Pet Mod Crystal: Sevii Islands [Slate 10.5 - Cosmic-type Moves & Eeveelution]

Should Kazappelin lose Explosion?

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    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
:umbreon:Slate 10.1: Tiebreaker!:forretress:
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Well it turns out we have had one of the closest votes in C:SI history! (Aside from the one point difference, the type currently in second place was in first place before a vote had been edited quite drastically.) The Council has discussed, and we came to a conclusion that will help clarify everyone's personal choice!

We are going to complete a 48-hour tiebreaker vote! This will alleviate ranking and ask each voter to make one final decision.


Your tiebreaker options: Beast-type and Cosmic-type
New Type: Beast-type
Category: Physical
Flavor: Pokémon of this type would be of a wild, fearsome, untamed nature. Several of the potential candidates to receive this typing are currently pure-special types with respectable (physical) Attack stats, so providing them with a physical STAB would ideally improve their viability in the metagame. For the Pokémon that already have a physical-typing, this would grant them additional STAB coverage and new type-matchups.

Considerations for interactions with other types:
Beasts are often creatures known for fiercely hunting their prey, so the types that Beast hits for super-effective should at least loosely reflect that.
Some examples (not at all set-in-stone) could be: Water, Flying, Ground, Normal (representing aquatic, aerial, burrowing, and “plain” creatures).

On the flipside, there are certain things that the sheer might of beasts either can’t, or doesn’t want to, handle from an offensive standpoint.
Examples: Bug (large beasts probably don’t care too much about bugs scuttling around underfoot, so they don’t put much effort into attacking them), Poison, Fire (what wild animal wants to mess with a foe that they know is wielding either of those things).

Defensively, Beast-types should be able to shrug off certain natural elements that they’re used to living with on a daily basis.
Examples: Dark (many beasts hunt in the dark, but even those that don’t should be plenty used to the darkness that falls over wild areas every night), Ground (natural disasters like earthquakes and landslides are common occurrences in some places), Ice (creatures living in cold climates should be well-acclimated to Winter temperatures and weather).

Finally, beasts do have exploitable weaknesses, particularly things that they don’t encounter in the wild and things that they may encounter naturally, but that aren’t actively attacking them.
Examples: Steel (such tough, refined metal doesn’t occur at all in the wild, and as such beasts aren’t equipped to deal with breaking through it), Fire, Electric (beasts may know to avoid volcanos, forest fires, and lightning, but they can’t very well deal with those elements when they’re being purposely attacked by them).

Example Pokémon that could gain this type:
:gs/Arcanine:, :gs/Donphan:, :gs/Feraligatr:, :gs/Pidgeot:, :gs/Primeape:, :gs/Sneasel:, :gs/Ursaring:

Example Moves:
Old moves- Slash, Skull Bash, Rage, Fury Attack, Sharpen, Roar, Mean Look…
New move ideas- Speaking generally, future Beast-type moves could largely be focused on dishing out raw damage and boosting the user’s offensive stats (particularly Attack, Speed, and Accuracy). There’s good flavor potential with this type for recoil-based moves and moves with a cost to the user (thinking along the lines of Belly Drum). Status moves that are intimidating in nature also fit nicely with this typing.
New Type: Cosmic-type
Category: Special
Flavor: “Pokemon of this type are often described as “other-worldly” and mysterious. Many also seem to have a connection to space and the stars~” I think this allows for the type to only cover a small, niche amount of 'mons, moves, and ideas currently in CSI, allowing it to not trample on any current balance or concepts, while also being different enough that a ton of potential is locked away.

Considerations for interactions with other types:

- s.e. against Dragon, Cosmic, Ground, Normal
- n.v.e against Bug, Ghost, Steel

Reasoning for the s.e....
I personally see this type as very "sunder the ones below" sorta vibe. Dragons, Ground, and Normal all being blasted fit the feeling of this being real astral power. Be it the sword made from the fallen star to slay the dragon, the meteor blasting into the ground below, or the mortal blasted apart by the cosmic radiance from above... These are all thematic considerations. Stars colliding in a blaze of glory is also rad af. Of course these are all strong balance considerations as well.
"Shouldn't dragons beat this?"
Naw. What you on? Look at the above. If you wanna say Dragons are weak that's because our two dragon 'mons are weak and have no moves to spam, we just got a new dragon move and they should actually be playable now. B)

Reasoning for the n.v.e....
Starfire doesn't melt steel beams? Ghosts in space?? What the hell is a bug?! Primarily these are mechanical things, but the flavor is the "odd" resisting the Cosmic-type, and it really does just snuggly slot in as a natural connection when strung together like this! Seriously, bug resisting cosmic is legendary.

- resists Rock, Ground
- weak to Psychic, Ghost, Cosmic

Reasoning for the resists....
Asteroids! No astral body can be in the way of the cosmic might!

Reasoning for the weaknesses....
A similar story for the n.v.e., the strange and bizarre are what can properly handle Cosmic... Psychics, Ghosts, and the Cosmic type itself! This leans into a sorta space horror aspect a bit as well. And wouldja look at that, it also slightly shifts the meta a bit by resisting strong common moves/types while also inviting in lesser used typings... ;)

Example Pokémon that could gain this type:
:Ledian: :Clefable: :Starmie: :Togetic: :Blissey: Tunguru

Furthermore, here's two of our previous submissions that didn't make it in previously, but I believe would be PERFECT in consideration of the Cosmic type! In the case of Gemlin I'd say Cosmic/Rock and for Ursaleste maybe Cosmic/Dark or Normal/Cosmic?

Also--A potential Cosmic/Dragon legendary idea? A Cosmic Eeveelution?? Helloooooo??? It prints money!


Example Moves:
Old moves to consider being changed to this type... Anything from Ancientpower, Comet Punch, Swift, to Wish.

I also seen a previous submission that just calls to me as a great idea.


I hope I've managed to properly showcase this idea off, AND flex how it can be easily and readily applied to a bunch of different ideas by showing off it's ability to not only work with currently in the game moves and 'mons, but some of our own previous submissions from earlier slates!
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How this will work:
- You get one vote!
Voters will either chose Beast-type or Cosmic-type as their choice for our new type's name.

- Voters are deciding which name/theme they prefer! This should be the primary consideration of their choice.
- Our next slate will focus on the battle mechanics of the winning type.
- There is no right or wrong choice!
- Voters should emphasize their own preferences when deciding their choice!

