NU DPP NU Cup - Round 1

act, didn't reply till fri, ignored my offered time and question, then he said he was on and ready at a time I wasn't...
Screenshot at Sep 04 17-43-25.png
Activity Wins:

MrSoup over dragonitenb
outbackrabbit over Spacial
banbadoro over Quartosa
Lialiabeast over Indulge in dreams
dunoks over Drud
Mr.Bossaru over giove97

Given Wins:

Togkey over Heuxo
Eivor over KaiserKaiba
Heysup over NoahDeKnight
Shing'n Streets over Royal1604


robjr vs OranBerryBlissey10
Ara Ara vs Danny
Pokeslice vs TheKingKarp
Nezloe vs King Billu

Round 2 coming up shortly