You have been reborn.
You are now The Lichfather.
An Order to Kill
Nightly. Cannot be used N0.
Double target. PLAYER1 must be another member of The Mafia. PLAYER1 will have their Action changed to Sent to Kill. PLAYER2 will die. In the event of your death, this Action will be passed to the last member of The Mafia to be targeted. If no member of The Mafia has been targeted yet, it will be given randomly.
Soul Rip
Single target. PLAYER will die. Cannot be used for the following four Nights. Every two members of The Mafia that are Dead reduce this cooldown by one Night. The following Day and Night, you are able to be killed.
Chill the Air
Nightly. Cannot be used with Soul Rip.
Single target. After this Action, only one Action targeting PLAYER will succeed. Any Actions after that will fail.
Powered by Phylactery
You cannot be killed as long as PLAYER with Status: Phylactery is Alive. If PLAYER is killed, you will also die. If killed while weakened by Soul Rip, PLAYER will be have Status: Phylactery removed.
You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.