UU [Diggersby] Big Chungus



Diggersby is one of the best revenge killers in UU due to its potent STAB combination backed by the deadly Huge Power. With a Choice Scarf, Diggersby can easily outspeed and KO common fast threats like Azelf, Cobalion, Crobat, and Zygarde-10%, as well as setup sweepers like Gyarados and Necrozma. U-turn indirectly enhances Diggersby's revenge killing capabilities, allowing it to pivot on Pokemon it cannot break through like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth and bring in powerful teammates that can take them on, like three attacks Primarina and Choice Specs Hydreigon. Moreover, Diggersby's resistance to Stealth Rock gives it many opportunities to wallbreak and pressure frail threats like Azelf throughout a game. Diggersby also can run a Swords Dance wallbreaker set to become nearly impossible to counter, OHKOing physical walls like Amoonguss, Celesteela, and Hippowdon at +2 while picking off faster threats like Thundurus-T and Keldeo with Quick Attack. However, Diggersby is quite prediction reliant, hating being locked into any move because common foes like Salamence, Skarmory, Scizor, and Cobalion are immune to Ground or resist Normal. Diggersby also offers next to zero defensive utility bar deterring Volt Switch from Thundurus-T and checking Nihilego in an emergency, as it is weak to common types like Grass, Fighting, and Water and frail. This poor defensive profile also limits setup opportunities for its Swords Dance set. Additionally, it gets worn down by Rocky Helmet from threats like Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Hippowdon. Choice Scarf Diggersby fails to revenge kill boosting sweepers like Dragon Dance Salamence, and other Choice Scarf users like Hydreigon outspeed it. Diggersby is also very vulnerable to common priority attacks from Mamoswine, Conkeldurr, Scizor, and Azumarill, which can pick it off with slight chip damage.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Body Slam
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Knock Off / Fire Punch
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Diggersby's STAB combination is exceptionally powerful in UU, covering many common threats like Nihilego, Thundurus-T, and Cobalion. Defensive Salamence takes almost 40% even after Intimidate from Body Slam. Additionally, the move's paralysis chance can badly hinder switch-ins like Cobalion and Scizor. U-turn gains momentum off of switch-ins like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth. Knock Off removes Rocky Helmet from Skarmory and Amoonguss, keeping Diggersby from getting worn down by attacking, as well as crippling otherwise great (RH) answers in Mandibuzz, Celesteela, and Salamence by removing their items. Alternatively, Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela and Tangrowth with good prediction and cleanly OHKO Scizor. Diggersby can run Spikes in the fourth moveslot thanks to it forcing switches against common foes like Nihilego, helping wear down threats like Hippowdon and Tangrowth, but being locked into the move / a non-damaging move / w/e creates opportunities for dangerous sweepers like Swords Dance Cobalion and Dragon Dance Gyarados. A Jolly nature is needed to outspeed Crobat and Adamant Dragon Dance Gyarados, threats Diggersby is tasked with revenge killing. However, Adamant can be used if Diggersby's team has insurance against those threats to KO foes like Keldeo more easily.

Choice Scarf Diggersby best fits on VoltTurn, bulky offense, and balance teams that appreciate its revenge killing capabilities. Additional pivots like Zarude, Thundurus-T, and Slowking form potent momentum cores with Diggersby, bringing it into the likes of Cobalion, Nihilego, and opposing Zarude while threatening switch-ins to Diggersby like Hippowdon, Scizor, and Skarmory. Rotom-W is another exceptional pivot that can handle Mamoswine in addition to threats like Celesteela, Hippowdon, and Moltres. It can also use Defog to stop Spikes from wearing Diggersby down. Wallbreakers like Choice Specs Hydreigon and Keldeo pressure switch-ins to Diggersby like Mandibuzz, Hippowdon, and Skarmory. Body Slam's paralysis chance helps them deal with Salamence more easily and not risk getting outsped by Cobalion. Stealth Rock support from the likes of Nihilego and Cobalion can wear down Celesteela and Tangrowth for Diggersby. They both overwhelm Hippowdon and the aforementioned Celesteela too, with Nihilego also taking on common Ground-immune Pokemon like Salamence, Skarmory, and Moltres. Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss can cover threatening Water-types like Keldeo, Rotom-W, and Primarina. Since Rocky Helmet damage is detrimental to Diggersby's longevity, Knock Off users like Scizor and the aforementioned Tangrowth are good to bait in Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Cobalion and remove their item. They can also heal off the resulting chip damage, unlike Diggersby, and they free up its Knock Off moveslot for Fire Punch as well.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Quick Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Mega Kick
item: Life Orb / Silk Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance skyrockets Diggersby's Attack to absurd levels, letting it break past nearly everything in the tier. A +2 Quick Attack wipes out faster threats like Thundurus-T, Azelf, Zarude, and Keldeo, though the latter two do need to be chipped a bit. Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela, Skarmory, and Tangrowth. Alternatively, Mega Kick is Diggersby's best option to hit Mandibuzz and punishes potential switch-ins like Rotom-W and Salamence. It still covers Tangrowth and even Celesteela, the latter being 2HKOed by it, but Diggersby misses out on breaking past Skarmory, and the move comes with shaky accuracy. A Life Orb maximizes Diggersby's wallbreaking potential, letting it OHKO Hippowdon with +2 Earthquake. However, Silk Scarf can be used to boost the power of Quick Attack and Mega Kick without wearing Diggersby down.

Because Swords Dance Diggersby tends to be an all-or-nothing sweeper, this set mostly fits on heavy offense teams that give it ample opportunities to wallbreak, though it can work as a late-game cleaner on bulky offense teams as well. Entry hazard setters like Excadrill, Krookodile, and Scolipede provide valuable support to wear down threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Keldeo for Diggersby. Sticky Web support from Ribombee can offset Diggersby's poor Speed, letting it pick off threats like Cobalion that would normally revenge kill it. Other sweepers like Nasty Plot Thundurus-T and Meteor Beam Nihilego can break past Pokemon like Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Rotom-W that trouble Diggersby. They can also help overwhelm Hippowdon and keep threats that discourage setup, like Amoonguss, off the field. Autotomize Celesteela takes advantage of Diggersby drawing in Zarude and Skarmory, using them as setup bait, and it lures in Chansey for Diggersby to come in on, as Chansey is one of the few Pokemon Diggersby can reliably boost against. Azelf outspeeds and wipes out faster threats like Keldeo and Cobalion, appreciating Diggersby beating down Slowking and Mandibuzz to the point where Azelf can clean late-game. On more bulky offense teams, paralysis spreaders like Thunder Wave Togekiss and Stun Spore Amoonguss can be valuable to cripple offensive checks to Diggersby like Cobalion. Magneton can trap and remove hindrances to Diggersby like Celesteela, Skarmory, and Scizor, allowing it to drop Fire Punch and run Mega Kick for Mandibuzz.

Other Options

Choice Band turns Diggersby into a devastating wallbreaker with immediate power, using its STAB combination to hit most of the tier for heavy damage while using coverage options in U-turn to wear down Rotom-W and Fire Punch to get past Skarmory and Celesteela. This set works exceptionally well on paralysis spam offense teams, which neuter faster threats like Salamence and Cobalion. However, this set is very slow and prediction reliant, being prey to top threats like Zarude and Keldeo, as well as to foes like Slowking and Hippowdon that are bulky enough to scout a hit. Agility + three Attacks offsets Diggersby's biggest issue in its base Speed, letting it outspeed and KO fast threats like Cobalion and Choice Scarf Hydreigon. However, like the Swords Dance set, Agility Diggersby has limited opportunities to reliably boost; it must rely on forcing out a chipped threat to get a setup chance. Its inability to boost its Attack also keeps it from breaking past Tangrowth and Hippowdon.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Threats and Priority Moves**: Choice Scarf Diggersby, while fast, still gets outpaced by other Choice Scarf users like Zarude and Hydreigon. Common priority move users like Mamoswine, Scizor, Conkeldurr, and Azumarill can all pick off Diggersby after slight chip damage. The presence of faster threats like Keldeo, Cobalion, and Zarude means Swords Dance Diggersby can struggle to reliably boost and sweep through teams, limiting the effectiveness of the set. Even Choice Scarf Diggersby can fail to beat Cobalion if it is holding a Shuca Berry.

