Official DPP - Latias Test (Second Voting)

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M Dragon

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Voting on: Latias
List of qualified voters:

If you are qualified, but your name isn't on the list, then PM me.

When voting use the following format:

Latias: OU
Latias: Ubers

Failing to follow the above format will result into your vote being IGNORED.

In order for Latias to get unbanned in OU, a minimum 50% OU votes will be needed.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a private message. Don't post anything, but your vote in this thread. Also, ONLY POST ONCE. Don't make more than one post or you will be infracted.

If you are having any technical problem when voting, please try waiting one hour after you login into forums. If you continue having problems, please PM Hikari or Hogg

To ensure the integrity of the Suspect Process, voters won't be allowed to change their vote once they submit their post. Think carefully before casting your vote, because you won't get the chance to change it.

The voting stage ends on Saturday, July 6th at 11:59 PM GMT +1; the result might be announced earlier if the missing votes won't have an impact on the decision anymore.
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