Despite SS and Head TD starmaster talking about supporting the Draft tier in SCL, he is too much of a coward to make a thread on it. As a result, the next most influential Smogon Draft player (me) will do the dirty work and get the ball rolling
SCL is coming to a close shortly, so I wanted to bring this idea up ASAP so timing / short notice doesn't become an issue that would potentially hinder the chances
Clarifications: this is not a thread about adding or removing any tiers besides Draft as ik goobers love to be like "hmm this idea is interesting, but what if we added SU" (which is a real tier).
Idea: Gen 9 Draft in + OU4 to make 12
Symmetry enthusiasts would love to have SPL and SCL have the same number of OU slots and total slot numbers.
I've started exploring Draft since joining my first tournaments for it about two years ago, both individual ones (an insane amount of these exist) and team tour ones (DCL, DPL). It's honestly quite incredible how much passion and effort goes into these tournaments and the amount of times people can showcase skill gaps and innovation gaps, two prime mechanics of competitive Pokemon. Every Draft team tournament I've been in, the managers and players are always so active and enthusiastic about supporting one another and helping them bring the dubs in, and this is a climate I seldom see in most other subforum PLs. Obviously, this specifically could be bc of me or the teams I've been drafted to, but the level of activity in effort in Draft tours would shock you guys greatly.
There are a ridiculous amount of draft tournaments people play for 0 reward at all (crazy, right?) besides their enjoyment of the game and striving to improve. There are also many enormous leagues that offer a level of prestige or cash prizes. These get hundreds of applicants that get filtered through and people get picked based on their accomplishments in other leagues or (now) Smogon Draft tournaments. Draft has an enormous community and an abundance of players considered The Best as every community tier in SCL does.
The Best part: to me, I really like that every single member of an SCL team can be involved with the Draft slot. Not to say that it's best that they do, but anyone curious or interested can easily build a fast team to test (mock in draft) and provide their own unique spin on the matchup. If you keep up with any tier that your teammates play (ok besides LC probably, but sometimes ppl be pulling up with crazy LCs), you'll be able to recognize Pokemon and provide input on what they can do.
An example of how draft functions:

Prior to week 1, teams draft different teams with the other 7 teams and select Pokemon in a snake pick order (THIS IS AWESOME BC SCL ALWAYS HAS A WEEK 1 BREAK!!!). There is a set point allocation limit to your draft. You designate Tera Captains that have certain costs higher than others. Then, you pick the team you'd like to use and your opp picks theirs, so pretty straightforward stuff. For actual prep, I would just make my own teams and roll with it, but teammates would always have valuable input that I'd take into consideration. Ex: I wouldn't have thought of Punching Gloves Tera Electric Blast Urshifu as being my biggest threat until it was pointed out to me, and look what they ended up bringing .. wow!
Any teammate of yours (for better or worse) is able to chime in with anything they deem helpful, so for the first time in SCL history, we would have a universal tier that anyone can support and be involved in without having to play a million ladder games or watch a bunch of replays.
- Week Break: all 10 teams' Draft players (and anyone else they'd include such as managers or other players) will draft two different teams with a randomized pick order. So my team 1 might be Pick #3 while my team 2 might be Pick #7. There are guidelines and rules on draft timers and skips on picks (if you run out of time), so the teams will always be done before Week 1, and can be set to be done before Sunday completely.
- Sunday night: the Draft player will pick 1 of 2 teams that they think has the general favorable matchup into their coming week's opponents
- Prep and scheduling follow as usual
Long ass post so tl;dr: It is the most potentially interactive tier of them all and teammates can all contribute without compromising a lot of their own personal time/personal prep time. The week gap that always exists is perfect for teams to draft their picks.
As necessary, definitely check out the Draft team tour threads to get an idea
EDIT: fixed to add 12 tier symmetry with SPL.
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