User name: Bronson
Time Zone GMT-4
Discord Tag Bronson1145
Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM
Availability Depends week to week in regards to what days can not be done. Most weeks I can play/help from 10pm-4 am est. Earliest time I can play is 5/6 est on days I have off
Player Info PortlandPoliwags SD
Time Zone GMT-4
Discord Tag Bronson1145
Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM
Availability Depends week to week in regards to what days can not be done. Most weeks I can play/help from 10pm-4 am est. Earliest time I can play is 5/6 est on days I have off
Player Info PortlandPoliwags SD