Did you like High School?

Nope. I expected it to be funny. It was not. It also felt incredibly rushed. Elementary school had my best days, before (actually during) the times I took the road of the shut-in.
It was easy though.
College is similarly unentertaining, plus it's actually harder. How boring. I hope I can finish it in 3 years so at least I'd get that goal down.
Nice to hear most of you liked the latter years in high school; it means I should too in about a year.

Upon finishing my freshman year, here are some pros/cons of it:

- so many more friends
- girls actually listen to me and enjoy it lol
- sports is awesome
- keeping a set group of new friends from sports/band/clubs
- life DOES seem simple compared to college and post-college life

- Juniors/arrogant jocks/guys who squint while they sing who think they're sexy because they can play Smoke on the Water on guitar (and so on) get all the girls my age
- more than half my freshman class was a bunch of winy drama kids; they need to learn to grow up right now
- immature freshmen

Hopefully Sophomore year is better than my freshman, though I can say this has been the best year of my life. Good to hear from you awesome smogoners.
Meh... I'm in high school right now, done my second year of it and going into the third. It sucks ass. I miss the good ol' days of elementary school, so much more fun. People always told me "High school is the best days of your life", well, its not to me. If the statement was elementary school, then I'd not hesitate to call it true, but honestly, high school sucks so far.
i loved high school best times of my life. i graduated about two weeks ago and im sure later on, i will miss how simple life used to be and having lunch with my crazy friends. i did hate all the work before getting to Senior year but once you get there you barely have anything to do and most classes are electives, atleast for me they were. xD

graduation was very weird its like, you dont know what to do after its over.
Well, i've finished my High school (Or secondary school, Malaysia follows English style of education)... and this were the pros and cons

Pros: No effort needed
More friends
More relaxed attitude
Had my best friend in there

Cons: Stuck inside the school compound
Couldn't really fit in that well.
Playing Pokemon instantly made you unpopular.

That last one was one of the terrible ones. Once people found out, my popularity level just went down. Although i met some of these people who just don't care what other people thought of them, and got along with them. So it wasn't that bad.
Eh, you take some you leave some. I have a lot of friends at my school but I have almost as many people who I would kill with my bare hands given the chance, and just as many people who could die tomorrow and I wouldn't even care about. Nearly all of the underclassmen are fucking dumb, this isn't biased, I talk to people under me and I know a few that are bearable. But seriously all of my fellow Juniors and Seniors were fucking sophomores and freshmen and each of their girlfriends was annoying or fugly.

I also have gotten to pick a grand total of two classes. I got to choose between Spanish or French and Art 2 or Graphic Arts because my school decided to be queer and force us to take a second art credit. I actually went to this school over the larger normal highschool for the opportunity of taking tech classes. I've only gotten two, Microsoft Office (LEARN HOW TO USE CHALLENGING PROGRAMS SUCH AS MICROSOFT WORD AND EXCEL) and Visual Basic (LEARN HOW TO MAKE MACROS IN CHALLENGING PROGRAMS SUCH AS MICROSOFT WORD OMG U GET TO USE CODE NOW)

The worst part is next year I'm getting essentially forced into Spanish 3 and Calculus for college even though I'll probably never use anything I learn there IRL. So total, I'll have made one choice of taking a class that I actually wanted to take provided my retarded councilor doesn't decide to fuck me over for the fourth year in a row.

As for popularity, I'm probably the biggest asshole at that school now that the Seniors have graduated. I'm popular though because I'm funny, I can get away with making fun of anyone and its no big deal because 'aw thats just how he does things don't take it personal'. I literally don't even have to make excuses for myself anymore, it rules. People know how much of a total nerd I am and they don't care because I'm damned amazing. I can take any moment of the day and make it amazingly awkward instantly. Anyone who I didn't like who tried to make fun of me ended up looking like a fucking dumbass when I turned their arguments on them so people eventually stopped trying to do it.

The one area where I'm currently failing highschool is getting laid, mostly because I don't care at all and most of the girls who are even reasonably doable are usually stupid whores who play with the emotions of young men for their own fiscal benefit. Either that or they're genuinely nice girls who actually maintain longstanding relationships (aka taken).
High School? High School was awesome. It only really went downhill when I attempted to go to my high school's Sixth Form, that didn't work out so hot. So I'm at college now. But while it lasted, High School was amazing. I even had my own little, like, fanclub among the younger kids. It was quite funny actually.

Also for all you English people talking about how you have a Primary and Secondary school, yeah, I live and England, and I had Primary, Middle and High schools. Dunno why, it must be because I live up north and am therefore not as important as the gifted southerners. (No really, like 3 good bands a year come here. Sucks.)
I absolutely loved high school. My lacrosse girls were my best friends, I have an amazing bf (a year and a half!), and I got into my top school.
Now I get to look forward to college -- dorm shopping!

Also, to worried freshmen, know that it gets better.
At first, then I changed schools and it went downhill somewhat. So... I guess. There were just enough incredibly interesting people at my 2nd one it didn't matter that I felt like torturing a select few to death.
I enjoyed high school. Made some great friends and had some great teachers. I miss how easy it was in comparison to college. I don't think I would want to revisit but I will miss those 4 years.
man im in my 5th year of high school in september due to really terrible schedualing on my part, but man, its just really really easy.

And because of high school being easy, it has become the most fun ive had ever
Its great. Some teachers are cool with my jokes. In middle school I kept getting ISS. Great friends. Better extra curriculum.
I just finished my freshman year, and I've been loving it so far. The teachers are pretty cool, and I've met some fun people. I only expect things to be better next year when I get my license.
Yes, I suppose I do like high school--it's become better over the years. My Senior year is coming up and I'm looking forward to it, mainly because of the fact that all my classes are ones that I actually want to take, minus Government (which is a graduation requirement). The people here at my school are also fairly nice, and we've been becoming better as we've gotten older (surprise surprise; thought that some of those guys would never grow up...) and the graduated seniors were an amazing bunch of people. I'll miss 'em. And I'll miss high school too, because at least now you feel like you're in place even if you are taking some really pointless classes for the majority of the time. Hope the college process won't be too stressful.
I like high school so far, there's a lot to do and a lot always going on. Though because I go to a nerd magnet school...ish thing I have to get used to actually devoting time to study. So for me the pros would be

- lots of friends
- lots of new experiences
- the ability to do social experiments?


- I tend not to look at the dark side of life.
High School was a terrible experience for me. We moved the week before classes started my freshman year and I kind of stayed in a bad mood for 4 years straight. Thankfully as soon as I got into college almost everything started changing for the better.


formerly DoubleJG
My first two years of high school weren't very enjoyable, to say the least. However, my Junior year lightened up a bit, followed by an enjoyable Senior year that I shall never forget. So, I can say that I enjoyed "some" of high school.
I Love high school I'm going to my Junior year and have had fun all the way. The teachers are great, friends are great. I don't see why anyone would hate it.
Yea High school is great, I will be a Junior and have had zero problems =}. Although I will admit Freshman year was better than Sophomore.

Age of Kings

of the Ash Legion
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
My first two years of high school weren't very enjoyable, to say the least. However, my Junior year lightened up a bit, followed by an enjoyable Senior year that I shall never forget. So, I can say that I enjoyed "some" of high school.
I'll keep that in mind, I'm going to be a junior come September and high school has been stupid so far xD
I fucking hate high school. I took the California High School Proficiency Exam when I was 16 so I could get the hell out.

Everyone is so immature, the classes are a complete waste of time, etc.

College is so much better.

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