Doran Dragon vs Woodchuck (ref: DarthVader317; tutor: danmantincan)

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4x4 NFE doubles
DQ 5 days
unlimited recoveries/chills
Arena: Cramped Toyroom
Field Type: Neutral
Complexity: Moderate
Format: Singles, Multiples
Hight Restriction: Pokemon must be under 5' tall
No Weather (Either in part or specific weathers like Rain or Hail)
Artificial Field (usu. completely indoor arenas with no natural objects like rocks or grass. Note that many Pokemon can use dust, cause arena damage, or even use their own bodies to bring in natural elements that don't immediately exist)
Limited Ceiling (usu. completely indoor arenas or arenas with a fairly low vertical barrier of another kind, restricts Fly and aerial evasiveness)
No Digging (Arena cannot be Dug through)
No Seismic Attacks (Arena cannot be affected by moves like Bulldoze, Earthquake, Magnitude, and Fissure)
No Water Source (No water is available for Surf, Dive, etc.)

A small toyroom designed for children, only a square room with 5' walls. As children often do, Small toys are sprawled all around the floor. They can be picked up and thrown, or stepped on for small damage, only 1-3 ??? damage. Since its such a small room, the trainers cant be in the room, and commands are done through a speaker. Dig will not work as the floor is made of hard wood, and flying isnt an option. Weather cannot be changed and is in a state of "Clear"
Abilities = One
Items = Only counter-producing ones
Switch = OK

Welcome to the CAPASB Network! Today we have an on-location battle in a Cramped Toyroom between Doran Dragon and Woodchuck. How will this small arena affect the battle? Let's find out. Trainers, release your pokemon!

Doran Dragon's Team:

Bayleef [Orita-chan] (Female)
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed, Growth, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Nature Power, Sunny Day, Sweet Scent, and Swords Dance have have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
HP: 90
Atk: 2 (-)
Def: 3
SpA: 4 (+)
SpD: 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16
Battle 1: 0/0/0
Battle 2: 0/0/0
Battle 3: 0/0/0
Battle 4: 1/1/1
Battle 5: 0/0/0
Battle 6: 2/1/1
Battle 7: 1/1/1
Battle 8: 0/0/0
Battle 9: 1/2/1
Battle 10: 0/0/0
Total : 5/5/4
1) Overgrow: Type: Innate When this Pokemon’s HP is lower than 33% (flat), the Base Attack Power of any grass attack is increased by two (2). (eg Giga Drain goes from 8 to 10, Solarbeam from 12 to 14)

DW) Leaf Guard: Type: Innate In bright sunlight the Pokemon is surrounded by a faint green glow. The glow protects it from all permanent and temporary status conditions
Level up:
L1 - Growl
L1 - Tackle
L1 - Razor Leaf
L1 - PoisonPowder
L1 - Reflect
L12 - Synthesis
L22 - Magical Leaf
L26 - Natural Gift
EG - Ancient Power
EG - Leaf Storm
EG - Heal Pulse
TM11 - Sunny Day
TM22 - SolarBeam
TM90 - Substitute


Ekans [Enaks-chan] (Male)
Type: Poison: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens uninhibited. Dasutodasu, Muk, and Weezing inflict Toxic Poisoning with Solid/Liquid/Gaseous Poison attacks (respectively), Wrap, Haze, and Glare have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
HP: 90
Atk: 3
Def: 2
SpA: 1
SpD: 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12
Battle 1: 0/0/0
Battle 2: 0/0/0
Battle 3: 0/0/0
Battle 4: 1/1/1
Battle 5: 1/1/1
Battle 6: 0/0/0
Battle 7: 0/0/0
Battle 8: 0/0/0
Battle 9: 1/2/1
Battle 10: 0/0/0
Total : 3/4/3
1) Intimidate: Type: Can be Activated
When this Pokemon initially goes out into the battlefield, it generates an intimidating roar or war cry that shakes all opponents on the battlefield, reducing thier Attack stage by one (1). The attack drop is maintained at the end of each round. If an opponent switches in a new Pokemon, Intimidate can be activated again.
2) Shed Skin: Type: Innate
This Pokemon regularly sheds its skin and any impurities contained in its body. If afflicted with a status condition, this Pokemon has a 33% chance of removing all status conditions at the end of a round.
DW) Unnerve: Type: Innate
The Pokemon's presense causes immense tension in the opponent, preventing them from eating a held Berry. Natural Gift may still be used.
L1 - Leer
L1 - Wrap
L4 - Poison Sting
L9 - Bite
L12 - Glare
L17 - Screech
L20 - Acid
L25 - Stockpile
L25 - Spit up
L25 - Swallow
EG - Poison Tail
EG - Beat Up
EG - Iron Tail
TM6 - Toxic
TM9 - Venoshock
TM26 - Earthquake