**Ground-immune Pokemon**: Rotom-W discourages Diggersby from firing off Earthquake and can KO it with Hydro Pump. Skarmory, Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and defensive Salamence can reliably take on Choice Scarf Diggersby, being unfazed by its attacks even in the long run thanks to their recovery and moves that threaten it back. However, all but Skarmory hate Knock Off. Swords Dance Diggersby can also break past all of them, though it needs Fire Punch for Skarmory and Mega Kick for Mandibuzz, meaning at least one of the two can limit it.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [Estarossa, 461329]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429], [Lumari, 232216]]
Last edited by a moderator:

-Diggersby’s access to Huge Power and potent STAB (I wouldn't really say it's potent, potent means its good, which it isn't. It's fine.) combination alongside U-turn make it one of the best revenge killers in UU because of how difficult it is to switch into. With a Choice Scarf, Diggersby can easily outspeed and KO faster threats like Azelf, Cobalion, and Zygarde-10% as well as setup sweepers like Gyarados.
-U-turn further enhances Diggersby's revenge killing capabilities by allowing it to pivot on Pokemon it cannot break like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Celesteela and bring in a teammate who can take them on. (Maybe get better examples then Skarmory and Hippowdon? I can't think of any at the moment, but U-turning on them runs the risk of getting damaged by Rocky Helmet chip)
-Diggersby also can run a Swords Dance set to become a wallbreaker nearly impossible to counter, OHKOing physically defensive threats like Tangrowth, Celesteela, and Hippowdon at +2 while picking off faster threats like Thundurus-T and Keldeo with Quick Attack.
-However, even with Diggersby’s powerful attacks, it is still quite prediction reliant, hating being locked into any move.
-Diggersby offers next to zero defensive utility barring deterring Volt Switch from Thundurus-T, limiting setup opportunities for its Swords Dance set (I read this over several times and still cannot figure out what you were trying to say), and it is subject to being worn down by Rocky Helmet from threats like Amoonguss, Skarmory, Cobalion, and Scizor.
-Diggersby fails to revenge kill boosting sweepers like Dragon Dance Salamence and other Choice Scarf users like Hydreigon outspeed Diggersby. Diggersby is also very vulnerable to common priority attacks from Mamoswine, Conkeldurr, Scizor, and Azumarill (pick 3 of these imo) that can pick it off with slight chip damage.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Body Slam
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Fire Punch / Spikes
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

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-Diggersby's STAB combination is exceptionally powerful in UU, nailing many common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, Thundurus-T, and Cobalion (again its not "exceptional". Exceptional is like Chandelure's STAB combination. . Defensive Salamence takes almost 40% even after Intimidate. Body Slam's paralysis chance can hinder switch-ins like Cobalion and Scizor too.
-U-turn allows Diggersby to gain momentum off of switch-ins like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Celesteela.
-Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela with good prediction and cleanly OHKO Scizor.
-Alternatively, Diggersby can lay Spikes thanks to its ability to force switches, helping wear down threats like Hippowdon and Tangrowth. (I'm really not high on this, but ultimatly you're the QC member so do w/e you want)
-Knock Off is an option to remove Rocky Helmet from Skarmory and Cobalion, keeping Diggersby from getting worn down by attacking, as well as cripple an otherwise great answer in Mandibuzz.
-Jolly is needed to outspeed Crobat and Dragon Dance Gyarados, threats Diggersby is tasked with revenge killing.

Paragraph 2
-Choice Scarf Diggersby best fits on VoltTurn, bulky offense, and balance teams that appreciate its revenge killing capabilities.
-Additional pivots like Zarude, Slowking, Moltres, and Thundurus-T form potent momentum cores with Diggersby, providing it entry opportunities into the likes of Amoonguss and Chansey while threatening switch-ins to Diggersby like Hippowdon, Scizor, and Skarmory.
-Rotom-W is another exceptional pivot that can handle Mamoswine in addition to threats like Celesteela and Moltres.
-Stealth Rock support from the likes of Nihilego and Cobalion can wear down Celesteela and Tangrowth for Diggersby. They both overwhelm Hippowdon and the aforementioned Celesteela, with Nihilego also taking on common Ground-immune Pokemon like Salamence, Hydreigon, and Moltres.
-Wallbreakers like Choice Specs Hydreigon and Keldeo can pressure switch-ins to Diggersby like Mandibuzz, Hippowdon, and Skarmory.
-Since Rocky Helmet damage is detrimental to Diggersby's longevity, Knock Off users like Scizor and Tangrowth can bait in Amoonguss, Skarmory, and enemy Scizor and remove their item.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Quick Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Mega Kick
item: Life Orb / Silk Scarf (Silk Scarf should be the first slash imo unless LO is needed for a specific kill, killing yourself sux)
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

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-Swords Dance skyrockets Diggersby's Attack to absurd levels, letting it break past nearly everything in the tier.
-A +2 Quick Attack wipes out faster threats like Thundurus-T, Azelf, Zarude, and Keldeo, though the latter two do need to be chipped a bit.
-Earthquake devastates the likes of Slowking, Amoonguss, and Hippowdon.
-Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela, Skarmory, Scizor, and Tangrowth.
-Alternatively, Mega Kick is Diggersby's best option to hit Mandibuzz while punishing potential switch-ins like Rotom-W and Salamence. It still covers Tangrowth and even Celesteela, the latter being 2HKOd by it, but Diggersby misses out on breaking past Skarmory.
-A Life Orb maximizes Diggersby's wallbreaking potential, though Silk Scarf can be used to boost the power of Quick Attack and Mega Kick without wearing itself down.

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-Because of Swords Dance Diggersby's tendency to be an all-or-nothing sweeper, this set only fits on hyper offense teams that give it ample opportunities to wallbreak.
-Entry hazard setters like Excadrill, Krookodile, and Scolipede provide valuable support to wear down threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Keldeo for Diggersby.
-Sticky Web support from Ribombee can offset Diggersby's poor Speed, as it can now outspeed and pick off threats like Cobalion even without a boost.
-Other sweepers like Nasty Plot Thundurus-T and Meteor Beam Nihilego can break past Pokemon like Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Rotom-W that trouble Diggersby. They can also help overwhelm Hippowdon and keep threats that discourage setup like Amoonguss off the field.
-Autotomize Celesteela takes advantage of Diggersby luring in Zarude and Skarmory for setup bait while luring in Chansey for Diggersby to come in on, as Chansey is one of the few Pokemon Diggersby can reliably boost against.
-Azelf outspeeds and wipes out faster threats like Keldeo and Cobalion.
-Magneton can trap and remove hinderances hindrances to Diggersby like Celesteela, Skarmory, and Scizor, allowing it to free up Mega Kick for Mandibuzz.

Other Options

-Choice Band turns Diggersby into a devastating wallbreaker with immediate power, using its STAB combination to hit most of the tier for heavy damage while using coverage options like U-turn to wear down Rotom-W and Fire Punch to get past Skarmory and Celesteela. However, this set is very slow and prediction reliant (I feel like there should be a hyphen in the middle of prediction and reliant but idk -- ask GP), being prey to top threats like Cobalion and Keldeo as well as foes like Slowking and Hippowdon who can scout a hit from Diggersby.
-Agility + 3 Attacks offsets Diggersby's biggest issue in its base Speed by letting it outspeed and KO fast threats like Cobalion and Choice Scarf Hydreigon. However, like the Swords Dance set, Diggersby has limited options to reliably boost and must rely on forcing out a chipped threat to get a setup chance.

Checks and Counters

**Faster threats and Priority**: Choice Scarf Diggersby, while fast, still gets outsped outpaced (is outsped a word? If it is ignore this one) by other Choice Scarf users like Zarude and Hydreigon. Common priority users like Mamoswine, Scizor, Conkeldurr, and Azumarill can all pick off Diggersby. The presence of faster threats like Keldeo, Cobalion, and Zarude means Swords Dance Diggersby can struggle to reliably boost and sweep through teams, limiting the effectiveness of the set.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Defensive walls like Skarmory, Tangrowth, Hippowdon, and Mandibuzz can reliably take on Choice Scarf Diggersby, being unfazed by its attacks even in the long term thanks to their ability to regain health and threaten it back. However, Swords Dance Diggersby can break past all of them, though it needs Fire Punch for Skarmory and Mega Kick for Mandibuzz, meaning at least one of the two can limit it.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
E: Forgot to say this is an am check yada yada implent as you see fit
excellent writing as usual, i think most of my comments are self explanatory Monky25



