DPP OU: The Forgotten Year Tournament - Round 1

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Banned deucer.
bye vs Hantsuki
bye vs DestinyUnknown
Dude24 vs SilentRevolver - Meh
apologies vs DC.
Valentine vs ThatsMyLatios - Good luck!
Cristal vs kokoloko
Turnip123 vs Halley
Heist vs Alice - Close match
CriCri95 vs Da Letter El - Don't know either kid - good luck
Steven Snype vs bye
H-C vs DracoMalfoy
dragonuser vs DarkLoïc
Brap vs Kojes
fatty vs Scimjara - gl
lily vs bro fist
MikeDecIsHere vs Leftiez
Terraquaza vs Eo Ut Mortus
WhiteQueen vs BIG loven
Django vs Maxim
Nauar vs Colchonero - gl
bye vs Princess Bri
DrMohammadLi vs Anno nyme - gl
Lohgock vs bye
badabing vs bye
Brotom vs Rayzark
Joel vs Lavos Spawn
MJB vs MarceloDK
BKC vs Akholic
Awmgnoob vs Cicada
Orichalcos Owl vs bye
Milos vs Tyranitarphantom
XX Coren37 vs LizardMan
myzozoa vs TV-Rocka
199 Lives vs King
bye vs yee
blarajan vs zzazzdsa
bye vs davidness
Pkrs vs Ojama
xtrashine vs SethZiBritannia
Weegee the haxer vs ShadowPhoenix - gl
Ciele vs Dr Ciel
IceCarAdler vs Kennen
undisputed vs Nachos
Fakes vs extremebeta
Rydro vs PasY_G
Living Things vs exotic
Trollmonchan vs Jedgi
bye vs soviet
LucaroArkZ vs Iris
cim vs A l e x a n d e r
~GreenCore vs symphonyx64 - dunno, gl
Pedrock vs Vinc2612 - dunno, gl
locopoke vs papai noel - hmm close match
Seco453 vs CheezItKing - gl
JabbaTheGriffin vs Demist
Stone_Cold vs Iconic - Mother of fucking shit. Best r1 match. Wish i could spec.
MAlkaviano vs Windsong - GL
Skillie23 vs sandshrewz
FelixMinamimoto vs Funkasaurus
RT. vs .Robert
B-Lulz vs lijero13ss
lapras6666 vs kael
pokebasket vs 6A9 Ace Matador
Private vs mostwanted

Good luck to everyone! Messaging my opponent shortly.

[09:01:03] <Earthworm|Away> i trust you not to rig them

>Steven Snype vs bye

#Broken trust - shattered hearts - 10/26/12 nevar 4get


The V stands for VGC
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Won the first in a close one, it ends with a curse battle "first crit first win"

We'll play the other battles tomorrow
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