any damage. Drain Punch is a secondary STAB move that has fantastic coverage alongside Sludge Bomb and gives Croagunk a way to recover its health while dealing damage to Steel-types that can take a Vacuum Wave like Ferroseed that can take a Vacuum Wave. Sucker Punch is an alternative that lets Croagunk heavily damage faster threats that don't mind Vacuum Wave, such as Abra and Gastly, before it can be KOed.

Set Details

The given EV spread, (RC) coupled with a Quiet nature, (RC) aims to optimize Croagunk's defensive stats, by giving it Eviolite numbers in both defenses, (RC) while maintaining offensive presence on both sides of the spectrum. An Eviolite further enhances Croagunk's bulk, (RC) and pairs well with Drain Punch recovery to give Croagunk longevity. Dry Skin is the optimal ability for this set because it allows Croagunk to take on Water-types such as Carvanha, Corphish, and Mareanie.

Usage Tips

Croagunk should be used as a glue Pokemon, (RC) and brought in against the Pokemon that it checks, such as the Fighting-types, Water-types, and Dark-types that don't carry coverage to beat it, most notably, (RC) Mienfoo, Timburr, Corphish, Pawniard, and non-Psychic Staryu variants. Because Croagunk is used as a glue Pokemon, it should not be expected to deal high amounts of damage or repeatedly take powerful hits it doesn't resist. Instead, it should be preserved and switched in and out of battle, recovering HP with Drain Punch as needed, to deal with the threats it needs to check on an opposing team, (RC); (ASC) specifically, it should be kept around for the opposing Fighting-, Dark-, and Water-types that its team can't deal with. Opposing setup sweepers such as Scraggy and Shellder fit this bill as well: Croagunk should be preserved while these Pokemon exist on the foe's team so it can revenge kill them with Vacuum Wave. If the opposing team has a Diglett, play cautiously with Croagunk, as if Diglett is able to get a free switch in against Croagunk it can trap it, potentially leaving your team open to a Pokemon that Croagunk checks. Opposing pivots such as Mienfoo and Chinchou, which Croagunk can check, become more threatening when paired with Diglett, (RC) because they can bring Croagunk in and pivot into Diglett, so keep this in mind. Throughout a match, Croagunk will tend tends to force switches because it checks such a variety of Pokemon. Use these switches, especially early-game, to use Knock Off and weaken the opposing team by removing defensive items.

Team Options

This Croagunk set needs little support to perform its role, and, (AC) as such, it should be fit onto teams that need it rather than built around. It fits well onto teams that are weak to a combination of Fighting-, Dark-, or Water-type Pokemon and need a Pokemon that can compress resistances to these types into a team slot teamslot. That said, however, Psychic- and Ground-types present Croagunk with a variety of issues, (RC) and need to be dealt with by teammates. Pursuit trappers, such as Grimer-Alola Alolan Grimer and Pawniard, make good choices as partners to deal with the former, while Grass-types, such as Snivy and Pumpkaboo-XL, make good choices to deal with the latter. Flying-types can easily revenge kill Croagunk as well, making checks to them such as Onix and Omanyte, which can check such Pokemon, good partners. In terms of the support Croagunk provides, Pokemon that are weak to Fighting, such as Ferroseed, or Poison, such as Snubbull, pair well with Croagunk to form defensive resistance cores (what is "defensive resistance cores" supposed to mean?). In return, Ferroseed can check Psychic-types and some Ground-types for Croagunk, and Snubbull can take on Pokemon that threaten Croagunk with physical attacks (such as...?) thanks to Intimidate. Offensively, Croagunk forms valuable type spam cores with Scraggy and Mienfoo, as they can wear down and use Knock Off on each others other's checks. Finally, as Croagunk is one of the better Knock Off users in the metagame, setup sweepers that appreciate its Knock Off support make good partners. Bulk Up Timburr, Omanyte, and Shellder, (RC) are all examples of Pokemon with decent synergy with Croagunk, but most setup sweepers in the metagame can take advantage of the Knock Off support that this Croagunk set provides.