add as qc see fits, am check, thanks
-Diggersby’s access to Huge Power and potent STAB combination alongside U-turn make it one of the best revenge killers in UU because of how difficult it is to switch into. With a Choice Scarf, Diggersby can easily outspeed and KO faster threats like Azelf, Cobalion, and Zygarde-10% as well as setup sweepers like Gyarados.
-U-turn further enhances Diggersby's revenge killing capabilities by allowing it to pivot on Pokemon it cannot break like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and TangrowthCelesteela and bring in a teammate who can take them on. Celesteela is fine to mention but it's similar to Skarm, Tang adds variety and is a good target too.
-Diggersby also can run a Swords Dance set to become a wallbreaker nearly impossible to counter, OHKOing physically defensive threats like Tangrowth, Celesteela, and Hippowdon at +2 while picking off faster threats like Thundurus-T and Keldeo with Quick Attack.
-However, even with Diggersby’s powerful attacks, it is still quite prediction reliant, hating being locked into any move because of the metagames strong Ground immunities like Thundurus and Normal resistances like Cobalion and Scizor. I think examples are appropriate?
-Diggersby offers next to zero defensive utility barring deterring Volt Switch from Thundurus-T, limiting setup opportunities for its Swords Dance set, and it is subject to being worn down by Rocky Helmet from threats like Amoonguss, Skarmory, Cobalion, and Scizor. it also does very hard check/wall nihilego, perhaps mention that? or ease up a little instead of "next to zero", say, remarkably little?
-Diggersby fails to revenge kill boosting sweepers like Dragon Dance Salamence and other Choice Scarf users like Hydreigon outspeed Diggersby. Diggersby is also very vulnerable to common priority attacks from Mamoswine, Conkeldurr, Scizor, and Azumarill that can pick it off with slight chip damage. I don't think you should mention jolly gyara as something you can't outspeed (i agree that with you that you didn't mention it) but just flagging in case you want to.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Body Slam
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Fire Punch / Knock Off
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
-Diggersby's STAB combination is exceptionally powerful in UU, nailing many common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, Thundurus-T, and Cobalion. Defensive Salamence takes almost 40% even after Intimidate. Body Slam's paralysis chance can badly hinder switch-ins like Cobalion and Scizor too. maybe mention how UU lacks ghosts which is a great benefit rn? could be another bullet point if needed
-U-turn allows Diggersby to gain momentum off of switch-ins like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and TangrowthCelesteela. Same reason as in intro
-Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela with good prediction and cleanly OHKO Scizor.
-Alternatively, Knock Off is an option to remove Rocky Helmet from Skarmory and AmoongussCobalion, keeping Diggersby from getting worn down by attacking with contact moves, as well as cripple an otherwise great answer in Mandibuzz. maybe mention amoong over cobalion? 1) if you have the luxury of predicting, eq obviously is better on coba, 2) even if you don't have that luxury, knocking off might not be a good option to give coba extra attack. clarified only contact gets helmeted, eq is a pretty common move to use vs amoong
-Diggersby can lay Spikes thanks to its ability to force switches, helping wear down threats like Hippowdon and Tangrowth but being locked into Spikes creates opportunities for the opponent to set up threats like Cobalion and Scizor or simply remove the Spikes with Defog Salamence or Skarmory. word as you see fit but i think mentioning negative here is important, if not obvious
-Jolly is needed to outspeed Crobat and Dragon Dance Gyarados, threats Diggersby is tasked with revenge killing.

Paragraph 2
-Choice Scarf Diggersby best fits on VoltTurn, bulky offense, and balance teams that appreciate its revenge killing capabilities.
-Additional pivots like Zarude, Slowking, Moltres, and Thundurus-T form potent momentum cores with Diggersby, providing it entry opportunities into the likes of non-Choice Scarf Zarude and NihilegoAmoonguss and Chansey while threatening switch-ins to Diggersby like Hippowdon, Scizor, and Skarmory. Not sure about amoong and chansey - diggersby doesn't really like to come in on either of them, right? chansey it kind of can, especially if chansey isn't toxic, but still, eq doesnt 2hko her so idk about saying her as a target. zarude and nihilego rlly hate seeing scarf dig, but so do a lot of mons like azelf, i'll let you reconsider mons dig likes to come in on
-Rotom-W is another exceptional pivot that can handle Mamoswine in addition to threats like Celesteela and Moltres. It can also Defog away hazards that would otherwise reduce Diggersby longevity. wynaut
-Stealth Rock support from the likes of Nihilego and Cobalion can wear down Celesteela and Tangrowth for Diggersby. They both overwhelm Hippowdon and the aforementioned Celesteela, with Nihilego also taking on common Ground-immune Pokemon like Salamence, Hydreigon, and Moltres.
-Wallbreakers like Choice Specs Hydreigon and Keldeo can pressure switch-ins to Diggersby like Mandibuzz, Hippowdon, and Skarmory.
-Since Rocky Helmet damage is detrimental to Diggersby's longevity, Knock Off users like Scizor and Tangrowth can bait in Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Cobalion and remove their item.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Quick Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Mega Kick
item: Life Orb / Silk Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
-Swords Dance skyrockets Diggersby's Attack to absurd levels, letting it break past nearly everything in the tier.
-A +2 Quick Attack wipes out faster threats like Thundurus-T, Azelf, Zarude, and Keldeo, though the latter two do need to be chipped a bit.
-Earthquake devastates the likes of Slowking, Amoonguss, and Hippowdon. normally i'd say be more specific but this sentence is kind of spicy, i like it, and i do understand that it's a bit hard to say you ohko them all at +2 because max def hippo does live (who uses him tho?)
-Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela, Skarmory, Scizor, and Tangrowth.
-Alternatively, Mega Kick is Diggersby's best option to hit Mandibuzz while punishing potential switch-ins like Rotom-W and Salamence. It still covers Tangrowth and even Celesteela, the latter being 2HKOd by it, but Diggersby misses out on breaking past Skarmory. mention accuracy unreliable
-A Life Orb maximizes Diggersby's wallbreaking potential, being able to OHKO Hippowdon with +2 Earthquake. However, Silk Scarf can be used to boost the power of Quick Attack and Mega Kick without wearing itself down.

Paragraph 2
-Because of Swords Dance Diggersby's tendency to be an all-or-nothing sweeper, this set only fits on hyper offense teams that give it ample opportunities to wallbreak.
-Entry hazard setters like Excadrill, Krookodile, and Scolipede provide valuable support to wear down threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Keldeo for Diggersby.
-Sticky Web support from Ribombee can offset Diggersby's poor Speed, as it can now outspeed and pick off threats like Cobalion even without a boost. you don't beat cobalion even with a sd boost so either change example (keldeo?) or change the wording to say you outspeed threats that normally revenge you like coba
-Other sweepers like Nasty Plot Thundurus-T and Meteor Beam Nihilego can break past Pokemon like Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Rotom-W that trouble Diggersby. They can also help overwhelm Hippowdon and keep threats that discourage setup like Amoonguss off the field.
-Autotomize Celesteela takes advantage of Diggersby luring in Zarude and Skarmory for setup bait while Celesteela lures in Chansey for Diggersby to come in on, as Chansey is one of the few Pokemon Diggersby can reliably boost against. just a bit clearer imo
-Azelf outspeeds and wipes out faster threats like Keldeo and Cobalion.
-Magneton can trap and remove hindrances to Diggersby like Celesteela, Skarmory, and Scizor, allowing it to free up Mega Kick for Mandibuzz. idk magneton ho...has it been used much?

Other Options

-Choice Band turns Diggersby into a devastating wallbreaker with immediate power, using its STAB combination to hit most of the tier for heavy damage while using coverage options like U-turn to wear down Rotom-W and Fire Punch to get past Skarmory and Celesteela. However, this set is very slow and prediction-reliant, being prey to top threats like Cobalion and Keldeo as well as foes like Slowking and Hippowdon who can scout a hit from Diggersby. mention it should use qa?
-Agility + 3 Attacks offsets Diggersby's biggest issue in its base Speed by letting it outspeed and KO fast threats like Cobalion and Choice Scarf Hydreigon. However, like the Swords Dance set, Diggersby has limited options to reliably boost and must rely on forcing out a chipped threat to get a setup chance.
ice punch for mence, esp on scarf?
starf....(not suggesting it, want it to be flagged tho)

Checks and Counters

**Faster threats and Priority**: Choice Scarf Diggersby, while fast, still gets outpaced by other Choice Scarf users like Zarude and Hydreigon. Common priority users like Mamoswine, Scizor, Conkeldurr, and Azumarill can all pick off Diggersby. The presence of faster threats like Keldeo, Cobalion, and Zarude means Swords Dance Diggersby can struggle to reliably boost and sweep through teams, limiting the effectiveness of the set. mention how scarf has to lock itself into a move so even though things like cobalion obviously die to eq, combined with a ground immune/resist, combinations of mons can check diggersby. you could also mention it in the below bullet if it makes more sense (something like when tang (or mence, add mence imo) is combined with cobalion, diggersby has a hard time clicking the right move

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Defensive walls like Skarmory, Tangrowth, Hippowdon, and Mandibuzz can reliably take on Choice Scarf Diggersby, being unfazed by its attacks even in the long term thanks to their ability to regain health and threaten it back. However, Swords Dance Diggersby can break past all of them, though it needs Fire Punch for Skarmory and Mega Kick for Mandibuzz, meaning at least one of the two can limit it. mence might be more relevant than mandi although i get that it hates para more and idk how defensive mence are these days

