Cubchoo (From Scratch)


Cubchoo has an interesting niche in the Little Cup metagame, possessing good offensive capabilities with its decent Attack and Special Attack stats, and having access to an array of coverage moves. However, Cubchoo lacks in its defensive capabilities and Speed, making it a bit more vulnerable than most attackers. Cubchoo's excellent coverage lets it greatly threaten common Pokemon that switch into it, potentially OHKOing or 2HKOing them with moves such as Play Rough, Rock Tomb, and Superpower. However, Cubchoo's Ice typing gives it very common weaknesses to Steel-, Fire-, Rock-, and Fighting-type moves. Cubchoo also can be greatly hindered by status moves such as Will-O-Wisp, as it cuts Cubchoo's Attack severely. Cubchoo is also vulnerable to all types of entry hazards, which hinders its longevity in battle. Overall, Cubchoo is quite a niche Pokemon in the Little Cup metagame because it has very few opportunities to switch in due to its poor bulk and typing, low Speed, and almost zero defensive synergy, and it has to rely heavily on prediction.

name: Offensive
move 1: Ice Punch
move 2: Play Rough
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Rock Tomb / Encore
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
evs: 196 Atk / 196 Def / 116 SpD
ability: Rattled
nature: Adamant


Cubchoo's primary STAB move is Ice Punch, which deals a lot of damage to Grass-, Ground-, Dragon-, and Flying-type Pokemon such as Foongus and Fletchling. Play Rough is a very useful coverage move that lets Cubchoo OHKO or deal heavy damage to the Fighting-type Pokemon that switch into it. Superpower is Cubchoo's main coverage move against Dark-, Rock-, and Steel-types such as Pawniard and Tirtouga, as it deals massive damage and can potentially OHKO them if they switch into Cubchoo. Like Play Rough, Rock Tomb is used best to check Fire-types when they switch into Cubchoo so they can take substantial damage and receive a drop in their Speed stat, potentially letting Cubchoo 2HKO them. Instead of Rock Tomb, Encore can also be used to cripple setup sweepers Calm Mind Spritzee that attempt to setup on Cubchoo.

Set Details

This set is all-out offensive, as Cubchoo's powerful coverage moves can threaten its checks that switch into it, such as Fighting-types and Steel-types. Cubchoo can use Rock Tomb effectively with entry hazards, as it can 2HKO Fire-types and slow them down so Cubchoo can move first, although Ponyta is still faster after one Rock Tomb. Rock Tomb allows Cubchoo to outspeed nearly every Pokemon that it can hit with one of its coverage moves; however, Cubchoo should be wary of Pawniard, as it gains a +2 boost to its Attack thanks to Defiant, and can KO Cubchoo with Knock Off. Cubchoo can be replaced by a Fighting-type Pokemon or a Pokemon that resists Sucker Punch as Cubchoo is very reliant on its item and the +1 Speed boost Rattled gives it isn't worth the lost item. An Eviolite is used to make Cubchoo more bulky, as its defensive capabilities are lacking. Alternatively, a Life Orb can be used to increase Cubchoo's offensive capabilities, threatening many Pokemon that switch into it. Sets running Life Orb work very well alongside entry hazard support, but they make Cubchoo more frail and reduces its longevity. Cubchoo shouldn't really switch into Knock Off despite the Rattled Speed boost, as Cubchoo's item is more valuable than its Speed, and it fares poorly against common Knock Off users such as Mienfoo and Pawniard, especially since the Speed boost doesn't allow Cubchoo to outspeed them anyway.

Usage Tips

Cubchoo can be used to take out powerful Flying-types such as Fletchling and offensive Vullaby, as it is bulky enough to take their hits and retaliate with Ice Punch. Cubchoo can also handle Grass-types with Ice Punch, but it has to be careful because most Grass-types in LC have status moves and can target Cubchoo's mediocre Special Defense. Cubchoo can take out Ground-types with Ice Punch if it gets the chance, but it should be careful against top-tier Ground-types such as Drilbur and Diglett, as they both outspeed Cubchoo; however, it has the bulk to take a Rock Slide and OHKO with Ice Punch. Cubchoo should never be switched into neutral special moves or super effective moves, as although Cubchoo may be bulky, it can't take powerful special moves or powerful super effective moves such as High Jump Kick and Shadow Ball. Cubchoo's Ice typing only gives it a resistance to other Ice-type moves, making it very reliant on the support of other Pokemon. Cubchoo should be very careful in trying to avoid status if at all possible, particularly burns, as they can neuter Cubchoo's offensive capabilities and severely cut its longevity. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards are very effective against Cubchoo, as Stealth Rock deals a chunk of damage and Cubchoo's longevity is very important if you're going to use it efficiently. Cubchoo can get a useful Speed boost from Bug-, Ghost-, or Dark-type moves, but it often doesn't have enough bulk to make use of the Speed boost, although it gets a Speed boost from every hit of Venipede's Pin Missile.

Team Options

Being an Ice-type, Cubchoo heavily relies on support from other Pokemon to deal with its numerous checks. Cubchoo really appreciates Pokemon that can easily switch into Knock Off, as Cubchoo is very reliant on its item. Cubchoo appreciates entry hazard setters and Defog and Rapid Spin users as Cubchoo needs the extra damage when sweeping. Cubchoo also needs entry hazards removed on its side, as they can hinder Cubchoo's longevity, so a perfect Pokemon for this slot would be Drilbur, as it can both set and remove entry hazards. Clerics are very useful to increase Cubchoo's longevity; a good Pokemon for this role would be Spritzee. Bulkier Pokemon in general make excellent partners for Cubchoo. Defensive Pokemon or Knock Off absorbers such as Bronzor and Shellos, respectively, can take care of moves such as Knock Off or super effective attacks that are thrown at Cubchoo. Specially defensive Pokemon such as Munchlax and Lickitung are also of use, as they can tank special attacks such as Scald far better than Cubchoo can. Stalling Pokemon are also very effective, as they can wear out offensive sweepers that are sent out to deal with Cubchoo and can take them out. Cubchoo is often forced out by fast, offensive Fire-types such as Ponyta and Magby, as Cubchoo can't touch them unless it predicts the switch. Seel is a great teammate to deal with these Pokemon, as its typing, Thick Fat, and access to Aqua Jet allow it to check these Fire-types very easily. In return, Cubchoo can help to deal with some Grass-types such as Foongus.


Other Options

Cubchoo can also opt to run a mixed attacker set with a Life Orb and a Timid nature, alongside Rock Tomb, Surf, Superpower, and Ice Beam. This alternative set should run maximum Special Attack, in order to force physically defensive Pokemon such as Foongus and Vullaby out. This set can also be used to lure out checks such as Ponyta, Pawniard, and Ferroseed, as they can be OHKOed or 2HKOed by Surf, Superpower, and Ice Beam, respectively. Substitute can be used over Rock Tomb on the physical set, as it deals with Pawniard more easily. Finally, Night Slash can be used to deal heavy damage to Pokemon such as Slowpoke, Honedge, Bronzor, and Frillish.

Checks and Counters

**Fighting-type Pokemon**: In particular, Mienfoo and Timburr can both outspeed Cubchoo and beat it with their Fighting-type STAB moves, resisting almost all of Cubchoo's moves with the exception of Play Rough.

**Steel-type Pokemon**: Steel-type Pokemon also pose a threat to Cubchoo, as most commonly used ones such as Magnemite and Pawniard outspeed Cubchoo and can easily take it out with their powerful STAB moves; Bronzor can also be a threat to Cubchoo, as it can set entry hazards and heal itself with Berry Juice while Recycle stalling Cubchoo and then inflicting it with Toxic or attacking its weaker Special Defense with Psychic.

**Fire-type Pokemon**: Most Fire-type Pokemon in the tier are fast, such as Magby and Ponyta, which can easily outspeed Cubchoo and take it out with either Fire Blast or Flare Blitz. However, mixed Cubchoo sets are able to KO Fire-types with Surf.

**Rock-type Pokemon**: Although Cubchoo has coverage moves to deal with Rock-type Pokemon, some fast Rock-type Pokemon such as Onix and Archen can either set entry hazards to damage Cubchoo when it switches in or take it out immediately with a STAB Rock-type move. Cubchoo also needs to be careful of Rock Tomb itself.