name: Physical Support
move 1: Drain Punch
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Knock Off / Thief / Bulk Up
move 4: Sucker Punch / Bulk Up
item: Eviolite
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Adamant
evs: 52 HP / 188 Atk / 116 Def / 116 SpD / 36 Spe


Drain Punch is a reliable STAB move that has the beneficial side effect of providing Croagunk with some recovery, (RC) and hits the Dark-types that Croagunk checks, such as Pawniard and Carvanha, for good damage. Gunk Shot provides excellent STAB coverage alongside Drain Punch, (RC) and deals much more damage, but is less reliable to due to its miss chance, (RC) and does not provide Croagunk with recovery. Poison Jab can be used over Gunk Shot as a more reliable alternative, (AC) as it has higher accuracy, but the drop in power makes it more difficult for Croagunk to check Fairy-types. The final two moveslots can be customized depending on what support Croagunk needs to provide for its team. Knock Off is an excellent utility move that provides great coverage alongside Croagunk's STAB moves, (RC) and removes defensive items from foes to make them easier for Croagunk to deal with. Thief provides the same good coverage and item-removing utility in removing items as Knock Off, but requires Croagunk to have been hit by Knock Off to have maximum effect. However, if Croagunk has been hit by Knock Off, Thief can give it a defensive item, helping Croagunk while hurting the foe. Bulk Up can be used to allow Croagunk to abuse take advantage of the switches it forces to set up, making it simultaneously harder to switch into and more difficult to take out physically. Sucker Punch gives Croagunk a decently powerful form of priority, allowing it not to not be completely helpless against faster revenge killers, especially Abra and Doduo, which can easily OHKO it.

Set Details

The given EV spread maximizes Croagunk's Attack to allow it to hit as hard as possible, (RC) while investing enough EVs into both defenses to allow Croagunk to hit Eviolite numbers (see my previous comment about eviolite numbers) and thus optimize its bulk. The final EV point is EV points are put into Speed to allow Croagunk to outspeed Spritzee and Ferroseed. An Eviolite maximizes Croagunk's bulk, (RC) and pairs well with Drain Punch, allowing Croagunk to take little damage from opposing attacks and heal itself somewhat with Drain Punch. Finally, Dry Skin is Croagunk's optimal ability because it enables it to check Pokemon that rely on Water-type moves because it gives it an immunity a pseudo-immunity to these those moves.

Usage Tips

This Croagunk makes for a fantastic glue Pokemon, (RC) and should be directly switched into the myriad of Pokemon it checks, including Mienfoo, Timburr, Chinchou, and Cottonee. After being switched in, Croagunk can abuse take advantage of its wide coverage to pressure the opposing team. Croagunk should be kept healthy as long as it is needed to check foes. Avoid allowing it to take super effective or powerful neutral hits, as Croagunk's defenses are mediocre even when boosted by Eviolite. Additionally, Drain Punch should be used as much as possible to keep Croagunk's health up. Be wary of Pokemon such as Ponyta that can burn Croagunk, crippling its effectiveness for a match. Knock Off should be used often if it is run (you dont need to mention this, the reader should automatically assume you cant use it if it's not run) to weaken foes by removing their defensive items, (RC) and to put pressure on opposing teams by threatening to remove said items. Because Croagunk has only mediocre Attack and Sucker Punch does not get boosted by STAB, it does not hit particularly hard. For this reason, it should usually be used as a way to pick off weakened, (RC) and faster, (RC) foes, not as a reliable method of dealing damage. Be especially wary of opposing Diglett, which can come in after Croagunk secures a KO, trap it, and remove it from the match, allowing a foe such as Bulk Up Timburr that is checked by Croagunk to sweep. Sucker Punch is not a reliable way of dealing with Diglett, as it frequently runs Substitute, forcing Croagunk into 50/50s, and it only takes out Diglett if it is severely weakened. (GP help my pronouns pls) If using Bulk Up, Croagunk should use this move Bulk Up on a predicted switch to surprise an incoming foe which that (unless all incoming foes are unable to KO croagunk after a defense boost) will become unable to KO it after it has a Defense boost.