Voting Template:
New Type Name
Tiebreaker Voting will close on Wednesday, July 20th!
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Cosmic- I voted this as my number one and I will die on this galaxy sized hill. Out of all the types from this slate Cosmic was definitely a stand out for me. This feels like a type Gamefreak actually would put in the games and thematically I love it. Stars, constellations, all that I eat up. So yeah…Cosmic for the win.
:clefable:Slate 10.2: Cosmic-type Mechanics:ursaring:
After going through the depths of the Sevii Isles, you noticed a great deal of energy emerging from different places that felt other-worldly... Specifically, near a meteor site Aroofaondo directed you to, there was a glowing ray beaming from a meteorite. As you got close to the meteorite, it set off sensors on your Pokédex! You must camp out at this site to study the meteors and energy found here...
New Type: Cosmic-type
Category: Special
Flavor: “Pokemon of this type are often described as “other-worldly” and mysterious. Many also seem to have a connection to space and the stars~” I think this allows for the type to only cover a small, niche amount of 'mons, moves, and ideas currently in CSI, allowing it to not trample on any current balance or concepts, while also being different enough that a ton of potential is locked away.

Considerations for interactions with other types:

- s.e. against Dragon, Cosmic, Ground, Normal
- n.v.e against Bug, Ghost, Steel

Reasoning for the s.e....
I personally see this type as very "sunder the ones below" sorta vibe. Dragons, Ground, and Normal all being blasted fit the feeling of this being real astral power. Be it the sword made from the fallen star to slay the dragon, the meteor blasting into the ground below, or the mortal blasted apart by the cosmic radiance from above... These are all thematic considerations. Stars colliding in a blaze of glory is also rad af. Of course these are all strong balance considerations as well.
"Shouldn't dragons beat this?"
Naw. What you on? Look at the above. If you wanna say Dragons are weak that's because our two dragon 'mons are weak and have no moves to spam, we just got a new dragon move and they should actually be playable now. B)

Reasoning for the n.v.e....
Starfire doesn't melt steel beams? Ghosts in space?? What the hell is a bug?! Primarily these are mechanical things, but the flavor is the "odd" resisting the Cosmic-type, and it really does just snuggly slot in as a natural connection when strung together like this! Seriously, bug resisting cosmic is legendary.

- resists Rock, Ground
- weak to Psychic, Ghost, Cosmic

Reasoning for the resists....
Asteroids! No astral body can be in the way of the cosmic might!

Reasoning for the weaknesses....
A similar story for the n.v.e., the strange and bizarre are what can properly handle Cosmic... Psychics, Ghosts, and the Cosmic type itself! This leans into a sorta space horror aspect a bit as well. And wouldja look at that, it also slightly shifts the meta a bit by resisting strong common moves/types while also inviting in lesser used typings... ;)

Example Pokémon that could gain this type:
:Ledian: :Clefable: :Starmie: :Togetic: :Blissey: Tunguru

Furthermore, here's two of our previous submissions that didn't make it in previously, but I believe would be PERFECT in consideration of the Cosmic type! In the case of Gemlin I'd say Cosmic/Rock and for Ursaleste maybe Cosmic/Dark or Normal/Cosmic?

Also--A potential Cosmic/Dragon legendary idea? A Cosmic Eeveelution?? Helloooooo??? It prints money!


Example Moves:
Old moves to consider being changed to this type... Anything from Ancientpower, Comet Punch, Swift, to Wish.

I also seen a previous submission that just calls to me as a great idea.


I hope I've managed to properly showcase this idea off, AND flex how it can be easily and readily applied to a bunch of different ideas by showing off it's ability to not only work with currently in the game moves and 'mons, but some of our own previous submissions from earlier slates!
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:starmie:Prompt: Your task is to submit the type category and interactions for the Cosmic-type! (Changes (10.3) and custom moves (10.4) will take place in the next phases of this slate.)

- You cannot change pre-existing type interactions! (All of your type interactions should be made with relation to the Cosmic-type.)

- You are limited to one submission.

- You should be concerned more with competitive balance than flavor for this slate. Though, flavor are necessary.

- Submission feedback is the name of the game. Definitely work with others this slate.
*Click here for our submissions feedback Discord chat.*

- I recommend using this tool for visualizing your type interactions: Interactive Type Chart Tool
- When you open up the tool, it should look like this.
Screen Shot 2022-07-20 at 5.24.10 PM.png

- Towards the right of the screen, change "Base Chart:" to "Gen II-V type chart"
- After that, towards the bottom of the right text, press "Add new type"
- Now towards the left of the screen, at the bottom of the type list, you should see a new custom option.
- Click this text box, erase custom, and change it to Cosmic.
Screen Shot 2022-07-20 at 5.29.09 PM.png

- Now you can click the blank boxes under Cosmic to create the interactions.
- The list on the bottom of the chart indicates the Cosmic-type's offensive interactions, and the left indicates its defensive ones.

[Insert your new type chart image here. 800px width is a good size.]
[B]Offensive interactions with other types[/B]:

[B]Defensive interactions with other types[/B]:
Type: Cosmic-type
Category: Physical
Justification: Cosmic-type is physical because...

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Offensive interactions with other types: Neutral against all types.
Justifications: Neutral against all types because...

Defensive interactions with other types: All types are Neutral against it.
Justifications: All types are neutral against it because...
What's Next for Crystal: Sevii Islands?
This spaced out submission process will allow for a more holistic approach that accounts for everyone's different ideas. I anticipate a discussion between the other slates (10.3, 10.4)! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to the Council.

Rezzo and Analysis Geek have gotten through a majority of the code! C:SI should be fully playable relatively soon. Stay tuned for updates!

Submissions will close on Monday, July 25th!
Resubmitting my type matchups in my initial post.

New Type: Cosmic-type
Category: Special
Flavor: “Pokemon of this type are often described as “other-worldly” and mysterious. Many also seem to have a connection to space and the stars~” I think this allows for the type to only cover a small, niche amount of 'mons, moves, and ideas currently in CSI, allowing it to not trample on any current balance or concepts, while also being different enough that a ton of potential is locked away.

Considerations for interactions with other types:

- s.e. against Dragon, Cosmic, Ground, Normal
- n.v.e against Bug, Ghost, Steel

Reasoning for the s.e....
I personally see this type as very "sunder the ones below" sorta vibe. Dragons, Ground, and Normal all being blasted fit the feeling of this being real astral power. Be it the sword made from the fallen star to slay the dragon, the meteor blasting into the ground below, or the mortal blasted apart by the cosmic radiance from above... These are all thematic considerations. Stars colliding in a blaze of glory is also rad af. Of course these are all strong balance considerations as well.
"Shouldn't dragons beat this?"
Naw. What you on? Look at the above. If you wanna say Dragons are weak that's because our two dragon 'mons are weak and have no moves to spam, we just got a new dragon move and they should actually be playable now. B)

Reasoning for the n.v.e....
Starfire doesn't melt steel beams? Ghosts in space?? What the hell is a bug?! Primarily these are mechanical things, but the flavor is the "odd" resisting the Cosmic-type, and it really does just snuggly slot in as a natural connection when strung together like this! Seriously, bug resisting cosmic is legendary.