Whismur [Ga-chan] (Female)
Normal Normal STAB; adapt comfortably to any surrounding after 3 actions. Able to use Outrage without losing focus.
HP: 100
Atk: 2
Def: 1
SpA: 3
SpD: 1
Spe: 24
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 10
Battle 1: 0/0/0
Battle 2: 0/0/0
Battle 3: 0/0/0
Battle 4: 0/0/0
Battle 5: 0/0/0
Battle 6: 0/0/0
Battle 7: 0/0/0
Battle 8: 1/2/1
Battle 9: 0/0/0
Battle 10: 0/0/0
Total : 1/2/1
Ability 1: Soundproof: (Innate) Pokemon with this ability emit their own powerful electrostatic or sound-dampening field, making them immune to sound-based moves other than an ally's or their own Heal Bell.. (Known sound moves: Ancient Song, Bark Out, Bug Buz, Chatter, Echo Voice, Grasswhistle, Growl, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Perish Song, Roar, Screech, Sing, Sing a Round, Snore, Supersonic, Uproar.
Dream World: Rattled: (Innate) These Pokemon are more easily frightened by Ghost, Bug, and Dark-typed attacks and will raise their speed by one (1) stage when struck by attacks of those types.
Lvl 1 - Pound
Lvl 5 - Uproar
Lvl 11 - Astonish
Lvl 15 - Howl
Lvl 21 - Supersonic
Lvl 25 - Stomp
Fake Tears
Shadow Ball
Sunny Day
Solar Beam


Aron [Judgement] (Male)


Steel STAB; immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.

Rock STAB; reduce damage from all special attacks by two (2) Base Attack Power during Sandstorm. Able to use Sand Tomb without losing focus.

HP: 90
Atk: ****
Def: ****
SpA: *
SpD: **
Spe: 30
Siz: 1
Wei: 4

EC: 0/9
MC: 0/4
DC: 0/5

Ability 1: Sturdy: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body is solidly constructed, reducing the Base Attack Power from an opponents incoming attacks by one (1). The effect is amplified on OHKO Moves, which are reduced by ten (10) Base Attack Power.

Ability 2: Rock Head: (Innate) This Pokemon’s hard body prevents it from taking recoil damage from moves such as Double-Edge, Flare Blitz, and Head Smash.

Dream World: Heavy Metal: (Innate) The Pokemon's body structure is immensely dense, doubling its actual weight. Additionally, when the Pokemon uses Giga Impact, Gyro Ball, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Tackle, recoil and uncontrollable attacks

Lvl 1 - Tackle
Lvl 4 - Harden
Lvl 8 - Mud-Slap
Lvl 11 - Headbutt
Lvl 15 - Metal Claw
Lvl 18 - Iron Defense
Lvl 22 - Roar
Lvl 25 - Take Down
Head Smash
Stealth Rock
Iron Head
Hone Claws

Woodchuck's Team:

Haunter [Ivan the Spherical] (Male)
Nature: Timid (-Atk, +Spe and boost of 21 in accuracy)
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.
Poison: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens/haze uninhibited. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus. Superior senses in urban settings.

Levitate: This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Bulldoze, Dig, Earthquake, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit. Levitate Pokemon will retain the Levitate trait when they use Skill Swap on an enemy, and will steal the opponent's ability (the user can specify if they want a foe or ally to gain Levitate from a Skill Swap.) If a Pokemon with Levitate uses Role Play, they will copy the opponent's abilities and retain Levitate.

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1 (-)
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 109 (+)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

EC: 7/9
MC: 4

Mean Look
Confuse Ray
Night Shade
Sucker Punch

Perish Song

Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb

Shadow Punch
Hidden Power [Fire]

Moves: 15

Minccino [EVITABLE CONFLICT] (Female)
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)
Normal: Normal STAB; adapt comfortably to any surrounding after 3 actions. Able to use Outrage without losing focus.