Team Options

This Croagunk set works best on offensive teams that appreciate having a Pokemon with its set of resistances that isn't passive, (RC) and specifically appreciate a strong Sucker Punch user which that can take on opposing Gastly and Abra. Pokemon that are weak to Fighting, such as Pawniard and Carvanha, appreciate Croagunk's ability to take on the likes of Mienfoo, (RC) and especially Timburr, and thus make good partners. Pokemon weak to Dark-types, such as Pumpkaboo-XL and Gastly, and Pokemon weak to Water-types, such as Mudbray, appreciate the resistances provided by Croagunk as well. Dark-types form a potent core with Croagunk offensively and defensively. Grimer-Alola Alolan Grimer and Pawniard both can Pursuit trap the Ghost- and Psychic-types that give Croagunk some trouble, and, and Grimer-Alola Alolan Grimer forms a Poison-spam Poison-type spam core offensively as well. Vullaby also pairs well with Croagunk, as they share very good defensive synergy, together resisting a large portion of each other's weaknesses. Pokemon that can take out Ground-types also make good teammates, as Croagunk tends to bring these Pokemon in. Snivy and Z-Trick-or-Treat Pumpkaboo-S are especially notable for their ability to use opposing Ground-types as setup bait, but most other Water- and Grass-types also fill this role well. Rock-types, (RC) such as Onix and Omanyte, (RC) pair well with Croagunk because they can check Fire- and Flying-types that can significantly damage it, and they can set up hazards to allow Croagunk to more efficiently wear down opposing teams.

Other Options

A Life Orb set is potentially viable (it's either viable or it isnt, saying potentially makes you seem uncertain), as its unexpected power can be used as a lure, but the lack of bulk means Croagunk will nearly always be revenged killed very quickly, and the Life Orb will often be revealed due to its Croagunk's tendency to be hit by Knock Off. Both Fightium and Poisonium Fightinium Z and Poisonium Z are options on the Nasty Plot set to give Croagunk one high-power attack to break through a would-be check, but it costs Croagunk significant defensive capability capabilities. Earthquake is an option to hit the likes of opposing Croagunk and Mareanie, which otherwise wall Croagunk, but has mostly redundant coverage with its Fighting-type moves otherwise, and neither of these Pokemon threaten Croagunk much offensively while taking acceptable damage from Knock Off. Croagunk gets several other priority options, such as Bullet Punch and Fake Out, which can be mixed onto the above sets, but they tend to be less consistently useful than the above sets. Substitute can be used to give Croagunk free turns against foes such as Ferroseed and Foongus, and can even be paired with Focus Punch to deal more damage than any of Croagunk's other STAB moves. However, running one or both of these moves causes Croagunk to lose valuable coverage. Croagunk gets several alternative Poison Poison-type STAB moves, such as Sludge Wave and Venoshock. However, the former does not get significantly better rolls than Sludge Bomb and has a much lower Poison poison chance, and Venoshock should only be used with Toxic Spikes support. Finally, Croagunk can bluff Dry Skin and run Poison Touch as its ability, as the Poison poison chance can wear down foes. However, this clearly turns Croagunk into a much worse check to opposing Water-types.

Checks and Counters

**Poison-Types Poison-types**: Poison-types are among the only Pokemon which that resist both of Croagunk's STAB types, with the other being Ghost-types, which are weak to Knock Off. This means that Pokemon such as Salandit, Mareanie, and opposing Croagunk, (RC) can all come in on Croagunk and wear it down, though they can't do very much damage due to Croagunk's resistances, except for the odd Hidden Power Psychic Skrelp.