- resists Rock, Ground
- weak to Psychic, Ghost, Cosmic

Reasoning for the resists....
Asteroids! No astral body can be in the way of the cosmic might!

Reasoning for the weaknesses....
A similar story for the n.v.e., the strange and bizarre are what can properly handle Cosmic... Psychics, Ghosts, and the Cosmic type itself! This leans into a sorta space horror aspect a bit as well. And wouldja look at that, it also slightly shifts the meta a bit by resisting strong common moves/types while also inviting in lesser used typings... ;)

Example Pokémon that could gain this type:
:Ledian: :Clefable: :Starmie: :Togetic: :Blissey: Tunguru

Furthermore, here's two of our previous submissions that didn't make it in previously, but I believe would be PERFECT in consideration of the Cosmic type! In the case of Gemlin I'd say Cosmic/Rock and for Ursaleste maybe Cosmic/Dark or Normal/Cosmic?

Also--A potential Cosmic/Dragon legendary idea? A Cosmic Eeveelution?? Helloooooo??? It prints money!

Matchup chart on how this would look.

I think this is the right mix of flavor and mechanics, it has a strong balance of bringing the hurt towards a variety of 'mons, while also bringing in a number of key interactions via it's weaknesses and resists... Allowing Steel types to be a consistent answer, and inviting in some defensive play with bugs and ghosts.

Firmly I believe the esoteric type interactions with these types helps add to the mystery and flavor of the type, and deeply ingrain the balance. Nothing has anything remotely this unique of a spread and is what I believe could be a point to help drive home how cool and fantastic the type is. This also helps lean into a fact I feel--
You can make the defensive typing for this type a number of things, but the offensive side of this type can be a stumbling block. By leaning into the "weird" or "odd" like so, it solves that issues and helps blend it's offensive and defensive understandings.

- - -
Pulling this submission due to finding Rezzo's better.
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Justification: Cosmic-type is a natural elemental energy that exists within Pokémon that are either from space or have a great connection to it. This energy grants them proficiency in the physical capacities of their bodies.

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:zacian:Offensive interactions with other types: Super effective against
. Not very effective against

SE vs
- The gravitational pull of celestial bodies is known to have great effects on bodies of water - tides.
SE vs
- The energy emanating from Cosmic-type Pokémon is known to create disruptions with electronics and electricity.
Is there lightning in space? "That’s a very interesting question. We know that lightning follows one or more paths to even an imbalance between two areas of different electrostatic charge in the atmosphere. We know lightning is facilitated by highly conducting shortcuts like lightning rods, metal towers etc. Clearly lightning requires a medium which is somewhat capable of conducting the electric charge. If there is no air/water vapour I don’t believe we would see lightning." - Via Quora lol
NVE vs

Astronauts have grown several varieties of lettuce, radishes, peas, zinnias, and sunflowers, and they do just fine. “Plants are very adaptive, and they have to be—they can't run away,” says Gioia Massa, a scientist at NASA's Kennedy Space Center who studies plants in microgravity.
NVE vs

The International Space Station is infested with mysterious space bugs that may be leaving astronauts at risk of “serious harm,” according to a new study.
NVE vs
- Rocks are known to exist throughout space. All the meteors - they are known to easily adapt to space, and benefit from the lack of gravity. (This mutual adaptation between Rock/Cosmic-types is why there is a mutual resist)
NVE vs
- Two mythical entities battling each other, and in this case Dragons out power the Cosmic-based Pokémon. Dragons in Pokémon are very mysterious and are known to be impervious to Cosmic energy. Draconic energy is one of the Cosmic-types biggest counters. Thematically this also creates a check and balance feel, as otherwise, Cosmic-type could potentially feel too grand and out of place. This interaction with another mythical type is nice.

:zamazenta:Defensive interactions with other types: Weak to
. Resists
Weak to
-The Cosmic energy that exists within Cosmic-type Pokémon is known to make them weak to extremely hot temperatures. This is one of the costs of gaining the strength of Cosmic energy. Think of the heat generated from a supernova - 1,000,000,000 Degrees Celsius - Stars being most necessary for creating life on planets.
Weak to
- See NVE vs
- Cosmic Pokémon are known to be resistant to extremely cold temperatures. - Space is known to be extremely cold, so they are adapted to it.
- Cosmic Pokémon are known to be resistant to earth based attacks as space exists beyond it.
- Cosmic Pokémon are known to be resistant to rock based attacks as they are often already exposed to dangerous meteors.

:eternatus:Competitive: The offensive profile of the Cosmic-type would allow for more interesting counter play to the strong Water/Electric-types prevalent in GSC. Because it's a physical type it also hits Snorlax's weaker defensive stat, so it has a bit of an offensive affinity towards the prevalent Zap/Cloy/Lax core, though it doesn't resist any of their types, so it can not check this core alone.

Due to its weaknesses, it encourages more Dragon/Fire-type play/additions in the future, which acts as a buff to these types (there are no official Dragon or Fire-types mons in OU). It resists two strong Physical-types - Rock/Ground + gains an Ice resist. Grass-types already have a nice defensive profile, so this helps establish balance with the weaker types that resist Cosmic. This would also improve Bug/Dragon/Rock-types defensive profiles.

Now that Rock/Ground is no longer perfect coverage, which helps dampens some strong BDrum/SD/BPass based cores which seemed to be a bit problematic in some scenarios.

Dragon is probably the most notable new interaction, and this would really encourage us to create more Dragon-types in future slates.

While we already have one more physical-type than special-type, I feel as though a new physical type is still more needed for competitive integrity imo. This would allow Cosmic mons to hit Lax, but they aren't SE, so it's not anything super notable/optimized. + The water type is only weak to special-types, so this creates great synergy with the type interactions I've proposed.

Overall, this type chart seeks to expand the opportunities of some less prevalent types, while allowing for more creative options in the builder for the stronger ones. Right now, if we look at GSC OU teams, we see that Zap/Cloy/Lax + Lax/Electric/Water(+Water) are very prevalent. With the addition of this Cosmic-type, these cores wouldn't necessarily become weaker, but there will now be more exploration allowed to find stronger cores that account for the Cosmic-type. Teams like sun spam would be less niche, and I foresee strong Fire-types becoming more viable.

