Slate 10.1: Tiebreaker!
Well it turns out we have had one of the closest votes in C:SI history! (Aside from the one point difference, the type currently in second place was in first place before a vote had been edited quite drastically.) The Council has discussed, and we came to a conclusion that will help clarify everyone's personal choice!
We are going to complete a 48-hour tiebreaker vote! This will alleviate ranking and ask each voter to make one final decision.
Your tiebreaker options: Beast-type and Cosmic-type
Well it turns out we have had one of the closest votes in C:SI history! (Aside from the one point difference, the type currently in second place was in first place before a vote had been edited quite drastically.) The Council has discussed, and we came to a conclusion that will help clarify everyone's personal choice!
We are going to complete a 48-hour tiebreaker vote! This will alleviate ranking and ask each voter to make one final decision.
Your tiebreaker options: Beast-type and Cosmic-type
New Type: Beast-type
Category: Physical
Flavor: Pokémon of this type would be of a wild, fearsome, untamed nature. Several of the potential candidates to receive this typing are currently pure-special types with respectable (physical) Attack stats, so providing them with a physical STAB would ideally improve their viability in the metagame. For the Pokémon that already have a physical-typing, this would grant them additional STAB coverage and new type-matchups.
Considerations for interactions with other types:
Beasts are often creatures known for fiercely hunting their prey, so the types that Beast hits for super-effective should at least loosely reflect that.
Some examples (not at all set-in-stone) could be: Water, Flying, Ground, Normal (representing aquatic, aerial, burrowing, and “plain” creatures).
On the flipside, there are certain things that the sheer might of beasts either can’t, or doesn’t want to, handle from an offensive standpoint.
Examples: Bug (large beasts probably don’t care too much about bugs scuttling around underfoot, so they don’t put much effort into attacking them), Poison, Fire (what wild animal wants to mess with a foe that they know is wielding either of those things).
Defensively, Beast-types should be able to shrug off certain natural elements that they’re used to living with on a daily basis.
Examples: Dark (many beasts hunt in the dark, but even those that don’t should be plenty used to the darkness that falls over wild areas every night), Ground (natural disasters like earthquakes and landslides are common occurrences in some places), Ice (creatures living in cold climates should be well-acclimated to Winter temperatures and weather).
Finally, beasts do have exploitable weaknesses, particularly things that they don’t encounter in the wild and things that they may encounter naturally, but that aren’t actively attacking them.
Examples: Steel (such tough, refined metal doesn’t occur at all in the wild, and as such beasts aren’t equipped to deal with breaking through it), Fire, Electric (beasts may know to avoid volcanos, forest fires, and lightning, but they can’t very well deal with those elements when they’re being purposely attacked by them).
Example Pokémon that could gain this type:
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Example Moves:
Old moves- Slash, Skull Bash, Rage, Fury Attack, Sharpen, Roar, Mean Look…
New move ideas- Speaking generally, future Beast-type moves could largely be focused on dishing out raw damage and boosting the user’s offensive stats (particularly Attack, Speed, and Accuracy). There’s good flavor potential with this type for recoil-based moves and moves with a cost to the user (thinking along the lines of Belly Drum). Status moves that are intimidating in nature also fit nicely with this typing.
How this will work:New Type: Cosmic-type
Category: Special
Flavor: “Pokemon of this type are often described as “other-worldly” and mysterious. Many also seem to have a connection to space and the stars~” I think this allows for the type to only cover a small, niche amount of 'mons, moves, and ideas currently in CSI, allowing it to not trample on any current balance or concepts, while also being different enough that a ton of potential is locked away.
Considerations for interactions with other types:
- s.e. against Dragon, Cosmic, Ground, Normal
- n.v.e against Bug, Ghost, Steel
Reasoning for the s.e....
I personally see this type as very "sunder the ones below" sorta vibe. Dragons, Ground, and Normal all being blasted fit the feeling of this being real astral power. Be it the sword made from the fallen star to slay the dragon, the meteor blasting into the ground below, or the mortal blasted apart by the cosmic radiance from above... These are all thematic considerations. Stars colliding in a blaze of glory is also rad af. Of course these are all strong balance considerations as well.
"Shouldn't dragons beat this?"
Naw. What you on? Look at the above. If you wanna say Dragons are weak that's because our two dragon 'mons are weak and have no moves to spam, we just got a new dragon move and they should actually be playable now. B)
Reasoning for the n.v.e....
Starfire doesn't melt steel beams? Ghosts in space?? What the hell is a bug?! Primarily these are mechanical things, but the flavor is the "odd" resisting the Cosmic-type, and it really does just snuggly slot in as a natural connection when strung together like this! Seriously, bug resisting cosmic is legendary.
- resists Rock, Ground
- weak to Psychic, Ghost, Cosmic
Reasoning for the resists....
Asteroids! No astral body can be in the way of the cosmic might!
Reasoning for the weaknesses....
A similar story for the n.v.e., the strange and bizarre are what can properly handle Cosmic... Psychics, Ghosts, and the Cosmic type itself! This leans into a sorta space horror aspect a bit as well. And wouldja look at that, it also slightly shifts the meta a bit by resisting strong common moves/types while also inviting in lesser used typings... ;)
Example Pokémon that could gain this type:
Furthermore, here's two of our previous submissions that didn't make it in previously, but I believe would be PERFECT in consideration of the Cosmic type! In the case of Gemlin I'd say Cosmic/Rock and for Ursaleste maybe Cosmic/Dark or Normal/Cosmic?
Also--A potential Cosmic/Dragon legendary idea? A Cosmic Eeveelution?? Helloooooo??? It prints money!
Example Moves:
Old moves to consider being changed to this type... Anything from Ancientpower, Comet Punch, Swift, to Wish.
I also seen a previous submission that just calls to me as a great idea.
I hope I've managed to properly showcase this idea off, AND flex how it can be easily and readily applied to a bunch of different ideas by showing off it's ability to not only work with currently in the game moves and 'mons, but some of our own previous submissions from earlier slates!
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- You get one vote!
Voters will either chose Beast-type or Cosmic-type as their choice for our new type's name.
- Voters are deciding which name/theme they prefer! This should be the primary consideration of their choice.
- Our next slate will focus on the battle mechanics of the winning type.
- There is no right or wrong choice!
- Voters should emphasize their own preferences when deciding their choice!
Voting Template:
New Type Name
Tiebreaker Voting will close on Wednesday, July 20th!
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