Cute Charm: Innate. This Pokemon’s natural cuteness causes Pokemon of the opposite gender in the same egg group to be attracted to it 30% of the time after striking with a contact move.
Technician: Innate. This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally have 6 or less Base Attack Power to have their Base Attack Power multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) Base Attack Power, and the Energy Cost for multi-hit attacks is increased by two (2). Because Technician is a multiplier on single hit moves, its effect is applied to Base Attack Power before any additive effects.
Skill Link (DW): Innate, Locked. This Pokemon’s skillfull aim makes its multi-hit moves always hit 5 times. The Energy Cost of multi-hit attacks is increased by three (3).

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3 (+)
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1 (-)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 75
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

EC: 1/6
MC: 2
DC: 1/5

Helping Hand
Tail Slap

Aqua Tail
Sleep Talk
Mud Slap


Beldum [Deep Blue] (Genderless)
Nature: Careful (+SpD, -SpA)
Type: Steel/Psychic
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.
Psychic: Psychic STAB; less susceptible to blinding, more susceptible to sound-based assaults as far as locking on with Psychic attacks, can lift and throw opponents with Psychic regardless of Special Attack Rank. Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.

Clear Body: Innate. This Pokemon’s body structure makes it immune to status lowering moves used by opponents. (e.g. Intimidate, Growl, Screech etc.)
Light Metal (DW): Innate, Locked. The Pokemon's body is made of a lightweight but extremely strong alloy. It weighs half as much as other members of the species, but is equally sturdy. The Pokemon executes weak attacks much more effectively, adding +1 priority to all their attacks with 6 or less Base Attack Power (after other ability adjustments). Priority is applied to the summed Base Attack Power of a multi-hit move (e.g. Double Kick has priority at 6 BAP, Skill Link Bullet Seed doesn't at 15 BAP.)

Levitate: (Command) The Pokemon hovers above the ground, avoiding all Bulldoze, Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude for three (3) actions. Earth Power's effectiveness is reduced by 3 BAP. Dig and Dive will also be avoided unless the user is above Size Class four (4), is 3.5m or longer, or has Levitate or the Flying type.


HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1 (-)
SpD: Rank 3 (+)
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4 (95.2 kg)
Base Rank Total: 13

EC: 3/9
MC: 4
DC: 2/5

Take Down

Iron Head
Zen Headbutt

Moves: 4

Noface [Dr. Nop] (Male)
Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -SpA, +5 Acc)
Type: Steel/Ghost
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.

Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 0 (-)
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 12 (+)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

EC: 2/6
MC: 2
DC: 1/5

Iron Defense
Odor Sleuth
Faint Attack
Shadow Sneak

Meteor Mash
Psycho Shift


Moves: 15

Doran Dragon sends out pokemon and picks abilities.
Woodchuck sends out pokemon, picks abilities, and gives actions.
Doran Dragon gives action.
I ref.
Ga-chan(Whismur), Judgement(Aron), your up first, and we need to be ready to play. Our opponents have typeing against us, but we're not about to let up. Our Soundproofing of the walls and Rock Head style of strategy, We're sure to give Chuck a fight of his/her life!
I'm a 'he' for future reference.

Alright, let's start off with Dr. Nop (Levitate)

and EVITABLE CONFLICT (Technician)

Noface, I want you to Will-O-Wisp Aron ~ Will-O-Wisp Whismur ~ Meteor Mash Whismur

Minccino, I want you to
Dig Aron ~ Tail Slap Whismur ~ Dig Aron
Ga-chan, while you may be soundproof, our opponents arent, so make a loud Astonishing squeal directed towards the good Doctor. Judgement, a sizeable attack is comming your way, and while you may not initially block it, I want you to begin to set up your Defenses with Iron! Continue making your abomanable Supersonic screeches, Ga-chan, with Doc. Nop being the one at the short end of the stick! Judgement, I need you to Body Block Conflict's Tail Slap thats directed at Ga-chan. Think quickly Judgement cause I need you to hit the Doctor with your Ironed Defensed Head with intention of preventing it from attacking Ga-chan. Ga-chan, I want you to prevent the opponents from getting a good grip on where we are, so spew out a milkey black Smokescreen on their side of the field.

Ga-Chan: Astonish(Dr. Nop)>>>Supersonic(Dr. Nop)>>>Smokescreen(Opponents Field)

Judgement: Iron Defense(Self)>>>Body Block(Tail Slap)>>>Iron Head(Dr. Nop)
Sorry for the wait, I wasn't able to send it to danman to look over until last night.