**Ground-Types Ground-types**: Ground-types, such as Mudbray and Hippopotas, don't take significant damage from Croagunk's moves and can easily KO it with their STAB attacks. Additionally, Diglett, although it can't switch in, can trap and remove Croagunk thanks to Arena Trap.

**Ghost-Types Ghost-types**: Although Croagunk generally carries Knock Off or Thief to hit Ghost-types, the Nasty Plot set has no such coverage, which means that Ghost-types such as Gastly and Pumpkaboo-XL check it well. Additionally, Honedge, though uncommon, walls the Nasty Plot set completely. The rare Shadow Ball on the Nasty Plot set can hit all of these Pokemon, however.

**Super Effective Attacks**: Due to Croagunk's low natural bulk, it is prone to being KOed by most super effective attacks. Flying-type attacks from the likes of Vullaby and Doduo, Psychic-type attacks from Abra, and Fire-type attacks, which Croagunk has a pseudo-weakness to due to Dry Skin, are all problematic.

GP 1/2
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Croagunk's unique typing and ability give it the ability to let it (repetition of ability)compress a variety of roles into a single team slot and serve as a fantastic glue Pokemon for offensive teams. Due to its typing, Croagunk has resistances to the common Fighting- and Dark-type moves, and due to its Dry Skin ability, it has a pseudo-immunity to the Water-type. With these resistances, Croagunk becomes one of the few Pokemon in Little Cup with the ability to check all of the Pokemon that rely on these types, such as Chinchou, Mienfoo, Timburr, Pawniard, and Carvanha. Croagunk's typing is helpful offensively as well, as the only relevant Pokemon that resist its STAB coverage are Ghost-types, which it can hit with Knock Off, and other Poison-types. Additionally, Croagunk's wide movepool and acceptable all-around base stats allow it to customize its moveset (RC) and thus fit on a wide variety of teams. Access to Knock Off and various forms of priority, including Sucker Punch and Vacuum Wave, further improve Croagunk's ability to support its teammates. However, Croagunk's typing gives it weaknesses to the common Flying- and Ground-type moves and a susceptibility to being trapped and KOed by Diglett. Additionally, Croagunk's Speed is quite low, which leaves it susceptible to being revenge killed by a large portion of the metagame, though its access to priority somewhat remedies this.

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Vacuum Wave
item: Eviolite / Berry Juice
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Modest
evs: 52 HP / 116 Def / 188 SpA / 116 SpD / 36 Spe


Nasty Plot allows Croagunk to boost its Special Attack and punch holes into opposing teams, and it gets many setup opportunities due to its myriad of resistances. Thief can be used over Nasty Plot, which reduces Croagunk's wallbreaking potential but gives it more utility, as it lets Croagunk remove defensive items from foes after Croagunk takes a Knock Off or has consumed its Berry Juice. Sludge Bomb is Croagunk's primary STAB move, 2HKOing most of the Pokemon in the metagame that don't resist it after a Nasty Plot boost. It also has a decent chance to poison foes, which can help wear them down to the point where Croagunk can pick them off with Vacuum Wave. Focus Blast is a much more powerful (RC) but less reliable STAB move, which Croagunk can use in situations where it needs to deal more damage, securing a good chance to OHKO Timburr after a Nasty Plot boost. It also has terrific coverage alongside Sludge Bomb. Shadow Ball is an option in the third slot to keep this Croagunk set from being walled by Ghost-types such as Honedge and Gastly, but it gives Croagunk worse overall coverage, as it then lacks a powerful Fighting-type STAB move. Vacuum Wave gives Croagunk a STAB priority move that it can use to threaten revenge killers that can take advantage of its low Speed. Most notably, it does significant damage to Diglett, which would otherwise trap and remove Croagunk, though Diglett must have taken some prior damage to be KOed even if Croagunk is at +2.

