Gonna bring my Touhou subs back, and add another one on for good measure...
And for my fourth submission...
Hey, I did say that Pika Xreme making Reimu Psychic-type gave me an idea, didn't I?
"Even with all your firepower you can't match me, can you?"
Gonna bring my Touhou subs back, and add another one on for good measure...
Pokémon : **Marisa Kirisame** (Touhou Fuumaroku ~ Story of Eastern Wonderland).
Type: Normal
Abilities: Levitate / Magician / Speed Boost (HA).
Signature Item: Mini Hakkero- When held by Marisa, boosts the power of Marisa's off-type moves by 50% (So basically everything BUT normal-type moves [and Ice-types for the alternate form] get the boost). Also acts as a unique Z-Crystal for Marisa, and thus cannot be removed from Marisa.
Moves: Master Spark*/Master Spark Frozen*, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Dazzling Gleam, Nasty Plot, Agility, Thief, Dark Pulse, Tri-Attack, Swift, etc.
Signature Move: Master Spark- Normal-Type, Base 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, Special. 10 PP. Can damage Ghost-types.
Master Spark Frozen- Ice-Type, Base 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, Special. 10 PP. 20% chance to freeze the target.
Signature Z-Moves:
Final Spark - Upgraded from Master Spark or Master Spark Frozen with Mini-Hakkero. Inherits the typing of the move it upgrades from (So Normal if Master Spark, Ice if Master Spark Frozen), Special, Base 210 Power. Can damage Ghost-types. Hits both targets in a Double Battle. If upgraded from Master Spark Frozen, 40% chance to freeze the target.
Blazing Star -Upgraded from Master Spark or Master Spark Frozen with Mini-Hakkero. Inherits the type of the move it upgrades from (Normal if Master Spark, Ice if Master Spark Frozen), Special, Base 190 Power. Can damage Ghost-types. Hits the target's Defense. If upgraded from Master Spark Frozen, has a 100% chance to lower the foe's speed upon hitting.
Stats: 80 HP/70 Atk/50 Def/130 SpA/70 SpD/130 Spe (BST: 530).
Alternate Form: Marisa-Winter (Toggled by using the Essence of Four Seasons on Marisa out of battle. Can be reverted through using Essence of Four Seasons on Marisa-Winter out of battle. When switching from Marisa to Marisa-Winter, if Marisa knows Master Spark, it will be replaced with Master Spark Frozen, and vice-versa.)
Typing changes to Normal/Ice.
Stats and abilities remain unchanged.
Reasoning: Here we have Marisa Kirisame, the deuteragonist of the Touhou Project series, having been around since the second game in the series. Compared to the original slate, This Marisa leans more from more recent games in the series, like Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Marisa is often associated with magic, and her title is the Ordinary Magician, so it seemed fitting to make Marisa a Normal-type. But to get the most out of her coverage, Marisa has a signature item in the Mini Hakkero, which boosts her non Normal-type attacks by 50%, essentially giving them STAB too. Unlike Protean however, she does not change type. Her signature move is quite obviously her freaking huge magical laser, the Master Spark, which serves as her primary STAB move. It even works on ghosts in the series, so Ghost-types will be in for a big surprise if they think they're safe against Marisa lacking Dark Pulse, as Master Spark will blast them anyway. Only Rock- and Steel-types are safe. Her other main moves are based on attacks she uses through the series. Marisa's Hakkero has shown to have the ability to expel flames and frost as some of her shot-types, and it is a reactor, so she does get the holy trinity of Flamethrower, Thunderbolt and Ice Beam to her name. Draco Meteor is based on her star-based attacks (And one of her moves even has a nearly identical name, that being Star Sign "Dragon Meteor"), as are Swift and Dazzling Gleam. Dark Pulse is based on when her Mini Hakkero got possessed in Double-Dealing Character, and the spell card, Bewitched Weapon "Dark Spark" (Which is yet another Master Spark variant). Marisa's abilities are all self-explanatory.