Whismur- Ga-chan (F)
HP: 100
Energy: 100%
Spd: 28
Ability: Soundproof
Astonish(Dr. Nop)>>>Supersonic(Dr. Nop)>>>Smokescreen(Opponents Field)


Aron- Judgement (M)
HP: 90
Energy: 100%
Spd: 30
Ability: Rock Head
Iron Defense(Self)>>>Body Block(Tail Slap)>>>Iron Head(Dr. Nop)


Nohface- Dr. Nop (M)
HP: 100
Energy: 100%
Spd: 12
Ability: Levitate
Status: +5% Acc
Will-O-Wisp Aron ~ Will-O-Wisp Whismur ~ Meteor Mash Whismur


HP: 90
Energy: 100%
Spd: 75
Ability: Technician
Dig Aron ~ Tail Slap Whismur ~ Dig Aron

Our match begins with Whismur and Aron facing off against Nohface and Minccino. Evitable Conflict starts things off by Digging! But wait, it seems as though she can't dig through the wood floor, and ends up hitting Aron and hurting herself in her struggle. Judgement's metal body shines as he sets up an Iron Defense. While her partner handles defense, Ga-chan goes on the offense by Astonishing Nohface. Dr. Nop finds a way past Aron's defenses by burning him with a ghostly Will-o-Wisp.

Taking a break from trying to dig through the floor, Evitable tries to slap Whismur with her tail, but misses. Seeing the close call, Judgement uses his body to block any more attacks aimed at Whismur. Ga-chan keeps up her offense by confusing Nohface with a Supersonic squeal. Dr. Nop fights through the confusion attempts to burn the Whismur as well, but Aron is able to intercept the flames.

And Evitable is at it with the floor again, trying to grab Aron to use as a shovel. In the Struggle she manages to critically strike through his defenses. Deciding it's time for him to stop playing D, Judgement strikes Nohface with his Iron Head, while Ga-chan covers Minccino and Nohface's side of the field with a Smokescreen. Showing a strong will, Dr. Nop fights through its confusion and the smoke to hit Whismur with a Meteor Mash.

Action 1
Minccino used Dig!
But it failed!
Minccino used Struggle!
Roll for Crit [=1]: 4/16 No
(7.5+(3-4)*1.5)= 6 Damage/6 Energy/2.4~2 Recoil

Aron used Iron Defense!
6 Energy
Aron's Defense sharply rose!

Whismur used Astonish!
Roll for Crit [=1]: 10/16 No
Roll for Flinch [<=30]: 77/100 No
(4+(2-3)*1.5)=2.5~3 Damage/3 Energy

Nohface used Will-o-Wisp!
Roll for Hit [<=80]: 42/100 YES
7 Energy
Aron was burned.

Aron is hurt by the burn (2 Damage).

Action 2
Minccino used Tail Slap!
Roll for Hit [<=85]: 93 MISS
7 Energy

Aron bodyblocked Whismur!
5 Energy

Whismur used Supersonic!
Roll for Hit [<=55]: 55 HIT
Roll for severity: 1/3 Intense (4 actions)
4 Energy

Nohface is confused!

Nohface is confused!
Roll for confusion [<=50]: 60 No
Nohface used Will-o-Wisp!
Aron blocked the attack!
11 Energy
Aron is already burned.

Aron is hurt by the burn (2 Damage).

Action 3
Minccino used Dig!
But it failed!
Minccino used Struggle!
Roll for Crit [=1]: 1/16 YES
(7.5+3+(3-4)*1.5)=9 Damage/6 Energy/3.6~4 Recoil

Aron used Iron Head!
Roll for Crit [=1]: 8/16 No
Roll for Flinch [<=30]: 85/100 No
((8+3+(4-3)*1.5-3)*.67)=6.37~6 Damage/5 Energy

Whismur used Smokescreen!
4 Energy
Minccino's accuracy fell!
Nohface's accuracy fell!

Nohface is confused!
Roll for confusion [<=50]: 82/100 No
Nohface used Meteor Mash!
Roll for Hit [<=90]: 67/100 HIT
Roll for Att Boost [<=20]: 20/100 No
(10+3+(2-1)*1.5)=14.5~15 Damage/6 Energy

Aron is hurt by the burn (2 Damage).