**Special Attackers**: Cubchoo has mediocre Special Defense and can be picked off by neutral special attacks, so it is often forced out by powerful special attackers, especially the ones Cubchoo doesn't have coverage moves against, such as Gastly.

**Walls**: Cubchoo can easily be picked off by bulkier Pokemon, as they tend to not take much from Cubchoo's attacks and are able to wear it down. Many walls also carry status moves that hinder Cubchoo's longevity. Bulky Water-type Pokemon such as Slowpoke in particular are a big problem for Cubchoo, as it doesn't have any coverage moves against them and falls victim to Toxic or Scald burns.

**Fast Offensive Pokemon**: Faster offensive Pokemon can really threaten Cubchoo with their STAB moves. For example, Cubchoo doesn't tend to run any coverage moves to hit Gastly and Honedge and will just be left open to their fast and powerful STAB moves, although Cubchoo can run the rare Night Slash and take them both out.
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Hi Conni, be sure to start with Cubchoo's drawbacks when writing the overview.

- Add weaknesses to common types and moves in Little Cup (e.g. Fighting-types, Knock Off etc.).
- Weakness to status moves
- The Speed is bad for a sweeper.
- Specify that the great movepool coverage can potentially threaten common switch-ins, so it has to be played very recklessly to achieve something.
- Specify what movepool coverage consists of: Play Rough, Superpower, Rock Tomb, Surf.
- Weakness to entry hazards.

- First of all, I see Dig failing to do anything useful in battle. Also Substitute doesn't do anything special besides reducing its own HP. So, I'd rather go with a full offensive set.

Cubchoo @ Eviolite / Life Orb
Ability: Rattled
Level: 5
EVs: 196 Atk / 116 Def / 196 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Ice Punch
- Play Rough
- Superpower
- Rock Tomb / Encore

This set is particularly nice because it can threaten bulky Fighting-types on the switch-in. Rock Tomb slows down Ponyta and Larvesta, making it very helpful if rocks are up since it's a guaranteed 2HKO. Rock Tomb also makes up for its mediocre Speed, just be careful not to hit Pawniard on the switch-in because +2 Pawn can be very threatening, however you outspeed it (unless Choice Scarf) and potentially kill it with Superpower. You can also switch out to a Fighting-type if you fear Sucker Punch. However most times people don't know Cubchoo's coverage. Hone Claws is cool, but really, Cubchoo is neither bulky nor fast enough to benefit from it. Encore allows to win 1v1 scenarios vs stallbreaker Gothita.

196+ Atk Cubchoo Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 156 Def Eviolite Timburr: 10-14 (41.6 - 58.3%)
196+ Atk Cubchoo Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 196 Def Eviolite Mienfoo: 10-14 (47.6 - 66.6%)
196+ Atk Cubchoo Rock Tomb vs. 0 HP / 156 Def Eviolite Ponyta: 8-10 (38 - 47.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

Life Orb can work too (helps a lot threaten switch-ins with SR up), even though I like the additional bulk. Low Kick isn't really worth mentioning for the hit-n-run nature of Cubchoo, you won't really give much importance to the loss of bulk and max BP Low Kick deals the same damage as Superpower.

- Edit them accordingly to the changes done to the moveset.

Set details:
- Add Life Orb after mentioning Eviolite too.
- Say that even if Rattled helps versus Knock Off, it isn't really a great idea to switch it into that move because that would cause the loss of its item + Cubchoo has a really tough matchup against Fighting-types and common Knock Off users.

Usage tips:
- Cubchoo is cool for revenge-killing stuff rather than switching into attacks, so remove the Knock Off part for the aforementioned reasons.
- Emphasize that Cubchoo's lack of useful resistances make it a bad teammate and requires a lot of support
- Say that Cubchoo should watch out for status too as it's weak to burn, para, and sleep.
- Say to watch out for entry hazards.

Team Options:
- Focus more on the need of switch-ins to common moves i.e. knock off, fighting-type moves, rather than on offensive mons able to break through its checks. Cubchoo as a niche because it's a lure itself. There's no need to support him offensively to help him sweep the opposing team because that won't happen.
- Mons able to set (Ferroseed etc) and keep entry hazards up versus Staryu (Pumpkaboo-XL) are particularly useful since Cubchoo forces many switches, but it's weak af and without entry hazards you might use Cubchoo very well, though without success.
- Write more examples when talking about a category of mons. Give exampes of clerics with heal/aromatherapy (Spritzee mainly, also a fairly good switch-in to Fighting-types moves).

Other Options:

Cubchoo @ Life Orb
Ability: Rattled
Level: 5
EVs: 116 Def / 196 SpA / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
- Rock Tomb
- Surf
- Superpower
- Ice Beam

The Special variant is more unexpected and forces Foongus and Vullaby out, while still luring in Ponyta, Pawniard, Ferroseed by 2hkoing them. OHKOes Onix, unlike the physical variant.
- Remove Avalanche.

Checks & Counters:
- Faster offensive Pokemon really threaten Cubchoo with their STAB moves. [give examples]
- Stalls in LC don't specifically carry "Toxic". Just write status moves that hinder Cubchoo's longevity.
- Bulky Water-types e.g. Slowpoke completely walls, Solid Rock Tirtouga can easily set SR/Shell Smash up.
- Mention Bronzor when talking about Steel-types.
- Fire-types need to watch out for coverage moves that would 2HKO/force them out.

QC 1/3 once you have implemented.
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Ok I'm nearly finished implementing this but my time has been cut short today so I'll re-continue this tomorrow
Thanks :)
My first QC check in about a billion years :v4:

  • Instead of having four different bullet points about its stats, I would condense it down into one or two saying something about having good offenses, but lacking in defenses and speed.
  • The point about non-damaging moves could probably be removed. These moves aren't particularly notable and they're not even on the set, so I think it'd best to just keep this in Other Options.
  • Keep the order of the bullet points consistent with the order on the set. Move Play Rough's description to be right after Ice Punch.
  • Rock Tomb can only really be used to predict a switch because Fire-types will either OHKO Cubchoo or burn it so that Cubchoo can't 2HKO them.
  • Play Rough also needs to be used on the switch because Fighting-types will KO Cubchoo before it gets an attack off. I think it's noteworthy to include that Play Rough requires the Fighting-type to be heavily weakened before it can KO.
Set Details:
  • This set doesn't run enough speed to outpace a -1 Ponyta, so I would reword the second bullet.
  • For the fourth point, mention being wary of Sucker Punch if Cubchoo is weakened or running Life Orb. This point might be better suited for Usage Tips.
Usage Tips:
  • Cubchoo just shouldn't be switched directly into an attack at all because of it's mediocre at best bulk and slow speed.
  • I don't think Yawn is prominent enough to mention; Cubchoo isn't notably weak to Toxic, so I would get rid of that as well.
  • Cubchoo can get a speed boost from switching into Ghost-, Bug-, or Ghost-type attacks, but this is generally a bad idea because of Cubchoo's poor bulk.
Other Options:
  • Substitute can be used to help deal with a Pawniard you might accidentally boost with Rock Tomb
  • Night Slash is useful against Slowpoke, Honedge, Bronzor and Frillish.
  • Endure, Charm, and Hone Claws can be moved to this section.
Checks and Counters:
  • Mention that they need to be wary of Rock Tomb as well.
  • Changes "Stalls" to Walls
  • I think you should give Bulky Waters a special mention under Walls and delete the Bulky Waters section.
  • Electrike is not relevant, use a different example.
I bolded a couple things for you to make sure to implement from Tricking's check as well.
Hi Conni, be sure to start with Cubchoo's drawbacks when writing the overview.

- Add weaknesses to common types and moves in Little Cup (e.g. Fighting-types, Knock Off etc.).
- Weakness to status moves
- The Speed is bad for a sweeper.
- Specify that the great movepool coverage can potentially threaten common switch-ins, so it has to be played very recklessly to achieve something.
- Specify what movepool coverage consists of: Play Rough, Superpower, Rock Tomb, Surf.

- Weakness to entry hazards.