Set Details

The given EV spread coupled with a Modest nature maximizes Croagunk's Special Attack, giving it maximum wallbreaking potential. The remaining EVs give Croagunk optimal bulk alongside Eviolite by giving it even-numbered stats in both defenses, which allow it to take a myriad of hits while setting up, most notably avoiding the 2HKO from Choice Scarf Mienfoo's High Jump Kick with an Eviolite. A point is also invested into Speed, to allow Croagunk to outpace most defensive foes, specifically RestTalk Mudbray. An alternate EV spread of 52 HP / 116 Def / 188 SpA / 36 SpD / 116 Spe can be used to give Croagunk enough Speed to reliably outspeed bulky foes such as Timburr, but it does not allow Croagunk to hit even-numbered defenses, which costs it significant bulk. While an Eviolite is generally used to give Croagunk maximum bulk, Berry Juice is also an option for an item, reducing Croagunk's bulk but allowing it to take more hits over the course of the match, and thus giving it more opportunities to set up Nasty Plot. However, as Croagunk frequently is hit by Knock Off early-game, it often appreciates the initial bulk provided by Eviolite more than the HP boost provided by Berry Juice. Dry Skin is Croagunk's most useful ability because it gives it a pseudo-immunity to Water-type moves, allowing it to reliably check many Water-type Pokemon such as Corphish and Mareanie.

Usage Tips

Croagunk should be brought in to check Pokemon that can't deal significant damage to it, such as Timburr, Mienfoo, Corphish, and Chinchou. After coming in, Croagunk will usually force a foe out. Against balanced and bulky offensive teams, it is generally better to either switch Croagunk out or attack early-game, as if Croagunk sets up, (AC) it will often be forced out immediately by the foe that comes in. Against slower-paced teams, hyper offensive (RH) teams, and balanced and bulky offense teams that have been worn down significantly, Croagunk can use Nasty Plot to begin punching holes in the opponent's team. Although this Croagunk set can be used as a glue Pokemon and switch directly into attacks that threaten its team, keep in mind that the lack of any kind of recovery means that it will get worn down quite easily, so bringing Croagunk in without it taking a hit is ideal when possible. Keep in mind that even with Eviolite, Croagunk is not especially bulky, so avoid allowing it to take super effective or powerful neutral hits while it is still needed in a match.

Team Options

This Croagunk set works well on teams that appreciate its resistances (RC) but don't rely on it as the sole check to all of the Pokemon it can check, which gives it more leeway to set up. Entry hazard support from Pokemon such as Onix, Dwebble, and Omanyte is helpful due to the switches Croagunk forces and allows it to secure it more KOs with Vacuum Wave. Pursuit support from the likes of Alolan Grimer and Pawniard is useful to trap Abra and Ghost-types, which force Croagunk out, and to wear down faster foes to the point where they can be picked off with Vacuum Wave. Ground-types are especially problematic for this set, so teammates that can switch in on Ground-types, most notably Snivy and Pumpkaboo, make good partners. Flying-types can also shut this set down, so checks to these Pokemon, such as Onix and Omanyte, fit well alongside Croagunk, and Croagunk can take on the Fighting- and Grass-types that threaten them. Knock Off support is useful to help Croagunk secure more KOs. Mienfoo and Timburr both provide this support well and synergize decently offensively with Croagunk too, as they are able to form an offensive Fighting-type spam core.

name: Mixed Utility
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Vacuum Wave
move 4: Drain Punch / Sucker Punch
item: Eviolite
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Quiet
evs: 132 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 108 SpA / 116 SpD


Knock Off is a terrific support move that allows Croagunk to pressure switch-ins and support its team by removing its foes' defensive items. Sludge Bomb is generally Croagunk's most useful STAB move and comes with a nifty poison chance that can help Croagunk wear down foes. Vacuum Wave allows Croagunk to pick off weakened faster foes, as well as deal with certain threats such as Carvanha and Pawniard without taking any damage. Drain Punch is a secondary STAB move that has fantastic coverage alongside Sludge Bomb and gives Croagunk a way to recover its health while dealing damage to Steel-types that can take a Vacuum Wave like Ferroseed. Sucker Punch is an alternative that lets Croagunk heavily damage faster threats that don't mind Vacuum Wave, such as Abra and Gastly, before it can be KOed.

