Pokémon: **Richter Belmont** (Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. Simon Belmont's Echo Fighter.)
Typing: Steel/Fighting
Abilities: Justified/Moxie
Moves: Holy Water*, Vampire Killer*, Cross*, Axe*, Close Combat, etc.
Signature Moves
Holy Water: Water-type, Special, 100 BP, 100 Accuracy, 15 PP. Super effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types. Flying-types are immune. Damage is calculated from Richter's Attack stat. If used by Simon or Richter, they gain STAB on the move, regardless of typing.
Vampire Killer: Steel-type, Physical. 90 BP, 100 Accuracy, 20 PP. Super Effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types.
Cross: Steel-type, Physical, 30 BP, 100 Accuracy, 15 PP. Super effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types. Hits twice.
Axe: Steel-type, Physical, 70 BP, 100 Accuracy, 15 PP. Super effective against Flying-types.
Hydro Storm: Water-type, Special, 240 BP. Upgraded from Richter's Holy Water using Itemcrashium Z. Super effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types. Damages both opponents in a double battle. Damage is calculated from Richter's attack stat. Richter always gains STAB on the move, regardless of typing.
Axe Sweep: Steel-type, Physical, 200 PP. Upgraded from Axe using Itemcrashium Z. Super effective against Flying-types. Breaks screens.
Grand Cross: Steel-type, Special, 190 BP. Upgraded from Cross using Itemcrashium Z. Super effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types. Not resisted by Steel-types. Bypasses Substitutes. Damage is calculated from Richter's Attack stat.
Flame Whip: Vampire Killer: Steel-type, Physical, 230 BP. Upgraded from Vampire Killer using Itemcrashium Z. Deals either Steel-type or Fire-type damage, whichever would do more damage. Super effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types.
Stats: 90 HP/130 Atk/90 Def/70 SpA/80 SpD/110 Spe (BST: 570).
Reasoning: Richter Belmont is a descendant of Simon Belmont who battled Dracula in the year 1792, during the events of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. He later appears Symphony of the Night, which takes place 5 years later. Richter is said to be one of the most powerful Belmonts, hence his good overall stats except for special attack, and one of the only ones to be able to use Item Crashes (Which, in this case, take on the form of Z-Moves, naturally). His abilities are self-explanatory.
Richter's listed moves aside from Close Combat are based on the weapons he uses in the Castlevania series, and to be more specific, the ones that appeared in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The Cross, Holy Water and Vampire Killer are all effective weapons against the forces of darkness, so it seemed fitting to make them super-effective on Dark and Ghost-types. The Holy Water is ineffective against flying foes except when used for his Item Crash, so they're immune to the otherwise devastating attack. Also, the Holy Water is a weapon Richter uses, so despite its nature of leaving holy fire where it strikes, it actually does damage based on Richter's attack, as it's not magic. The Cross acts as a boomerang, coming back for a second hit, allowing Richter a way to bypass subs. The Axe, on the other hand, is designed to defeat flying foes due to its arcing movement, so it's naturally super-effective on flying types. As for his famous Vampire Killer, it's a basic weapon that's simple to use.
His Z-Moves are his Item Crashes for each item. The Flame Whip is one you may not have heard of, but if Richter tries to use an Item Crash without a subweapon equipped, he'll use the Flame Whip, which has a pretty self-explanatory effect.
Hydro Storm is his Item Crash for use with the Holy Water. It's a full-screen move that causes a massive rainstorm of Holy Water, hence why it hits both opponents in a double battle. It's also known for being the most powerful Item Crash, hence why it has the highest power, but no special effect.
Axe Sweep is not as powerful as Hydro Storm, but it still smashes through Flying-types like it's nobody's business. It also crushes screens, so don't expect Aurora Veil or anything to be a problem.
Grand Cross is even weaker, but in turn it still bypasses those pesky substitutes, and, despite being a Steel-type move, is not walled by Steel-types.
Typing: Steel/Fighting
Abilities: Justified/Moxie
Moves: Holy Water*, Vampire Killer*, Cross*, Axe*, Close Combat, etc.
Signature Moves
Holy Water: Water-type, Special, 100 BP, 100 Accuracy, 15 PP. Super effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types. Flying-types are immune. Damage is calculated from Richter's Attack stat. If used by Simon or Richter, they gain STAB on the move, regardless of typing.
Vampire Killer: Steel-type, Physical. 90 BP, 100 Accuracy, 20 PP. Super Effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types.
Cross: Steel-type, Physical, 30 BP, 100 Accuracy, 15 PP. Super effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types. Hits twice.
Axe: Steel-type, Physical, 70 BP, 100 Accuracy, 15 PP. Super effective against Flying-types.
Hydro Storm: Water-type, Special, 240 BP. Upgraded from Richter's Holy Water using Itemcrashium Z. Super effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types. Damages both opponents in a double battle. Damage is calculated from Richter's attack stat. Richter always gains STAB on the move, regardless of typing.
Axe Sweep: Steel-type, Physical, 200 PP. Upgraded from Axe using Itemcrashium Z. Super effective against Flying-types. Breaks screens.