Nice work, QC 2/3 after these changes!
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Hi Conni

- "Cubchoo also can be greatly hindered by status moves such as Will-O-Wisp and Toxic as due to it's lacking defensive capabilities, a status would render it nearly useless in battle, same with entry hazards, which also hinder Cubchoo's longevity in battle, which it really depends on." It's vulnerable to wisp, but tbh I don't think it really cares about Toxic all that much, and I wouldn't say it's really dependent on its longevity either. It's lucky if it gets to fire off more than one or two hits in a match.
- Definitely emphasize Cubchoo being slow and just an overall not-very-user-friendly mon. It has limited switch-in opportunities, provides basically zero defensive synergy to a team, and is incredibly prediction reliant since it needs to catch things on the switch.
- This is a nitpick, but I'd remove the Surf mention from the Overview since it's not on the main set.

The set looks fine.

Set Details
- Encore is already mentioned in the previous paragraph so it's not really necessary here.
- In addition to the point you make about Rattled + Knock Off removing Cubchoo's item, add that Cubchoo has a bad matchup against most of the common Knock Off users anyway (switching into Mienfoo's/Pawniard's Knock Off for example is a really bad idea because +1 Cubchoo is still slower than them)

Usage Tips
- The only semi-relevant Pin Missile user I can think of is Venipede, so you might as well say "Venipede's Pin Missile" if at all.

Team Options
- Cubchoo is often forced out by powerful Fire-type attackers. Seel sponges these hits quite well thanks to its typing and Thick Fat, and it can use Fake Out + Aqua Jet to check the faster threats that Cubchoo tends to struggle with. In return, Seel appreciates Cubchoo's ability to threaten Grass-types such as Foongus and Hoppip.

Implement and it's QC 3/3
Hi Conni

- "Cubchoo also can be greatly hindered by status moves such as Will-O-Wisp and Toxic as due to it's lacking defensive capabilities, a status would render it nearly useless in battle, same with entry hazards, which also hinder Cubchoo's longevity in battle, which it really depends on." It's vulnerable to wisp, but tbh I don't think it really cares about Toxic all that much, and I wouldn't say it's really dependent on its longevity either. It's lucky if it gets to fire off more than one or two hits in a match.
- Definitely emphasize Cubchoo being slow and just an overall not-very-user-friendly mon. It has limited switch-in opportunities, provides basically zero defensive synergy to a team, and is incredibly prediction reliant since it needs to catch things on the switch.
- This is a nitpick, but I'd remove the Surf mention from the Overview since it's not on the main set.

The set looks fine.

Set Details
- Encore is already mentioned in the previous paragraph so it's not really necessary here.
- In addition to the point you make about Rattled + Knock Off removing Cubchoo's item, add that Cubchoo has a bad matchup against most of the common Knock Off users anyway (switching into Mienfoo's/Pawniard's Knock Off for example is a really bad idea because +1 Cubchoo is still slower than them)

Usage Tips
- The only semi-relevant Pin Missile user I can think of is Venipede, so you might as well say "Venipede's Pin Missile" if at all.

Team Options
- Cubchoo is often forced out by powerful Fire-type attackers. Seel sponges these hits quite well thanks to its typing and Thick Fat, and it can use Fake Out + Aqua Jet to check the faster threats that Cubchoo tends to struggle with. In return, Seel appreciates Cubchoo's ability to threaten Grass-types such as Foongus and Hoppip.

Implement and it's QC 3/3

Thanks sparktrain!
This is good for GP

This cute, little bear makes quite an interesting slot in your team in the Little Cup metagame Cubchoo has an interesting niche in the Little Cup metagame (this seemed a little informal to me), bearing good offensive capabilities in it's its Attack and Special Attack stats, and having access to a good array of coverage moves, (RC). however However, Cubchoo lacks in it's its defensive capabilities and Speed making it a little bit more vulnerable than most attackers. Cubchoo's HP stat is also pretty good as it can at least take some hits is not too bad however, allowing it to at least take some hits. although Despite this, Cubchoo is more formidable in attacking rather than defending as being offensive is the best way to utilize Cubchoo's abilities. Although Cubchoo may have a lot of weaknesses, it's Cubchoo's excellent move coverage can greatly threaten common Pokemon that switch into it, (AC) potentially OHKOing or 2HKOing them with moves such as Play Rough, Rock Tomb, (AC) and Superpower. Cubchoo, being an Ice-type However, Cubchoo's Ice typing gives it many weaknesses such as weaknesses to Steel-, Fire-, Rock-, and Fighting-type Pokemon moves which are unfortunately very common in the Little Cup metagame. Cubchoo also can be greatly hindered by status moves such as Will-O-Wisp as it cuts Cubchoo's Attack severely. Entry hazards hinder Cubchoo's longevity in battle, which it really depends on. Cubchoo is not used by much competitive LC players Overall, Cubchoo is quite a niche Pokemon in the Little Cup metagame because it has very minimal switch in few switch-in opportunities due to its low bulk and typing, low Speed, almost zero typing defensive synergy, (AC) on a team and it has to heavily rely on expecting the right Pokemon to hit on the switch rely heavily on prediction.

name: Bulky Sweeper (I honestly feel like all-out-attacker would be more appropriate here. A sweeper is generally accepted as a Pokemon which can set-up and sweep late-game after its checks have been eliminated, but up to you.)
move 1: Ice Punch
move 2: Play Rough
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Rock Tomb / Encore
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
evs: 196 Atk / 196 Def / 116 SpD
ability: Rattled
nature: Adamant

Cubchoo's primary and powerful Ice-type STAB move is Ice Punch, which can deal a lot of damage to Grass-, Ground-, Dragon-, and Flying-type Pokemon such as Foongus and Fletchling. Play Rough is a very useful coverage move that is granted given to Cubchoo so it can take out KO or deal heavy damage to the Fighting-type Pokemon that switch into it, although if a Fighting-type Pokemon is brought in last, then Cubchoo wouldn't be able to survive a super effective hit before it gets to use Play Rough (this just seems self-explanatory and unnecessary). Superpower is Cubchoo's main coverage move against Dark-, Rock-, and Steel-types such as Pawniard and Tirtouga as it deals massive damage and can potentially OHKO them if they switch into Cubchoo. Like Play Rough, Rock Tomb is also used best to check Fire-types when they switch into Cubchoo so they can take substantial damage and receive a drop in their Speed stat so Cubchoo can potentially 2HKO with Rock Tomb. Instead of Rock Tomb, Encore can also be used to cripple setup sweepers who think they could easily setup whilst Cubchoo is present who attempt to setup on Cubchoo, this also works for stallbreakers as they rely on all of their moves, so they'd be forced to switch out as well as stallbreakers.

Set Details
This set is all out offensive as Cubchoo has powerful coverage moves that can deal massive damage and threaten it's checks that switch into it, such as Fighting-types and Steel-types. Cubchoo can use Rock Tomb efficiently with entry hazards as it can 2HKO Fire-types and slow them down so Cubchoo can move first, although Ponyta is still faster after one Rock Tomb. Rock Tomb allows Cubchoo to nearly outspeed all outspeed nearly every Pokemon that get hits by them it can hit with one of its coverage moves, (RC). but However, Cubchoo should be wary of Pawniard, (AC) as it gains a +2 boost to its Attack thanks to Defiant boost, and can OHKO Cubchoo if it doesn't switch out with Sucker Punch (is this right?). Cubchoo can be replaced by a Fighting-type Pokemon or a Pokemon that resists Sucker Punch as Cubchoo is very reliant on it's its item and the +1 speed Speed boost Rattled gives it isn't worth the lost item. The An Eviolite is used to make Cubchoo more bulky as it's its defensive capabilities are lacking so Cubchoo can take at least some hits before it goes down,. alternatively, the Life Orb Alternatively, a Life Orb can be used to boost increase Cubchoo's offensive capabilities, threatening many Pokemon that may attempt to switch into it, (RC). this works very well with entry hazards although it makes Cubchoo more frail and gives it a reduced longevity than the Eviolite Sets running Life Orb work very well alongisde entry hazard support, although this makes Cubchoo more frail and reduces its longevity. Cubchoo shouldn't really switch into Knock Off despite the Rattled speed Speed boost as Cubchoo's item is more valuable than it's its Speed, and it fares poorly against common Knock Off users such as Mienfoo and Pawniard, and especially since the speed Speed boost doesn't allow Cubchoo to outspeed them anyway.

