Tournament DCL II - Player Signups [USE THE FORM] [Custom Avatar Prize] [Auction August 17 @ 9 PM GMT -4]

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User name: Aberforth

Time Zone GMT+10

Discord Tag aberforth

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, ORAS

Availability Ok, but SCL will be a priority from week 4 onwards.

Player Info I will probably need teambuilding assistance. I dont have the day to day prep time that I used to back in 2016, but ORAS is still a fun meta imo. Can also play SV, dont mind between the two.
User name: baltap310

Time Zone GMT-3

Discord Tag baltazarperez

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability College classes during Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 5 hours each day

Player Info Haven't won any mayor tour, been playing since XY but have taken like 1 year breaks between gen 7 and 8, entered tours in the tours chat room and often reach semis and further.
User name: Tarre25

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag tarre25

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea

Availability most of the time

Player Info .
User name: Lemurro

Time Zone GMT+5.5

Discord Tag lemurro.r

Tiers Preferred SV VGC

Availability I will be on vacation on the week of the draft and the first week of the tour so I will be less active than usual.

Player Info Got first seed and made finals in the most recent wbg season
4-2 in the most recent season of STC
Check last year’s post for everything before that
User name: Domum

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag wildcard02.

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability I'm free at any time though I will inform you if I'm not

Player Info I've been doing draft league for about 3 months now. I may not be the best at it, but I am having fun and seeing this as an opportunity to grow and improve my battling.
User name: PokeCenter Boy

Time Zone GMT-7

Discord Tag winshield_crimes

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar

Availability most of the time

Player Info i dont play much but im good ig
User name: Pacers2k7

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag iroquoispliskin9735

Tiers Preferred SS Galar, USUM

Availability Weekends

Player Info Retired player whose played in draft leagues and draft tours
User name: MinionOfPlebos

Time Zone GMT+10

Discord Tag vicious220016

Tiers Preferred USUM, ORAS, SV VGC

Availability Weekends and weekdays after 3pm I work 5 days a week

Player Info Used to play VGC alot now I just play random doubles in my spare time I've played 1 draft league before so I'm fairly new to it
User name: FlamPoke

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag flamingopokeman

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea

Availability All

Player Info Only real experience with draft is making it to top 16 of Low Tier so far, but I am currently managing for RUWC, just won RUGL, and am playing in ZUPL. I am an active team presence in all channels and will do all kinds of prep, tests, and scouts.
User name: Rowlet69420

Time Zone GMT+6

Discord Tag rowlet_69420

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS, SV VGC, All

Availability Usually not active in the morning
Have few postponed exams due but idk when, activity will be less during that period

Player Info Played DLWC, love to cook heat, have awkward personality, idk what else
User name: OhioGengar

Time Zone GMT+4

Discord Tag lucarioman20

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar

Availability Mostly free on evenings and weekends

Player Info An up-and-coming player with a passion for Draft of all kinds. Have decent experience and am a great team player
User name: CM_Metro

Time Zone GMT+1

Discord Tag m.e.t.r.o.

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, ORAS

Availability No availability issues, will be free for the duration of the tournament

Player Info Have many years of draft experience, also have experience participating in other team tours. Played in DPL in the past, captained in TDT and played + won DCL I.
Would prefer to play ORAS, it's my strongest tier but I've been getting more experience in SV and think I'm at a good enough level to play it too. 7-0 in Summer Seasonal. Can be flexible and play USUM/SWSH too if required. Positive presence, willing to mock in any tier (besides VGC I have no idea what happens there).
User name: 22SavageHut

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag bonezbihh

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability Anytime

Player Info in summer seasonal draft
User name: Wiesellord

Time Zone GMT+2

Discord Tag wiesellord

Tiers Preferred All

Availability After 5pm GMT +2 on weekdays and 24/7 on Saturday and Sunday

Player Info I´ve been playing Showdown Singles since X and Y and started playing Draft Leagues this year with decent results.
User name: Gloriousplays

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag shinymorelull_80763

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability 3:00-6:00

Player Info Gloriousplays
User name: QueueStudioQuinn

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag ludotechnical

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, SV VGC

Availability All day past 12pm all days except wednesday where I'll be gone from 2pm-5pm
next month a lot of stuff going on i'll send my calendar but I have a lot of events planned for the afternoon.

Player Info I'm an aggressive player who is good at using unconventional strategies and ideas but I can also use more conventional strategies too. I know pokemon and stats really well. I was almost placed at 1500 on the ladder. I even managed to make surskit work in early VGC (there's a popular thread on r/VGC about my surskit strategy).
User name: Dead by Daylight

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag deadbydaylight

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability will get games done

Player Info newcomer to the draft scene, have played in leagues and other sidetours before, got to R6 of the Summer Seasonal
User name: kurse

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag kurzv

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability available anytime except saturdays

Player Info can play any singles format. have team tour experience from some other tours. currently playing in OLT, TH, Krash, MLP. can provide replays
User name: Commmi

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag nikolai2121

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, USUM, ORAS

Availability Evenings on weekdays, all day weekends

Player Info I'm relatively new to draft leagues, but I'm highly motivated and excited to participate!!
User name: leyleyxrz

Time Zone GMT+2

Discord Tag leyley_kr

Tiers Preferred All

Availability uhh Weekends preferably

Player Info idk a bit zesty sometimes :3
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