Example Changes:
:clefable: - Cosmic
In my opinion, Clefairy is the main Pokémon mascot for the Cosmic-type. This feels very natural considering it became Fairy-type in the main series.
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs
:ursaring: - Normal/Cosmic
Ursaring would make a great candidate for a Cosmic addition, and it's also a great example of how Physical Cosmic-type would be fitting - it doesn't quite make sense for Ursaring to just gain a slew of special powers, but it's realistic to see how it gained new strengths from its relation to the stars - Ursa Major. -You worship the stars? You gain star power.
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs

Immune vs
:sunflora:+ - Grass/Cosmic
A Sunflora evo would be very fitting as an example of a Sun-related Pokémon. To allow it fully step into the Cosmic-type it'd need a bit of strong connection to the sun, I feel like it's current state is just a normal sunflower, but an evo can change this.
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs
:Ledian:+ - Bug/Cosmic
Ledian is the Five Star Pokémon, and could be a really fun candidate of a Cosmic evo.
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs
:Octillery:+ - Water/Cosmic
I'm working on an Octillery evolution sub based on ray guns!
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs
Resist vs
:Magneton:+ - Electric/Cosmic
Magneton could receive a new Magnezone based evo since it's based on a flying saucer.
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs
:Noctowl:+ - Cosmic/Flying
Noctowl could receive a cool moon related evolution!
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs

Immune vs
*There is no combined STAB that provides perfect coverage with Cosmic-type*
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Ema Skye

Type: Cosmic
Category: Physical
Justification: Given the space influence on the Fairy type, hitting on the physical side allows the type to further distinguish itself. I can picture these Pokemon attacking with meteors, stars and comets, and I think that generally works better on physical as well. Given that Space is also represented in Pokemon through the Psychic-type, this provides another way for it to distinguish itself.

Offensive interactions with other types: Cosmic moves hit Water and Electric for super effective damage. It is resisted by itself, Bug and Ghost.

Defensive interactions with other types: Cosmic mons are weak to Psychic, Bug and Ghost, while they resist Water, Electric and Cosmic.
Justifications: My original interpretation of the type's dynamics was definitely overkill, so this trims it down a bit. The few interactions ensure it will be relatively easy to remember, especially given that they mirror both sides (except for the Psychic weakness). This does end up overlapping with Grass, acting like a less minmaxed version of the type (given the Water/Electric resists and the Bug weakness).

Explanation for interactions:
: liquid water instantly begins boiling in outer space due to the very low pressure
: electricity requires a medium to travel through, it can't travel very well in outer space
: bugs have been known to survive in space
: psychics manipulate time and space
: ghosts are incorporeal, meaning they aren't bothered by the void of space

Example mons for Cosmic: (This will also give you some ideas on possible type matchups)
Clefable fits the fill perfectly given the space vibes, and it especially loves a physical Cosmic-type because it can use it with its Belly Drum sets. This gives it something over Drumlax as a reason to be used, as well as having physical STAB unlike Drumzard.
Weaknesses: Psychic, Bug, Ghost
Resistances: Water, Electric, Cosmic

So I don't actually think we should retype Ledian given that Pokemon has never removed a type from a mon that wasn't Normal. However, a Ledian evolution is an easy candidate for a Cosmic-type. I am partial for Bug given that Swarm Attack finally gives it STAB, and so it would be best to take advantage of it.
Weaknesses: Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Rock, Fire
Resistances: Water, Electric, Fighting, Grass, Cosmic

I shared an Evolution idea for this on Discord (the Girafronaut), so I'm throwing it out here for an evolution because my idea is so cool. Mixed STAB is part of Girafarig's unique identity, and so I kept that with its STAB combo here.
Weaknesses: Bug (x4), Ghost (x4), Dark
Resistances: Water, Electric, Fighting, Cosmic

I also put up an idea for a Cosmic-type Octillery evolution, and Jos brought up some inspiration in ray guns. This would give Octillery some time in the sun (or is it the moon?). The Galoctopus will return! A mixed offense Water-type gives it some way of standing out from the crowd, especially given its ability to slay other Waters.
Weaknesses: Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Grass
Resistances: Water (x4), Fire, Steel, Ice

I know these will be controversial takes, but they seem to boast such powerful connections with the universe (Espeon can predict the weather, while Umbreon is most active on full moons). Not to mention they are both the Sun and the Moon Pokemon and evolve based on time of day (meaning space influenced its evolution). Espeon's type chart would be the same as Girafarig's evo's so look up there. This is a pretty good defensive buff for Umbreon, given it can check Zapdos and Snorlax in one slot, allowing it to offer awesome roll compression. Espeon likely won't use the typing offensively, but it is able to check Zapdos and Vaporeon quite well.
Weaknesses: Bug(x4), Fighting
Resistances: Water, Electric, Dark, Cosmic
Immunities: Psychic

A Cosmic-type Regi would be so cool for a legendary Pokemon. Each Regi is themed after a time era (Stone Age, Ice Age and Iron Age; the new ones being Modern Age and Medieval Age), and a Cosmic-type version could be for the Space Age. It would also be a cool easter egg to link to the next gen. See Clefable for its type chart.

This line is really weird because Oddish has a lot of moon lore (it is only active at night and stays motionless in the day). This lore disappears on its evolution (Gloom is smelly, Vileplume is poisonous and Bellossom likes to dance). The line gets Moonblast and Moonlight, which reinforce the connection. Idk what to do with it, but I think it's a peculiar enough situation to try!
Weaknesses: Bug(x4), Flying, Fire, Poison, Ice
Resistances: Water(x4), Electric(x4), Cosmic, Grass, Ground

I don't think this line should be retyped, but I do think an Fire/Cosmic-type has the potential to be quite neat in the meta. It offers a BoltBeam resist that doesn't exist outside of Lanturn.
Weaknesses: Psychic, Ghost, Rock, Ground
Resistances: Electric, Cosmic, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel

Cosmic/Steel is the last type I want to talk about because it looks quite good. They synergize well with each other, with Steel negating all of Cosmic's weaknesses and adding the valuable Water/Electric resists as the tradeoff. This means it also works as a BoltBeam resist. Cosmic STAB might help make a viable Steel attacker, given that it hits Water/Electric.
Weaknesses: Fire, Ground, Fighting
Resistances: Dark, Dragon, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel, Cosmic, Water, Electric
Immunity: Poison
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Mind the bad garmmar.
is a Pre-Contributor

Type: Cosmic
Category: Special
Cosmic mons appear to use the powers they hold inside their body from exposure to space, releasing it in bursts of energy.
We currently have exactly one more physical typing than special typing, and besides, people and creatures with cosmic power often realease it in energy bursts.