Usage Tips
Cubchoo can be used to take out powerful Flying-types such as Fletchling and Offensive Vullaby as it is bulky enough to take its hits and retaliate with Ice Punch, (AC) which does powerful STAB damage deals a huge chunk of damage. Cubchoo can also relatively handle Grass-types with Ice Punch, (AC) as well but it has to be careful as most Grass-types in LC have status moves and neutral special attacking moves which hits Cubchoo's mediocre Special Defense. Cubchoo can take out Ground-types with Ice Punch if it gets the chance but it should be careful against top tier Ground-types such as Drilbur and Diglett as they both outspeed Cubchoo, (AC) but it should be bulky enough although it has the bulk to take a Rock Slide and OHKO with Ice Punch. Cubchoo should never be switched into neutral special moves or super effective moves as although Cubchoo may be bulky, (AC) but it can't take powerful special moves or powerful super effective moves such as High Jump Kick or and Shadow Ball. Cubchoo, being an Ice-type gives it a lack of Cubchoo's Ice typing gives it few resistances, (AC) only resisting other Ice-type moves and making it very reliant on the support of other Pokemon. Cubchoo is very frail to status moves such as Will-O-Wisp Cubchoo should be very careful in trying to avoid status if at all possible, particularly burns as it they can cripple Cubchoo's offensive capabilities and severly cut it's its longevity so it can be taken out instantly faster. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards are very effective against Cubchoo as Stealth Rock deals a lot of damage as Ice is weak to Rock chunk of damage and Cubchoo's longevity is very important if you're going to use it efficiently. Cubchoo can get a useful speed Speed boost from Bug-, Ghost-, or Dark-type moves, (AC) but it honestly often doesn't have enough bulk to make use of the speed Speed boost, although it gets a speed Speed boost every time from Pin Missle, from every hit of Venipede's Pin Missile. which is most likely used by Venipede, and it can most likely tank it meaning Cubchoo would be very fast and can outspeed any Pokemon.

Team Options
Being an Ice-type, Cubchoo heavily relies on support from other Pokemon to deal with its numerous checks. Cubchoo really appreciates Pokemon that can easily switch into Knock Off as Cubchoo is very reliant on it's its item. and if it loses it, it won't be as good in a battle (unnecessary and self-explanatory). Cubchoo appreciates entry hazard setters and Defog and Rapid Spin users as Cubchoo can deal a lot more damage appreciates the extra damage (entry hazards don't actually make Cubchoo deal more damage), OHKOing most Pokemon with it's coverage moves with the damage support from entry hazards,. Cubchoo also needs entry hazards removed on its side as they can hinder Cubchoo's longevity in a battle and the damage makes Cubchoo vulnerable to more attacks, so a perfect Pokemon for this slot would be Drilbur as it can set and remove entry hazards. Clerics that have healing moves and status removing moves such as Wish and Aromatherapy are very useful as if Cubchoo is low on health or is statused, the clerics can make Cubchoo live longer and deal more damage on the battlefield a cleric can heal Cubchoo and increase its longevity, a good Pokemon for this role would be Spritzee. Walls and stallers Bulkier Pokemon in general make excellent partners to for Cubchoo. as physical walls Physically-defensive Pokemon can take care of moves such as Knock Off or and super effective moves attacks that are thrown at Cubchoo and then retaliate with a better move or a crippling move;. special walls Specially-defensive Pokemon are also of use as they can tank special moves attacks such as Scald way far better than Cubchoo can. Stalls are also very effective as they can wear out offensive sweepers that are sent out to deal with Cubchoo and can take them out so they won't be a threat to Cubchoo any longer (I have no idea what you mean by this, stall is a playstyle, not a role? You might want to remove that). Cubchoo is often forced out by fast, offensive Fire-types such as Ponyta and Magby, (AC) as Cubchoo can't touch them unless it does on the switch, predicts the switch. Seel would make is a great teammate for this because it can sponge Fire-type moves easily with its typing and Thick Fat and can take fast Fire-types with Fake Out and Aqua Jet to check them to deal with these Pokemon, as its typing, Thick Fat, and access to Aqua Jet allows it to check these Fire-types very easily. The typing synergy with Seel and Cubchoo is also notable as Seel can take care of Fire-types and Cubchoo can deal with some Grass-types such as Foongus In return, Cubchoo can help to deal with some Grass-types such as Foongus for Seel.


Other Options
Alternatively, instead of using the main set above, Cubchoo can also opt to run a mixed attacker set with a Life Orb and a Timid nature, with alongside Rock Tomb, Surf, Superpower, and Ice Beam, and for the ev spread, you just need to change the Atk evs to SpA. This alternative set should run maximum Special Attack, in order to force forces physically defensive Pokemon such as Foongus and Vullaby out. This set can also trick and be used to lure out checks such as Ponyta, Pawniard, and Ferroseed, (AC) as they can be OHKOed or 2HKOed by Surf, Superpower, and Ice Beam respectively. With the main physical attacking set, Substitute can be an alternative option instead of used over Rock Tomb on the physical set, as it can be used to deal deals with Pawniard more easily. Another option to consider is Finally, Night Slash which can can be used to deal heavy damage to Pokemon such as Slowpoke, Honedge, Bronzor, and Frillish.

Checks and Counters
**Fighting-type Pokemon**: As one of the most common Pokemon to have in a LC team, Cubchoo is checked by the commonly used: In particular, Mienfoo and Timburr, as both can can both outspeed Cubchoo and can attack using very powerful moves such as Drain Punch to gain health back from Cubchoo and finish it off later and beat it with their Fighting-type STAB moves.

**Steel-type Pokemon**: Steel-type Pokemon also pose a threat to Cubchoo as most of the commonly used ones outspeed Cubchoo and have powerful physical and special moves like Magnemite with Flash Cannon and Pawniard with Iron Head can easily take out Cubchoo, Bronzor can also be a threat to Cubchoo as it can set entry hazards and heal itself with Berry Juice and Recycle stalling Cubchoo and then inflicting it with Toxic or attacking it's weak Special Defense with Psychic.

**Fire-type Pokemon**: Most Fire-type Pokemon in the tier are fast and a mixed range of physical and special attackers, like for example Magby and Ponyta, which who can easily outspeed Cubchoo and take it out with either Fire Blast or Flare Blitz, (RC). although if you run a mixed special Cubchoo set you can force out or 2HKO Fire-types with Surf However, mixed Cubchoo sets are able to KO Fire-types with Surf.

**Rock-type Pokemon**: Although Cubchoo has coverage moves against it to deal with Rock-type Pokemon, some fast Rock-type Pokemon like such as Onix and Archen and can either set entry hazards to make Cubchoo vulnerable when it switches in or take it out immediately with a STAB Rock-type move, (RC). Cubchoo also needs to be careful of Rock Tomb itself.

**Special Attackers**: As mentioned before, Cubchoo has mediocre Special Defense and can be picked off by neutral special attacks, (AC) so Cubchoo would have to switch out to avoid being damaged is often forced out by powerful special attackers, especially the ones Cubchoo doesn't have coverage moves against, such as Gastly, although if Cubchoo is faster, it might be able to take out some special attackers but it is unlikely (unnecessary).

**Walls**: Cubchoo can easily be picked off by walling bulkier Pokemon, as they can drain Cubchoo's health and attack it later resulting in Cubchoo's damage being dealt being healed every time, tend to not take much from Cubchoo's attacks and are able to wear it down. most Many walls also carry status moves that hinder Cubchoo's longevity. Bulky Water-type Pokemon in particular also are a big problem to for Cubchoo as it doesn't have any coverage moves against them and fall falls victim to their status moves, (RC). a good example of a bulky Water-type would be An example of a bulky Water-type Pokemon is Slowpoke.

**Fast Offensive Pokemon**: Fast Faster offensive Pokemon can really threaten Cubchoo with their STAB moves. such as For example, Cubchoo doesn't tend to run any coverage moves to hit Gastly and Honedge, (AC) which Cubchoo doesn't have coverage moves against and will just be prone to their fast and STAB boosted moves, although Cubchoo can run the rare Night Slash and take them both out.