Grand Cross: Steel-type, Special, 190 BP. Upgraded from Cross using Itemcrashium Z. Super effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types. Not resisted by Steel-types. Bypasses Substitutes. Damage is calculated from Richter's Attack stat.
Flame Whip: Vampire Killer: Steel-type, Physical, 230 BP. Upgraded from Vampire Killer using Itemcrashium Z. Deals either Steel-type or Fire-type damage, whichever would do more damage. Super effective against Dark-types and Ghost-types.
Stats: 90 HP/130 Atk/90 Def/70 SpA/80 SpD/110 Spe (BST: 570).
Reasoning: Richter Belmont is a descendant of Simon Belmont who battled Dracula in the year 1792, during the events of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. He later appears Symphony of the Night, which takes place 5 years later. Richter is said to be one of the most powerful Belmonts, hence his good overall stats except for special attack, and one of the only ones to be able to use Item Crashes (Which, in this case, take on the form of Z-Moves, naturally). His abilities are self-explanatory.
Richter's listed moves aside from Close Combat are based on the weapons he uses in the Castlevania series, and to be more specific, the ones that appeared in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The Cross, Holy Water and Vampire Killer are all effective weapons against the forces of darkness, so it seemed fitting to make them super-effective on Dark and Ghost-types. The Holy Water is ineffective against flying foes except when used for his Item Crash, so they're immune to the otherwise devastating attack. Also, the Holy Water is a weapon Richter uses, so despite its nature of leaving holy fire where it strikes, it actually does damage based on Richter's attack, as it's not magic. The Cross acts as a boomerang, coming back for a second hit, allowing Richter a way to bypass subs. The Axe, on the other hand, is designed to defeat flying foes due to its arcing movement, so it's naturally super-effective on flying types. As for his famous Vampire Killer, it's a basic weapon that's simple to use.
His Z-Moves are his Item Crashes for each item. The Flame Whip is one you may not have heard of, but if Richter tries to use an Item Crash without a subweapon equipped, he'll use the Flame Whip, which has a pretty self-explanatory effect.
Hydro Storm is his Item Crash for use with the Holy Water. It's a full-screen move that causes a massive rainstorm of Holy Water, hence why it hits both opponents in a double battle. It's also known for being the most powerful Item Crash, hence why it has the highest power, but no special effect.
Axe Sweep is not as powerful as Hydro Storm, but it still smashes through Flying-types like it's nobody's business. It also crushes screens, so don't expect Aurora Veil or anything to be a problem.
Grand Cross is even weaker, but in turn it still bypasses those pesky substitutes, and, despite being a Steel-type move, is not walled by Steel-types.
Pokémon: Cirno (Touhou Koumakyou ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
Type: Ice/Fairy (obviously)
Abilities: Snow Warning/Levitate/Freeze Atmosphere (HA)
Signature Ability: Freeze Atmosphere - Upon switching in, turns the Terrain into Frozen Terrain until the terrain is changed or removed. Frozen Terrain reduces the speed of all grounded non-Ice Type Pokemon by half and boosts the power of Ice-Type moves by 50%, while weakening the power of Fire-type moves by 50%. Nature Power becomes Ice Beam in Frozen Terrain.
Moves: Icicle Fall*, Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Freeze-Dry, Blizzard, Hail, Aurora Veil, Glaciate, pretty much every Ice-Type move, Energy Ball, Nature Power.
Signature Move: Icicle Fall- Base 99 Power, 99 Accuracy, Ice-Type, 29 PP, Special. Calculated from Cirno's higher attack stat and the target's lower defense stat. 9% chance to Freeze the target. Icium Z turns it into 190BP Subzero Slammer.
Z-Move: Perfect Freeze- Base 199 power, Ice-Type, Special. Upgraded from Cirno's/Cirno-Tan's Icicle Fall using Cirnium Z. Calculated using Cirno's higher attack stat and the target's lower defense stat. Sets up permanent Hail. Super Effective against Fire-Types.
Stats: 99 HP/99 Atk/99 Def/99 SpA/99 SpD/99 Spe (BST: 594)
Alternate Form: Tanned Cirno [Cirno-Tan]
Form Change is triggered out of battle by using the item Essence of Four Seasons on Cirno. Using it again will transform Tanned Cirno back into Cirno. She cannot keep moves that can't be learned by the normal form upon reverting.
Ability: Power of Summer (User resists Fire-Type moves, regardless of typing. In the sun, all of Cirno's stats except for HP get a 1.5x increase.)
Base Stats and Typing remain unchanged.
New Moves: Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Petal Dance, Air Slash.
Signature Z-Move: Cold Sunflower- Base 199 Power, Special. Upgraded from Cirno-Tan's Icicle Fall using Tancirnium Z. Calculated using Cirno's Higher Attack Stat and the enemy's lower defense stat. Sets up permanent Sunny Day. 10% chance to Freeze or Burn the enemy.