Marisa's alternate form, Marisa-Winter, takes cues from Hidden Star in Four Seasons, where Marisa is infused with the power of Winter, giving her attacks an icy aftertouch. This affords Marisa a secondary Ice-typing and turns her Master Spark into Master Spark Frozen, which instead has a chance to freeze. Both the regular and Frozen variants of the Master Spark can be upgraded into one of two Z-Moves using the Mini Hakkero in place of a Z-Crystal. Final Spark is based off of her Last Spell in Imperishable Night, and is just a supercharged Master Spark. Blazing Star, on the other hand, is based on her Last Word from the same game, which later becomes a recurring spell card throughout the series, and involves her using a Master Spark as propulsion to ram into the enemy, hence a Psyshock-esque effect. The Z-Moves change type (and possibly effects) depending on which version of Master Spark is upgraded- the Normal-type versions can hit Ghost-types just like the base move, the Ice-type versions instead either reduce speed or have a chance to freeze the target solid.
Marisa's stats are fairly self-explanatory: She's a fast specially offensive glass cannon, just like in her home series.
Some example sets:
"Danmaku is all about Firepower!" (Standard Marisa set)
Marisa@Mini Hakkero
Modest/Timid Nature
Ability: Levitate/Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
-Master Spark
Coverage=Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam
"It's so cold over where I live that it's snowing! It's practically winter! Seriously, what's going on?" (Standard Marisa-Winter set)
Marisa-Winter@Mini Hakkero
Modest/Timid Nature
Ability: Levitate/Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
Modest/Timid Nature
-Master Spark Frozen
Coverage=Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Tri-Attack.
Type: Normal
Abilities: Levitate / Magician / Speed Boost (HA).
Signature Item: Mini Hakkero- When held by Marisa, boosts the power of Marisa's off-type moves by 50% (So basically everything BUT normal-type moves [and Ice-types for the alternate form] get the boost). Also acts as a unique Z-Crystal for Marisa, and thus cannot be removed from Marisa.
Moves: Master Spark*/Master Spark Frozen*, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Dazzling Gleam, Nasty Plot, Agility, Thief, Dark Pulse, Tri-Attack, Swift, etc.
Signature Move: Master Spark- Normal-Type, Base 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, Special. 10 PP. Can damage Ghost-types.
Master Spark Frozen- Ice-Type, Base 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, Special. 10 PP. 20% chance to freeze the target.
Signature Z-Moves:
Final Spark - Upgraded from Master Spark or Master Spark Frozen with Mini-Hakkero. Inherits the typing of the move it upgrades from (So Normal if Master Spark, Ice if Master Spark Frozen), Special, Base 210 Power. Can damage Ghost-types. Hits both targets in a Double Battle. If upgraded from Master Spark Frozen, 40% chance to freeze the target.
Blazing Star -Upgraded from Master Spark or Master Spark Frozen with Mini-Hakkero. Inherits the type of the move it upgrades from (Normal if Master Spark, Ice if Master Spark Frozen), Special, Base 190 Power. Can damage Ghost-types. Hits the target's Defense. If upgraded from Master Spark Frozen, has a 100% chance to lower the foe's speed upon hitting.
Stats: 80 HP/70 Atk/50 Def/130 SpA/70 SpD/130 Spe (BST: 530).
Alternate Form: Marisa-Winter (Toggled by using the Essence of Four Seasons on Marisa out of battle. Can be reverted through using Essence of Four Seasons on Marisa-Winter out of battle. When switching from Marisa to Marisa-Winter, if Marisa knows Master Spark, it will be replaced with Master Spark Frozen, and vice-versa.)
Typing changes to Normal/Ice.
Stats and abilities remain unchanged.