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Last edited:
1/3 good work



-Diggersby’s access to Huge Power and potent STAB combination alongside U-turn make it one of the best revenge killers in UU because of how difficult it is to switch into. With a Choice Scarf, Diggersby can easily outspeed and KO faster threats like Azelf, Cobalion, and Zygarde-10% as well as setup sweepers like Gyarados.
-U-turn further enhances Diggersby's revenge killing capabilities by allowing it to pivot on Pokemon it cannot break like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth and bring in a teammate who can take them on.
-Diggersby also can run a Swords Dance set to become a wallbreaker nearly impossible to counter, OHKOing physically defensive threats like Tangrowth, Celesteela, and Hippowdon at +2 while picking off faster threats like Thundurus-T and Keldeo with Quick Attack.
-However, even with Diggersby’s powerful attacks, it is still quite prediction reliant, hating being locked into any move due to common Ground immunities like Salamence and Skarmory as well as Normal resists like Scizor and Cobalion.
-Diggersby offers next to zero defensive utility on its team barring deterring Volt Switch from Thundurus-T, limiting setup opportunities for its Swords Dance set, and it is subject to being worn down by Rocky Helmet from threats like Amoonguss, Skarmory, Cobalion, and Scizor. I agree a bit with pif you do kind of switch into nihilego, just call it an emergency check
-Diggersby fails to revenge kill boosting sweepers like Dragon Dance Salamence and other Choice Scarf users like Hydreigon outspeed Diggersby. Diggersby is also very vulnerable to common priority attacks from Mamoswine, Conkeldurr, Scizor, and Azumarill that can pick it off with slight chip damage.
- it also faces competition from zygarde-10% as a fast ground type since it has broken thousand arrows, and has its own priority for other Offensive Pokemon, but that it doesn't have same qualities like having a more reliable secondary STAB option and U-turn.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Body Slam
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Fire Punch / Knock Off
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
- Diggersby's STAB combination is exceptionally powerful in UU, nailing covering many common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, Thundurus-T, and Cobalion. Defensive Salamence takes almost 40% even after Intimidate. Body Slam's paralysis chance can badly hinder switch-ins like Cobalion and Scizor too. I like covering how the stabs compliment each other during the move overview better, and besides you want some chip on keldeo before deciding to go for the KO
- U-turn allows Diggersby to gain momentum off of switch-ins like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth.
- Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela with good prediction and cleanly OHKO Scizor.
- Alternatively, Knock Off is an option to remove Rocky Helmet from Skarmory and Amoonguss, keeping Diggersby from getting worn down by attacking, as well as cripple otherwise great answers in Mandibuzz and Salamence.
- Diggersby can lay Spikes thanks to its ability to force switches, helping wear down threats like Hippowdon and Tangrowth, but being locked into Spikes creates opportunities fixed spelling for dangerous sweepers like Swords Dance Cobalion and Scizor.
- Jolly is needed to outspeed Crobat and Dragon Dance Gyarados, threats Diggersby is tasked with revenge killing. mention that if you can find alternative methods for dealing with Crobat and Gyarados, Adamant can be used for more power, which helps for revenge killing neutral targets like Keldeo at higher HP thresholds.

Paragraph 2
-Choice Scarf Diggersby best fits on VoltTurn, bulky offense, and balance teams that appreciate its revenge killing capabilities.
-Additional pivots like Zarude, Slowking, Moltres, and Thundurus-T form potent momentum cores with Diggersby, providing it entry opportunities into the likes of Cobalion, Zarude, (AC) and Nihilego while threatening switch-ins to Diggersby like Hippowdon, Scizor, and Skarmory.
-Rotom-W is another exceptional pivot that can handle Mamoswine in addition to threats like Celesteela and Moltres. It can also use Defog to remove Spikes that would wear Diggersby down.
-Stealth Rock support from the likes of Nihilego and Cobalion can wear down Celesteela and Tangrowth for Diggersby. They both overwhelm Hippowdon and the aforementioned Celesteela, with Nihilego also taking on common Ground-immune Pokemon like Salamence, Hydreigon, and Moltres.
-Wallbreakers like Choice Specs Hydreigon and Keldeo can pressure switch-ins to Diggersby like Mandibuzz, Hippowdon, and Skarmory. mention that the paralysis spreading can help them deal with Salamence easier and not having to risk a speed tie with cobalion.
-Since Rocky Helmet damage is detrimental to Diggersby's longevity, Knock Off users like Scizor and Tangrowth can bait in Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Cobalion and remove their item.
mention the other grass-types while you're at it since even though they don't wanna switch in, primarina and keldeo are Pokemon you don't want to stare at while they're healthy and you don't want rotom-w punishing you that hard for locking into eq

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Quick Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Mega Kick
item: Life Orb / Silk Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
-Swords Dance skyrockets Diggersby's Attack to absurd levels, letting it break past nearly everything in the tier.
-A +2 Quick Attack wipes out faster threats like Thundurus-T, Azelf, Zarude, and Keldeo, though the latter two do need to be chipped a bit.
-Earthquake devastates the likes of Slowking, Amoonguss, and Hippowdon.
-Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela, Skarmory, Scizor, and Tangrowth.
-Alternatively, Mega Kick is Diggersby's best option to hit Mandibuzz while punishing potential switch-ins like Rotom-W and Salamence. It still covers Tangrowth and even Celesteela, the latter being 2HKOd by it, but Diggersby misses out on breaking past Skarmory. Mega Kick also has shaky accuracy that hinders its reliability.
-A Life Orb maximizes Diggersby's wallbreaking potential, being able to OHKO Hippowdon with +2 Earthquake. However, Silk Scarf can be used to boost the power of Quick Attack and Mega Kick without wearing itself down.

Paragraph 2
-Because of Swords Dance Diggersby's tendency to be an all-or-nothing sweeper, this set only fits on heavy offense teams that give it ample opportunities to wallbreak.
-Entry hazard setters like Excadrill, Krookodile, and Scolipede provide valuable support to wear down threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Keldeo for Diggersby.
-Sticky Web support from Ribombee can offset Diggersby's poor Speed, as it can now outspeed and pick off threats like Cobalion that would normally revenge kill it.
-Other sweepers like Nasty Plot Thundurus-T and Meteor Beam Nihilego can break past Pokemon like Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Rotom-W that trouble Diggersby. They can also help overwhelm Hippowdon and keep threats that discourage setup like Amoonguss off the field.
-Autotomize Celesteela takes advantage of Diggersby luring in Zarude and Skarmory for setup bait while Celesteela lures in Chansey for Diggersby to come in on, as Chansey is one of the few Pokemon Diggersby can reliably boost against.
-Azelf outspeeds and wipes out faster threats like Keldeo and Cobalion. I would specifically call out Azelf's roll as a cleaner, since Diggs does leave Pokemon like Slowking and Mandibuzz battered to where they cant handle the upcoming threats
-Magneton can trap and remove hindrances to Diggersby like Celesteela, Skarmory, and Scizor, allowing it to free up Mega Kick for Mandibuzz.

Other Options

- Choice Band turns Diggersby into a devastating wallbreaker with immediate power, using its STAB combination to hit most of the tier for heavy damage while using coverage options like U-turn to wear down Rotom-W and Fire Punch to get past Skarmory and Celesteela. However, this set is very slow and prediction-reliant, being prey to top threats like Cobalion and Keldeo as well as foes like Slowking and Hippowdon who can scout a hit from Diggersby.
- Agility + 3 Attacks offsets Diggersby's biggest issue in its base Speed by letting it outspeed and KO fast threats like Cobalion and Choice Scarf Hydreigon. However, like the Swords Dance set, Diggersby has limited options to reliably boost and must rely on forcing out a chipped threat to get a setup chance. probably mention that the power drop from SD is significant against opponents like Tangrowth

Checks and Counters

**Faster threats and Priority**: Choice Scarf Diggersby, while fast, still gets outpaced by other Choice Scarf users like Zarude and Hydreigon. Common priority users like Mamoswine, Scizor, Conkeldurr, and Azumarill can all pick off Diggersby. The presence of faster threats like Keldeo, Cobalion, and Zarude means Swords Dance Diggersby can struggle to reliably boost and sweep through teams, limiting the effectiveness of the set.
try to integrate Shuca berry cobalion into this
**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Defensive walls like Skarmory, Tangrowth, Hippowdon, Mandibuzz, and defensive Salamence can reliably take on Choice Scarf Diggersby, being unfazed by its attacks even in the long term thanks to their ability to regain health and threaten it back. However, Swords Dance Diggersby can break past all of them, though it needs Fire Punch for Skarmory and Mega Kick for Mandibuzz, meaning at least one of the two can limit it.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
amqc check, implement what you want
add remove comment