Reasoning: Meet THE STRONGEST fairy, Cirno. She's an Ice Fairy (obvious typing is obvious). Her stats and the base power of her signature moves are a reference to the "Nine-ball" meme. Hence her Base Stats are all nines. Still, she is a lot stronger than her species would suggest and can actually threaten others, so Cirno's stats are decent all around, with Base 99 in all stats. Where Cirno excels however is in battlefield manipulation through her abilities and moves, including a signature terrain, which helps Ice-Types outspeed threats. Cirno can attack fine on both ends of the spectrum, although she's better on the Special end of the Spectrum. Her signature move is Icicle Fall, named after the famous move from EoSD, which is most known for its glaring safe spot on Easy Difficulty. It's tougher on Normal and above, though. It upgrades into Perfect Freeze, her ACTUAL signature move. The reason Perfect Freeze is super effective against Fire-Types is because Cirno can actually freeze flames solid with it in Fairy Wars. Most of her moves are self-explanatory, although Nature Power and Energy Ball are due to the fact that Cirno, being a fairy, is an embodiment of an aspect of nature, thus allowing her to draw upon Nature's power. She functions best in a Hailstorm, however, so you'll need to keep that up. Luckily, timing her Z-Move well will allow her to have a permanent hailstorm going. Snow Warning is because she's associated with Ice and Snowy weather in Hisoutensoku, and Levitate because it's Touhou Project and every notable character in that series can fly.
Her alternate form, Cirno-Tan, or Tanned Cirno, is based on her appearance in Hidden Star in Four Seasons, where she was empowered with the essence of Summer. Since she uses the Essence of Four Seasons item to transform, she also gains moves akin to the Sub-Seasons in HSiFS in Air Slash and Petal Dance. However, Cirno-Tan's most notable aspect is her ability. It may seem paradoxical for an Ice-Type to be designed around functioning in the sun, where Fire-Types run rampant, but with Cirno-Tan being boosted by Summer's power, she gains a great increase in power under the sun, which makes up for her type not being good in that weather normally, and she can set up permanent Sun through her Z-Move, Cold Sunflower, which is named after her Bomb from Hidden Star in Four Seasons. She CAN still use Perfect Freeze in her tanned form, but she cannot use Cold Sunflower in her Normal Form. She also resists Fire-type moves, having overcome her weakness to heat.
However, Cirno's stats are only average at best regardless of form, given how, while she is strong for her kind, she is not particularly strong by Gensokyo's standards. She NEEDS to get her gimmicks going in order to succeed. When she has her gimmicks up, she is a devastating force that can be very hard to stop. Without it though, she's fairly easy to bring down.
"When it comes to me, I'm the strongest!" (Regular Cirno set)
Cirno@Cirnium Z
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 SpA/252 Spd
Ability: Freeze Atmosphere
-Icicle Fall
-Dazzling Gleam
-Energy Ball
Filler=Aurora Veil/Freeze-Dry/Glaciate/Icy Wind/Nature Power/Hail
"This atmosphere... it smells of war!" (Tanned Cirno set)
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 SpA/252 SpD
Ability: Power of Summer
-Icicle Fall
-Solar Beam
-Dazzling Gleam
Filler=Petal Dance/Energy Ball/Air Slash/Freeze-Dry/Glaciate/Icy Wind
Type: Ice/Fairy (obviously)
Abilities: Snow Warning/Levitate/Freeze Atmosphere (HA)
Signature Ability: Freeze Atmosphere - Upon switching in, turns the Terrain into Frozen Terrain until the terrain is changed or removed. Frozen Terrain reduces the speed of all grounded non-Ice Type Pokemon by half and boosts the power of Ice-Type moves by 50%, while weakening the power of Fire-type moves by 50%. Nature Power becomes Ice Beam in Frozen Terrain.
Moves: Icicle Fall*, Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Freeze-Dry, Blizzard, Hail, Aurora Veil, Glaciate, pretty much every Ice-Type move, Energy Ball, Nature Power.
Signature Move: Icicle Fall- Base 99 Power, 99 Accuracy, Ice-Type, 29 PP, Special. Calculated from Cirno's higher attack stat and the target's lower defense stat. 9% chance to Freeze the target. Icium Z turns it into 190BP Subzero Slammer.
Z-Move: Perfect Freeze- Base 199 power, Ice-Type, Special. Upgraded from Cirno's/Cirno-Tan's Icicle Fall using Cirnium Z. Calculated using Cirno's higher attack stat and the target's lower defense stat. Sets up permanent Hail. Super Effective against Fire-Types.
Stats: 99 HP/99 Atk/99 Def/99 SpA/99 SpD/99 Spe (BST: 594)
Alternate Form: Tanned Cirno [Cirno-Tan]
Form Change is triggered out of battle by using the item Essence of Four Seasons on Cirno. Using it again will transform Tanned Cirno back into Cirno. She cannot keep moves that can't be learned by the normal form upon reverting.
Ability: Power of Summer (User resists Fire-Type moves, regardless of typing. In the sun, all of Cirno's stats except for HP get a 1.5x increase.)
Base Stats and Typing remain unchanged.
New Moves: Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Petal Dance, Air Slash.
Signature Z-Move: Cold Sunflower- Base 199 Power, Special. Upgraded from Cirno-Tan's Icicle Fall using Tancirnium Z. Calculated using Cirno's Higher Attack Stat and the enemy's lower defense stat. Sets up permanent Sunny Day. 10% chance to Freeze or Burn the enemy.