Reasoning: Here we have Marisa Kirisame, the deuteragonist of the Touhou Project series, having been around since the second game in the series. Compared to the original slate, This Marisa leans more from more recent games in the series, like Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Marisa is often associated with magic, and her title is the Ordinary Magician, so it seemed fitting to make Marisa a Normal-type. But to get the most out of her coverage, Marisa has a signature item in the Mini Hakkero, which boosts her non Normal-type attacks by 50%, essentially giving them STAB too. Unlike Protean however, she does not change type. Her signature move is quite obviously her freaking huge magical laser, the Master Spark, which serves as her primary STAB move. It even works on ghosts in the series, so Ghost-types will be in for a big surprise if they think they're safe against Marisa lacking Dark Pulse, as Master Spark will blast them anyway. Only Rock- and Steel-types are safe. Her other main moves are based on attacks she uses through the series. Marisa's Hakkero has shown to have the ability to expel flames and frost as some of her shot-types, and it is a reactor, so she does get the holy trinity of Flamethrower, Thunderbolt and Ice Beam to her name. Draco Meteor is based on her star-based attacks (And one of her moves even has a nearly identical name, that being Star Sign "Dragon Meteor"), as are Swift and Dazzling Gleam. Dark Pulse is based on when her Mini Hakkero got possessed in Double-Dealing Character, and the spell card, Bewitched Weapon "Dark Spark" (Which is yet another Master Spark variant). Marisa's abilities are all self-explanatory.
Marisa's alternate form, Marisa-Winter, takes cues from Hidden Star in Four Seasons, where Marisa is infused with the power of Winter, giving her attacks an icy aftertouch. This affords Marisa a secondary Ice-typing and turns her Master Spark into Master Spark Frozen, which instead has a chance to freeze. Both the regular and Frozen variants of the Master Spark can be upgraded into one of two Z-Moves using the Mini Hakkero in place of a Z-Crystal. Final Spark is based off of her Last Spell in Imperishable Night, and is just a supercharged Master Spark. Blazing Star, on the other hand, is based on her Last Word from the same game, which later becomes a recurring spell card throughout the series, and involves her using a Master Spark as propulsion to ram into the enemy, hence a Psyshock-esque effect. The Z-Moves change type (and possibly effects) depending on which version of Master Spark is upgraded- the Normal-type versions can hit Ghost-types just like the base move, the Ice-type versions instead either reduce speed or have a chance to freeze the target solid.
Marisa's stats are fairly self-explanatory: She's a fast specially offensive glass cannon, just like in her home series.
Some example sets:
"Danmaku is all about Firepower!" (Standard Marisa set)
Marisa@Mini Hakkero
Modest/Timid Nature
Ability: Levitate/Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
-Master Spark
Coverage=Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam
"It's so cold over where I live that it's snowing! It's practically winter! Seriously, what's going on?" (Standard Marisa-Winter set)
Marisa-Winter@Mini Hakkero
Modest/Timid Nature
Ability: Levitate/Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
Modest/Timid Nature
-Master Spark Frozen
Coverage=Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Tri-Attack.
Pokémon: Reimu Hakurei (Touhou Reiiden ~ Highly Responsive to Prayers.)
Type: Fighting/Flying
Abilities: Cloud Nine/Own Tempo/Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden (HA)
Signature Ability: Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden- Removes the weaknesses associated with the Flying-type from the user. Moves that cannot miss (EXCEPT Z-Moves) gain a 50% increase in damage.
Moves: Swift, Feint Attack, Magical Leaf, Fantasy Seal*, Aura Sphere, Smart Strike, Play Rough, Detect, Outrage, Thrash, Close Combat, Petal Dance, Slack Off, etc.
Signature Moves: Fantasy Seal- Flying-type, 60 BP, Special, 20 PP. Cannot miss. Super-effective on Dark-Types. Calculated from Reimu's higher offensive stat.
Signature Z-Move: Fantasy Nature. Flying-Type, Special. Upgrades from Reimu's Fantasy Seal with Hakureinium Z. 250 BP. Does neutral damage to the foe, regardless of typing (Cannot deal Super-effective or not very effect damage). Ignores abilities. This move is a two-turn move: On the first, Reimu enters an invulnerable state, and on the second, Reimu attacks, leaving the invulnerable state. Damage is calculated from Reimu's higher offensive stat.
Stats: 100 HP/100 Atk/100 Def/100 SpA/100 SpD/100 Spe (BST: 600)
Reasoning: Reimu Hakurei, the Shrine Maiden of Paradise, is the main character of the Touhou Project series.
