OU Doublade


i gotta sleep so i'll see what i can do about comments explaining and exhorting.

I really don't like your "powerful special attackers" checks and counters tab. Simply put, they all resist gyro ball and don't even mind Sacred Sword. These are of course the best special attackers vs. Doublade for these reasons, especially the first, but as a result it's not really a representative sample. Although those mons most definitely deserve their mentions, i'd like ones like, say, landorus, which still beat it but not so one-sidedly.


The sentence in the overview about the megas and terrakion was really awkward, so i tried to cut down on the word count to fix this; many of the edits there aren't strictly necessary in a grammatical sense, but the less words in that sentence the better. That said i do like that it's there, so regardless of what you do about those changes, try to keep it in.

I don't think you need Wish and Heal Bell support; one should really be sufficient. Feel free to disagree, depending on your experience.

If you're going to re-mention a Pokemon, i prefer to reference the original mention; makes it more coherent.

Charizard X doesn't also appreciate stuff being toxic'd because there was no original thing he appreciated.

Mega garde is never forced to use focus, so motivated is a better descriptor.

Checks and counters stuff needs more detail. Mandibuzz has taunt, how does slowbro beat it, i included the bisharp stuff myself.


After the Aegislash ban, many powerful wallbreakers that Aegislash stopped can now roam free without having to run additional coverage to get past it. By virtue of its typing and natural bulk, Doublade fills the void left by Aegislash's departure. Its ability to beat the likes of Mega Heracross, Mega Medicham, and Mega Gardevoir makes it a popular choice on stall teams. The fact that the metagame stopped preparing for its defensive typing after the Aegislash ban, for example,with Mega Medicham stfoppred usgoing Fire Punch, whileand Mega Pinsir, Mega Heracross, and Terrakion stopped usitching Earthquake, giaves Doublade the ability to completely stop a few key threats. Its immunability to be trappeding is a huge advantage over the likes of Ferrothorn and Skarmory, who need to run Shed Shell to avoid Shadow Tag and Magnet Pull from breaking their team down. Unfortunately, Doublade's ability No Guard makes all moves used against it, such notasbly Hydro Pump, Fire Blast, and Will-O-Wisp, always hit. Doublade's Special Defense stat is also very mediocre, meaning it gets severely worn down by a few things it is supposed to counter, namely Mega- Gardevoir, Latias and Latios. Doublade also suffers because that its only form of recovery is Rest, requiring it to rbe unsed with both Wish and Heal Bell support to function efficiently and wall threats consistently. While Doublade has many flaws, it is irreplaceable for its niche in the OU metagame.

Mixed Wall
name: Mixed Wall
move 1: Gyro Ball
move 2: Toxic
move 3: Sleep Talk / Sacred Sword / Pursuit
move 4: Rest
ability: No Guard
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe
nature: Sassy


Gyro Ball is a strong STAB move that deals a lot of damage to the things Doublade counters. Toxic cripples common switch-ins such as Mega Charizard X/ and Y, Talonflame, Mega Manectric, and bulky Ground- and Water-types. Sleep Talk is useful so Doublade will not be complete setup bait after you use Rest, while Sacred Sword is mainly for Bisharp, who would otherwise beswitch winto you eakensily angd wear you down with Pursuit, and to hit Heatran and Magnezone on the switch. Pursuit traps the likes of Gothitelle, Latias, and Latios. Rest is the only recovery Doublade gets, and should only be used when Doublade gets weakened; it also cures its status.

Set Details

Thise EV spread iand addition with Eviolite allows Doublade to take on Mega Gardevoir reliably, as; Doublade is already physically bulky enough to take on Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, Mega Heracross, Terrakion, Hawlucha, Lucario, and Breloom. A Sassy nature withand a 0 sSpeed IVs allpow Doublade to score crucialp OHKOs and 2HKOs Gyron the threBats it checks and countersll.

Usage Tips

Doublade has an average Special Defense stat, so only switch in on resisted special attacks. Use Toxic early-game as Doublade forces many switches, and be careful around Pursuit trappers. Try to avoid getting worn down by certain threats if you also need to take on other ones,; for example, don't switch it in on Latios if there is also a Mega Gardevoir on the opposing team.