Whismur- Ga-chan (F)
HP: 85
Energy: 89%
Spd: 28
Ability: Soundproof


Aron- Judgement (M)
HP: 69
Energy: 84%
Spd: 30
Ability: Rock Head
Status: +1 DEF, Burned



Nohface- Dr. Nop (M)
HP: 91
Energy: 76%
Spd: 12
Ability: Levitate
Status: +5% Acc, Confused (3 actions)


HP: 84
Energy: 81%
Spd: 75
Ability: Technician
Status: -1 Acc
Ga-chan, Judgement, we're targeting the rodent first action! Supersonic and Toxic respectively at Evitable Conflict! Afterwards, Ga-chan, I need you to prevent any sleep from happening by filling the room with an Uproar of yelling at Evitable Conflict, while Judgement, I want you to Smash Heads with Dr. Nop twice!

Ga-chan: Supersonic(Evitable Conflict)>>> Uproar(Evitable Conflict)

Judgement: Toxic(Evitable Conflict)>>> Head Smash x2(Dr. Nop)
Actually, Noface shouldn't be affected by Smokescreen at all, so it should still have perfect accuracy.

Data Audit Thread said:
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.
Smokescreen is a haze, right?


Substitute (15 HP) ~ Encore Aron's Toxic ~ Tail Slap Whismur

Noface: Psycho Shift Aron ~ Toxic Whismur ~ Iron Defense
I forgot to apply the STAB energy reduction to Supersonic and Smokescreen last round, so Whismur has 2 more energy.


Whismur- Ga-chan (F)
HP: 85
Energy: 91%
Spd: 28
Ability: Soundproof
Supersonic(Evitable Conflict)>>> Uproar(Evitable Conflict)

Aron- Judgement (M)
HP: 69
Energy: 84%
Spd: 30
Ability: Rock Head
Status: +1 DEF, Burned
Toxic(Evitable Conflict)>>> Head Smash x2(Dr. Nop)


Nohface- Dr. Nop (M)
HP: 91
Energy: 76%
Spd: 12
Ability: Levitate
Status: +5% Acc, Confused (3 actions)
Psycho Shift Aron ~ Toxic Whismur ~ Iron Defense

HP: 84
Energy: 81%
Spd: 75
Ability: Technician
Status: -1 Acc
Substitute (15 HP) ~ Encore Aron's Toxic ~ Tail Slap Whismur

Evitable Conflict starts the round by creating a Substitute. Just in time too, as both Judgement and Ga-chan's Toxic and Supersonic are stopped by the sub. Dr. Nop, meanwhile, attempts to shift his confusion to Aron but just ends up hurting himself.

Evitable liked the way Aron sprayed the toxins, and lead the crowd in calling for an Encore. Judgement obliged his fans and let loose another spray of Toxic, which was again blocked by the sub. Ga-chan tried to start an Uproar to bring Aron back to his senses, but the random attack just went right through Nohface. Dr. Nop decided copying Aron was a good idea and used Toxic on Whismur.

From behind her sub, Evitable lept forth to Tail Slap Whismur, but the smokescreen from earlier made the attack miss. Judgement repeated his Toxic attack, which again just hit the sub. Ga-chan kept up the Uproar, and was able to strike Minccino's substitute, leaving it tattered and hanging on by a thread. Dr. Nop finally shook off his confusion and used Iron Defense.

Action 1
Minccino used Substitute!
-15 HP, 11 Energy
Minccino is protected by a substitute!

Aron used Toxic!
7 Energy
Minccino is protected by a substitute.

Whismur used Supersonic!
3 Energy
Minccino is protected by a substitute.

Nohface is confused!
Roll for confusion [<=5000]: 4171/10000 YES
Nohface struck itself in confusion!
(4+(2-3)*1.5)=2.5~3 Damage/3 Energy

Aron is hurt by burn (2 Damage).

Action 2
Minccino used Encore!
Roll for hit [<=7500]: 5522/10000 HIT
9 Energy
Aron was encored!

Aron is encored!
Aron used Toxic!
7 Energy
Minccino is protected by a substitute.

Whismur used Uproar!
Roll for target [<=5000 Nohface;>5000 Minccino]: 4093/1000 Nohface
Nohface is unaffected!

Nohface is confused!
Roll for confusion [<=5000]: 6230/10000 No
Nohface used Toxic!
Roll for hit [<=9500]: 7611/10000 HIT
7 Energy
Whismur is badly poisoned.

Aron is hurt by burn (2 Damage).
Whismur is hurt by poison (1 Damage).
Whismur is causing an uproar.

Action 3
Minccino used Tail Slap!
Roll for hit [<=6375]: 7611/10000 MISS
7 Energy

Aron is encored!
Aron used Toxic!
7 Energy
Minccino is protected by a substitute.