Set Details

The given EV spread coupled with a Quiet nature aims to optimize Croagunk's defensive stats (RC) by giving it Eviolite even numbers in both defenses to maximize the Eviolite boost while maintaining offensive presence on both sides of the spectrum. An Eviolite further enhances Croagunk's bulk and pairs well with Drain Punch to give Croagunk longevity. Dry Skin is the optimal ability for this set because it allows Croagunk to take on Water-types such as Carvanha, Corphish, and Mareanie.

Usage Tips

Croagunk should be used as a glue Pokemon and brought in against the Pokemon that it checks, such as Fighting-types, Water-types, and Dark-types that don't carry coverage to beat it, most notably Mienfoo, Timburr, Corphish, Pawniard, and non-Psychic Staryu variants. Because Croagunk is used as a glue Pokemon, it should not be expected to deal high amounts of damage or repeatedly take powerful hits it doesn't resist. Instead, it should be preserved and switched in and out of battle, recovering HP with Drain Punch as needed, to deal with the threats it needs to check on an opposing team; specifically, it should be kept around for Fighting-, Dark-, and Water-types that its team can't deal with. Opposing setup sweepers such as Scraggy and Shellder fit this bill as well: Croagunk should be preserved while these Pokemon exist on the foe's team so it can revenge kill them with Vacuum Wave. If the opposing team has a Diglett, play cautiously with Croagunk, as if Diglett is able to get a free switch in against Croagunk it can trap it, to prevent it from getting trapped, potentially leaving your team open to a Pokemon that Croagunk checks. Opposing pivots such as Mienfoo and Chinchou, which Croagunk can check, become more threatening when paired with Diglett because they can bring Croagunk in and pivot into Diglett, so keep this in mind. Throughout a match, Croagunk tends to force switches because it checks such a variety of Pokemon. Use these switches, especially early-game, to use Knock Off and weaken the opposing team by removing defensive items.

Team Options

This Croagunk set needs little support to perform its role, (AC) and, as such, so it should be fit onto teams that need it rather than built around. It fits well onto teams that are weak to Fighting-, Dark-, or Water-type Pokemon and need a Pokemon that can compress resistances to these types into a teamslot. That said, Psychic- and Ground-types present Croagunk with a variety of issues and need to be dealt with by teammates. Pursuit trappers, such as Alolan Grimer and Pawniard, make good choices as partners to deal with the former, while Grass-types, such as Snivy and Pumpkaboo-XL, make good choices to deal with the latter. Flying-types can easily revenge kill Croagunk as well, making checks to them such as Onix and Omanyte good partners. In terms of the support Croagunk provides, Pokemon that are weak to Fighting, such as Ferroseed, or Poison, such as Snubbull, pair well with Croagunk defensively. In return, Ferroseed can check Psychic-types and some Ground-types for Croagunk, and Snubbull can take on Pokemon that threaten Croagunk with physical attacks thanks to Intimidate. Offensively, Croagunk forms valuable Fighting-type spam cores with Scraggy and Mienfoo, as they can wear down and use Knock Off on each other's checks. Finally, as Croagunk is one of the better Knock Off users in the metagame, setup sweepers that appreciate its Knock Off support make good partners. Bulk Up Timburr, Omanyte, and Shellder are all examples of Pokemon with decent synergy with Croagunk, but most setup sweepers in the metagame can take advantage of the Knock Off support that this Croagunk set provides.

name: Physical Support
move 1: Drain Punch
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Knock Off / Thief / Bulk Up
move 4: Sucker Punch / Bulk Up
item: Eviolite
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Adamant
evs: 52 HP / 188 Atk / 116 Def / 116 SpD / 36 Spe