This cute, little bear makes quite an interesting slot in your team in the Little Cup metagame Cubchoo has an interesting niche in the Little Cup metagame (this seemed a little informal to me), bearing good offensive capabilities in it's its Attack and Special Attack stats, and having access to a good array of coverage moves, (RC). however However, Cubchoo lacks in it's its defensive capabilities and Speed making it a little bit more vulnerable than most attackers. Cubchoo's HP stat is also pretty good as it can at least take some hits is not too bad however, allowing it to at least take some hits. although Despite this, Cubchoo is more formidable in attacking rather than defending as being offensive is the best way to utilize Cubchoo's abilities. Although Cubchoo may have a lot of weaknesses, it's Cubchoo's excellent move coverage can greatly threaten common Pokemon that switch into it, (AC) potentially OHKOing or 2HKOing them with moves such as Play Rough, Rock Tomb, (AC) and Superpower. Cubchoo, being an Ice-type However, Cubchoo's Ice typing gives it many weaknesses such as weaknesses to Steel-, Fire-, Rock-, and Fighting-type Pokemon moves which are unfortunately very common in the Little Cup metagame. Cubchoo also can be greatly hindered by status moves such as Will-O-Wisp as it cuts Cubchoo's Attack severely. Entry hazards hinder Cubchoo's longevity in battle, which it really depends on. Cubchoo is not used by much competitive LC players Overall, Cubchoo is quite a niche Pokemon in the Little Cup metagame because it has very minimal switch in few switch-in opportunities due to its low bulk and typing, low Speed, almost zero typing defensive synergy, (AC) on a team and it has to heavily rely on expecting the right Pokemon to hit on the switch rely heavily on prediction.

name: Bulky Sweeper (I honestly feel like all-out-attacker would be more appropriate here. A sweeper is generally accepted as a Pokemon which can set-up and sweep late-game after its checks have been eliminated, but up to you.)
move 1: Ice Punch
move 2: Play Rough
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Rock Tomb / Encore
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
evs: 196 Atk / 196 Def / 116 SpD
ability: Rattled
nature: Adamant

Cubchoo's primary and powerful Ice-type STAB move is Ice Punch, which can deal a lot of damage to Grass-, Ground-, Dragon-, and Flying-type Pokemon such as Foongus and Fletchling. Play Rough is a very useful coverage move that is granted given to Cubchoo so it can take out KO or deal heavy damage to the Fighting-type Pokemon that switch into it, although if a Fighting-type Pokemon is brought in last, then Cubchoo wouldn't be able to survive a super effective hit before it gets to use Play Rough (this just seems self-explanatory and unnecessary). Superpower is Cubchoo's main coverage move against Dark-, Rock-, and Steel-types such as Pawniard and Tirtouga as it deals massive damage and can potentially OHKO them if they switch into Cubchoo. Like Play Rough, Rock Tomb is also used best to check Fire-types when they switch into Cubchoo so they can take substantial damage and receive a drop in their Speed stat so Cubchoo can potentially 2HKO with Rock Tomb. Instead of Rock Tomb, Encore can also be used to cripple setup sweepers who think they could easily setup whilst Cubchoo is present who attempt to setup on Cubchoo, this also works for stallbreakers as they rely on all of their moves, so they'd be forced to switch out as well as stallbreakers.

Set Details
This set is all out offensive as Cubchoo has powerful coverage moves that can deal massive damage and threaten it's checks that switch into it, such as Fighting-types and Steel-types. Cubchoo can use Rock Tomb efficiently with entry hazards as it can 2HKO Fire-types and slow them down so Cubchoo can move first, although Ponyta is still faster after one Rock Tomb. Rock Tomb allows Cubchoo to nearly outspeed all outspeed nearly every Pokemon that get hits by them it can hit with one of its coverage moves, (RC). but However, Cubchoo should be wary of Pawniard, (AC) as it gains a +2 boost to its Attack thanks to Defiant boost, and can OHKO Cubchoo if it doesn't switch out with Sucker Punch (is this right?). Cubchoo can be replaced by a Fighting-type Pokemon or a Pokemon that resists Sucker Punch as Cubchoo is very reliant on it's its item and the +1 speed Speed boost Rattled gives it isn't worth the lost item. The An Eviolite is used to make Cubchoo more bulky as it's its defensive capabilities are lacking so Cubchoo can take at least some hits before it goes down,. alternatively, the Life Orb Alternatively, a Life Orb can be used to boost increase Cubchoo's offensive capabilities, threatening many Pokemon that may attempt to switch into it, (RC). this works very well with entry hazards although it makes Cubchoo more frail and gives it a reduced longevity than the Eviolite Sets running Life Orb work very well alongisde entry hazard support, although this makes Cubchoo more frail and reduces its longevity. Cubchoo shouldn't really switch into Knock Off despite the Rattled speed Speed boost as Cubchoo's item is more valuable than it's its Speed, and it fares poorly against common Knock Off users such as Mienfoo and Pawniard, and especially since the speed Speed boost doesn't allow Cubchoo to outspeed them anyway.

Usage Tips
Cubchoo can be used to take out powerful Flying-types such as Fletchling and Offensive Vullaby as it is bulky enough to take its hits and retaliate with Ice Punch, (AC) which does powerful STAB damage deals a huge chunk of damage. Cubchoo can also relatively handle Grass-types with Ice Punch, (AC) as well but it has to be careful as most Grass-types in LC have status moves and neutral special attacking moves which hits Cubchoo's mediocre Special Defense. Cubchoo can take out Ground-types with Ice Punch if it gets the chance but it should be careful against top tier Ground-types such as Drilbur and Diglett as they both outspeed Cubchoo, (AC) but it should be bulky enough although it has the bulk to take a Rock Slide and OHKO with Ice Punch. Cubchoo should never be switched into neutral special moves or super effective moves as although Cubchoo may be bulky, (AC) but it can't take powerful special moves or powerful super effective moves such as High Jump Kick or and Shadow Ball. Cubchoo, being an Ice-type gives it a lack of Cubchoo's Ice typing gives it few resistances, (AC) only resisting other Ice-type moves and making it very reliant on the support of other Pokemon. Cubchoo is very frail to status moves such as Will-O-Wisp Cubchoo should be very careful in trying to avoid status if at all possible, particularly burns as it they can cripple Cubchoo's offensive capabilities and severly cut it's its longevity so it can be taken out instantly faster. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards are very effective against Cubchoo as Stealth Rock deals a lot of damage as Ice is weak to Rock chunk of damage and Cubchoo's longevity is very important if you're going to use it efficiently. Cubchoo can get a useful speed Speed boost from Bug-, Ghost-, or Dark-type moves, (AC) but it honestly often doesn't have enough bulk to make use of the speed Speed boost, although it gets a speed Speed boost every time from Pin Missle, from every hit of Venipede's Pin Missile. which is most likely used by Venipede, and it can most likely tank it meaning Cubchoo would be very fast and can outspeed any Pokemon.

Team Options
Being an Ice-type, Cubchoo heavily relies on support from other Pokemon to deal with its numerous checks. Cubchoo really appreciates Pokemon that can easily switch into Knock Off as Cubchoo is very reliant on it's its item. and if it loses it, it won't be as good in a battle (unnecessary and self-explanatory). Cubchoo appreciates entry hazard setters and Defog and Rapid Spin users as Cubchoo can deal a lot more damage appreciates the extra damage (entry hazards don't actually make Cubchoo deal more damage), OHKOing most Pokemon with it's coverage moves with the damage support from entry hazards,. Cubchoo also needs entry hazards removed on its side as they can hinder Cubchoo's longevity in a battle and the damage makes Cubchoo vulnerable to more attacks, so a perfect Pokemon for this slot would be Drilbur as it can set and remove entry hazards. Clerics that have healing moves and status removing moves such as Wish and Aromatherapy are very useful as if Cubchoo is low on health or is statused, the clerics can make Cubchoo live longer and deal more damage on the battlefield a cleric can heal Cubchoo and increase its longevity, a good Pokemon for this role would be Spritzee. Walls and stallers Bulkier Pokemon in general make excellent partners to for Cubchoo. as physical walls Physically-defensive Pokemon can take care of moves such as Knock Off or and super effective moves attacks that are thrown at Cubchoo and then retaliate with a better move or a crippling move;. special walls Specially-defensive Pokemon are also of use as they can tank special moves attacks such as Scald way far better than Cubchoo can. Stalls are also very effective as they can wear out offensive sweepers that are sent out to deal with Cubchoo and can take them out so they won't be a threat to Cubchoo any longer (I have no idea what you mean by this, stall is a playstyle, not a role? You might want to remove that). Cubchoo is often forced out by fast, offensive Fire-types such as Ponyta and Magby, (AC) as Cubchoo can't touch them unless it does on the switch, predicts the switch. Seel would make is a great teammate for this because it can sponge Fire-type moves easily with its typing and Thick Fat and can take fast Fire-types with Fake Out and Aqua Jet to check them to deal with these Pokemon, as its typing, Thick Fat, and access to Aqua Jet allows it to check these Fire-types very easily. The typing synergy with Seel and Cubchoo is also notable as Seel can take care of Fire-types and Cubchoo can deal with some Grass-types such as Foongus In return, Cubchoo can help to deal with some Grass-types such as Foongus for Seel.


