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name: ParaFlinch
move 1: Glare / Body Slam
move 2: Coil
move 3: Headbutt / Rock Slide
move 4: Roost
item: Leftovers
ability: Serene Grace
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
[Other Options]
[Checks and Counters]
- Not that amazing of a Pokemon from first glance.
- Mediocre offensive stat; its defensive stats are decent, however.
- Seriously outclassed as a team supporter.
- Can run a defensive ParaFlinch set thanks to Serene Grace and Coil, and underestimating its physical walling capabilities is a mistake.
- Does pretty well walling special attacks as well.
- Glare allows Dunsparce to cripple fast sweepers.
- Has a recovery option in Roost, increasing its longevity.
- Powerful offensive threats, namely CB Sawk, can break through Dunsparce easily.
- Overlooked in the NU tier, but its niche can aid a team with proper support.
name: ParaFlinch
move 1: Glare / Body Slam
move 2: Coil
move 3: Headbutt / Rock Slide
move 4: Roost
item: Leftovers
ability: Serene Grace
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
- The only set Dunsparce should be running; Serene Grace allows Dunsparce to have a great niche with ParaFlinch.
- Thanks to Coil, Roost, and viable defensive stats, Dunsparce can run a defensive set. While it can't handle many special attackers, it makes for a pretty good physical wall; Even after a Swords Dance, a 252 Samurott can only 2HKO Dunsparce with Waterfall; two Coils usually does the trick in terms of bulk. Special attackers have some issues with it as well: Jynx can only 2HKO Dunsparce, and in return, it can paralyze it.
- The goal of this set is to paralyze it, then either let a teammate set up without fear of being outsped, or to continually flinch the opponent.
- Glare is recommend for paralyzing the adversary. While its initial accuracy may be noticed, after a Coil, Glare is a dangerous move, as it can paralyze any Pokemon, even Ground-types. However, if you want to test your luck with Serene Grace, or simply have a STAB move for Dunsparce, Body Slam can be used, having a 60% chance to paralyze the foe.
- Coil is an important move to the set as well, as it allows Dunsparce to be an decent physical wall, as well as raising its offensive prowess.
- While Headbutt is a STAB move, Rock Slide provides more coverage, so the choice is between that. Either way, they are both flinching moves that ties with the paraflinching strategy.
- Roost is the final move of the set, healing Dunsparce in a pinch, and maintaining its HP throughout the match.
- Serene Grace is the staple to the set, as it allows Dunsparce to continually immobilize the opponent.
- Leftovers increases Dunsparce's longevity.
- Dunsparce runs a defensive EV spread so it can tank as much attacks as possible, rather than attacking. 252 Special Defense EVs help balance Dunsparce's defenses after a Coil boost, and a Careful nature maximizes it, raising it to acceptable heights.
- Bite is an option for the third moveslot to deal with Ghost-types while still staying in the paraflinch theme.
- Thunder Wave can be used in the first moveslot for a reliable 100% accuracy, unlike Glare. However, after a Coil, Glare outclasses T-Wave, as it not only has reliable accuracy, it can hit Ground-types, something T-Wave cannot do.
- Substitute is an option, as status cripples Dunsparce. It works well with Roost, allowing Dunsparce to survive much longer. However, finding a moveslot for it can be difficult.
- Since Dunsparce's job is to spread paralysis to the adversary, Pokemon that appreciate slower opponents are good partners to Dunsparce. Mixed Samurott both are setup Pokemon that aren't very fast, so they'd appreciate slower opponents. Samurott can also deal with Golem and Gigalith, two Pokemon Dunsparce can't physically touch.
- CB Golurk is a great partner as it likes outspeeding offensive Pokemon to destroy them and can beat Golem and Gigalith.
- Toxic Spikes and Toxic bothers Dunsparce, as it slowly deprives it of HP. A cleric, such as Musharna and Miltank (the former can deal with Tangela, a Pokemon that walls Dunsparce, while the latter can aid in paralysizing Pokemon as well) are great choices. A Rapid Spin user usually isn't necessary, but if Toxic Spikes are too much to handle, Wartortle and Armaldo are good choices; Wartortle can potentially burn an opponent with Scald, which makes Dunsparce more difficult to defeat.
- Even with Special Defense investment, Dunsparce is still lacking in that department. Special walls, such as Gardevoir, Regice, and Flareon, can take the special attacks for Dunsparce; in return, it takes the physical attacks for them.
- Ghost-types, such as Golurk and Misdreavus, bring grief to Dunsparce, as it can't scar them. Skuntank is a great counter to both of them (fearing Wow from Missy).
[Other Options]
- While Dunsparce has only one viable set, there are also many other options that it can consider that requires more team support.
- RestTalk set is viable with Coil and an attack move, but unless Dunsparce starts setting up, it can easily be beaten.
- Aqua Tail is an alternative coverage move against Rock- and Ground-type Pokemon, but doesn't offer much beyond that.
- A Curse + Gyro Ball combo is also a viable option, as it raises Dunsparce's Attack and Defense, while making Gyro Ball stronger by moving slower than its adversary.
[Checks and Counters]
- With Coil, Dunsparce becomes increasingly difficult to defeat physically, so the best way to handle it is to get rid of it before it sets up.
- Special attackers - Dunsparce's subpar Special Defense is a flaw to be taken advantage of. Kadabra, Gardevoir, and Shell Smash Gorebyss all can tear through Dunsparce. However, they must be careful of Glare, which will immobilize them.
- Fighting-types and strong physical attackers, specifically Sawk, Gurdurr, and Swords Dance Armaldo, can handle Dunsparce.