Captura de pantalla (481).png

Offensive interactions with other types:
Cosmic moves hit SE: Normal, Fire, Electric, Water
Cosmic moves hit Normally: Psychic, Dark, Ghost, Steel, Ground, Fighting, Poison, Flying
Cosmic moves hit NVE: Ice, Rock, Cosmic, Dragon
With Cosmic i went with a slightly optimised typing that hits the two most key types in the meta: Normal and Electric, for supereffective damage, as well as screwing up fire and water. In turn one would think that it makes the mon way too overoptimsed, and while i can see the concerns about it there are some interesting interactions this typing is able to provide. For starters, hitting snorlax for super effective damage is worth peanuts since snorlax can just eat any special hit in this generation, the same applying to blissey. In turn, this move would just serve to target faster normal types like miltank and dodrio, and hitting the electrics for super effective damage is pretty valuable too. In turn, this type invites a lot of typings which are considered to not be good defensively, with the two most notable ones being Rock, Ice and Dragon. Ice getting in the field safely bacause of cosmic and threating them out is already good, but rock, who was already a decent defensive typing thanks to snorlax, means that it has afield day entering the field and forcing cosmic mons out.

Defensive interactions with other types:
Cosmic mons are weak to: Fire, Poison, Rock,
Cosmic mons are neutral to: Normal, Psychic, Dark, Ghost, Ground, Steel, Grass, Electric, Water,
Cosmic mons resist: Ice, Fighting, Cosmic, Flying

As you might observe, despite how good Cosmic's offensive interactions are, its defensive capabilities are considerably worse, not being able to switch into any of the typings it should be able to switch into and threaten them out as easily makes this typing way more easy to handle. Poison is a mediocre typing that might be given more thought into thanks to the influence of this typing, but it is also weak to already common coverage types like fire and rock as to give it some weaknesses that ensure the meta is already equipped to handle it. It does have a slight defensive utility in that it resists Ice, Flying, Fighting and itself, which doesn't really help it switch into the stuff it wants to safely but does grant it slight defensive utility. Something you will notice strange however, is how cosmic resists ice and is weak to fire, but is able to hit those two types for their respective effectiveness. This was intentionally done so that cosmic would entice fire coverage over ice coverage, something that could lead to interesting shakeups of the meta.

Explanation for interactions:
: Normal beings cannot reach nor survive in space.
: Celestial bodies are heavily affected by Spacial events
: Space events like solar flares highly screw with electronics.
: Fire cannot last in space due to lack of oxygen, meanwhile space beings cannot tolerate extremely hot temperature due to being built for cold temperatures.
: In order to survive in space one needs to be able to whistand extremely cold temperatures, something that both Ice types and Cosmic mons know how to do
: Dragons are known to live in very extreme locations, which means they can adapt well to spacial attacks.
: Asteroids roam freely in space and also are known to highly influence the surface of celestial bodies.
: Celestial bodies are usually heavy, meaing brute force isn't too effective at moving them.
: Space mons are already acustomed to pressure and harsher conditions that weather.
:Cosmic: Celestial bodies are often clashing with each other during their entire existence.
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Type: Cosmic
Category: Special
Justification: See below


Super effective versus: Fire, Electric, Ghost, Cosmic
Not very effective versus: Ice, Psychic, Bug, Steel

Weak to: Bug, Dragon, Cosmic
Resists: Fire, Electric, Ice


Fire, Electric & Ice interactions: I'm going for an energy-transfer style of flavour here. Cosmic Pokemon, being space-based, have the upper hand on restricting energy-based attacks from reaching their full potential on the battlefield. Ice being resisted bothways flavour-wise is down to the low energy state of ice.

Balance-wise, a new Boltbeam resist in a single type! The ultimate HP Legends soft check (but paralysis still be annoyin').

Normal & Bug Interactions: A true David vs Goliath moment. Cosmic Pokemon might have the power of the universe backing them, but the Normal and Bug types have the power of the PokéGods (call it plot armour if you will)!

Balance-wise, adding a Normal type weakness I feel excuses the otherwise uncommon attack weaknesses that Cosmic will suffer from. I think it also keeps the type grounded no matter what, since practically any Pokemon can run a strong Normal type move to blast them down if they so choose.

Edit: No longer defensively weak to Normal types. Seems unnecessary when Cosmic is weak to itself.

Ghost, Psychic & Cosmic interactions: A true battle of the supernatural. I've gone for a rock-paper-scissors-esque direction with these three; Cosmic beats Ghost, Ghost beats Psychic, Psychic beats Cosmic. Cosmic also beats itself - there's nothing scarier than an alien from another world crashing your party!

Balance-wise, yeah it's a mini RPS interaction that isn't a complete circle. Psychic types are pretty defensively moot in Gen 2, and giving them another resist is something they may actually appreciate.

"Cosmic is weak to itself?" Well, this is something we can have a large degree of control over when it comes to balancing the type! We will have the power to tone down Cosmic by adding & modifying Cosmic attacks to make the type as strong (or as weak) as we please. Don't forget; other Pokemon will want to be jumping on the Cosmic type coverage train.

Dragon interaction: The two Goliaths battling it out. Like Bug and Normal, this is a flavour piece to make Cosmic Pokemon weak against the most animal-like Pokemon, while being strong against those which are energy-themed.

Not thinking of a huge deal here balance wise as Dragon type moves are scarce and generally quite underwhelming.

Steel Interaction: Fun fact: Steel interacts non-neutrally with every type in gen 2 in one way or another. There's no strong flavour reasoning for Steel resisting Cosmic beyond that it resists nearly everything already :bloblul:


Let's have a look at the new candidates, shall we?

Normal -> Cosmic

Assuming they get a powerful STAB option, Cosmic types will be the new premier Zapdos and Raikou checks. A Pokemon like Clefable probably doesn't offer much else, but I'm fine with this. Clefable already has a pretty diverse movepool, being able to run Fire Blast coverage to hit Heracross, Pierzer, Steelix and Skarmory. Otherwise Clefable can't do much, it'll be terrified of Snorlax and very prone to being trapped by Preying Swipe. Heracross outspeeds and has a >60% chance to OHKO with Megahorn.

:gs/staryu: :gs/starmie:
Water -> Cosmic
Water/Psychc -> Cosmic/Psychc
Water/Psychc -> Water/Cosmic

First type combo: A pretty huge change that completely redefines how Starmie interacts with the tier. Suddenly it would find itself a less consistent Cloyster check while also being worse into Golem, Steelix and Forretress. However it benefits from being a spinner who isn't afraid of Gengar, Zapdos or Raikou at all, which is massive.

Second type combo: The one that flavour-wise makes less sense but it's the one that I honestly prefer in terms of balance. Starmie's core utility would change less, however it gains a neutrality to Electric type attacks while also gaining a STAB coverage typing to hit the electrics back with. Sounds fun I think.