-Diggersby’s access to Huge Power and potent STAB combination alongside U-turn make it one of the best revenge killers in UU because of how difficult it is to switch into. With a Choice Scarf, Diggersby can easily outspeed and KO faster threats like Azelf, Cobalion, Crobat, and Zygarde-10% as well as setup sweepers like Gyarados.
-U-turn further enhances Diggersby's revenge killing capabilities by allowing it to pivot on Pokemon it cannot break like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth and bring in a teammate who can take them on, such as Moltres or Rotom-W. Moreover, Diggersby’s resistance to Stealth Rock gives it many opportunities to wallbreak and pressure frail threats throughout a game. could add a point after this going into detail about its coverage options, essentially letting it pick what it's good against
-Diggersby also can run a Swords Dance set to become a wallbreaker nearly impossible to counter, OHKOing physically defensive walls like Tangrowth, (id say most tangs r av rn so i'd prob make this smth like amoong/salamence/mandi) Celesteela, and Hippowdon at +2 while picking off faster threats like Thundurus-T and Keldeo with Quick Attack.
-However, even with Diggersby’s powerful attacks, it is still quite prediction reliant, hating being locked into any move due to common Ground immunities like Salamence and Skarmory as well as Normal resists like Scizor and Cobalion.
-Diggersby offers next to zero defensive utility on its team, barring deterring Volt Switch from Thundurus-T and emergency checking Nihilego, limiting setup opportunities for its Swords Dance set. Additionally, it is subject to being worn down by Rocky Helmet from threats like Amoonguss, Skarmory, Cobalion, and Scizor. mention how its typing isn't very good defensively, being weak to common attacking types in water, grass, and fighting
-Diggersby fails to revenge kill boosting sweepers like Dragon Dance Salamence, and other Choice Scarf users like Hydreigon outspeed Diggersby. Diggersby is also very vulnerable to common priority attacks from Mamoswine, Conkeldurr, Scizor, and Azumarill that can pick it off with slight chip damage.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Body Slam
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Fire Punch / Knock Off / Spikes
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
-Diggersby's STAB combination is exceptionally powerful in UU, covering many common threats like Nihilego, Thundurus-T, and Cobalion. Defensive Salamence takes almost 40% even after Intimidate. Body Slam's paralysis chance can badly hinder switch-ins like Celesteela Cobalion and Scizor too.
-U-turn allows Diggersby to gain momentum off of switch-ins like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth.
-Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela and Tangrowth with good prediction and cleanly OHKO Scizor.
-Alternatively, Knock Off is an option to remove Rocky Helmet from Skarmory and Amoonguss, keeping Diggersby from getting worn down by attacking, as well as cripple otherwise great answers in Mandibuzz, Celesteela, and Salamence.
-Diggersby can set up Spikes thanks to its ability to force switches, helping wear down threats like Hippowdon and Tangrowth, but being locked into Spikes creates opportunities for dangerous sweepers like Swords Dance Cobalion and Scizor.
-Jolly is needed to outspeed Crobat and Dragon Dance Gyarados, threats Diggersby is tasked with revenge killing. However, Adamant can be used for additional power to break past foes like Keldeo easier if Diggersby's team has insurance against the aforementioned threats Jolly outspeeds.

Paragraph 2
-Choice Scarf Diggersby best fits on VoltTurn, bulky offense, and balance teams that appreciate its revenge killing capabilities.
-Additional pivots like Zarude, Slowking, Moltres, and Thundurus-T form potent momentum cores with Diggersby, providing it entry opportunities into the likes of Cobalion, Zarude, and Nihilego while threatening switch-ins to Diggersby like Hippowdon, Scizor, and Skarmory.
-Rotom-W is another exceptional pivot that can handle Mamoswine in addition to threats like Celesteela, Hippowdon, and Moltres. It can also use Defog to remove Spikes that would wear Diggersby down.
-Wallbreakers like Choice Specs Hydreigon and Keldeo pressure switch-ins to Diggersby like Mandibuzz, Hippowdon, and Skarmory. The paralysis chance Body Slam provides helps them deal with Salamence easier and not risk getting outsped by Cobalion.
-Stealth Rock support from the likes of Nihilego and Cobalion can wear down Celesteela and Tangrowth for Diggersby. They both overwhelm Hippowdon and the aforementioned Celesteela, with Nihilego also taking on common Ground-immune Pokemon like Salamence, Skarmory Hydreigon, (this is still a slightly shaky matchup for nihi; it just dracos and nihi takes a hefty amount if scarf and specs blows it up) and Moltres.
-Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss are able to cover threatening Water-types to Diggersby like Keldeo, Rotom-W, and Primarina.
-Since Rocky Helmet damage is detrimental to Diggersby's longevity, Knock Off users like Scizor and the aforementioned Tangrowth can bait in Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Cobalion and remove their item. could mention how tangrowth can also further bait and ko w focus blast

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Quick Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Mega Kick
item: Life Orb / Silk Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
-Swords Dance skyrockets Diggersby's Attack to absurd levels, letting it break past nearly everything in the tier.
-A +2 Quick Attack wipes out faster threats like Thundurus-T, Azelf, Zarude, and Keldeo, though the latter two do need to be chipped a bit.
-Earthquake devastates the likes of Slowking, Amoonguss, and Hippowdon.
-Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela, Skarmory, Scizor, (sciz does not take +2 eq too well) and Tangrowth.
-Alternatively, Mega Kick is Diggersby's best option to hit Mandibuzz while punishing potential switch-ins like Rotom-W and Salamence. It still covers Tangrowth and even Celesteela, the latter being 2HKOd by it, but Diggersby misses out on breaking past Skarmory. Mega Kick also has shaky accuracy that hinders its reliability.
-A Life Orb maximizes Diggersby's wallbreaking potential, being able to OHKO Hippowdon with +2 Earthquake. However, Silk Scarf can be used to boost the power of Quick Attack and Mega Kick without wearing itself down.

Paragraph 2
-Because of Swords Dance Diggersby's tendency to be an all-or-nothing sweeper, this set only fits on heavy offense teams that give it ample opportunities to wallbreak.
-Entry hazard setters like Excadrill, Krookodile, and Scolipede provide valuable support to wear down threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Keldeo for Diggersby.
-Sticky Web support from Ribombee can offset Diggersby's poor Speed, as it can now outspeed and pick off threats like Cobalion that would normally revenge kill it.
-Other sweepers like Nasty Plot Thundurus-T and Meteor Beam Nihilego can break past Pokemon like Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Salamence Rotom-W that trouble Diggersby. They can also help overwhelm Hippowdon and keep threats that discourage setup like Amoonguss off the field.
-Autotomize Celesteela takes advantage of Diggersby luring in Zarude and Skarmory for setup bait while Celesteela lures in Chansey for Diggersby to come in on, as Chansey is one of the few Pokemon Diggersby can reliably boost against.
-Azelf outspeeds and wipes out faster threats like Keldeo and Cobalion, appreciating Diggersby beating down Slowking and Mandibuzz to the point where Azelf can clean late-game.
-Magneton can trap and remove hindrances to Diggersby like Celesteela, Skarmory, and Scizor, allowing it to free up Mega Kick for Mandibuzz. (is mag even that relevant anymore? this is true, and ofc basically up to u if u wanna keep it, but im leaning towards removing it)

Other Options

-Choice Band turns Diggersby into a devastating wallbreaker with immediate power, using its STAB combination to hit most of the tier for heavy damage while using coverage options like U-turn to wear down Rotom-W and Fire Punch to get past Skarmory and Celesteela. However, this set is very slow and prediction-reliant, being prey to top threats like Cobalion and Keldeo as well as foes like Slowking and Tangrowth Hippowdon (idt hippo can scout that well vs cb bunny) who can scout a hit from Diggersby.
-Agility + 3 Attacks offsets Diggersby's biggest issue in its base Speed by letting it outspeed and KO fast threats like Cobalion and Choice Scarf Hydreigon. However, like the Swords Dance set, Diggersby has limited opportunities options to reliably boost and must rely on forcing out a chipped threat to get a setup chance. Its inability to boost its Attack also keeps it from breaking past Tangrowth and Hippowdon.

Checks and Counters

**Faster threats and Priority**: Choice Scarf Diggersby, while fast, still gets outpaced by other Choice Scarf users like Zarude and Hydreigon. Common priority users like Mamoswine, Scizor, Conkeldurr, and Crawdaunt can all pick off Diggersby after slight chip. The presence of faster threats like Keldeo, Cobalion, and Zarude means Swords Dance Diggersby can struggle to reliably boost and sweep through teams, limiting the effectiveness of the set. Choice Scarf Diggersby can even fail to revenge kill Cobalion if it is holding a Shuca Berry.

**Ground-immune Pokemon**: Rotom-W discourages Diggersby from firing off Earthquake and can KO it with Hydro Pump. Skarmory, Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and defensive Salamence can reliably take on Choice Scarf Diggersby, being unfazed by its attacks even in the long term thanks to their ability to regain health and threaten it back, although all but Skarmory hate Knock Off. However, Swords Dance Diggersby can break past all of them, though it needs Fire Punch for Skarmory and Mega Kick for Mandibuzz, meaning at least one of the two can limit it.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Last edited:


-Diggersby’s access to Huge Power and potent STAB combination make it one of the best revenge killers in UU because of its ability to hit hard while acting as a reliable revenge killer. this sentence doesn't really make much sense if im honest lol, might wanna re-read it and reword it. With a Choice Scarf, Diggersby can easily outspeed and KO common fast threats like Azelf, Cobalion, Crobat, and Zygarde-10% as well as setup sweepers like Gyarados.
-Access to U-turn further enhances Diggersby's revenge killing capabilities by allowing it to pivot on Pokemon it cannot break like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth and bring in a teammate who can take them on, synergizing incredibly well with powerful wallbreakers such as 3 attacks Primarina and Choice Specs Hydreigon. Moreover, Diggersby’s resistance to Stealth Rock gives it many opportunities to wallbreak and pressure frail threats like Azelf throughout a game.
-Diggersby also can run a Swords Dance set to become a wallbreaker nearly impossible to counter, OHKOing physically defensive walls like Amoonguss, Celesteela, and Hippowdon at +2 while picking off faster threats like Thundurus-T and Keldeo with Quick Attack.
-However, even with Diggersby’s powerful attacks, it is still quite prediction reliant, hating being locked into any move due to the presence of Ground-immune foes like Salamence and Skarmory as well as Normal-type resists like Scizor and Cobalion that can take advantage of Diggersby.
-Diggersby offers next to zero defensive utility on its team barring deterring Volt Switch from Thundurus-T and emergency checking Nihilego, as it is weak to common types like Grass, Fighting, and Water, thus limiting setup opportunities for its Swords Dance set. Additionally, it is subject to being worn down by Rocky Helmet from threats like Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Hippowdon.
-Diggersby fails to revenge kill boosting sweepers like Dragon Dance Salamence, and other Choice Scarf users like Hydreigon outspeed Diggersby. Diggersby is also very vulnerable to common priority attacks from Mamoswine, Conkeldurr, Scizor, and Azumarill that can pick it off with slight chip damage.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Body Slam
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Fire Punch / Knock Off
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
-Diggersby's STAB combination is exceptionally powerful in UU, covering many common threats like Nihilego, Thundurus-T, and Cobalion. Defensive Salamence takes almost 40% even after Intimidate from Body Slam. Additionally, Body Slam's paralysis chance can badly hinder switch-ins like Cobalion and Scizor.
-U-turn allows Diggersby to gain momentum off of switch-ins like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth.
-Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela and Tangrowth with good prediction and cleanly OHKO Scizor.
-Alternatively, Knock Off is an option to remove Rocky Helmet from Skarmory and Amoonguss, keeping Diggersby from getting worn down by attacking, as well as cripple otherwise great answers in Mandibuzz, Celesteela, and Salamence by removing their items.
-Diggersby can run Spikes in the fourth moveslot thanks to its ability to force switches against common foes like Nihilego, helping wear down threats like Hippowdon and Tangrowth, but being locked into Spikes creates opportunities for dangerous sweepers like Swords Dance Cobalion and Dragon Dance Gyarados.
-A Jolly nature is needed to outspeed Crobat and Adamant Dragon Dance Gyarados, threats Diggersby is tasked with revenge killing. However, Adamant can be used for additional power to break past foes like Keldeo easier if Diggersby's team has insurance against the aforementioned threats Jolly outspeeds.

Paragraph 2
-Choice Scarf Diggersby best fits on VoltTurn, bulky offense, and balance teams that appreciate its revenge killing capabilities.
-Additional pivots like Zarude, Thundurus-T, and Slowking form potent momentum cores with Diggersby, providing it entry opportunities into the likes of Cobalion, Nihilego, and opposing Zarude while threatening switch-ins to Diggersby like Hippowdon, Scizor, and Skarmory.
-Rotom-W is another exceptional pivot that can handle Mamoswine in addition to threats like Celesteela, Hippowdon, and Moltres. It can also use Defog to remove Spikes that would wear Diggersby down.
-Wallbreakers like Choice Specs Hydreigon and Keldeo pressure switch-ins to Diggersby like Mandibuzz, Hippowdon, and Skarmory. The paralysis chance Body Slam provides helps them deal with Salamence easier and not risk getting outsped by Cobalion.
-Stealth Rock support from the likes of Nihilego and Cobalion can wear down Celesteela and Tangrowth for Diggersby. They both overwhelm Hippowdon and the aforementioned Celesteela, with Nihilego also taking on common Ground-immune Pokemon like Salamence, Skarmory, and Moltres.
-Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss are able to cover threatening Water-types to Diggersby like Keldeo, Rotom-W, and Primarina.
-Since Rocky Helmet damage is detrimental to Diggersby's longevity, Knock Off users like Scizor and the aforementioned Tangrowth can bait in Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Cobalion and remove their item.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Quick Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Mega Kick
item: Life Orb / Silk Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
-Swords Dance skyrockets Diggersby's Attack to absurd levels, letting it break past nearly everything in the tier.
-A +2 Quick Attack wipes out faster threats like Thundurus-T, Azelf, Zarude, and Keldeo, though the latter two do need to be chipped a bit.
-Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela, Skarmory, and Tangrowth.
-Alternatively, Mega Kick is Diggersby's best option to hit Mandibuzz while punishing potential switch-ins like Rotom-W and Salamence. It still covers Tangrowth and even Celesteela, the latter being 2HKOd by it, but Diggersby misses out on breaking past Skarmory. Mega Kick also has shaky accuracy that hinders its reliability.
-A Life Orb maximizes Diggersby's wallbreaking potential, being able to OHKO Hippowdon with +2 Earthquake. However, Silk Scarf can be used to boost the power of Quick Attack and Mega Kick without wearing itself down.

Paragraph 2
-Because of Swords Dance Diggersby's tendency to be an all-or-nothing sweeper, this set only fits on heavy offense teams that give it ample opportunities to wallbreak.
-Entry hazard setters like Excadrill, Krookodile, and Scolipede provide valuable support to wear down threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Keldeo for Diggersby.
-Sticky Web support from Ribombee can offset Diggersby's poor Speed, as it can now outspeed and pick off threats like Cobalion that would normally revenge kill it.
-Other sweepers like Nasty Plot Thundurus-T and Meteor Beam Nihilego can break past Pokemon like Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Rotom-W that trouble Diggersby. They can also help overwhelm Hippowdon and keep threats that discourage setup like Amoonguss off the field.
-Autotomize Celesteela takes advantage of Diggersby luring in Zarude and Skarmory for setup bait while Celesteela lures in Chansey for Diggersby to come in on, as Chansey is one of the few Pokemon Diggersby can reliably boost against.
-Azelf outspeeds and wipes out faster threats like Keldeo and Cobalion, appreciating Diggersby beating down Slowking and Mandibuzz to the point where Azelf can clean late-game.
-Magneton can trap and remove hindrances to Diggersby like Celesteela, Skarmory, and Scizor, allowing it to free up Mega Kick for Mandibuzz.
-On more bulky offense teams, threats that spread paralysis like Thunder Wave Togekiss and Stun Spore Amoonguss can be valuable in crippling offensive checks to Diggersby like Cobalion.

Other Options

-Choice Band turns Diggersby into a devastating wallbreaker with immediate power, using its STAB combination to hit most of the tier for heavy damage while using coverage options like U-turn to wear down Rotom-W and Fire Punch to get past Skarmory and Celesteela. However, this set is very slow and prediction-reliant, being prey to top threats like Cobalion and Keldeo as well as foes like Slowking and Hippowdon who can scout a hit from Diggersby.
-Agility + 3 Attacks offsets Diggersby's biggest issue in its base Speed by letting it outspeed and KO fast threats like Cobalion and Choice Scarf Hydreigon. However, like the Swords Dance set, Diggersby has limited opportunities to reliably boost and must rely on forcing out a chipped threat to get a setup chance. Its inability to boost its Attack also keeps it from breaking past Tangrowth and Hippowdon.

Checks and Counters

**Faster threats and Priority**: Choice Scarf Diggersby, while fast, still gets outpaced by other Choice Scarf users like Zarude and Hydreigon. Common priority users like Mamoswine, Scizor, Conkeldurr, and Azumarill can all pick off Diggersby after slight chip. The presence of faster threats like Keldeo, Cobalion, and Zarude means Swords Dance Diggersby can struggle to reliably boost and sweep through teams, limiting the effectiveness of the set. Choice Scarf Diggersby can even fail to revenge kill Cobalion if it is holding a Shuca Berry.

**Ground-immune Pokemon**: Rotom-W discourages Diggersby from firing off Earthquake and can KO it with Hydro Pump. Skarmory, Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and defensive Salamence can reliably take on Choice Scarf Diggersby, being unfazed by its attacks even in the long term thanks to their ability to regain health and threaten it back, although all but Skarmory hate Knock Off. However, Swords Dance Diggersby can break past all of them, though it needs Fire Punch for Skarmory and Mega Kick for Mandibuzz, meaning at least one of the two can limit it.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