One of Reimu's titles (And a spell card of hers is named after this) is the Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden, and she's shown no trouble in handling the normal Flying-type weaknesses, so the ability itself manifests as a version of Delta Stream that is restricted only to Reimu herself. In addition, this ability also gives Reimu a 50% bonus damage on all moves that cannot miss with the exception of Z-Moves, referencing the fact that she always has the homing shot type. Speaking of typing, Reimu was a tough one to pin down at first, but eventually I came to Flying/Fighting. Flying because of the same reasons as her ability, and Fighting because in the fighting games, her moveset prominently includes usage of martial arts. Reimu's other abilities are a reference to her personality and distinct way of thinking from others in Gensokyo, and the weather she is associated with in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, the Sunny weather (While it's translated as Sunny, its kanji's more literal translation is Pleasant Weather), so she can either avoid confusion or keep weather effects off the field. While Reimu's typing is bolstered by Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden, removing the Flying-type associated weaknesses still doesn't give her all that great a defensive typing, as she only resists Bug, Fighting, Grass, Rock and Ground-type moves, and is weak to Psychic, Flying and Fairy-type moves (Fairies are always pranking her, after all).
Reimu's stats are because she's always the jack of all trades, master of none in any game she appears in: Her stats are 100 base across the board, not lacking nor excelling in any one area.
Her moveset typically revolves around her style of using homing attacks, like her trademark homing amulets. Moves like Aura Sphere, Smart Strike are all part of keeping in with this, along with Reimu's signature move, Fantasy Seal. It's a technique that forcibly seals the target away, and works extremely well on youkai, hence why it's super-effective against Dark-types. It is of course based on her most common spell card throughout the series, appearing in almost every game in some form since Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Other moves like Close Combat, Detect and Play Rough are from her appearances in Fighting Games and Print Works, or in the case of Detect, based on Reimu's keen intuition. Outrage and Slack Off are based on two facets of Reimu's personality: She's quick to anger if offended (And in fanon, oftentimes gets depicted as going on a rampage due to lack of donations), but she's also very lazy when it comes to things that not her duties. Petal Dance and Magical Leaf are the obligatory Hidden Star in Four Seasons reference, based on Reimu being infused with the power of Spring, though she doesn't get any extra form or a variant of Fantasy Seal from it.
Her signature Z-Move, Fantasy Nature, is based on her Last Word in Imperishable Night and Hopeless Masquerade. It was difficult to balance this one given how utterly broken the ability is in the actual series' canon, so this was the best I could come up with: It's a two-turn move akin to something like Shadow Force or Phantom Force. With Reimu's ultimate manifestation of her natural powers, she ignores weaknesses, resistances and abilities, and cannot be hurt during the charge turn by anything. However, due to the charge turn, it can be fairly easy to prepare for Fantasy Nature so long as you're careful, and another Semi-Invulnerable move will beat Fantasy Nature out. Still, it is an IMMENSELY powerful nuke, and if you don't have a defensive measure prepared, you're probably going to lose something, as even coming off of a meager base 100 SpA, a base 250 STAB hurts a great deal.
Type: Fighting/Flying
Abilities: Cloud Nine/Own Tempo/Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden (HA)
Signature Ability: Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden- Removes the weaknesses associated with the Flying-type from the user. Moves that cannot miss (EXCEPT Z-Moves) gain a 50% increase in damage.
Moves: Swift, Feint Attack, Magical Leaf, Fantasy Seal*, Aura Sphere, Smart Strike, Play Rough, Detect, Outrage, Thrash, Close Combat, Petal Dance, Slack Off, etc.
Signature Moves: Fantasy Seal- Flying-type, 60 BP, Special, 20 PP. Cannot miss. Super-effective on Dark-Types. Calculated from Reimu's higher offensive stat.
Signature Z-Move: Fantasy Nature. Flying-Type, Special. Upgrades from Reimu's Fantasy Seal with Hakureinium Z. 250 BP. Does neutral damage to the foe, regardless of typing (Cannot deal Super-effective or not very effect damage). Ignores abilities. This move is a two-turn move: On the first, Reimu enters an invulnerable state, and on the second, Reimu attacks, leaving the invulnerable state. Damage is calculated from Reimu's higher offensive stat.
Stats: 100 HP/100 Atk/100 Def/100 SpA/100 SpD/100 Spe (BST: 600)
Reasoning: Reimu Hakurei, the Shrine Maiden of Paradise, is the main character of the Touhou Project series.