Normal -> Cosmic
Normal -> Normal/Cosmic

Spppaaaacceeeee! Porygon2 flavour-wise is a Pokemon manmade for space travel. Changing it to Cosmic type obviously eliminates its (subpar) niche at being a Curse user who 1v1s Lax with Recover. But like Clefable, it opens it up as a HP legends check, with a much tastier 32 Recover PP to really wall and stall them out if it so pleases. Might end up being a great defensive option for teams with a pretty diverse movepool quite like Clefable. No Fire coverage though.

Fakemon Concepts?

I'm not keen on throwing a bunch of Pokemon into the fryer and would be very happy with just seeing a limited number of Mons go through a change in typing. But, as for offensive ideas, based on my flavour a more offensively-oriented Cosmic type would be nice, seeing as there would be none under this current flavour proposal.

There's obviously a lot of Fakemon type combinations to consider here and I won't dwell on them too much as it detracts away from this specific subslate. However, Fire + Cosmic coverage looks potentially very lucrative on an offensive attacker.
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:clefable:Slate 10.2: Voting is now open!:ursaring:

Voting Template:
Submitter 1 (First Place)
Submitter 2 (Second Place)
Submitter 3 (Third Place)
Submitter 4 (Fourth Place) etc.
A few things to note:
- Even if you did not submit, you are allowed to vote!
- Please only vote for yourself in second place or lower.
- You can vote for as many submissions as you’d like.
- Votes are weighted with first place holding the most points and descending accordingly.

A more detailed breakdown of Sevii Island's voting system can be found in the OP!
View attachment 441422

Justification: Cosmic-type is a natural elemental energy that exists within Pokémon that are either from space or have a great connection to it. This energy grants them proficiency in the physical capacities of their bodies.

View attachment 441582
:zacian:Offensive interactions with other types: Super effective against
. Not very effective against

SE vs
- The gravitational pull of celestial bodies is known to have great effects on bodies of water - tides.
SE vs
- The energy emanating from Cosmic-type Pokémon is known to create disruptions with electronics and electricity.

NVE vs

NVE vs

NVE vs
- Rocks are known to exist throughout space. All the meteors - they are known to easily adapt to space, and benefit from the lack of gravity. (This mutual adaptation between Rock/Cosmic-types is why there is a mutual resist)
NVE vs
- Two mythical entities battling each other, and in this case Dragons out power the Cosmic-based Pokémon. Dragons in Pokémon are very mysterious and are known to be impervious to Cosmic energy. Draconic energy is one of the Cosmic-types biggest counters. Thematically this also creates a check and balance feel, as otherwise, Cosmic-type could potentially feel too grand and out of place. This interaction with another mythical type is nice.

:zamazenta:Defensive interactions with other types: Weak to
. Resists
Weak to
-The Cosmic energy that exists within Cosmic-type Pokémon is known to make them weak to extremely hot temperatures. This is one of the costs of gaining the strength of Cosmic energy. Think of the heat generated from a supernova - 1,000,000,000 Degrees Celsius - Stars being most necessary for creating life on planets.
Weak to
- See NVE vs
- Cosmic Pokémon are known to be resistant to extremely cold temperatures. - Space is known to be extremely cold, so they are adapted to it.
- Cosmic Pokémon are known to be resistant to earth based attacks as space exists beyond it.
- Cosmic Pokémon are known to be resistant to rock based attacks as they are often already exposed to dangerous meteors.

:eternatus:Competitive: The offensive profile of the Cosmic-type would allow for more interesting counter play to the strong Water/Electric-types prevalent in GSC. Because it's a physical type it also hits Snorlax's weaker defensive stat, so it has a bit of an offensive affinity towards the prevalent Zap/Cloy/Lax core, though it doesn't resist any of their types, so it can not check this core alone.

Due to its weaknesses, it encourages more Dragon/Fire-type play/additions in the future, which acts as a buff to these types (there are no official Dragon or Fire-types mons in OU). It resists two strong Physical-types - Rock/Ground + gains an Ice resist. Grass-types already have a nice defensive profile, so this helps establish balance with the weaker types that resist Cosmic. This would also improve Bug/Dragon/Rock-types defensive profiles.

Now that Rock/Ground is no longer perfect coverage, which helps dampens some strong BDrum/SD/BPass based cores which seemed to be a bit problematic in some scenarios.

Dragon is probably the most notable new interaction, and this would really encourage us to create more Dragon-types in future slates.

While we already have one more physical-type than special-type, I feel as though a new physical type is still more needed for competitive integrity imo. This would allow Cosmic mons to hit Lax, but they aren't SE, so it's not anything super notable/optimized. + The water type is only weak to special-types, so this creates great synergy with the type interactions I've proposed.

Overall, this type chart seeks to expand the opportunities of some less prevalent types, while allowing for more creative options in the builder for the stronger ones. Right now, if we look at GSC OU teams, we see that Zap/Cloy/Lax + Lax/Electric/Water(+Water) are very prevalent. With the addition of this Cosmic-type, these cores wouldn't necessarily become weaker, but there will now be more exploration allowed to find stronger cores that account for the Cosmic-type. Teams like sun spam would be less niche, and I foresee strong Fire-types becoming more viable.

Example Changes:
:clefable: - Cosmic
In my opinion, Clefairy is the main Pokémon mascot for the Cosmic-type. This feels very natural considering it became Fairy-type in the main series.
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs
:ursaring: - Normal/Cosmic
Ursaring would make a great candidate for a Cosmic addition, and it's also a great example of how Physical Cosmic-type would be fitting - it doesn't quite make sense for Ursaring to just gain a slew of special powers, but it's realistic to see how it gained new strengths from its relation to the stars - Ursa Major. -You worship the stars? You gain star power.
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs

Immune vs
:sunflora:+ - Grass/Cosmic
A Sunflora evo would be very fitting as an example of a Sun-related Pokémon. To allow it fully step into the Cosmic-type it'd need a bit of strong connection to the sun, I feel like it's current state is just a normal sunflower, but an evo can change this.
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs
:Ledian:+ - Bug/Cosmic
Ledian is the Five Star Pokémon, and could be a really fun candidate of a Cosmic evo.
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs
:Octillery:+ - Water/Cosmic
I'm working on an Octillery evolution sub based on ray guns!
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs
Resist vs
:Magneton:+ - Electric/Cosmic
Magneton could receive a new Magnezone based evo since it's based on a flying saucer.
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs
:Noctowl:+ - Cosmic/Flying
Noctowl could receive a cool moon related evolution!
Combined STAB Coverage:
SE vs

NVE vs

Weak vs

Resist vs

Immune vs
*There is no combined STAB that provides perfect coverage with Cosmic-type*
Type: Cosmic
Category: Physical
Justification: Given the space influence on the Fairy type, hitting on the physical side allows the type to further distinguish itself. I can picture these Pokemon attacking with meteors, stars and comets, and I think that generally works better on physical as well. Given that Space is also represented in Pokemon through the Psychic-type, this provides another way for it to distinguish itself.