Whismur used Uproar!
Roll for target [<=5000 Nohface;>5000 Minccino]: 5791/10000 Minccino
Roll for crit [<=625]: 1663/10000 No
(9+3+(3-2)*1.5)=13.5~14 Damage/5 Energy

Nohface snapped out of confusion!
Nohface used Iron Defense!
6 Energy
Nohface's defense sharply rose!

Aron is hurt by burn (2 Damage).
Whismur is hurt by poison (1 Damage).
Whismur is causing an uproar.


Whismur- Ga-chan (F)
HP: 83
Energy: 78%
Spd: 28
Ability: Soundproof
Status: Toxic (2 damage), Uproar (1 action)


Aron- Judgement (M)
HP: 63
Energy: 63%
Spd: 30
Ability: Rock Head
Status: Burned


Nohface- Dr. Nop (M)
HP: 88
Energy: 60%
Spd: 12
Ability: Levitate
Status: +5% Acc, +2 DEF


HP: 69
Energy: 54%
Spd: 75
Ability: Technician
Status: -1 Acc (1 action), Sub (1HP)

Field Effects: Uproar (1 action)
You should probably state who attacks next :O cause i'm nototrious for putting up moves when it was my opponent's turn to state attacks first XD

Aqua Tail Aron ~ Tail Slap Whismur ~ Tail Slap Whismur
Sub: If you do not have a substitute up, use Substitute (15 HP) instead of the current action.

Meteor Mash Whismur ~ Will-O-Wisp Whismur ~ Meteor Mash Whismur
Sub: If Whismur hits you with Supersonic, use Psycho Shift on Whismur.
You can't use Encore on Aron, it's an illegal action.

Encore:The Pokemon gives its opponent an enthusiastic round of applause. The target is so flattered that it can’t help but repeat its last action for the next two (2) of its actions. The afflicted Pokemon will not expend extra energy from consecutive attacks while Encore is in effect. Encore fails when used on a target whose Encore ended on the previous action.

You'll have to reorder.

Whismur- Ga-chan (F)
HP: 83
Energy: 78%
Spd: 28
Ability: Soundproof
Status: Toxic (2 damage), Uproar (1 action)
Finish Uproar>>>Fake Tears (Dr.N)>>>Shadow Ball (Dr.N)

Aron- Judgement (M)
HP: 63
Energy: 63%
Spd: 30
Ability: Rock Head
Status: Burned
Head Smash (EC)>>>Mudslap (Dr.N)>>>Head Smash(EC)

Nohface- Dr. Nop (M)
HP: 88
Energy: 60%
Spd: 12
Ability: Levitate
Status: +5% Acc, +2 DEF
Meteor Mash Whismur ~ Will-O-Wisp Whismur ~ Meteor Mash Whismur
Sub: If Whismur hits you with Supersonic, use Psycho Shift on Whismur.

HP: 69
Energy: 54%
Spd: 75
Ability: Technician
Status: -1 Acc (1 action), Sub (1HP)
Aqua Tail Aron ~ Tail Slap Whismur ~ Tail Slap Whismur
Sub: If you do not have a substitute up, use Substitute (15 HP) instead of the current action.

Field Effects: Uproar (1 action)

From behind her sub Evitable strikes Aron with an Aqua Tail! Judgement retaliates with a Head Smash, but he misses. Ga-chaan continues to create an Uproar, which destroys Minccino's sub! And Dr. Nop puts an end to Whismur's uproar by striking a critical point with Meteor Mash!

Not wanting to get hurt herself, Evitable grabs one a stuffed toy and turns it into a Substitute doll. Judgement gathers up some dust and spits in it in order to use a makeshift Mud-Slap in this toyroom, hitting Nohface to reduce his accuracy. Ga-chaan begins crying, and her Fake Tears cause Nohface to drop his defense against special attacks. Dr. Nop tries to dry up Whismur's tears with Will-o-Wisp, but the wet dust in his eyes causes him to miss.

With a boost of confidence from having a sub for protection, Evitable uses Tail Slap and for the first time this match is able to connect a full three hits on Whismur. Seeing his opponent succeed, Judgement strikes at Minccino with Head Smash, and shatters the sub with a single hit. Ga-chaan takes advantage of Nohface's lower defenses by shooting a Shadow Ball. Dr. Nop responds with another Meteor Mash.