Reasoning: Meet THE STRONGEST fairy, Cirno. She's an Ice Fairy (obvious typing is obvious). Her stats and the base power of her signature moves are a reference to the "Nine-ball" meme. Hence her Base Stats are all nines. Still, she is a lot stronger than her species would suggest and can actually threaten others, so Cirno's stats are decent all around, with Base 99 in all stats. Where Cirno excels however is in battlefield manipulation through her abilities and moves, including a signature terrain, which helps Ice-Types outspeed threats. Cirno can attack fine on both ends of the spectrum, although she's better on the Special end of the Spectrum. Her signature move is Icicle Fall, named after the famous move from EoSD, which is most known for its glaring safe spot on Easy Difficulty. It's tougher on Normal and above, though. It upgrades into Perfect Freeze, her ACTUAL signature move. The reason Perfect Freeze is super effective against Fire-Types is because Cirno can actually freeze flames solid with it in Fairy Wars. Most of her moves are self-explanatory, although Nature Power and Energy Ball are due to the fact that Cirno, being a fairy, is an embodiment of an aspect of nature, thus allowing her to draw upon Nature's power. She functions best in a Hailstorm, however, so you'll need to keep that up. Luckily, timing her Z-Move well will allow her to have a permanent hailstorm going. Snow Warning is because she's associated with Ice and Snowy weather in Hisoutensoku, and Levitate because it's Touhou Project and every notable character in that series can fly.
Her alternate form, Cirno-Tan, or Tanned Cirno, is based on her appearance in Hidden Star in Four Seasons, where she was empowered with the essence of Summer. Since she uses the Essence of Four Seasons item to transform, she also gains moves akin to the Sub-Seasons in HSiFS in Air Slash and Petal Dance. However, Cirno-Tan's most notable aspect is her ability. It may seem paradoxical for an Ice-Type to be designed around functioning in the sun, where Fire-Types run rampant, but with Cirno-Tan being boosted by Summer's power, she gains a great increase in power under the sun, which makes up for her type not being good in that weather normally, and she can set up permanent Sun through her Z-Move, Cold Sunflower, which is named after her Bomb from Hidden Star in Four Seasons. She CAN still use Perfect Freeze in her tanned form, but she cannot use Cold Sunflower in her Normal Form. She also resists Fire-type moves, having overcome her weakness to heat.
However, Cirno's stats are only average at best regardless of form, given how, while she is strong for her kind, she is not particularly strong by Gensokyo's standards. She NEEDS to get her gimmicks going in order to succeed. When she has her gimmicks up, she is a devastating force that can be very hard to stop. Without it though, she's fairly easy to bring down.
"When it comes to me, I'm the strongest!" (Regular Cirno set)
Cirno@Cirnium Z
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 SpA/252 Spd
Ability: Freeze Atmosphere
-Icicle Fall
-Dazzling Gleam
-Energy Ball
Filler=Aurora Veil/Freeze-Dry/Glaciate/Icy Wind/Nature Power/Hail
"This atmosphere... it smells of war!" (Tanned Cirno set)
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 SpA/252 SpD
Ability: Power of Summer
-Icicle Fall
-Solar Beam
-Dazzling Gleam
Filler=Petal Dance/Energy Ball/Air Slash/Freeze-Dry/Glaciate/Icy Wind
Pokémon: Star Force Mega Man (Mega Man Star Force)
Type: Electric (Normal, Tribe King)
Electric/Dark (Black Ace, Red Joker)
Electric/Steel (Thunder Zerker)
Fire/Normal (Fire Leo)
Fire/Rock (Fire Saurian)
Fire/Electric (Saurian Zerker)
Grass/Dragon (Green Dragon)
Grass/Dark (Wood Ninja)
Grass/Electric (Zerker Ninja)
Water/Ice (Ice Pegasus)
Ability: Star Break/Tribe On/Finalise (HA)
Signature Abilities
Star Break: If Star Force Mega Man scores a KO, he transforms into one of three Star Break forms. KOing with certain types of moves (or KOing certain types of Pokemon) will produce fixed results. Otherwise, the form is random:
Grass & Dragon: Green Dragon
Water & Ice: Ice Pegasus
Fire & Normal: Fire Leo
Essentially, it's an altered version of Battle Bond.
Tribe On: Star Force Mega Man will automatically transform into an alternate form upon switching in. The form picked is based on what types of moves are in Star Force Mega Man's Moveset. If multiple conditions are met, will become a multi-typed form. Tribe King gains STAB on all three types, regardless of typing:
Fire: Fire Saurian
Electric: Thunder Zerker
Grass: Wood Ninja
Fire & Electric: Saurian Zerker
Electric & Grass: Zerker Ninja
Grass & Fire: Ninja Saurian
Grass & Fire & Electric: Tribe King
Finalise: Star Force Mega Man will transform into one of two finalised forms depending on his stat distribution upon reaching 50% or less HP.
Attack, Special Attack and Speed dominant: Black Ace.
Defense, Special Defense and HP dominant: Red Joker.
Basically an altered Power Construct.
Moves: Flamethrower, Blaze Kick, Thunderbolt, Zing Zap, Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Petal Blizzard, Energy Ball, Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Draco Meteor, Dragon Hammer, Protect, Barrier, Light Screen, Reflect, Recover, etc.