Offensive interactions with other types: Cosmic moves hit Water and Electric for super effective damage. It is resisted by itself, Bug and Ghost.

Defensive interactions with other types: Cosmic mons are weak to Psychic, Bug and Ghost, while they resist Water, Electric and Cosmic.
Justifications: My original interpretation of the type's dynamics was definitely overkill, so this trims it down a bit. The few interactions ensure it will be relatively easy to remember, especially given that they mirror both sides (except for the Psychic weakness). This does end up overlapping with Grass, acting like a less minmaxed version of the type (given the Water/Electric resists and the Bug weakness).

Explanation for interactions:
: liquid water instantly begins boiling in outer space due to the very low pressure
: electricity requires a medium to travel through, it can't travel very well in outer space
: bugs have been known to survive in space
: psychics manipulate time and space
: ghosts are incorporeal, meaning they aren't bothered by the void of space

Example mons for Cosmic: (This will also give you some ideas on possible type matchups)
Clefable fits the fill perfectly given the space vibes, and it especially loves a physical Cosmic-type because it can use it with its Belly Drum sets. This gives it something over Drumlax as a reason to be used, as well as having physical STAB unlike Drumzard.
Weaknesses: Psychic, Bug, Ghost
Resistances: Water, Electric, Cosmic

So I don't actually think we should retype Ledian given that Pokemon has never removed a type from a mon that wasn't Normal. However, a Ledian evolution is an easy candidate for a Cosmic-type. I am partial for Bug given that Swarm Attack finally gives it STAB, and so it would be best to take advantage of it.
Weaknesses: Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Rock, Fire
Resistances: Water, Electric, Fighting, Grass, Cosmic

I shared an Evolution idea for this on Discord (the Girafronaut), so I'm throwing it out here for an evolution because my idea is so cool. Mixed STAB is part of Girafarig's unique identity, and so I kept that with its STAB combo here.
Weaknesses: Bug (x4), Ghost (x4), Dark
Resistances: Water, Electric, Fighting, Cosmic

I also put up an idea for a Cosmic-type Octillery evolution, and Jos brought up some inspiration in ray guns. This would give Octillery some time in the sun (or is it the moon?). The Galoctopus will return! A mixed offense Water-type gives it some way of standing out from the crowd, especially given its ability to slay other Waters.
Weaknesses: Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Grass
Resistances: Water (x4), Fire, Steel, Ice

I know these will be controversial takes, but they seem to boast such powerful connections with the universe (Espeon can predict the weather, while Umbreon is most active on full moons). Not to mention they are both the Sun and the Moon Pokemon and evolve based on time of day (meaning space influenced its evolution). Espeon's type chart would be the same as Girafarig's evo's so look up there. This is a pretty good defensive buff for Umbreon, given it can check Zapdos and Snorlax in one slot, allowing it to offer awesome roll compression. Espeon likely won't use the typing offensively, but it is able to check Zapdos and Vaporeon quite well.
Weaknesses: Bug(x4), Fighting
Resistances: Water, Electric, Dark, Cosmic
Immunities: Psychic

A Cosmic-type Regi would be so cool for a legendary Pokemon. Each Regi is themed after a time era (Stone Age, Ice Age and Iron Age; the new ones being Modern Age and Medieval Age), and a Cosmic-type version could be for the Space Age. It would also be a cool easter egg to link to the next gen. See Clefable for its type chart.

This line is really weird because Oddish has a lot of moon lore (it is only active at night and stays motionless in the day). This lore disappears on its evolution (Gloom is smelly, Vileplume is poisonous and Bellossom likes to dance). The line gets Moonblast and Moonlight, which reinforce the connection. Idk what to do with it, but I think it's a peculiar enough situation to try!
Weaknesses: Bug(x4), Flying, Fire, Poison, Ice
Resistances: Water(x4), Electric(x4), Cosmic, Grass, Ground

I don't think this line should be retyped, but I do think an Fire/Cosmic-type has the potential to be quite neat in the meta. It offers a BoltBeam resist that doesn't exist outside of Lanturn.
Weaknesses: Psychic, Ghost, Rock, Ground
Resistances: Electric, Cosmic, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel

Cosmic/Steel is the last type I want to talk about because it looks quite good. They synergize well with each other, with Steel negating all of Cosmic's weaknesses and adding the valuable Water/Electric resists as the tradeoff. This means it also works as a BoltBeam resist. Cosmic STAB might help make a viable Steel attacker, given that it hits Water/Electric.
Weaknesses: Fire, Ground, Fighting
Resistances: Dark, Dragon, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel, Cosmic, Water, Electric
Immunity: Poison
View attachment 441510
Type: Cosmic
Category: Special
Cosmic mons appear to use the powers they hold inside their body from exposure to space, releasing it in bursts of energy.
We currently have exactly one more physical typing than special typing, and besides, people and creatures with cosmic power often realease it in energy bursts.

View attachment 441631

Offensive interactions with other types:
Cosmic moves hit SE: Normal, Fire, Electric, Water
Cosmic moves hit Normally: Psychic, Dark, Ghost, Steel, Ground, Fighting, Poison, Flying
Cosmic moves hit NVE: Ice, Rock, Cosmic, Dragon
With Cosmic i went with a slightly optimised typing that hits the two most key types in the meta: Normal and Electric, for supereffective damage, as well as screwing up fire and water. In turn one would think that it makes the mon way too overoptimsed, and while i can see the concerns about it there are some interesting interactions this typing is able to provide. For starters, hitting snorlax for super effective damage is worth peanuts since snorlax can just eat any special hit in this generation, the same applying to blissey. In turn, this move would just serve to target faster normal types like miltank and dodrio, and hitting the electrics for super effective damage is pretty valuable too. In turn, this type invites a lot of typings which are considered to not be good defensively, with the two most notable ones being Rock, Ice and Dragon. Ice getting in the field safely bacause of cosmic and threating them out is already good, but rock, who was already a decent defensive typing thanks to snorlax, means that it has afield day entering the field and forcing cosmic mons out.