Action 1
Minccino used Aqua Tail!
Roll for hit [<=6750]: 1033/10000 HIT
Roll for crit [<=625]: 8974/10000 No
((9+(3-4)*1.5)*1.5)=11.25~11 Damage/7 Energy

Aron used Head Smash!
Roll for hit [<=8000]: 9186/10000 MISS
10 Energy

Whismur used Uproar!
Roll for target [<=5000 Nohface;>5000 Minccino]: 7314/10000 Minccino
Roll for crit [<=625]: 2550 No
(9+3+(3-2)*1.5)=13.5~14 Damage/5 Energy
Minccino's substitue faded!

Nohface used Meteor Mash!
Roll for hit [<=9000]: 8765/10000 HIT
Roll for crit [<625]: 145/10000 YES
Roll for Attack Boost [<=2000]: 8544/10000 No
(10+3+3+(2-1)*1.5)=17.5~18 Damage/6 Energy

Whismur's uproar ended.
Whismur is hurt by poison (2 Damage).
Aron is hurt by burn (2 Damage).

Action 2
Minccino used Substitute!
-15 HP, 12 Energy
Minccino is protected by a substitue!

Aron used Mud-Slap!
Roll for crit [<=625]: 8068/10000 No
((4+(1-3)*1.5)*1.5)=1.5~2 Damage/3 Energy
Nohface's accuracy fell!

Whismur used Fake Tears!
6 Energy
Nohface's Special Defense sharply fell!

Nohface used Will-o-Wisp!
Roll for hit [<=6125]: 9028/10000 MISS
7 Energy

Whismur is hurt by poison (2 Damage).
Aron is hurt by burn (2 Damage).

Action 3
Minccino used Tail Slap!
Roll for hit [<=8500]: 1895/10000 HIT
Roll for number of hits [1-3750=2; 3751-7500=3; 7501-8750=4; 8751-10000=5]: 3983/10000 3 hits
Roll for crit [hit 1] [<=625]: 8786/10000 No
Roll for crit [hit 2] [<=625]: 5443/10000 No
Roll for crit [hit 3] [<=625]: 985/10000 No
(12+3+(3-1)*1.5)=18 Damage/11 Energy

Aron used Head Smash!
Roll for hit [<=8000]: 1958/10000 HIT
Roll for crit [<=625]: 9710/10000 No
(15+3+(4-2)*1.5-3)=18 Damage/10 Energy
Minccino's substitute faded!

Whismur used Shadow Ball!
Roll for crit [<=625]: 2381/10000 No
Roll for Special Defense drop [<=2000]: 2056/10000 No
(8+(3-3)*1.5)+(2*1.75)=11.5~12 Damage/6 Energy

Nohface used Meteor Mash!
Roll for hit [<=6875]: 3042/10000 HIT
Roll for crit [<=625]: 6778/10000 No
Roll for Attack Boost [<=2000]: 4170/10000 No
(10+3+(2-1)*1.5)=14.5~15 Damage/6 Energy

Whismur is hurt by poison (2 Damage).
Aron is hurt by burn (2 Damage).

Whismur- Ga-chan (F)
HP: 26
Energy: 61%
Spd: 28
Ability: Soundproof
Status: Toxic (3 damage)

Aron- Judgement (M)
HP: 46
Energy: 40%
Spd: 30
Ability: Rock Head
Status: Burned


Nohface- Dr. Nop (M)
HP: 74
Energy: 41%
Spd: 12
Ability: Levitate
Status: +5% Acc, +1 DEF, -1 Acc, -1 SpcDEF

HP: 54
Energy: 24%
Spd: 75
Ability: Technician

Doran Dragon
Ga-chan, Lets go Supersonic (Dr.Nop), then Shadow Ball x2(Dr.Nop)

Aron, I want you to Head Smash x3(EC) but if Ga-chan ever seems on the verge of Fainting, Body Block the attack that would defeat her.
lol that is the most ridiculously vague substitution i have ever seen

1. Set up a 15 HP Substitute in front of Dr. Nop
2. Tail Slap Whismur
3. Chill (SUB: If you have less than 15 HP left AND Whismur is not fainted, use Tail Slap on Whismur instead.)

1. Body Block in front of Minccino
2. Meteor Mash Whismur (SUB: If Whismur is fainted use Yawn on Aron)
3. Chill
Doran, your Whismur is wrong. It should have Rank 0 Special Defense, since it's Rash. In addition, it should have 28 Speed, not 24. I'm not going back through the matches and fixing whoever attacked Whismur, but fix it.

Also, pretty sure Fake Tears lowers SpD two stages, not one.