literally couldn't find anything really except the opening sentence so feel free to write this up for 2/2 and put in GP
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Diggersby is one of the best revenge killers in UU due to its potent STAB combination backed by a dangerous ability in the deadly Huge Power. With a Choice Scarf, Diggersby can easily outspeed and KO common fast threats like Azelf, Cobalion, Crobat, and Zygarde-10%, (AC) as well as setup sweepers like Gyarados and Necrozma. Access to U-turn further U-turn indirectly (I imagine this makes sense?) enhances Diggersby's revenge killing capabilities, (AC) by allowing it to pivot on Pokemon it cannot break through like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth and bring in a teammate who can take them on, synergizing incredibly well with powerful wallbreakers such as 3 powerful teammates that can take them on, like three attacks Primarina and Choice Specs Hydreigon. Moreover, Diggersby’s resistance to Stealth Rock gives it many opportunities to wallbreak and pressure frail threats like Azelf throughout a game. Diggersby also can run a Swords Dance wallbreaker set to become a nearly impossible to counter wallbreaker, nearly impossible to counter, OHKOing physically defensive walls like Amoonguss, Celesteela, and Hippowdon at +2 while picking off faster threats like Thundurus-T and Keldeo with Quick Attack. However, even with Diggersby’s powerful attacks, it is still Diggersby is quite prediction reliant, hating being locked into any move due to the presence of Ground-immune foes like Salamence and Skarmory as well as Normal-type resists like Scizor and Cobalion that can take advantage of Diggersby. because common foes like Salamence, Skarmory, Scizor, and Cobalion are immune to Ground or resist Normal. Diggersby offers next to zero defensive utility on its team barring bar deterring Volt Switch from Thundurus-T and emergency checking Nihilego in an emergency, as it is weak to common types like Grass, Fighting, and Water, thus limiting Water and frail. This poor defensive profile also limits ("frail" optional) setup opportunities for its Swords Dance set. Additionally, it is subject to being gets worn down by Rocky Helmet from threats like Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Hippowdon. Choice Scarf Diggersby fails to revenge kill boosting sweepers like Dragon Dance Salamence, and other Choice Scarf users like Hydreigon outspeed Diggersby. it. Diggersby is also very vulnerable to common priority attacks from Mamoswine, Conkeldurr, Scizor, and Azumarill that Azumarill, which can pick it off with slight chip damage.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Body Slam
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Knock Off / Fire Punch
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Diggersby's STAB combination is exceptionally powerful in UU, covering many common threats like Nihilego, Thundurus-T, and Cobalion. Defensive Salamence takes almost 40% even after Intimidate from Body Slam. Additionally, Body Slam's paralysis chance can badly hinder switch-ins like Cobalion and Scizor. U-turn allows Diggersby to gain gains momentum off of switch-ins like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth. Knock Off removes Rocky Helmet from Skarmory and Amoonguss, keeping Diggersby from getting worn down by attacking, as well as cripple otherwise great crippling otherwise-great answers in Mandibuzz, Celesteela, and Salamence by removing their items. Alternatively, Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela and Tangrowth with good prediction and cleanly OHKO Scizor. Diggersby can run Spikes in the fourth moveslot thanks to its ability to force it forcing switches against common foes like Nihilego, helping wear down threats like Hippowdon and Tangrowth, but being locked into Spikes creates opportunities for dangerous sweepers like Swords Dance Cobalion and Dragon Dance Gyarados. A Jolly nature is needed to outspeed Crobat and Adamant Dragon Dance Gyarados, threats Diggersby is tasked with revenge killing. However, Adamant can be used for additional power if Diggersby's team has insurance against those threats to KO foes like Keldeo easier more easily if Diggersby's team has insurance against the aforementioned threats Jolly outspeeds.

Choice Scarf Diggersby best fits on VoltTurn, bulky offense, and balance teams that appreciate its revenge killing capabilities. Additional pivots like Zarude, Thundurus-T, and Slowking form potent momentum cores with Diggersby, providing it entry opportunities bringing it into the likes of Cobalion, Nihilego, and opposing Zarude while threatening switch-ins to Diggersby like Hippowdon, Scizor, and Skarmory. Rotom-W is another exceptional pivot that can handle Mamoswine in addition to threats like Celesteela, Hippowdon, and Moltres. It can also use Defog to remove Spikes that would wear stop Spikes from wearing Diggersby down. Wallbreakers like Choice Specs Hydreigon and Keldeo pressure switch-ins to Diggersby like Mandibuzz, Hippowdon, and Skarmory. The paralysis chance Body Slam provides Body Slam's paralysis chance helps them deal with Salamence easier more easily and not risk getting outsped by Cobalion. Stealth Rock support from the likes of Nihilego and Cobalion can wear down Celesteela and Tangrowth for Diggersby. They both overwhelm Hippowdon and the aforementioned Celesteela too, with Nihilego also taking on common Ground-immune Pokemon like Salamence, Skarmory, and Moltres. Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss are able to can cover threatening Water-types like Keldeo, Rotom-W, and Primarina. Since Rocky Helmet damage is detrimental to Diggersby's longevity, Knock Off users like Scizor and the aforementioned Tangrowth can are good to bait in Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Cobalion and remove their item while being able to heal the chip damage item. They can also heal off the resulting chip damage, unlike Diggersby. This frees up the Diggersby, and they free up its Knock Off moveslot for Fire Punch on it as well.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Quick Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Mega Kick
item: Life Orb / Silk Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance skyrockets Diggersby's Attack to absurd levels, letting it break past nearly everything in the tier. A +2 Quick Attack wipes out faster threats like Thundurus-T, Azelf, Zarude, and Keldeo, though the latter two do need to be chipped a bit. Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela, Skarmory, and Tangrowth. Alternatively, Mega Kick is Diggersby's best option to hit Mandibuzz while punishing and punishes potential switch-ins like Rotom-W and Salamence. It still covers Tangrowth and even Celesteela, the latter being 2HKOed by it, but Diggersby misses out on breaking past Skarmory. Mega Kick also has shaky accuracy that hinders its reliability. A Life Orb maximizes Diggersby's wallbreaking potential, being able to letting it OHKO Hippowdon with +2 Earthquake. However, Silk Scarf can be used to boost the power of Quick Attack and Mega Kick without wearing itself Diggersby down.

Because of Swords Dance Diggersby's tendency Swords Dance Diggersby tends to be an all-or-nothing sweeper, this set only mostly fits on heavy offense teams that give it ample opportunities to wallbreak, though it can work as a late-game cleaner on bulky offense teams as well. Entry hazard setters like Excadrill, Krookodile, and Scolipede provide valuable support to wear down threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Keldeo for Diggersby. Sticky Web support from Ribombee can offset Diggersby's poor Speed, as it can now outspeed and letting it pick off threats like Cobalion that would normally revenge kill it. Other sweepers like Nasty Plot Thundurus-T and Meteor Beam Nihilego can break past Pokemon like Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Rotom-W that trouble Diggersby. They can also help overwhelm Hippowdon and keep threats that discourage setup, (AC) like Amoonguss, (AC) off the field. Autotomize Celesteela takes advantage of Diggersby luring in Zarude and Skarmory for setup bait while Celesteela drawing in Zarude and Skarmory, using them as setup bait, and it lures in Chansey for Diggersby to come in on, as Chansey is one of the few Pokemon Diggersby can reliably boost against. Azelf outspeeds and wipes out faster threats like Keldeo and Cobalion, appreciating Diggersby beating down Slowking and Mandibuzz to the point where Azelf can clean late-game. On more bulky offense teams, threats that spread paralysis spreaders like Thunder Wave Togekiss and Stun Spore Amoonguss can be valuable in crippling to cripple offensive checks to Diggersby like Cobalion. Magneton can trap and remove hindrances to Diggersby like Celesteela, Skarmory, and Scizor, allowing it to free up drop Fire Punch and run Mega Kick for Mandibuzz.

Other Options

Choice Band turns Diggersby into a devastating wallbreaker with immediate power, using its STAB combination to hit most of the tier for heavy damage while using coverage options like in (ignore this if cb diggersby could run other coverage moves) U-turn to wear down Rotom-W and Fire Punch to get past Skarmory and Celesteela. This set works exceptionally well on paraspam offense teams that are able to paralysis spam offense teams, which ruin faster threats like Salamence and Cobalion with paralysis. However, this set is very slow and prediction reliant, (removed hyphen) being prey to top threats like Zarude and Keldeo, (AC) as well as foes like Slowking and Hippowdon who can scout a hit from Diggersby. that are bulky enough to scout a hit. (I imagine? maybe clarify a bit if I missed the point) Agility + 3 three Attacks offsets Diggersby's biggest issue in its base Speed, (AC) by letting it outspeed and KO fast threats like Cobalion and Choice Scarf Hydreigon. However, like the Swords Dance set, Agility Diggersby has limited opportunities to reliably boost and boost; it (I imagine this makes sense?) must rely on forcing out a chipped threat to get a setup chance. Its inability to boost its Attack also keeps it from breaking past Tangrowth and Hippowdon.

Checks and Counters

**Faster threats Threats and Priority Moves**: Choice Scarf Diggersby, while fast, still gets outpaced by other Choice Scarf users like Zarude and Hydreigon. Common priority move users like Mamoswine, Scizor, Conkeldurr, and Azumarill can all pick off Diggersby after slight chip damage. The presence of faster threats like Keldeo, Cobalion, and Zarude means Swords Dance Diggersby can struggle to reliably boost and sweep through teams, limiting the effectiveness of the set. Even (I imagine this makes sense?) Choice Scarf Diggersby can even fail to revenge kill fail to beat Cobalion if it is holding a Shuca Berry.