Other Options
Alternatively, instead of using the main set above, Cubchoo can also opt to run a mixed attacker set with a Life Orb and a Timid nature, with alongside Rock Tomb, Surf, Superpower, and Ice Beam, and for the ev spread, you just need to change the Atk evs to SpA. This alternative set should run maximum Special Attack, in order to force forces physically defensive Pokemon such as Foongus and Vullaby out. This set can also trick and be used to lure out checks such as Ponyta, Pawniard, and Ferroseed, (AC) as they can be OHKOed or 2HKOed by Surf, Superpower, and Ice Beam respectively. With the main physical attacking set, Substitute can be an alternative option instead of used over Rock Tomb on the physical set, as it can be used to deal deals with Pawniard more easily. Another option to consider is Finally, Night Slash which can can be used to deal heavy damage to Pokemon such as Slowpoke, Honedge, Bronzor, and Frillish.

Checks and Counters
**Fighting-type Pokemon**: As one of the most common Pokemon to have in a LC team, Cubchoo is checked by the commonly used: In particular, Mienfoo and Timburr, as both can can both outspeed Cubchoo and can attack using very powerful moves such as Drain Punch to gain health back from Cubchoo and finish it off later and beat it with their Fighting-type STAB moves.

**Steel-type Pokemon**: Steel-type Pokemon also pose a threat to Cubchoo as most of the commonly used ones outspeed Cubchoo and have powerful physical and special moves like Magnemite with Flash Cannon and Pawniard with Iron Head can easily take out Cubchoo, Bronzor can also be a threat to Cubchoo as it can set entry hazards and heal itself with Berry Juice and Recycle stalling Cubchoo and then inflicting it with Toxic or attacking it's weak Special Defense with Psychic.

**Fire-type Pokemon**: Most Fire-type Pokemon in the tier are fast and a mixed range of physical and special attackers, like for example Magby and Ponyta, which who can easily outspeed Cubchoo and take it out with either Fire Blast or Flare Blitz, (RC). although if you run a mixed special Cubchoo set you can force out or 2HKO Fire-types with Surf However, mixed Cubchoo sets are able to KO Fire-types with Surf.

**Rock-type Pokemon**: Although Cubchoo has coverage moves against it to deal with Rock-type Pokemon, some fast Rock-type Pokemon like such as Onix and Archen and can either set entry hazards to make Cubchoo vulnerable when it switches in or take it out immediately with a STAB Rock-type move, (RC). Cubchoo also needs to be careful of Rock Tomb itself.

**Special Attackers**: As mentioned before, Cubchoo has mediocre Special Defense and can be picked off by neutral special attacks, (AC) so Cubchoo would have to switch out to avoid being damaged is often forced out by powerful special attackers, especially the ones Cubchoo doesn't have coverage moves against, such as Gastly, although if Cubchoo is faster, it might be able to take out some special attackers but it is unlikely (unnecessary).

**Walls**: Cubchoo can easily be picked off by walling bulkier Pokemon, as they can drain Cubchoo's health and attack it later resulting in Cubchoo's damage being dealt being healed every time, tend to not take much from Cubchoo's attacks and are able to wear it down. most Many walls also carry status moves that hinder Cubchoo's longevity. Bulky Water-type Pokemon in particular also are a big problem to for Cubchoo as it doesn't have any coverage moves against them and fall falls victim to their status moves, (RC). a good example of a bulky Water-type would be An example of a bulky Water-type Pokemon is Slowpoke.

**Fast Offensive Pokemon**: Fast Faster offensive Pokemon can really threaten Cubchoo with their STAB moves. such as For example, Cubchoo doesn't tend to run any coverage moves to hit Gastly and Honedge, (AC) which Cubchoo doesn't have coverage moves against and will just be prone to their fast and STAB boosted moves, although Cubchoo can run the rare Night Slash and take them both out.

Thanks for the amcheck, but I have a thing to point out.
You might've made quite a lot of subjective changes such as

take out ---> KO

granted ---> given

be used to increase ---> boost

I implemented them just because I'm lazy, but coming from a former amchecker, maybe try to lessen the subjective changes and stick to the important ones that would actually improve the analysis. Thanks again and keep in mind you don't need to take my advice, just a friendly tip :)
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GP 1/2
Cubchoo has an interesting niche in the Little Cup metagame, bearing good offensive capabilities in its Attack and Special Attack stats, and having access to a good array of coverage moves. However, Cubchoo lacks in its defensive capabilities and Speed, (AC) making it a little bit more vulnerable than most attackers. Cubchoo's HP stat is not too bad, (AC) however, allowing it to at least take some hits. Despite this, Cubchoo is more formidable in attacking rather than defending as being offensive is the best way to utilize Cubchoo's abilities. Cubchoo's excellent coverage can lets it greatly threaten common Pokemon that switch into it, potentially OHKOing or 2HKOing them with moves such as Play Rough, Rock Tomb, and Superpower. However, Cubchoo's Ice typing gives it very common weaknesses to Steel-, Fire-, Rock-, and Fighting-type moves which are unfortunately very common in the Little Cup metagame. Cubchoo also can be greatly hindered by status moves such as Will-O-Wisp, (AC) as it cuts Cubchoo's Attack severely. Entry hazards hinder Cubchoo's longevity in battle, which it really depends on. Overall, Cubchoo is quite a niche Pokemon in the Little Cup metagame because it has very few switch-in opportunities to switch in due to its low poor bulk and typing, low Speed, and almost zero defensive synergy, and it has to rely heavily on prediction.

name: Offensive
move 1: Ice Punch
move 2: Play Rough
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Rock Tomb / Encore
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
evs: 196 Atk / 196 Def / 116 SpD
ability: Rattled
nature: Adamant


Cubchoo's primary and powerful Ice-type STAB move is Ice Punch, which can deal a lot of damage to Grass-, Ground-, Dragon-, and Flying-type Pokemon such as Foongus and Fletchling. Play Rough is a very useful coverage move that is given to lets Cubchoo so it can KO or deal heavy damage to the Fighting-type Pokemon that switch into it. Superpower is Cubchoo's main coverage move against Dark-, Rock-, and Steel-types such as Pawniard and Tirtouga, (AC) as it deals massive damage and can potentially OHKO them if they switch into Cubchoo. Like Play Rough, Rock Tomb is also used best to check Fire-types when they switch into Cubchoo so they can take substantial damage and receive a drop in their Speed stat, (AC) so Cubchoo can potentially letting Cubchoo 2HKO with Rock Tomb them. Instead of Rock Tomb, Encore can also be used to cripple setup sweepers who that attempt to setup on Cubchoo.

Set Details

This set is all-out (AH) offensive, (AC) as Cubchoo's has powerful coverage moves that can deal massive damage and threaten it's its checks that switch into it, such as Fighting-types and Steel-types. Cubchoo can use Rock Tomb efficientlyeffectively with entry hazards, (AC) as it can 2HKO Fire-types and slow them down so Cubchoo can move first, although Ponyta is still faster after one Rock Tomb. Rock Tomb allows Cubchoo to outspeed nearly every Pokemon that it can hit with one of its coverage moves. However, Cubchoo should be wary of Pawniard, as it gains a +2 boost to its Attack thanks to Defiant, and can KO Cubchoo with Knock Off. Cubchoo can be replaced by a Fighting-type Pokemon or a Pokemon that resists Sucker Punch as Cubchoo is very reliant on its item and the +1 Speed boost Rattled gives it isn't worth the lost item. An Eviolite is used to make Cubchoo more bulky, (AC) as its defensive capabilities are lacking. Alternatively, a Life Orb can be used to increase Cubchoo's offensive capabilities, threatening many Pokemon that switch into it. Sets running Life Orb work very well alongisde alongside entry hazard support, although this makes but they make Cubchoo more frail and reduces its longevity. Cubchoo shouldn't really switch into Knock Off despite the Rattled Speed boost, (AC) as Cubchoo's item is more valuable than its Speed, and it fares poorly against common Knock Off users such as Mienfoo and Pawniard, especially since the Speed boost doesn't allow Cubchoo to outspeed them anyway.

