some of the things that have been asked in the damage formula topic
- uses up 1 PP
- 30-60-120-240-480 base power
- 60-120-240-480-960 base power if used defense curl before and didn´t switch/faint, rollout doesn´t have to be used right after defense curl (example: defense curl -> milk drink -> rollout 60 base), one succesfull rollout doesn´t „use up“ the defense curl effect, you can miss with rollout and the next („new“) one will also start at 60 base
- more defense curls (more than 1) don´t boost move power again
TEST1: defense curl, rollout 60-miss, milk drink, rollout 60-120-240-480-KO, milk drink, rollout 60-120-240-miss
TEST2: defense curl, rollout 60-120-240-480-960, milk drink, 60-120-240-480-960, switch, switch, rollout 30-60-miss, defense curl, defense curl, rollout 60-120-240-480-960 ...
ICE BALL works exactly like ROLLOUT, everything I said about rollout applies to ice ball, tested it
- doubles move power everytime you use the move again, the gained power doesn´t get lost if you use a different move between two fury cutters, it does get lost if you switch/faint
- fury cutter max base power is 160, you get 160 power on the 5th fury cutter you use (10-20-40-80-160) and it stays at 160 until you switch out/faint
tested this with a gliscor, lv. 50, 115attack using fury cutter against 102def snorlax,
damage I got: 75, 81, 72
150 base pwr calc. dmg: 64-76
160 base pwr calc. dmg: 68-81
170 base pwr calc. dmg: 73-86
- attacks three times in one turn with the message: „Hit 3 time(s)!
technician hitmontop, lv. 25, 53attack, triple kick vs 20def chansey
damage: 170, and other damages around 165 (with an added lv.9 pachi QA damage)
12 x 53 x 10 / 20 / 50) + 2) x R = 6-8 x 1.5 x 2 = 18-24
12 x 53 x 20 / 20 / 50) + 2) x R = 11-14 x 1.5 x 2 = 32-42
12 x 53 x 30 / 20 / 50) + 2) x R = 17-21 x 1.5 x 2 = 50-62
12 x 53 x 40 / 20 / 50) + 2) x R = 22-27 x 1.5 x 2 = 66-80
12 x 53 x 15 / 20 / 50) + 2) x R = 9-11 x 1.5 x 2 = 26-32
12 x 53 x 30 / 20 / 50) + 2) x R = 17-21 x 1.5 x 2 = 50-62
12 x 53 x 45 / 20 / 50) + 2) x R = 25-30 x 1.5 x 2 = 74-90
12 x 53 x 60 / 20 / 50) + 2) x R = 34-40 x 1.5 x 2 = 102-120
18 + 32 + 50 = 100
24 + 42 + 62 = 128
10-20-30 base power without technician boost: 100-128 dmg
18 + 32 + 66 = 116
24 + 42 + 80 = 146
10-20-40 base power without technician boost: 116-146 dmg
26 + 50 + 74 = 150
32 + 62 + 90 = 184
10-20-30 base power with technician boost: 150-184 dmg
26 + 50 + 102 = 178
32 + 62 + 120 = 214
10-20-40 base power with technician boost: 178-214 dmg
looks like the third kick has 30 base power, after all
EDIT: cut out my personal dmg calcs from the rollout test, which helped me figure out the base power