Team Options

Doublade appreciates cleric support, so pairing it up with Chansey, Sylveon or Clefable is a good idea. Doublade needs to be paired with a counter to wallbreakers that beat it, such as Landorus, Mega Charizard Y and Crawdaunt), since they can take advantage of it very easily and threaten the rest of your team, so specially defensive Gliscor, Chansey, and Chesnaught are goptions wich coverd theam rmatespectively. Doublade should also be paired up with an additional check to Mega Gardevoir, since it cannot always take it on on its own, so Jirachi makes for a good partner. Bisharp is a big threat to Doublade, therefsore checks to it such as Chesnaught and Mega Charizard X and Chesnaught are amazing partners.; Mega Charizard X also enjoys Slowbro and Landorus-T getting hit by Toxiced and takes on stallbreakers such as Mew and Gengar, while Chesnaught takes on Crawdaunt, as mentioned before. Heatran also pairs up well with Doubalade given that is able to switch into Mega Gardevoir's Hyper Voice, fmorctivating it to go foruse Focus Blast, which gives Doublade an easier time switching into it the next turn. It also takes on Hidden Power Fire Latios and Mega Charizard- X without Earthquake. Checks to Keldeo, Mega Charizard X, and Landorus, such as Mega Venusaur, Slowbro and Mandibuzz, respectively, are recommended, as they come in easily on Doublade.

Other Options

Doublade doesn't have many options in its arsenal, but Shadow Sneak is usable for finishing off weakened opponents such as Mega Medicham and Mega Gardevoir, and dealing chip damage before you get KOed. A Swords Dance set with Shadow Sneak, Sacred Sword and a coverage move with a spread of 128 HP / 116 Atk / 48 Def / 216 SpD and a Sassy nature could work, as Doublade forces many switches, howeverbut it's easily revenge killed by fFire types such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Heatran, and Talonflame and it's easily walled by common Ground-types and physical walls in the tier.

Checks & Counters

**Bisharp**: Bisharp threatens Doublade with Pursuit and Knock Off and doesn't mind Gyro Ball or Toxic, but it must be careful not to switch into Sacred Sword.

**Mandibuzz**: Mandibuzz dislikes Toxic, but it walls Doublade and can wear it down with Foul Play or remove its Eviolite with Knock Off.

**Slowbro**: The best thing Doublade can dTo agaxinstc Slowbro is Toxic it, but itSlowbro heals any damage it has taken with Regenerator.

**Powerful Special Attackers**: Mega Charizard Y, Keldeo, Thundurus, and Manectric are some special attackers that force Doublade out,; however, they must be wary of switching into Toxic.

**Bulky Ground-types**: Gliscor walls Doublade completely, and while Landorus-T and Hippowdown don't like to switch into Toxic, they can tank any of Doublade's hits and force it out.

**Poison-types**: Amoonguss and Mega Venusaur don't mind abounything Doublade does at all, and they can threaten it with Hidden Power Fire.

**Steel-types**: Heatran is inmmune to Toxic, takes negligible damage from Gyro Ball, and is 3HKOed by Sacred Sword can't even 2HKO it. Skarmory and Ferrothorn can't do much damage to Doublade, but Doublade can't do much to them either and they can set up Stealnthry Rockhazards, and phaze you out or use Leech Seed, or esphazective lyou out.

**Fire-types**: Talonflame, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Charizard Y take negligible damage from Doublade's attacks and can proceed to destroy it or set up on it for free; however, they also dislike Toxic.
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After the Aegislash ban, many powerful wallbreakers that Aegislash stopped can now roam free without having to run additional coverage to get past it. By virtue of its typing and natural bulk, Doublade fills the void left by Aegislash's departure. Its ability to beat the likes of Mega Heracross, Mega Medicham, and Mega Gardevoir makes it a popular choice on stall teams. The fact that the metagame stopped preparing for its defensive typing after the Aegislash ban, (AC) for example, such as Mega Medicham stopped using forfeiting Fire Punch, while and Mega Pinsir, Mega Heracross, and Terrakion stopped using forfeiting Earthquake, (AC) gives Doublade the ability to completely stop a few important threats. Its inability to be trapped immunity to trapping is a huge advantage over the likes of Ferrothorn and Skarmory, who which need to run Shed Shell to avoid Shadow Tag and Magnet Pull from breaking their team down. Unfortunately, Doublade's ability No Guard makes all moves used against it such as Hydro Pump, Fire Blast, and Will-O-Wisp always hit. Doublade's Special Defense stat is also very mediocre, meaning it gets severely worn down by a few things it is supposed to counter, namely Mega Gardevoir (remove hyphen), Latias, (AC) and Latios. Doublade also suffers because that its only form from a lack of of recovery is apart from Rest, requiring making it to run require both Wish and Heal Bell support to function efficiently and wall threats consistently. While Doublade has many flaws, it is irreplaceable for its niche in the OU metagame.

Mixed Wall
name: Mixed Wall
move 1: Gyro Ball
move 2: Toxic
move 3: Sleep Talk / Sacred Sword / Pursuit
move 4: Rest
ability: No Guard
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe
nature: Sassy


Gyro Ball is a strong STAB move that deals a lot of damage to the things threats Doublade counters. Toxic cripples common switch-ins such as Mega Charizard X/Y and Y, Talonflame, Mega Manectric, and bulky Ground- and Water-types. Sleep Talk is useful so Doublade will not be complete setup bait after you use using Rest, while Sacred Sword is mainly for Bisharp, who which would otherwise be weakening you threaten Doublade, and to hit Heatran and Magnezone on the switch. Pursuit traps the likes of Gothitelle, Latias, and Latios. Rest is the only recovery Doublade gets, (RC) and should only be used when Doublade gets weakened; it also cures its status.

