Initial battling side implementation concerns said:So as is the case with any new clause, there will inevitably be some edge-cases / contrived cases that either cause mechanics issues or break the spirit of the clause.
For the new clause, there are a few considerations to make.
First, the scenario where a Pokemon like Venemoth has quiver dance / baton pass / third move and it is pp stalled out of qd and third move. The options here are: 1.) force an auto lose 2.) force a switch 3.) break mechanics and have bp un greyed out and allowed to be selected
The second scenario is if in the first scenario, that venemoth is mean looked, so forcing a switch isn't possible. The options here are 1.) force an auto lose 2.) break mechanics 3.) in this very specifically contrived scenario, un grey baton pass and allow it to be selected.
Those are the two main scenarios blarajan brought up to me, so before we even decide to talk about what to do about them, I'd like to collect a list of the potential edge cases.
So far we have Pokemon pp stalled and has boosts but can switch and Pokemon pp stalled and has boosts but can't switch.
Any others?
On these two specifically, I'm not an absolutist so I won't say I'm 100% against breaking mechanics in specifically contrived situations, but I'd rather not if there is an alternative.
I'm also not a fan of forcing losses, so my preference is currently strongly for forcing a switch for the first scenario and ungreying baton pass for the second scenario.
I guess it's important to ask BP specialists like dEnIsSsS if that last thing can be abused by BPers at all as well.
This additional work will be implemented via the team builder. Posts 1-11 represent the previous iteration on the battle side; post 12 and on represent the desire to switch it to the team builder.
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