Usage Tips

Cubchoo can be used to take out powerful Flying-types such as Fletchling and offensive Vullaby, (AC) as it is bulky enough to take its their hits and retaliate with Ice Punch, which deals a huge chunk of damage. Cubchoo can also handle Grass-types with Ice Punch, but it has to be careful as because most Grass-types in LC have status moves and neutral special attacking moves which hits can target Cubchoo's mediocre Special Defense. Cubchoo can take out Ground-types with Ice Punch if it gets the chance, (AC) but it should be careful against top-tier (AH) Ground-types such as Drilbur and Diglett, (AC) as they both outspeed Cubchoo; (SC) although however, (AC) it has the bulk to take a Rock Slide and OHKO with Ice Punch. Cubchoo should never be switched into neutral special moves or super effective moves, (AC) as although Cubchoo may be bulky, it can't take powerful special moves or powerful super effective moves such as High Jump Kick and Shadow Ball. Cubchoo's Ice typing gives it few resistances, only resisting only a resistance to other Ice-type moves, (AC) and making it very reliant on the support of other Pokemon. Cubchoo should be very careful in trying to avoid status if at all possible, particularly burns, (AC) as they can cripple neuter Cubchoo's offensive capabilities and severly cut its longevity so it can be taken out faster. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards are very effective against Cubchoo, (AC) as Stealth Rock deals a chunk of damage and Cubchoo's longevity is very important if you're going to use it efficiently. Cubchoo can get a useful Speed boost from Bug-, Ghost-, or Dark-type moves, but it often doesn't have enough bulk to make use of the Speed boost, although it gets a Speed from every hit of Venipede's Pin Missile.(latter part seems a tad irrelevant / shoehorned)

Team Options

Being an Ice-type, Cubchoo heavily relies on support from other Pokemon to deal with its numerous checks. Cubchoo really appreciates Pokemon that can easily switch into Knock Off, (AC; also such as?) as Cubchoo is very reliant on its item. Cubchoo appreciates entry hazard setters and Defog and Rapid Spin users as Cubchoo appreciates the extra damage when sweeping. Cubchoo also needs entry hazards removed on its side, (AC) as they can hinder Cubchoo's longevity in a battle and the damage makes Cubchoo vulnerable to more attacks, so a perfect Pokemon for this slot would be Drilbur, (AC) as it can both set and remove entry hazards. Clerics that have healing moves and status removing moves such as Wish and Aromatherapy are very useful as if Cubchoo is low on health or is statused, a cleric can heal Cubchoo and to increase its Cubchoo's longevity; (SC) a good Pokemon for this role would be Spritzee. Bulkier Pokemon in general make excellent partners for Cubchoo. Physically defensive (RH) Pokemon can take care of moves such as Knock Off and super effective attacks that are thrown at Cubchoo. Specially defensive Pokemon are also of use, (AC) as they can tank special attacks such as Scald far better than Cubchoo can. Stalling Pokemon are also very effective, (AC) as they can wear out offensive sweepers that are sent out to deal with Cubchoo and can take them out so they won't be a threat to Cubchoo any longer. Cubchoo is often forced out by fast, offensive Fire-types such as Ponyta and Magby, as Cubchoo can't touch them unless it predicts the switch. Seel is a great teammate to deal with these Pokemon, as its typing, Thick Fat, and access to Aqua Jet allows allow it to check these Fire-types very easily. In return, Cubchoo can help to deal with some Grass-types such as Foongus for Seel.


Other Options

Cubchoo can also opt to run a mixed attacker set with a Life Orb and a Timid nature, alongside Rock Tomb, Surf, Superpower, and Ice Beam. This alternative set should run maximum Special Attack, in order to force physically defensive Pokemon such as Foongus and Vullaby out. This set can also be used to lure out checks such as Ponyta, Pawniard, and Ferroseed, as they can be OHKOed or 2HKOed by Surf, Superpower, and Ice Beam, (AC) respectively. Substitute can be used over Rock Tomb on the physical set, as it deals with Pawniard more easily. Finally, Night Slash can be used to deal heavy damage to Pokemon such as Slowpoke, Honedge, Bronzor, and Frillish.

Checks and Counters

**Fighting-type Pokemon**: In particular, Mienfoo and Timburr can both outspeed Cubchoo and beat it with their Fighting-type STAB moves, resisting almost all of Cubchoo's moves thrown by the latter.

**Steel-type Pokemon**: Steel-type Pokemon also pose a threat to Cubchoo, (AC) as most of the commonly used ones such as Magnemite and Pawniard outspeed Cubchoo and have powerful physical and special moves like Magnemite with Flash Cannon and Pawniard with Iron Head can easily take it out Cubchoo, with their powerful STAB moves; Bronzor can also be a threat to Cubchoo, (AC) as it can set entry hazards and heal itself with Berry Juice and while Recycle stalling Cubchoo and then inflicting it with Toxic or attacking it's its weak Special Defense with Psychic.

**Fire-type Pokemon**: Most Fire-type Pokemon in the tier are fast, (AC) for example such as Magby and Ponyta, who which can easily outspeed Cubchoo and take it out with either Fire Blast or Flare Blitz. However, mixed Cubchoo sets are able to KO Fire-types with Surf.

**Rock-type Pokemon**: Although Cubchoo has coverage moves to deal with Rock-type Pokemon, some fast Rock-type Pokemon such as Onix and Archen can either set entry hazards to make damage Cubchoo vulnerable when it switches in or take it out immediately with a STAB Rock-type move. Cubchoo also needs to be careful of Rock Tomb itself.

**Special Attackers**: Cubchoo has mediocre Special Defense and can be picked off by neutral special attacks, so Cubchoo it is often forced out by powerful special attackers, especially the ones Cubchoo doesn't have coverage moves against, such as Gastly.

**Walls**: Cubchoo can easily be picked off by bulkier Pokemon, as they tend to not take much from Cubchoo's attacks and are able to wear it down. Many walls also carry status moves that hinder Cubchoo's longevity. Bulky Water-type Pokemon such as Slowpoke in particular are a big problem for Cubchoo, (AC) as it doesn't have any coverage moves against them and falls victim to their status moves. An example of a bulky Water-type Pokemon is Slowpoke.

**Fast Offensive Pokemon**: Faster offensive Pokemon can really threaten Cubchoo with their STAB moves. For example, Cubchoo doesn't tend to run any coverage moves to hit Gastly and Honedge (RC) and will just be prone left open to their fast and STAB boosted moves, although Cubchoo can run the rare Night Slash and take them both out.
Cubchoo has an interesting niche in the Little Cup metagame, possessing bearing good offensive capabilities with in its decent Attack and Special Attack stats, and having access to an good array of coverage moves. However, Cubchoo lacks in its defensive capabilities and Speed, making it a bit more vulnerable than most attackers. Cubchoo's HP stat is not too bad, however, allowing it to at least take some hits. Despite this, Cubchoo is more formidable in attacking rather than defending. (Base 55 HP doesn't seem high enough to be worth mentioning like this) Cubchoo's excellent coverage lets it greatly threaten common Pokemon that switch into it, potentially OHKOing or 2HKOing them with moves such as Play Rough, Rock Tomb, and Superpower. However, Cubchoo's Ice typing gives it very common weaknesses to Steel-, Fire-, Rock-, and Fighting-type moves. Cubchoo also can be greatly hindered by status moves such as Will-O-Wisp, as it cuts Cubchoo's Attack severely. Cubchoo is also vulnerable to all types of entry hazards, which hinders its Cubchoo's longevity in battle, which it really depends on. Overall, Cubchoo is quite a niche Pokemon in the Little Cup metagame because it has very few opportunities to switch in due to its poor bulk and typing, low Speed, and almost zero defensive synergy, and it has to rely heavily on prediction.

name: Offensive
move 1: Ice Punch
move 2: Play Rough
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Rock Tomb / Encore
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
evs: 196 Atk / 196 Def / 116 SpD
ability: Rattled
nature: Adamant


Cubchoo's primary and powerful Ice-type (redundant) STAB move is Ice Punch, which can deals a lot of damage to Grass-, Ground-, Dragon-, and Flying-type Pokemon such as Foongus and Fletchling. Play Rough is a very useful coverage move that lets Cubchoo OHKO or deal heavy damage to the Fighting-type Pokemon that switch into it. Superpower is Cubchoo's main coverage move against Dark-, Rock-, and Steel-types such as Pawniard and Tirtouga, as it deals massive damage and can potentially OHKO them if they switch into Cubchoo. Like Play Rough, Rock Tomb is used best to check Fire-types when they switch into Cubchoo so they can take substantial damage and receive a drop in their Speed stat, potentially letting Cubchoo 2HKO them. Instead of Rock Tomb, Encore can also be used to cripple setup sweepers (such as?) that attempt to setup on Cubchoo.