Defensive interactions with other types:
Cosmic mons are weak to: Fire, Poison, Rock,
Cosmic mons are neutral to: Normal, Psychic, Dark, Ghost, Ground, Steel, Grass, Electric, Water,
Cosmic mons resist: Ice, Fighting, Cosmic, Flying

As you might observe, despite how good Cosmic's offensive interactions are, its defensive capabilities are considerably worse, not being able to switch into any of the typings it should be able to switch into and threaten them out as easily makes this typing way more easy to handle. Poison is a mediocre typing that might be given more thought into thanks to the influence of this typing, but it is also weak to already common coverage types like fire and rock as to give it some weaknesses that ensure the meta is already equipped to handle it. It does have a slight defensive utility in that it resists Ice, Flying, Fighting and itself, which doesn't really help it switch into the stuff it wants to safely but does grant it slight defensive utility. Something you will notice strange however, is how cosmic resists ice and is weak to fire, but is able to hit those two types for their respective effectiveness. This was intentionally done so that cosmic would entice fire coverage over ice coverage, something that could lead to interesting shakeups of the meta.

Explanation for interactions:
: Normal beings cannot reach nor survive in space.
: Celestial bodies are heavily affected by Spacial events
: Space events like solar flares highly screw with electronics.
: Fire cannot last in space due to lack of oxygen, meanwhile space beings cannot tolerate extremely hot temperature due to being built for cold temperatures.
: In order to survive in space one needs to be able to whistand extremely cold temperatures, something that both Ice types and Cosmic mons know how to do
: Dragons are known to live in very extreme locations, which means they can adapt well to spacial attacks.
: Asteroids roam freely in space and also are known to highly influence the surface of celestial bodies.
View attachment 441634: Celestial bodies are usually heavy, meaing brute force isn't too effective at moving them.
: Space mons are already acustomed to pressure and harsher conditions that weather.
:Cosmic: Celestial bodies are often clashing with each other during their entire existence.
Type: Cosmic
Category: Special
Justification: See below

View attachment 441695

Super effective versus: Fire, Electric, Ghost, Cosmic
Not very effective versus: Ice, Psychic, Bug, Steel

Weak to: Bug, Dragon, Cosmic
Resists: Fire, Electric, Ice


Fire, Electric & Ice interactions: I'm going for an energy-transfer style of flavour here. Cosmic Pokemon, being space-based, have the upper hand on restricting energy-based attacks from reaching their full potential on the battlefield. Ice being resisted bothways flavour-wise is down to the low energy state of ice.

Balance-wise, a new Boltbeam resist in a single type! The ultimate HP Legends soft check (but paralysis still be annoyin').

Normal & Bug Interactions: A true David vs Goliath moment. Cosmic Pokemon might have the power of the universe backing them, but the Normal and Bug types have the power of the PokéGods (call it plot armour if you will)!

Balance-wise, adding a Normal type weakness I feel excuses the otherwise uncommon attack weaknesses that Cosmic will suffer from. I think it also keeps the type grounded no matter what, since practically any Pokemon can run a strong Normal type move to blast them down if they so choose.

Edit: No longer defensively weak to Normal types. Seems unnecessary when Cosmic is weak to itself.

Ghost, Psychic & Cosmic interactions: A true battle of the supernatural. I've gone for a rock-paper-scissors-esque direction with these three; Cosmic beats Ghost, Ghost beats Psychic, Psychic beats Cosmic. Cosmic also beats itself - there's nothing scarier than an alien from another world crashing your party!

Balance-wise, yeah it's a mini RPS interaction that isn't a complete circle. Psychic types are pretty defensively moot in Gen 2, and giving them another resist is something they may actually appreciate.

"Cosmic is weak to itself?" Well, this is something we can have a large degree of control over when it comes to balancing the type! We will have the power to tone down Cosmic by adding & modifying Cosmic attacks to make the type as strong (or as weak) as we please. Don't forget; other Pokemon will want to be jumping on the Cosmic type coverage train.

Dragon interaction: The two Goliaths battling it out. Like Bug and Normal, this is a flavour piece to make Cosmic Pokemon weak against the most animal-like Pokemon, while being strong against those which are energy-themed.

Not thinking of a huge deal here balance wise as Dragon type moves are scarce and generally quite underwhelming.

Steel Interaction: Fun fact: Steel interacts non-neutrally with every type in gen 2 in one way or another. There's no strong flavour reasoning for Steel resisting Cosmic beyond that it resists nearly everything already :bloblul:


Let's have a look at the new candidates, shall we?

Normal -> Cosmic

Assuming they get a powerful STAB option, Cosmic types will be the new premier Zapdos and Raikou checks. A Pokemon like Clefable probably doesn't offer much else, but I'm fine with this. Clefable already has a pretty diverse movepool, being able to run Fire Blast coverage to hit Heracross, Pierzer, Steelix and Skarmory. Otherwise Clefable can't do much, it'll be terrified of Snorlax and very prone to being trapped by Preying Swipe. Heracross outspeeds and has a >60% chance to OHKO with Megahorn.

:gs/staryu: :gs/starmie:
Water -> Cosmic
Water/Psychc -> Cosmic/Psychc
Water/Psychc -> Water/Cosmic

First type combo: A pretty huge change that completely redefines how Starmie interacts with the tier. Suddenly it would find itself a less consistent Cloyster check while also being worse into Golem, Steelix and Forretress. However it benefits from being a spinner who isn't afraid of Gengar, Zapdos or Raikou at all, which is massive.

Second type combo: The one that flavour-wise makes less sense but it's the one that I honestly prefer in terms of balance. Starmie's core utility would change less, however it gains a neutrality to Electric type attacks while also gaining a STAB coverage typing to hit the electrics back with. Sounds fun I think.


Normal -> Cosmic
Normal -> Normal/Cosmic

Spppaaaacceeeee! Porygon2 flavour-wise is a Pokemon manmade for space travel. Changing it to Cosmic type obviously eliminates its (subpar) niche at being a Curse user who 1v1s Lax with Recover. But like Clefable, it opens it up as a HP legends check, with a much tastier 32 Recover PP to really wall and stall them out if it so pleases. Might end up being a great defensive option for teams with a pretty diverse movepool quite like Clefable. No Fire coverage though.

Fakemon Concepts?

I'm not keen on throwing a bunch of Pokemon into the fryer and would be very happy with just seeing a limited number of Mons go through a change in typing. But, as for offensive ideas, based on my flavour a more offensively-oriented Cosmic type would be nice, seeing as there would be none under this current flavour proposal.

There's obviously a lot of Fakemon type combinations to consider here and I won't dwell on them too much as it detracts away from this specific subslate. However, Fire + Cosmic coverage looks potentially very lucrative on an offensive attacker.
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Please message me if there are any errors with the way your submission is listed!

Voting will close on Thursday, July 28th!
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