Stats: 100 HP/100 Atk/100 Def/100 SpA/100 SpD/100 Spe (All forms but Tribe King, Star Breaks and Finalises. BST: 600)
120 HP/120 Atk/120 Def/120 SpA/120 SpD/120 Spe (Star Break forms. BST: 720.)
110 HP/110 Atk/110 Def/110 SpA/110 SpD/110 Spe (Tribe King. BST: 660.)
100 HP/140 Atk/100 Def/140 SpA/100 SpD/140 Spe (Black Ace. BST: 720.)
140 HP/100 Atk/140 Def/100 SpA/140 SpD/100 Spe (Red Joker. BST: 720.)
Reasoning: And here I go crazy with the alternate forms, and with another incarnation of Mega Man, no less! This incarnation of Mega Man is the fusion of Geo Stelar, an otherwise ordinary teenager, and Omega-xis, an alien made out of Electromagnetic waves. Given that this Mega Man is made up of Electromagnetic waves, it only made sense to make him an Electric-typing. However, the real meat of his abilities come from the many, MANY transformations he's obtained over the years. The Star Break forms come from the first Mega Man Star Force games, where he gains powers from the three Satellite Admins: Dragon Sky, Leo Kingdom and Pegasus Magic, granting him their powers, which revolve around Wood, Fire and Aqua element attacks respectively (Ice comes under the Aqua element in Mega Man Star Force games), and their animalistic themes naturally afforded Green Dragon and Fire Leo secondary typings of Dragon and Normal respectively. The Tribe forms from Star Force 2 are the easiest to trigger, but are in turn the weakest of his enhanced states, except for Tribe King, which combines the powers of the three OOParts, the Sword of Zerker, the Rock of Saurian and the Star of Ninja. They revolve around Elec, Fire and Wood elements respectively, with, again, their secondary characteristics determining a secondary typing: Steel for Zerker, Rock for Saurian, Dark for Ninja. Double Tribe is the combining of two Tribe forms, which is represented by Saurian Zerker, Zerker Ninja and Ninja Saurian, which combines the types of the two tribes used to make the form. Tribe King is normally meant to be as powerful as the other ultimate forms, but so as to not break the game as badly as Tribe King breaks Mega Man Star Force 2, I opted to tone down its raw power compared to the other ultimate forms. Lastly, the Finalized forms come from Star Force 3, and are obtained when Noise levels reach a certain point in battle. Noise is portrayed as a dark force in Star Force 3, so it made sense for the finalised forms to be Dark-type on top of Geo's usual Electric-typing as, unlike the other forms, they do not revolve around any particular elements of attack, instead revolving around different playstyles: Black Ace represents mobility and offense, Red Joker represents defense and longevity.
All of Geo's moves are based around Battle Cards which appear in the Mega Man Star Force series.
Type: Electric (Normal, Tribe King)
Electric/Dark (Black Ace, Red Joker)
Electric/Steel (Thunder Zerker)
Fire/Normal (Fire Leo)
Fire/Rock (Fire Saurian)
Fire/Electric (Saurian Zerker)
Grass/Dragon (Green Dragon)
Grass/Dark (Wood Ninja)
Grass/Electric (Zerker Ninja)
Water/Ice (Ice Pegasus)
Ability: Star Break/Tribe On/Finalise (HA)
Signature Abilities
Star Break: If Star Force Mega Man scores a KO, he transforms into one of three Star Break forms. KOing with certain types of moves (or KOing certain types of Pokemon) will produce fixed results. Otherwise, the form is random:
Grass & Dragon: Green Dragon
Water & Ice: Ice Pegasus
Fire & Normal: Fire Leo
Essentially, it's an altered version of Battle Bond.
Tribe On: Star Force Mega Man will automatically transform into an alternate form upon switching in. The form picked is based on what types of moves are in Star Force Mega Man's Moveset. If multiple conditions are met, will become a multi-typed form. Tribe King gains STAB on all three types, regardless of typing:
Fire: Fire Saurian
Electric: Thunder Zerker
Grass: Wood Ninja
Fire & Electric: Saurian Zerker
Electric & Grass: Zerker Ninja
Grass & Fire: Ninja Saurian
Grass & Fire & Electric: Tribe King
Finalise: Star Force Mega Man will transform into one of two finalised forms depending on his stat distribution upon reaching 50% or less HP.
Attack, Special Attack and Speed dominant: Black Ace.
Defense, Special Defense and HP dominant: Red Joker.
Basically an altered Power Construct.
Moves: Flamethrower, Blaze Kick, Thunderbolt, Zing Zap, Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Petal Blizzard, Energy Ball, Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Draco Meteor, Dragon Hammer, Protect, Barrier, Light Screen, Reflect, Recover, etc.