**Ground-immune Pokemon**: Rotom-W discourages Diggersby from firing off Earthquake and can KO it with Hydro Pump. Skarmory, Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and defensive Salamence can reliably take on Choice Scarf Diggersby, being unfazed by its attacks even in the long term thanks to their ability to regain health and threaten it back, although long-term thanks to their recovery and moves that threaten it back. However, all but Skarmory hate Knock Off. However, Swords Dance Diggersby can also break past all of them, though it needs Fire Punch for Skarmory and Mega Kick for Mandibuzz, meaning at least one of the two can limit it.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [Estarossa, 461329]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429], [username1, userid1]]
implemented this (and gonna do the same for the other stuff in GP) to help push stuff along.
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 2/2

Diggersby is one of the best revenge killers in UU due to its potent STAB combination backed by the deadly Huge Power. With a Choice Scarf, Diggersby can easily outspeed and KO common fast threats like Azelf, Cobalion, Crobat, and Zygarde-10%, as well as setup sweepers like Gyarados and Necrozma. U-turn indirectly enhances Diggersby's revenge killing capabilities, allowing it to pivot on Pokemon it cannot break through like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth and bring in powerful teammates that can take them on, like three attacks Primarina and Choice Specs Hydreigon. Moreover, Diggersby’s Diggersby's resistance to Stealth Rock gives it many opportunities to wallbreak and pressure frail threats like Azelf throughout a game. Diggersby also can run a Swords Dance wallbreaker set to become nearly impossible to counter, OHKOing physical walls like Amoonguss, Celesteela, and Hippowdon at +2 while picking off faster threats like Thundurus-T and Keldeo with Quick Attack. However, Diggersby is quite prediction reliant, hating being locked into any move because common foes like Salamence, Skarmory, Scizor, and Cobalion are immune to Ground or resist Normal. Diggersby also offers next to zero defensive utility bar deterring Volt Switch from Thundurus-T and checking Nihilego in an emergency, as it is weak to common types like Grass, Fighting, and Water and frail. This poor defensive profile also limits setup opportunities for its Swords Dance set. Additionally, it gets worn down by Rocky Helmet from threats like Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Hippowdon. Choice Scarf Diggersby fails to revenge kill boosting sweepers like Dragon Dance Salamence, and other Choice Scarf users like Hydreigon outspeed it. Diggersby is also very vulnerable to common priority attacks from Mamoswine, Conkeldurr, Scizor, and Azumarill, which can pick it off with slight chip damage.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Body Slam
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Knock Off / Fire Punch
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Diggersby's STAB combination is exceptionally powerful in UU, covering many common threats like Nihilego, Thundurus-T, and Cobalion. Defensive Salamence takes almost 40% even after Intimidate from Body Slam. Additionally, Body Slam's the move's paralysis chance can badly hinder switch-ins like Cobalion and Scizor. U-turn gains momentum off of switch-ins like Skarmory, Hippowdon, and Tangrowth. Knock Off removes Rocky Helmet from Skarmory and Amoonguss, keeping Diggersby from getting worn down by attacking, as well as crippling otherwise great (RH) answers in Mandibuzz, Celesteela, and Salamence by removing their items. Alternatively, Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela and Tangrowth with good prediction and cleanly OHKO Scizor. Diggersby can run Spikes in the fourth moveslot thanks to it forcing switches against common foes like Nihilego, helping wear down threats like Hippowdon and Tangrowth, but being locked into Spikes the move / a non-damaging move / w/e creates opportunities for dangerous sweepers like Swords Dance Cobalion and Dragon Dance Gyarados. A Jolly nature is needed to outspeed Crobat and Adamant Dragon Dance Gyarados, threats Diggersby is tasked with revenge killing. However, Adamant can be used if Diggersby's team has insurance against those threats to KO foes like Keldeo more easily.

Choice Scarf Diggersby best fits on VoltTurn, bulky offense, and balance teams that appreciate its revenge killing capabilities. Additional pivots like Zarude, Thundurus-T, and Slowking form potent momentum cores with Diggersby, bringing it into the likes of Cobalion, Nihilego, and opposing Zarude while threatening switch-ins to Diggersby like Hippowdon, Scizor, and Skarmory. Rotom-W is another exceptional pivot that can handle Mamoswine in addition to threats like Celesteela, Hippowdon, and Moltres. It can also use Defog to stop Spikes from wearing Diggersby down. Wallbreakers like Choice Specs Hydreigon and Keldeo pressure switch-ins to Diggersby like Mandibuzz, Hippowdon, and Skarmory. Body Slam's paralysis chance helps them deal with Salamence more easily and not risk getting outsped by Cobalion. Stealth Rock support from the likes of Nihilego and Cobalion can wear down Celesteela and Tangrowth for Diggersby. They both overwhelm Hippowdon and the aforementioned Celesteela too, with Nihilego also taking on common Ground-immune Pokemon like Salamence, Skarmory, and Moltres. Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss can cover threatening Water-types like Keldeo, Rotom-W, and Primarina. Since Rocky Helmet damage is detrimental to Diggersby's longevity, Knock Off users like Scizor and the aforementioned Tangrowth are good to bait in Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Cobalion and remove their item. They can also heal off the resulting chip damage, unlike Diggersby, and they free up its Knock Off moveslot for Fire Punch as well.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Quick Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Mega Kick
item: Life Orb / Silk Scarf
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance skyrockets Diggersby's Attack to absurd levels, letting it break past nearly everything in the tier. A +2 Quick Attack wipes out faster threats like Thundurus-T, Azelf, Zarude, and Keldeo, though the latter two do need to be chipped a bit. Fire Punch allows Diggersby to break past Celesteela, Skarmory, and Tangrowth. Alternatively, Mega Kick is Diggersby's best option to hit Mandibuzz and punishes potential switch-ins like Rotom-W and Salamence. It still covers Tangrowth and even Celesteela, the latter being 2HKOed by it, but Diggersby misses out on breaking past Skarmory, (comma) Mega Kick also has and the move comes with shaky accuracy. A Life Orb maximizes Diggersby's wallbreaking potential, letting it OHKO Hippowdon with +2 Earthquake. However, Silk Scarf can be used to boost the power of Quick Attack and Mega Kick without wearing Diggersby down.

Because Swords Dance Diggersby tends to be an all-or-nothing sweeper, this set mostly fits on heavy offense teams that give it ample opportunities to wallbreak, though it can work as a late-game cleaner on bulky offense teams as well. Entry hazard setters like Excadrill, Krookodile, and Scolipede provide valuable support to wear down threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Keldeo for Diggersby. Sticky Web support from Ribombee can offset Diggersby's poor Speed, letting it pick off threats like Cobalion that would normally revenge kill it. Other sweepers like Nasty Plot Thundurus-T and Meteor Beam Nihilego can break past Pokemon like Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Rotom-W that trouble Diggersby. They can also help overwhelm Hippowdon and keep threats that discourage setup, like Amoonguss, off the field. Autotomize Celesteela takes advantage of Diggersby drawing in Zarude and Skarmory, using them as setup bait, and it lures in Chansey for Diggersby to come in on, as Chansey is one of the few Pokemon Diggersby can reliably boost against. Azelf outspeeds and wipes out faster threats like Keldeo and Cobalion, appreciating Diggersby beating down Slowking and Mandibuzz to the point where Azelf can clean late-game. On more bulky offense teams, paralysis spreaders like Thunder Wave Togekiss and Stun Spore Amoonguss can be valuable to cripple offensive checks to Diggersby like Cobalion. Magneton can trap and remove hindrances to Diggersby like Celesteela, Skarmory, and Scizor, allowing it to drop Fire Punch and run Mega Kick for Mandibuzz.

Other Options

Choice Band turns Diggersby into a devastating wallbreaker with immediate power, using its STAB combination to hit most of the tier for heavy damage while using coverage options in U-turn to wear down Rotom-W and Fire Punch to get past Skarmory and Celesteela. This set works exceptionally well on paralysis spam offense teams, which ruin neuter faster threats like Salamence and Cobalion with paralysis. However, this set is very slow and prediction reliant, being prey to top threats like Zarude and Keldeo, as well as to foes like Slowking and Hippowdon that are bulky enough to scout a hit. Agility + three Attacks offsets Diggersby's biggest issue in its base Speed, letting it outspeed and KO fast threats like Cobalion and Choice Scarf Hydreigon. However, like the Swords Dance set, Agility Diggersby has limited opportunities to reliably boost; it must rely on forcing out a chipped threat to get a setup chance. Its inability to boost its Attack also keeps it from breaking past Tangrowth and Hippowdon.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Threats and Priority Moves**: Choice Scarf Diggersby, while fast, still gets outpaced by other Choice Scarf users like Zarude and Hydreigon. Common priority move users like Mamoswine, Scizor, Conkeldurr, and Azumarill can all pick off Diggersby after slight chip damage. The presence of faster threats like Keldeo, Cobalion, and Zarude means Swords Dance Diggersby can struggle to reliably boost and sweep through teams, limiting the effectiveness of the set. Even Choice Scarf Diggersby can fail to beat Cobalion if it is holding a Shuca Berry.

**Ground-immune Pokemon**: Rotom-W discourages Diggersby from firing off Earthquake and can KO it with Hydro Pump. Skarmory, Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and defensive Salamence can reliably take on Choice Scarf Diggersby, being unfazed by its attacks even long-term in the long run thanks to their recovery and moves that threaten it back. However, all but Skarmory hate Knock Off. Swords Dance Diggersby can also break past all of them, though it needs Fire Punch for Skarmory and Mega Kick for Mandibuzz, meaning at least one of the two can limit it.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [Estarossa, 461329]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429], [username1, userid1]]