One of Reimu's titles (And a spell card of hers is named after this) is the Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden, and she's shown no trouble in handling the normal Flying-type weaknesses, so the ability itself manifests as a version of Delta Stream that is restricted only to Reimu herself. In addition, this ability also gives Reimu a 50% bonus damage on all moves that cannot miss with the exception of Z-Moves, referencing the fact that she always has the homing shot type. Speaking of typing, Reimu was a tough one to pin down at first, but eventually I came to Flying/Fighting. Flying because of the same reasons as her ability, and Fighting because in the fighting games, her moveset prominently includes usage of martial arts. Reimu's other abilities are a reference to her personality and distinct way of thinking from others in Gensokyo, and the weather she is associated with in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, the Sunny weather (While it's translated as Sunny, its kanji's more literal translation is Pleasant Weather), so she can either avoid confusion or keep weather effects off the field. While Reimu's typing is bolstered by Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden, removing the Flying-type associated weaknesses still doesn't give her all that great a defensive typing, as she only resists Bug, Fighting, Grass, Rock and Ground-type moves, and is weak to Psychic, Flying and Fairy-type moves (Fairies are always pranking her, after all).
Reimu's stats are because she's always the jack of all trades, master of none in any game she appears in: Her stats are 100 base across the board, not lacking nor excelling in any one area.
Her moveset typically revolves around her style of using homing attacks, like her trademark homing amulets. Moves like Aura Sphere, Smart Strike are all part of keeping in with this, along with Reimu's signature move, Fantasy Seal. It's a technique that forcibly seals the target away, and works extremely well on youkai, hence why it's super-effective against Dark-types. It is of course based on her most common spell card throughout the series, appearing in almost every game in some form since Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Other moves like Close Combat, Detect and Play Rough are from her appearances in Fighting Games and Print Works, or in the case of Detect, based on Reimu's keen intuition. Outrage and Slack Off are based on two facets of Reimu's personality: She's quick to anger if offended (And in fanon, oftentimes gets depicted as going on a rampage due to lack of donations), but she's also very lazy when it comes to things that not her duties. Petal Dance and Magical Leaf are the obligatory Hidden Star in Four Seasons reference, based on Reimu being infused with the power of Spring, though she doesn't get any extra form or a variant of Fantasy Seal from it.
Her signature Z-Move, Fantasy Nature, is based on her Last Word in Imperishable Night and Hopeless Masquerade. It was difficult to balance this one given how utterly broken the ability is in the actual series' canon, so this was the best I could come up with: It's a two-turn move akin to something like Shadow Force or Phantom Force. With Reimu's ultimate manifestation of her natural powers, she ignores weaknesses, resistances and abilities, and cannot be hurt during the charge turn by anything. However, due to the charge turn, it can be fairly easy to prepare for Fantasy Nature so long as you're careful, and another Semi-Invulnerable move will beat Fantasy Nature out. Still, it is an IMMENSELY powerful nuke, and if you don't have a defensive measure prepared, you're probably going to lose something, as even coming off of a meager base 100 SpA, a base 250 STAB hurts a great deal.
Pokémon: Youmu Konpaku (Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.).
Type: Ghost/Steel
Ability: Phantom Half
Signature Ability: Phantom Half- Youmu's attacks strike a second time at 35% power. The damage of the second hit is always dealt as Ghost-type damage, regardless of what type of move Youmu is using (And is subject to Ghost-type weaknesses and resistances). Cannot be disabled or removed.
Moves: Sacred Sword, Night Slash, Petal Blizzard, Roukanken, Hakurouken, Swords Dance, Agility, etc.
Signature Moves
Roukanken: Steel-type, 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Physical. Ignores the target's stat changes. Super-effective on Ghost-types. 210 BP Corkscrew Crash.
Hakurouken: Ghost-type, 90 Power, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Physical. Can damage foes that are normally immune to Ghost-type moves (e.g. Normal-types), removing their Ghost-type immunity until they are switched out (Basically a reskinned Thousand Arrows, except Ghost-type and single-target). 200 BP Never-Ending Nightmare.