Stats: 100 HP/100 Atk/100 Def/100 SpA/100 SpD/100 Spe (All forms but Tribe King, Star Breaks and Finalises. BST: 600)
120 HP/120 Atk/120 Def/120 SpA/120 SpD/120 Spe (Star Break forms. BST: 720.)
110 HP/110 Atk/110 Def/110 SpA/110 SpD/110 Spe (Tribe King. BST: 660.)
100 HP/140 Atk/100 Def/140 SpA/100 SpD/140 Spe (Black Ace. BST: 720.)
140 HP/100 Atk/140 Def/100 SpA/140 SpD/100 Spe (Red Joker. BST: 720.)
Reasoning: And here I go crazy with the alternate forms, and with another incarnation of Mega Man, no less! This incarnation of Mega Man is the fusion of Geo Stelar, an otherwise ordinary teenager, and Omega-xis, an alien made out of Electromagnetic waves. Given that this Mega Man is made up of Electromagnetic waves, it only made sense to make him an Electric-typing. However, the real meat of his abilities come from the many, MANY transformations he's obtained over the years. The Star Break forms come from the first Mega Man Star Force games, where he gains powers from the three Satellite Admins: Dragon Sky, Leo Kingdom and Pegasus Magic, granting him their powers, which revolve around Wood, Fire and Aqua element attacks respectively (Ice comes under the Aqua element in Mega Man Star Force games), and their animalistic themes naturally afforded Green Dragon and Fire Leo secondary typings of Dragon and Normal respectively. The Tribe forms from Star Force 2 are the easiest to trigger, but are in turn the weakest of his enhanced states, except for Tribe King, which combines the powers of the three OOParts, the Sword of Zerker, the Rock of Saurian and the Star of Ninja. They revolve around Elec, Fire and Wood elements respectively, with, again, their secondary characteristics determining a secondary typing: Steel for Zerker, Rock for Saurian, Dark for Ninja. Double Tribe is the combining of two Tribe forms, which is represented by Saurian Zerker, Zerker Ninja and Ninja Saurian, which combines the types of the two tribes used to make the form. Tribe King is normally meant to be as powerful as the other ultimate forms, but so as to not break the game as badly as Tribe King breaks Mega Man Star Force 2, I opted to tone down its raw power compared to the other ultimate forms. Lastly, the Finalized forms come from Star Force 3, and are obtained when Noise levels reach a certain point in battle. Noise is portrayed as a dark force in Star Force 3, so it made sense for the finalised forms to be Dark-type on top of Geo's usual Electric-typing as, unlike the other forms, they do not revolve around any particular elements of attack, instead revolving around different playstyles: Black Ace represents mobility and offense, Red Joker represents defense and longevity.
All of Geo's moves are based around Battle Cards which appear in the Mega Man Star Force series.
Pokémon: Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
Type: Steel/Dark
Ability: Justified/Skill Link
Moves: Dragon Swarm*, Lone Wolf Storm*, Fury Swipes, Night Slash, Blaze Kick, Icicle Crash, Close Combat, Thousand Waves, etc.
Signature Moves
Dragon Swarm: Physical, Steel-type, Base 25 Power, 100 Accuracy, 15 PP. Hits 2-5 times.
Lone Wolf Storm: Physical, Flying-type, Base 90 Power, 100 Accuracy. 20% chance to Flinch.
Signature Z-Move: Savage Wolf Fury- Upgrades from Yuri's Dragon Swarm with Mysticartium Z. Steel-type, base 40 power. Hits 5 times.
Stats: 70 HP/120 Atk/60 Def/60 SpA/60 SpD/130 Spe
Reasoning: Here we have Yuri Lowell, the main protagonist of Tales of Vesperia. The Steel portion of his typing is fairly self-explanatory, but one might not get the Dark-typing behind Yuri at first. This is because of a plot-point in Tales of Vesperia.
Yuri's moves are a mixture of martial arts and swordplay, based on multiple of his Artes in Tales of Vesperia: Blaze Kick is Pyre Havoc, Icicle Crash is Frigid Blast, Close Combat is Brutal Fang, Thousand Waves is Crushing Eagle, Night Slash is Demon Attack (An arte he only obtains through wearing a specific costume in the Definitive Edition), and Fury Swipes has plenty of artes it could be, such as Shining Fang. His two signature moves are Artes that show up in Tales of Vesperia as well. Dragon Swarm is an advancing flurry of slashes in the form of an Arcane Arte, and Lone Wolf Storm is an altered arte version of Lone Wolf Charge, which shoots out a wind-elemental Wolf-shaped projectile forwards (But the arte itself deals damage based on Yuri's Attack, not his Magic Attack). His Signature Z-Move is, of course, his first Mystic Arte in Tales of Vesperia, which can only be triggered after an Altered or Arcane Arte. In this case, due to the similar nature as a repeated flurry of slashes, it made sense that Savage Wolf Fury upgraded from Dragon Swarm. Skill Link comes from the fact that combat in the Tales series often requires the player to learn how to link artes into chains (And Yuri himself is particularly good at it, to the point where in the source material he has an infinite combo).
Yuri's stats are a reference to his playstyle in Tales of Vesperia- he's kinda frail, and he doesn't use any magic at all, but his offensive capability is good and he has, bar none, the best combo potential of all nine playable characters in Tales of Vesperia, being the only one who can infinitely combo even bosses.
Type: Steel/Dark
Ability: Justified/Skill Link
Moves: Dragon Swarm*, Lone Wolf Storm*, Fury Swipes, Night Slash, Blaze Kick, Icicle Crash, Close Combat, Thousand Waves, etc.
Signature Moves
Dragon Swarm: Physical, Steel-type, Base 25 Power, 100 Accuracy, 15 PP. Hits 2-5 times.
Lone Wolf Storm: Physical, Flying-type, Base 90 Power, 100 Accuracy. 20% chance to Flinch.
