does anyone wish they were called by there smogon user name irl


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rare non-goof smogoff post from me:

i don't know about wishing to be called it, but i was having a convesations recently about how this handle feels more like "my name" than my given name (it predates smogon)

it's a bit odd; i don't think i'd ever let myself name myself bc i don't know if it would feel genuine to me, but i know that lots of people go through ~identity changes~ and have to find their own names

maybe it's to do w the ways you connect/are connected with online; sometimes people have more earnest connections on the internet, or reveal things about themselves here they wouldn't in their offline circles. i suspect this is the opposite of how most people characterise online relationships!
but how do you feel about Swaggersaurus??

also if i knew people would pronounce my username correctly i wouldn't mind it but they always get it wrong :/


shine like jewelry
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I have friends who know my username (though they arent at the social media where i use this nick) and sometimes call me by it and its kinda weird because Windingsss is horrible in spanish lmao

Wouldnt complain if people call me Winds/Wind, though i'd still prefer my name

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