Drain Punch is a reliable STAB move that has the beneficial side effect of providing Croagunk with some recovery and hits the Dark-types that Croagunk checks, such as Pawniard and Carvanha, for good damage. Gunk Shot provides excellent STAB coverage alongside Drain Punch (RC) and deals much more damage, but it is less reliable due to its miss chance and does not provide Croagunk with recovery. Poison Jab can be used over Gunk Shot as a more reliable alternative, as it has higher accuracy, but the drop in power makes it more difficult for Croagunk to check Fairy-types. The final two moveslots can be customized depending on what support Croagunk needs to provide for its team. Knock Off is an excellent utility move that provides great coverage alongside Croagunk's STAB moves and removes defensive items from foes to make them easier for Croagunk to deal with. Thief provides the same good coverage and utility in removing items as Knock Off, potentially giving Croagunk a defensive item and helping it while hurting the foe, but it requires Croagunk to have been hit by Knock Off to have maximum effect. However, if Croagunk has been hit by Knock Off, Thief can give it a defensive item, helping Croagunk while hurting the foe. Bulk Up can be used to allow Croagunk to take advantage of the switches it forces to set up, making it simultaneously harder to switch into and more difficult to take out physically. Sucker Punch gives Croagunk a decently powerful form of priority, allowing it to not be completely helpless against faster revenge killers, especially Abra and Doduo, which can easily OHKO it.

Set Details

The given EV spread maximizes Croagunk's Attack to allow it to hit as hard as possible while investing enough EVs into both defenses to optimize Croagunk's bulk in conjunction with Eviolite. The final EV points are put into Speed to allow Croagunk to outspeed Spritzee and Ferroseed. An Eviolite maximizes Croagunk's bulk and pairs well with Drain Punch, allowing Croagunk to take little damage from opposing attacks and heal itself somewhat with Drain Punch. Finally, Dry Skin is Croagunk's optimal best ability because it enables it to check Pokemon that rely on Water-type moves because it gives it a pseudo-immunity to those moves.

Usage Tips

This Croagunk makes for a fantastic glue Pokemon and should be directly switched into the myriad of Pokemon it checks, including Mienfoo, Timburr, Chinchou, and Cottonee. After being switched in, Croagunk can take advantage of its wide coverage to pressure the opposing team. Croagunk should be kept healthy as long as it is needed to check foes. Avoid allowing it to take super effective or powerful neutral hits, as Croagunk's defenses are mediocre even when boosted by Eviolite. Additionally, Drain Punch should be used as much as possible to keep Croagunk's health up. Be wary of Pokemon such as Ponyta that can burn Croagunk, crippling drastically lowering its effectiveness for a match. Knock Off should be used often to weaken foes by removing their defensive items and to put pressure on opposing teams by threatening to remove said items. Because Croagunk has only mediocre Attack and Sucker Punch does not get boosted by STAB, it (Croagunk or Sucker Punch?) does not hit particularly hard. For this reason, it (ok Sucker Punch I guess, but yeah) should usually be used as a way to pick off weakened and faster foes, not as a reliable method of dealing damage. Be especially wary of opposing Diglett, which can come in after Croagunk secures a KO, trap it, and remove it from the match, allowing a foe that Croagunk checks such as Bulk Up Timburr that is checked by Croagunk to sweep. Sucker Punch is not a reliable way of dealing with Diglett, as it frequently runs Substitute, forcing Croagunk into 50/50s mind games, and it only takes out Diglett if it is severely weakened. Croagunk should use Bulk Up on a predicted switch to surprise an incoming foe that will become unable to KO it after it has a Defense boost.