Stats: 90 HP/125 Atk/100 Def/50 SpA/70 SpD/140 Spe (BST: 575)
Reasoning: Youmu Konpaku, the Half-Phantom, Half-Human Gardener, is... well, a half-human half-phantom hybrid who first appears as the Stage 5 Boss of Perfect Cherry Blossom. She serves Yuyuko Saigyouji, and acts as her gardener (Although realistically she's closer to a maid, like a certain other silver-haired servant) and swordsmanship instructor (Not that she's ever seen giving Yuyuko lessons). She's an expert swordswoman herself and wields two swords that have been passed down through the Konpaku lineage for generations: The Roukanken and the Hakurouken, which manifest as her signature moves.
If you look at an image of Youmu, you'll see a white blob of some sort floating behind Youmu. This... is also Youmu, or to be more specific, her phantom half, which manifests as Youmu's first and only ability, manifesting as a slightly stronger version of Parental Bond which only deals Ghost-type damage (This means that the ability is useless against Normal-types unless she uses Hakurouken on them). Her other moves are mostly self-explanatory, except for perhaps Petal Blizzard. That move is specifically based on one of Youmu's spell cards from the fighting games. Specifically, Sword Skill "Cherry Blossom Flashing".
Youmu's stats are fairly straightforward as well. As a half-phantom, Youmu is naturally more resilient to physical attacks than an ordinary human would be so her defense is a fair bit higher than her special defense, and she has decent HP. In the fighting games, Youmu's projectiles are some of the worst in the game, which naturally translates to awful special attack. But in return, her melee attacks are fast and powerful, hence she has good attack and is blisteringly fast.
Type: Ghost/Steel
Ability: Phantom Half
Signature Ability: Phantom Half- Youmu's attacks strike a second time at 35% power. The damage of the second hit is always dealt as Ghost-type damage, regardless of what type of move Youmu is using (And is subject to Ghost-type weaknesses and resistances). Cannot be disabled or removed.
Moves: Sacred Sword, Night Slash, Petal Blizzard, Roukanken, Hakurouken, Swords Dance, Agility, etc.
Signature Moves
Roukanken: Steel-type, 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Physical. Ignores the target's stat changes. Super-effective on Ghost-types. 210 BP Corkscrew Crash.
Hakurouken: Ghost-type, 90 Power, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Physical. Can damage foes that are normally immune to Ghost-type moves (e.g. Normal-types), removing their Ghost-type immunity until they are switched out (Basically a reskinned Thousand Arrows, except Ghost-type and single-target). 200 BP Never-Ending Nightmare.
Stats: 90 HP/125 Atk/100 Def/50 SpA/70 SpD/140 Spe (BST: 575)
Reasoning: Youmu Konpaku, the Half-Phantom, Half-Human Gardener, is... well, a half-human half-phantom hybrid who first appears as the Stage 5 Boss of Perfect Cherry Blossom. She serves Yuyuko Saigyouji, and acts as her gardener (Although realistically she's closer to a maid, like a certain other silver-haired servant) and swordsmanship instructor (Not that she's ever seen giving Yuyuko lessons). She's an expert swordswoman herself and wields two swords that have been passed down through the Konpaku lineage for generations: The Roukanken and the Hakurouken, which manifest as her signature moves.
If you look at an image of Youmu, you'll see a white blob of some sort floating behind Youmu. This... is also Youmu, or to be more specific, her phantom half, which manifests as Youmu's first and only ability, manifesting as a slightly stronger version of Parental Bond which only deals Ghost-type damage (This means that the ability is useless against Normal-types unless she uses Hakurouken on them). Her other moves are mostly self-explanatory, except for perhaps Petal Blizzard. That move is specifically based on one of Youmu's spell cards from the fighting games. Specifically, Sword Skill "Cherry Blossom Flashing".
Youmu's stats are fairly straightforward as well. As a half-phantom, Youmu is naturally more resilient to physical attacks than an ordinary human would be so her defense is a fair bit higher than her special defense, and she has decent HP. In the fighting games, Youmu's projectiles are some of the worst in the game, which naturally translates to awful special attack. But in return, her melee attacks are fast and powerful, hence she has good attack and is blisteringly fast.
And for my fourth submission...
Hey, I did say that Pika Xreme making Reimu Psychic-type gave me an idea, didn't I?
"Even with all your firepower you can't match me, can you?"