Signature Z-Move: Savage Wolf Fury- Upgrades from Yuri's Dragon Swarm with Mysticartium Z. Steel-type, base 40 power. Hits 5 times.
Stats: 70 HP/120 Atk/60 Def/60 SpA/60 SpD/130 Spe
Reasoning: Here we have Yuri Lowell, the main protagonist of Tales of Vesperia. The Steel portion of his typing is fairly self-explanatory, but one might not get the Dark-typing behind Yuri at first. This is because of a plot-point in Tales of Vesperia.
Specifically, Yuri turns to Vigilantism and murder in order to punish those who use their position or status to avoid being punished by the law, full well knowing that he himself is a criminal for doing so. This is also why he has Justified.
Yuri's moves are a mixture of martial arts and swordplay, based on multiple of his Artes in Tales of Vesperia: Blaze Kick is Pyre Havoc, Icicle Crash is Frigid Blast, Close Combat is Brutal Fang, Thousand Waves is Crushing Eagle, Night Slash is Demon Attack (An arte he only obtains through wearing a specific costume in the Definitive Edition), and Fury Swipes has plenty of artes it could be, such as Shining Fang. His two signature moves are Artes that show up in Tales of Vesperia as well. Dragon Swarm is an advancing flurry of slashes in the form of an Arcane Arte, and Lone Wolf Storm is an altered arte version of Lone Wolf Charge, which shoots out a wind-elemental Wolf-shaped projectile forwards (But the arte itself deals damage based on Yuri's Attack, not his Magic Attack). His Signature Z-Move is, of course, his first Mystic Arte in Tales of Vesperia, which can only be triggered after an Altered or Arcane Arte. In this case, due to the similar nature as a repeated flurry of slashes, it made sense that Savage Wolf Fury upgraded from Dragon Swarm. Skill Link comes from the fact that combat in the Tales series often requires the player to learn how to link artes into chains (And Yuri himself is particularly good at it, to the point where in the source material he has an infinite combo).
Yuri's stats are a reference to his playstyle in Tales of Vesperia- he's kinda frail, and he doesn't use any magic at all, but his offensive capability is good and he has, bar none, the best combo potential of all nine playable characters in Tales of Vesperia, being the only one who can infinitely combo even bosses.
And one more...
"I've been in the basement. For about 495 years."

Pokémon: Flandre Scarlet (Touhou Koumakyou ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
Type: Fire/Dark
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything (HA)
Signature Abilities
Four of a Kind: Flandre's damaging moves hit 4 times, with each hit doing 32.5% damage.
Ability to Destroy Anything: Flandre has a passive +2 to Critical Hit ratio. Critical Hit Damage is increased to 200%. Flandre's moves with secondary effects are unable to activate their secondary effects, but moves with secondary effects deal 20% more damage. Basically Sheer Force, Sniper and Super Luck condensed into one ability.
Moves: Laevateinn, Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Oblivion Wing, Brave Bird, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Leech Life, Giga Drain, etc.
Signature Move: Laevateinn ~ Fire-type, Physical, 100 Base Power, 100 accuracy, 10 PP. Deals damage based on Flandre's higher attack stat, targeting the foe's lower defense stat.
Stats: 60 HP/190 Atk/10 Def/190 SpA/10 SpD/160 Spe (BST: 620)
Reasoning: Meet Flandre Scarlet, younger sister of Remilia Scarlet and the Extra Boss of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. She's a vampire who may or may not be insane, but is incredibly powerful due to her Ability to Destroy Anything. This manifests as one of her two abilities, which basically acts as a combination of three other abilities: Sheer Force, Sniper and Super Luck, though for balance's sake, the Sheer Force portion of the ability is nerfed from 33% to only 20%. She also has an ability directly based on one of her most famous spell cards, Taboo "Four of a Kind", in which she splits into four, which manifests itself exactly as you'd expect- her attacks all hit four times, with each hit dealing 32.5% damage (for a total of 130% damage). Fire typing is based on some of her attacks having a fire aspect to it (Notably her signature move), and Dark-type because she's a vampire.
Flandre's stats are how she is typically depicted in fan works; A glass cannon, with emphasis on both the glass and cannon aspect. Flandre has insane amounts of Attack and Special Attack, and her speed is amazing too. To compensate however, Flandre's bulk is absolutely pathetic- to the point where even Deoxys-Attack compares favourably in terms of bulk, and you KNOW that if Deoxys-Attack compares favourably in that regard, it's really bad. Priority moves are the bane of Flandre's existence, and she can't ever switch in without a free switch. She NEEDS slow U-turns and defense against Priority (like Psychic Terrain) in order to succeed.
Flandre's movepool is based on spell cards she's used, her vampiric qualities and personality traits. Her signature Laevateinn is based on the Spell Card of the same name (Taboo "Laevateinn"), and it plays to Flandre's strengths and the foe's weaknesses- it deals adaptive damage. Night Slash and Dark Pulse are fairly self-explanatory. Oblivion Wing, Giga Drain and Leech Life are based on Flandre's vampirism, letting her drain the opponents' life to heal herself (Not that she should be taking damage ever, anyway). Play Rough is based on her childish Nature, and Brave Bird is because Crobat got it, so why not Flan? Dazzling Gleam is based on another spell card, that being Forbidden Barrage "Starbow Break".