Team Options

This Croagunk set works best on offensive teams that appreciate having can make use of a non-passive Pokemon with its set of resistances that isn't passive and specifically appreciate a strong Sucker Punch user that can take on opposing Gastly and Abra. Pokemon that are weak to Fighting, such as Pawniard and Carvanha, appreciate Croagunk's ability to take on the likes of Mienfoo and especially Timburr, and thus make good partners. Pokemon weak to Dark-types, such as Pumpkaboo-XL and Gastly, and Pokemon weak to Water-types, such as Mudbray, appreciate can make good use the resistances provided by Croagunk as well. Dark-types form a potent core with Croagunk offensively and defensively. Alolan Grimer and Pawniard both can Pursuit trap the Ghost- and Psychic-types that give Croagunk some trouble, (AC) and Alolan Grimer forms a Poison-type spam core offensively as well. Vullaby also pairs well with Croagunk, as they share very good defensive synergy, together resisting a large portion of each other's weaknesses. Pokemon that can take out Ground-types also make good teammates, as Croagunk tends to bring these Pokemon in. Snivy and Z-Trick-or-Treat Pumpkaboo-S are especially notable for their ability to use opposing Ground-types as setup bait, but most other Water- and Grass-types also fill this role well. Rock-types such as Onix and Omanyte pair well with Croagunk because they can check Fire- and Flying-types that can significantly damage it, and they can set up entry hazards to allow Croagunk to more efficiently wear down opposing teams.

Other Options

A Life Orb set is somewhat viable, as its unexpected power can be used as a lure, but the lack of bulk means Croagunk will nearly always be revenged killed very quickly, and the Life Orb will often be revealed due to Croagunk's tendency to be hit by Knock Off. Both Fightinium Z and Poisonium Z are options on the Nasty Plot set to give Croagunk one high-power attack to break through a would-be check, but it costs Croagunk significant defensive capabilities. Earthquake is an option to hit the likes of opposing Croagunk and Mareanie, which otherwise wall Croagunk, but has mostly redundant coverage with its Fighting-type moves otherwise, and neither of these Pokemon threaten Croagunk much offensively while taking acceptable damage from Knock Off. Croagunk gets several other priority options, such as Bullet Punch and Fake Out, which can be mixed onto the above sets, but they tend to be less consistently useful than the moves listed above sets. Substitute can be used to give Croagunk free turns against foes such as Ferroseed and Foongus (RC) and can even be paired with Focus Punch to deal more damage than any of Croagunk's other STAB moves. However, running one or both of these moves causes Croagunk to lose valuable coverage. Croagunk gets several alternative Poison-type STAB moves, such as Sludge Wave and Venoshock. However, the former does not get significantly better rolls than Sludge Bomb and has a much lower poison chance, and Venoshock should only be used with Toxic Spikes support. Finally, Croagunk can bluff Dry Skin and run Poison Touch as its ability, as the poison chance can wear down foes. However, this turns Croagunk into a much worse check to opposing Water-types.

Checks and Counters

**Poison-types**: Poison-types are among the only Pokemon that resist both of Croagunk's types, with the other being Ghost-types, which are weak to Knock Off. This means that Pokemon such as Salandit, Mareanie, and opposing Croagunk can all come in on Croagunk and wear it down, though they can't do very much damage due to Croagunk's resistances, except for the odd Hidden Power Psychic Skrelp.

**Ground-types**: Ground-types, such as Mudbray and Hippopotas, don't take significant damage from Croagunk's moves and can easily KO it with their STAB attacks. Additionally, Diglett, although it can't switch in, can trap and remove Croagunk thanks to Arena Trap.

**Ghost-types**: Although Croagunk generally carries Knock Off or Thief to hit Ghost-types, the Nasty Plot set has no such coverage, which means that Ghost-types such as Gastly and Pumpkaboo-XL check it well. Additionally, Honedge, though uncommon, walls the Nasty Plot set completely. The rare Shadow Ball on the Nasty Plot set can hit all of these Pokemon, however.

**Super Effective Attacks**: Due to Croagunk's low natural bulk, it is prone to being KOed by most super effective attacks. Flying-type attacks from the likes of Vullaby and Doduo, Psychic-type attacks from Abra, and Fire-type attacks, which Croagunk has a pseudo-weakness to due to Dry Skin, are all problematic.
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