Hello everyone, I am happy and proud to present my art thread!
Maybe some people will say that my drawings are ugly but I would like to remind you three things:
-Pablo Picasso made weird and not always pretty drawings, and yet everyone liked them!
-I don't have a graphic tablet for drawing
-I've already won twice at Skribbl.io Pokemon version, so I think I am relevant to publish here my Art Thread

Wayvard Woopers (for Monotype BLT)
Castelia Sewers Cloysters (for National Dex Monotype Premier League)

angry dragon who eat something green (for Ubers Premier League)

Kadama Kadabras (for National Dex Monotype Premier League)

Chirchester Centiskorch (for Monotype Winter Premier League)

Weaboo Wartortles (strongest team for real) (for Monotype Winter Premier League)

Viridian Vivillons (for Monotype Winter Premier League)

Tsundere Tsareenas (for Monotype Winter Premier League)

Po Town Pandas (for Monotype Winter Premier League)

I forgot the name of the team for this one, but I know that this is an Incineroar (for Monotype Winter Premier League)

Milk Bagged Miltanks (for Monotype Winter Premier League) (Kev you see

Mossdeep Murkrows (for Monotype Winter Premier League)
Goldenrod Gengars (for Monotype Premier League)
Trick House Treeckos (for Monotype Premier League)
Hau'Oli Houndooms (for Monotype Premier League)
Hearthome Honchkrows (for Monotype Premier League)
Dramyard Darkrais (for Monotype Premier League)
Meteor Fall Miniors (for Monotype Premier League)
they changed team name for a shitty name so idk (for Monotype Premier League)
Late Night Lunatones (for Monotype Winter Premier League)
Mauville Memers (for Monotype Winter Premier League)
Po Town Pandas (for Monotype Winter Premier League)
Seafolk City Spirit (for Monotype Winter Premier League)
Zephyr Zigzagoons (for Monotype Winter Premier League)
Mossdeep Murkrows (for Monotype Winter Premier League)
Wayward Weawiles (for Monotype Winter Premier League)
Nixtorm Ninetales (for Monotype Winter Premier League)
What I use for my arts:

If you have any drawing request, I will be happy to do it, so don't hesitate!
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