Team Doran Dragon


Whismur (Ga-chan) (F)
HP: 26 | EN: 61 | Spe: 28
Ranks: 2/1/3/0 | Total: 10
Size: 1 | Weight: 2
Abilities: Soundproof
Other: Toxic (3 Damage)
Actions: Supersonic (Nohface) ~ Shadow Ball (Nohface) ~ Shadow Ball (Nohface)


Aron (Judgement) (M)
HP: 46 | EN: 40 | Spe: 30
Ranks: 4/4/1/2 | Total: 13
Size: 1 | Weight: 4
Abilities: Rock Head
Other: Burned

Team Woodchuck


HP: 54 | EN: 24 | Spe: 75
Ranks: 3/2/1/2 | Total: 13
Size: 1 | Weight: 1
Abilities: Technician
Other: None
Actions: Substitute (15) ~ Tail Slap (Whismur) ~ chill / Tail Slap (Whismur)


Nohface (Dr. Nop) (M)
HP: 74 | EN: 41 | Spe: 12 (+, 5%)
Ranks: 2/3/0/3 | Total: 13
Size: 1 | Weight: 3
Abilities: Levitate
Other: +1 Defense, -1 Accuracy, -2 Special Defense
Actions: Bodyblock ~ Meteor Mash (Whismur) / Yawn (Aron) ~ chill

Round 4: Fuck It's Four In The Morning

EC sets up a Substitute (15). It's immediately mauled into fluffy gibs by Judgement's Head Smash. Ga-chan tries a Supersonic on Dr. Nop, but it misses, of course. Dr. Nop valiantly tries to protect his partner, but he just couldn't get there in time. Sad.

Changing tactics, EC Tail Slap (2)s Ga-chan, and is whacked again with another Head Smash with no shield protecting her. Oof. Ga-chan goes on the offensive too, slamming a Shadow Ball into Dr. Nop, who retaliates with a Meteor Mash, KO'ing the Whismur!

EC, barely still standing, chills to recover some energy. Judgement is KO'd due to energy exhaustion. Oops. Dr. Nop chills too.

Team Doran Dragon


Whismur (Ga-chan) (F)
HP: 0 | EN: 0 | Spe: 28
Ranks: 2/1/3/0 | Total: 10
Size: 1 | Weight: 2
Abilities: Soundproof
Other: Toxic (4 Damage)


Aron (Judgement) (M)
HP: 0 | EN: 0| Spe: 30
Ranks: 4/4/1/2 | Total: 13
Size: 1 | Weight: 4
Abilities: Rock Head
Other: Burned

Team Woodchuck


HP: 21 | EN: 20 | Spe: 75
Ranks: 3/2/1/2 | Total: 13
Size: 1 | Weight: 1
Abilities: Technician
Other: None


Nohface (Dr. Nop) (M)
HP: 62 | EN: 47 | Spe: 12 (+, 5%)
Ranks: 2/3/0/3 | Total: 13
Size: 1 | Weight: 3
Abilities: Levitate
Other: -1 Accuracy, -1 Special Defense

Minccino Substitute (11 Energy)
Aron Head Smash v Minccino = 12 + (4 / 1.5) + 3 - 3 + 3 = (18 Damage, 14 Energy)
Whismur Supersonic v Nohface (3 Energy)
Nohface Bodyblock
Aron Burn (2 Damage)
Whismur Toxic (3 Damage)

Minccino Tail Slap (2) v Whismur = 8 + 3 + 3 = (14 Damage, 5 Energy)
Aron Head Smash v Minccino = 12 + (4 / 1.5) + 3 - 3 + 3 = (18 Damage, 18 Energy)
Whismur Shadow Ball v Nohface = 8 - 3.5 = (12 Damage, 6 Energy)
Nohface Meteor Mash v Whismur = 10 + 3 + 1.5 = (15 Damage, 6 Energy)
Aron Burn (2 Damage)
Whismur Toxic (3 Damage)

Minccino Chill (+12 Energy)
Aron Head Smash v Minccino = (22 Energy, ded)
Nohface Chilll (+12 Energy)

Whismur = Ded
Aron = Ded
Minccino: -33 HP, -4 Energy
Nohface: -12 HP, +6 Energy

Woodchuck, go. Probably some errors since I just got here. Also, it's four thirty. Fuck.
I'd go but i have no targets to attack
imo Doran Dragon is the man to fix that

(and thanks for reffing at four in the morning!)
not sarcastic i mean thank you for being willing to do that
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