Set Details

This EV spread in addition with Eviolite allows Doublade to take on Mega Gardevoir reliably, as Doublade is already physically bulky enough to take on Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, Mega Heracross, Terrakion, Hawlucha, Lucario, and Breloom. A Sassy nature with 0 speed IVs maximizes Gyro Ball's power, allowing Doublade to score crucial OHKOs and 2HKOs on the threats it checks and or counters.

Usage Tips

Doublade has an average Special Defense stat, so only switch in on resisted special attacks. Use Toxic early-game, (AC) as Doublade forces many switches, and be careful around Pursuit trappers. Try to avoid getting worn down by certain threats if you also need Doublade to take on other ones: (colon) for example, don't switch it in on Latios if there is also a Mega Gardevoir on the opposing team.

Team Options

Doublade appreciates cleric support, so pairing it up with Chansey, Sylveon, (AC) or Clefable is a good idea. Doublade needs to be paired with a counter to wallbreakers that beat it, such as Landorus, Mega Charizard Y, (AC) and Crawdaunt), (AC) since because they can take advantage of it very easily and threaten the rest of your team. (period) so Specially defensive Gliscor, Chansey, and Chesnaught, respectively, are options wich that cover them respectively. Doublade should also be paired up with an additional check to Mega Gardevoir, since as it cannot always take it on on its own, so Jirachi makes for a good partner. Bisharp is a big threat to Doublade; (SC) therefore, (AC) checks to it such as Chesnaught and Mega Charizard X are amazing partners. Mega Charizard X also enjoys Slowbro and Landorus-T getting Toxiced and takes on stallbreakers such as Mew and Gengar. Heatran also pairs up well with Doubalde Doublade given that because it is able to switch into Mega Gardevoir's Hyper Voice (RC) forcing and force it to go for Focus Blast, which gives Doublade an easier time switching into it the next turn. It also takes on Hidden Power Fire Latios and Mega Charizard-X without Earthquake. Checks to Keldeo, Mega Charizard X, and Landorus, (AC) such as Mega Venusaur, Slowbro, (AC) and Mandibuzz, respectively, are recommended, as they can come in easily on Doublade.

Other Options

Doublade doesn't have many options in its arsenal, but Shadow Sneak is usable for finishing off weakened opponents such as Mega Medicham and Mega Gardevoir (RC) and dealing chip damage before you Doublade gets KOed. A Swords Dance set with Shadow Sneak, Sacred Sword, (AC) and a coverage move with an EV spread of 128 HP / 116 Atk / 48 Def / 216 SpD and a Sassy nature could work, as Doublade forces many switches; (SC) however, (AC) it's easily revenge killed by Fire-types (add hyphen) such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Heatran, and Talonflame, (AC) and it's easily walled by common Ground-types and physical walls in the tier.

Checks & Counters

**Bisharp**: Bisharp threatens Doublade with Pursuit and Knock Off, but it must be careful not to switch into Sacred Sword.

**Mandibuzz**: Mandibuzz dislikes Toxic, but it walls Doublade and can wear it down with Foul Play or remove its Eviolite with Knock Off.

**Slowbro**: The best thing Doublade can do against Slowbro is Toxic it, but it heals any damage it has taken with Regenerator.

**Powerful Special Attackers**: Mega Charizard Y, Keldeo, Thundurus, and Manectric are some special attackers that force Doublade out; (SC) however, they must be wary of switching into Toxic.

**Bulky Ground-types**: Gliscor walls Doublade completely, (AC) and while Landorus-T and Hippowdown Hippowdon don't like to switch into Toxic, they can tank any of Doublade's hits and force it out.

**Poison-types**: Amoonguss and Mega Venusaur don't mind care (or 'don't mind Doublade', 'don't mind anything about Doublade', idc, just not 'don't mind about Doublade') about Doublade at all, and they can threaten it with Hidden Power Fire.

**Steel-types**: Heatran is inmune immune to Toxic (RC) and takes negligible damage from Gyro Ball, (AC) and while Sacred Sword can't even 2HKO it. Skarmory and Ferrothorn can't do much damage to Doublade, but Doublade can't do much to them either, (AC) and they can set up Stealth Rocks Rock, use Leech Seed, or phaze you out Doublade.

**Fire-types**: Talonflame, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Charizard Y take negligible damage from Doublade's attacks and can proceed to destroy it or set up on it for free; however, they also dislike Toxic.

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