Flan can run a multitude of sets (as long as they're offense-based, Defensive Flan is absolutely out of the question), so here are a few examples, which mostly boil down to the obligatory Choice sets. Because Flan will always switch out against something it can't kill in one hit.
Specs Flan
Flandre@Choice Specs
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 SpA, 4 HP
IVs: 0 Attack (to MAYBE live a Foul Play... MAYBE)
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything
-Dark Pulse
-Dazzling Gleam
-Giga Drain/Oblivion Wing
Banded Flan
Flandre@Choice Band
Adamant/Jolly Nature
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 Atk, 4 HP
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything
-Night Slash
-Play Rough
-Leech Life/Brave Bird
Scarf Flan
Flandre@Choice Scarf
Nature depends on physical or special. Adamant/Jolly for Physical, Modest/Timid for Special.
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 into either Atk or SpA, 4 HP.
Atk IV is 0 for Special attacking sets.
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything
-Dark Pulse/Night Slash
-Play Rough/Dazzling Gleam
-Giga Drain/Oblivion Wing/Leech Life/Brave Bird
Type: Fire/Dark
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything (HA)
Signature Abilities
Four of a Kind: Flandre's damaging moves hit 4 times, with each hit doing 32.5% damage.
Ability to Destroy Anything: Flandre has a passive +2 to Critical Hit ratio. Critical Hit Damage is increased to 200%. Flandre's moves with secondary effects are unable to activate their secondary effects, but moves with secondary effects deal 20% more damage. Basically Sheer Force, Sniper and Super Luck condensed into one ability.
Moves: Laevateinn, Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Oblivion Wing, Brave Bird, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Leech Life, Giga Drain, etc.
Signature Move: Laevateinn ~ Fire-type, Physical, 100 Base Power, 100 accuracy, 10 PP. Deals damage based on Flandre's higher attack stat, targeting the foe's lower defense stat.
Stats: 60 HP/190 Atk/10 Def/190 SpA/10 SpD/160 Spe (BST: 620)
Reasoning: Meet Flandre Scarlet, younger sister of Remilia Scarlet and the Extra Boss of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. She's a vampire who may or may not be insane, but is incredibly powerful due to her Ability to Destroy Anything. This manifests as one of her two abilities, which basically acts as a combination of three other abilities: Sheer Force, Sniper and Super Luck, though for balance's sake, the Sheer Force portion of the ability is nerfed from 33% to only 20%. She also has an ability directly based on one of her most famous spell cards, Taboo "Four of a Kind", in which she splits into four, which manifests itself exactly as you'd expect- her attacks all hit four times, with each hit dealing 32.5% damage (for a total of 130% damage). Fire typing is based on some of her attacks having a fire aspect to it (Notably her signature move), and Dark-type because she's a vampire.
Flandre's stats are how she is typically depicted in fan works; A glass cannon, with emphasis on both the glass and cannon aspect. Flandre has insane amounts of Attack and Special Attack, and her speed is amazing too. To compensate however, Flandre's bulk is absolutely pathetic- to the point where even Deoxys-Attack compares favourably in terms of bulk, and you KNOW that if Deoxys-Attack compares favourably in that regard, it's really bad. Priority moves are the bane of Flandre's existence, and she can't ever switch in without a free switch. She NEEDS slow U-turns and defense against Priority (like Psychic Terrain) in order to succeed.
Flandre's movepool is based on spell cards she's used, her vampiric qualities and personality traits. Her signature Laevateinn is based on the Spell Card of the same name (Taboo "Laevateinn"), and it plays to Flandre's strengths and the foe's weaknesses- it deals adaptive damage. Night Slash and Dark Pulse are fairly self-explanatory. Oblivion Wing, Giga Drain and Leech Life are based on Flandre's vampirism, letting her drain the opponents' life to heal herself (Not that she should be taking damage ever, anyway). Play Rough is based on her childish Nature, and Brave Bird is because Crobat got it, so why not Flan? Dazzling Gleam is based on another spell card, that being Forbidden Barrage "Starbow Break".
Flan can run a multitude of sets (as long as they're offense-based, Defensive Flan is absolutely out of the question), so here are a few examples, which mostly boil down to the obligatory Choice sets. Because Flan will always switch out against something it can't kill in one hit.
Specs Flan
Flandre@Choice Specs
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 SpA, 4 HP
IVs: 0 Attack (to MAYBE live a Foul Play... MAYBE)
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything
-Dark Pulse
-Dazzling Gleam
-Giga Drain/Oblivion Wing
Banded Flan
Flandre@Choice Band
Adamant/Jolly Nature
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 Atk, 4 HP
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything
-Night Slash
-Play Rough
-Leech Life/Brave Bird
Scarf Flan
Flandre@Choice Scarf
Nature depends on physical or special. Adamant/Jolly for Physical, Modest/Timid for Special.
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 into either Atk or SpA, 4 HP.
Atk IV is 0 for Special attacking sets.
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything
-Dark Pulse/Night Slash
-Play Rough/Dazzling Gleam
-Giga Drain/Oblivion Wing/Leech Life/Brave Bird
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