Set Details

This set is all-out offensive, as Cubchoo's powerful coverage moves can threaten its checks that switch into it, such as Fighting-types and Steel-types. Cubchoo can use Rock Tomb effectively with entry hazards, as it can 2HKO Fire-types and slow them down so Cubchoo can move first, although Ponyta is still faster after one Rock Tomb. Rock Tomb allows Cubchoo to outspeed nearly every Pokemon that it can hit with one of its coverage moves; however, Cubchoo should be wary of Pawniard, as it gains a +2 boost to its Attack thanks to Defiant, and can KO Cubchoo with Knock Off. Cubchoo can be replaced by a Fighting-type Pokemon or a Pokemon that resists Sucker Punch as Cubchoo is very reliant on its item and the +1 Speed boost Rattled gives it isn't worth the lost item. An Eviolite is used to make Cubchoo more bulky, as its defensive capabilities are lacking. Alternatively, a Life Orb can be used to increase Cubchoo's offensive capabilities, threatening many Pokemon that switch into it. Sets running Life Orb work very well alongside entry hazard support, but they make Cubchoo more frail and reduces its longevity. Cubchoo shouldn't really switch into Knock Off despite the Rattled Speed boost, as Cubchoo's item is more valuable than its Speed, and it fares poorly against common Knock Off users such as Mienfoo and Pawniard, especially since the Speed boost doesn't allow Cubchoo to outspeed them anyway.

Usage Tips

Cubchoo can be used to take out powerful Flying-types such as Fletchling and offensive Vullaby, as it is bulky enough to take their hits and retaliate with Ice Punch. Cubchoo can also handle Grass-types with Ice Punch, but it has to be careful because most Grass-types in LC have status moves and can target Cubchoo's mediocre Special Defense. Cubchoo can take out Ground-types with Ice Punch if it gets the chance, but it should be careful against top-tier Ground-types such as Drilbur and Diglett, as they both outspeed Cubchoo; however, it has the bulk to take a Rock Slide and OHKO with Ice Punch. Cubchoo should never be switched into neutral special moves or super effective moves, as although Cubchoo may be bulky, it can't take powerful special moves or powerful super effective moves such as High Jump Kick and Shadow Ball. Cubchoo's Ice typing only gives it only a resistance to other Ice-type moves, making it very reliant on the support of other Pokemon. Cubchoo should be very careful in trying to avoid status if at all possible, particularly burns, as they can neuter Cubchoo's offensive capabilities and severely cut its longevity. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards are very effective against Cubchoo, as Stealth Rock deals a chunk of damage and Cubchoo's longevity is very important if you're going to use it efficiently. Cubchoo can get a useful Speed boost from Bug-, Ghost-, or Dark-type moves, but it often doesn't have enough bulk to make use of the Speed boost, although it gets a Speed boost from every hit of Venipede's Pin Missile.

Team Options

Being an Ice-type, Cubchoo heavily relies on support from other Pokemon to deal with its numerous checks. Cubchoo really appreciates Pokemon that can easily switch into Knock Off, as Cubchoo is very reliant on its item. Cubchoo appreciates entry hazard setters and Defog and Rapid Spin users as Cubchoo needs appreciates the extra damage when sweeping. Cubchoo also needs entry hazards removed on its side, as they can hinder Cubchoo's longevity, so a perfect Pokemon for this slot would be Drilbur, as it can both set and remove entry hazards. Clerics are very useful to increase Cubchoo's longevity; a good Pokemon for this role would be Spritzee. Bulkier Pokemon in general make excellent partners for Cubchoo. Physically defensive Pokemon (such as?) can take care of moves such as Knock Off and super effective attacks that are thrown at Cubchoo. Specially defensive Pokemon (such as?) are also of use, as they can tank special attacks such as Scald far better than Cubchoo can. Stalling Pokemon are also very effective, as they can wear out offensive sweepers that are sent out to deal with Cubchoo and can take them out. Cubchoo is often forced out by fast, offensive Fire-types such as Ponyta and Magby, as Cubchoo can't touch them unless it predicts the switch. Seel is a great teammate to deal with these Pokemon, as its typing, Thick Fat, and access to Aqua Jet allow it to check these Fire-types very easily. In return, Cubchoo can help to deal with some Grass-types such as Foongus for Seel.


Other Options

Cubchoo can also opt to run a mixed attacker set with a Life Orb and a Timid nature, alongside Rock Tomb, Surf, Superpower, and Ice Beam. This alternative set should run maximum Special Attack, in order to force physically defensive Pokemon such as Foongus and Vullaby out. This set can also be used to lure out checks such as Ponyta, Pawniard, and Ferroseed, as they can be OHKOed or 2HKOed by Surf, Superpower, and Ice Beam, respectively. Substitute can be used over Rock Tomb on the physical set, as it deals with Pawniard more easily. Finally, Night Slash can be used to deal heavy damage to Pokemon such as Slowpoke, Honedge, Bronzor, and Frillish.

Checks and Counters

**Fighting-type Pokemon**: In particular, Mienfoo and Timburr can both outspeed Cubchoo and beat it with their Fighting-type STAB moves, resisting almost all of Cubchoo's moves with the exception of Play Rough.

**Steel-type Pokemon**: Steel-type Pokemon also pose a threat to Cubchoo, as most commonly used ones such as Magnemite and Pawniard outspeed Cubchoo and can easily take it out with their powerful STAB moves; Bronzor can also be a threat to Cubchoo, as it can set entry hazards and heal itself with Berry Juice while Recycle stalling Cubchoo and then inflicting it with Toxic or attacking its weaker Special Defense with Psychic.

**Fire-type Pokemon**: Most Fire-type Pokemon in the tier are fast, such as Magby and Ponyta, which can easily outspeed Cubchoo and take it out with either Fire Blast or Flare Blitz. However, mixed Cubchoo sets are able to KO Fire-types with Surf.

**Rock-type Pokemon**: Although Cubchoo has coverage moves to deal with Rock-type Pokemon, some fast Rock-type Pokemon such as Onix and Archen can either set entry hazards to damage Cubchoo when it switches in or take it out immediately with a STAB Rock-type move. Cubchoo also needs to be careful of Rock Tomb itself.

**Special Attackers**: Cubchoo has mediocre Special Defense and can be picked off by neutral special attacks, so it is often forced out by powerful special attackers, especially the ones Cubchoo doesn't have coverage moves against, such as Gastly.

**Walls**: Cubchoo can easily be picked off by bulkier Pokemon, as they tend to not take much from Cubchoo's attacks and are able to wear it down. Many walls also carry status moves that hinder Cubchoo's longevity. Bulky Water-type Pokemon such as Slowpoke in particular are a big problem for Cubchoo, as it doesn't have any coverage moves against them and falls victim to Toxic or Scald burns their status moves.

**Fast Offensive Pokemon**: Faster offensive Pokemon can really threaten Cubchoo with their STAB moves. For example, Cubchoo doesn't tend to run any coverage moves to hit Gastly and Honedge and will just be left open to their fast and powerful STAB boosted moves, although Cubchoo can run the rare Night Slash and take them both out.

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