Pokémon: Reisen Udongein Inaba (Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night)
Type: Psychic
Ability: Red Eyes of Insanity
Signature Ability: Red Eyes of Insanity- Reisen's Psychic-type moves can affect Dark-type Pokemon, but only deal half damage to them. Against foes with a mental status ailment (Infatuation, Taunt, Torment, Confusion, Encore), Reisen deals guaranteed critical hits. Reisen can infatuate targets regardless of gender.
Moves: Mind Starmine, Demotivator, Tele-mesmerism, Psyshock, Confuse Ray, Glare, Hypnosis, etc.
Signature Moves
Mind Starmine: 80 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Psychic-type, Special. Taunts the Target, stopping them from using Status moves.
Demotivator: 80 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Psychic-type, Special. Torments the Target, preventing them from using the same move twice in a row.
Tele-mesmerism: 70 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Psychic-type, Special. Infatuates the target, giving all of their actions a 50% chance to fail.
Z-Move: Lunatic Red Eyes- Upgrades from Glare with Udongium Z. 180 BP. Hits both targets in a double battle. Confuses, Infatuates, Taunts and Paralyzes the targets, while also trapping them for 3 turns.
Stats: 80 HP/50 Atk/70 Def/90 SpA/90 SpD/130 Spe (BST: 510)
Reasoning: Here we have Reisen Udongein Inaba, the Lunatic Lunar Rabbit. She is, as the name suggests, a Moon Rabbit, a type of rabbit youkai that originally came from the moon, who first stats in Imperishable Night.
Reisen's Ability is based on her ability in canon, which is to drive foes to insanity through her eyes. Naturally, through this, Reisen is meant to focus on the mental status ailments, which she can easily inflict through her signature moves, all of which are named after Spell Cards in the series. This focus on mental assaults is also what gives Reisen her Psychic-typing.
Her Z-Move is based on her Last Word in Imperishable Night, Glare of the Hazy Phantom Moon "Lunatic Red Eyes", where she unleashes a powerful blast of waves from her eyes (Which, naturally, drives all nearby foes insane.)
...That's it. Reisen was actually very simple to make.
Type: Psychic
Ability: Red Eyes of Insanity
Signature Ability: Red Eyes of Insanity- Reisen's Psychic-type moves can affect Dark-type Pokemon, but only deal half damage to them. Against foes with a mental status ailment (Infatuation, Taunt, Torment, Confusion, Encore), Reisen deals guaranteed critical hits. Reisen can infatuate targets regardless of gender.
Moves: Mind Starmine, Demotivator, Tele-mesmerism, Psyshock, Confuse Ray, Glare, Hypnosis, etc.
Signature Moves
Mind Starmine: 80 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Psychic-type, Special. Taunts the Target, stopping them from using Status moves.
Demotivator: 80 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Psychic-type, Special. Torments the Target, preventing them from using the same move twice in a row.
Tele-mesmerism: 70 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Psychic-type, Special. Infatuates the target, giving all of their actions a 50% chance to fail.
Z-Move: Lunatic Red Eyes- Upgrades from Glare with Udongium Z. 180 BP. Hits both targets in a double battle. Confuses, Infatuates, Taunts and Paralyzes the targets, while also trapping them for 3 turns.
Stats: 80 HP/50 Atk/70 Def/90 SpA/90 SpD/130 Spe (BST: 510)
Reasoning: Here we have Reisen Udongein Inaba, the Lunatic Lunar Rabbit. She is, as the name suggests, a Moon Rabbit, a type of rabbit youkai that originally came from the moon, who first stats in Imperishable Night.
Reisen's Ability is based on her ability in canon, which is to drive foes to insanity through her eyes. Naturally, through this, Reisen is meant to focus on the mental status ailments, which she can easily inflict through her signature moves, all of which are named after Spell Cards in the series. This focus on mental assaults is also what gives Reisen her Psychic-typing.
Her Z-Move is based on her Last Word in Imperishable Night, Glare of the Hazy Phantom Moon "Lunatic Red Eyes", where she unleashes a powerful blast of waves from her eyes (Which, naturally, drives all nearby foes insane.)
...That's it. Reisen was actually very simple to make.
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