- Ghost-types, namely Golurk and Misdreavus, take very little damage from any of Dunsparce's attacks, and can either attack back, or status it.
- The majority of physical walls, such as Gigalith, Golem, and Alomomola, can take any of Dunsparce's attacks and retaliate back.
- Taunt users can prevent Dunsparce from using Glare and Coil; Misdreavus and Liepard are prime choices. Misdreavus also can wall any of Dunsparce's attacks, and is immune to its STAB moves.
- Toxic is something that completely checkmates Dunsparce as it has no way of removing status by itself.
- Pokemon that can potentially brush off paralysis, such as Shed Skin Dragonair and Roselia, can can set up on Dunsparce, or lay hazards, as its attacks isn't going to harm either of them. Offensive Roselia can get rid of Dunsparce as well.
- Bulky Substitute users, such as Eelektross, can avoid the paralysis of Dunsparce, and set up behind the Sub. Eelektross in particular can also phaze Dunsparce out with Dragon Tail, preventing it from setting up. Serperior can do the same.
- Tangela can wall Dunsparce, doesn't really mind taking a paralysis, and can use Leech Seed to slowly drain its HP, or use Sleep Powder to immobilize it.
- If Dunsparce is statused itself, it can be rendered useless. WoW Misdreavus and Probopass can status Dunsparce, while taking little from any of its attacks.
- If you can stop Dunsparce before it can ParaFlinch, then it won't be much of an issue to defeat. Most Pokemon are generally faster than it, but if not, having a Choice Scarf user can help you.
<p>Even when Dunsparce was first introduced, it was ignored and neglected. Now, Dunsparce has entered a new low in usage; it isn't recommended on any serious NU team, as there are many other Normal-types in the tier that can outclass Dunsparce in many aspects. The only reason Dunsparce should ever be looked upon is its access to Glare and its ability, Serene Grace, together granting it a niche with a high paraflinch chance. With that said, Dunsparce cannot just fit onto any team; serious support is needed for it to be of use.</p>
name: ParaFlinch
move 1: Glare / Body Slam
move 2: Coil
move 3: Headbutt / Rock Slide
move 4: Roost
item: Leftovers
ability: Serene Grace
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
<p>A paraflinch set is the only thing Dunsparce should be running, as it takes advantage of its one niche, but it also relies on luck. Thanks to Coil, Roost, and its viable defenses, Dunsparce can run a defensive set. While its Special Defense isn't great, it is enough to tank hits. To reach an acceptable level of bulk, two Coils are usually needed. Special attackers have some issues with it as well: Jynx can only 2HKO Dunsparce; in return, it can paralyze Jynx. The goal of this set is to paralyze the opponent and either switch into a teammate to set up or continually flinch the opponent.</p>
<p>Glare is recommended in the first moveslot; while its initial accuracy might not be perfect, after a Coil boost, Glare is a dangerous move, as it can paralyze any Pokemon, even Ground-types. However, if you want to have a STAB move for Dunsparce, Body Slam can be used, boasting a 60% chance to paralyze the foe. Coil is an important move to the set as well, as it allows Dunsparce to be an decent physical wall aincreasingly its offensive prowess. Choosing which move to use in the third moveslot reflects on the choice of the first moveslot. If Body Slam is used, Rock Slide is recommended, as having two similar STAB moves of the same type generally isn't a good idea. If Glare is used, Headbutt is the move of choice. Roost is the final move of the set, healing Dunsparce in a pinch and maintaining its HP throughout the match.</p>
<p>Serene Grace is the key aspect to the set, as it allows Dunsparce to consistently immobilize the opponent. Leftovers increases Dunsparce's longevity. Dunsparce runs a defensive EV spread so it can tank as much attacks as possible, rather than attacking. 252 Special Defense EVs help balance Dunsparce's defenses after a Coil boost, and a Careful nature maximizes it, raising it to acceptable heights. As for other move options, Bite can be used in the third moveslot to deal with Ghost-types while still attaining the paraflinch strategy. Thunder Wave can be used in the first moveslot for a reliable 100% accuracy, unlike Glare. However, after a Coil, Glare outclasses Thunder Wave, as it not only has reliable accuracy, but can hit Ground-types, something Thunder Wave cannot. Finally, Substitute is an option, as status completely cripples Dunsparce. It works well with Roost, allowing Dunsparce to survive much longer. However, finding a moveslot for it can be difficult.</p>
<p>Since Dunsparce's goal is to spread paralysis to your adversary, Pokemon that appreciate slower opponents are good partners to Dunsparce. Mixed Samurott and Choice Band Golurk aren't very fast, so they'll appreciate slower opponents. They can also deal with Golem and Gigalith, two Pokemon Dunsparce can't scar. Status conditions annoy Dunsparce, so clerics such as Musharna and Miltank are great choices; the former being able to deal with Tangela, a Pokemon that walls Dunsparce, while the latter can heal statuses that are inflicted on Dunsparce while aiding in spreading paralysis to Pokemon. Poison-types such as Skuntank are good allies, as they can absorb the dreaded Toxic Spikes that Dunsparce despises. Even when it's fully invested in Special Defense, Dunsparce is still weak to special attacks. Special walls, such as Gardevoir, Regice, and Flareon, can take the special attacks for Dunsparce; in return, Dunsparce takes the physical attacks for them. Finally, Ghost-types such as Golurk and Misdreavus bring grief to Dunsparce, only fearing the rare Bite. Skuntank is a good counter to both of them, only fearing of Misdreavus's Will-O-Wisp.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>While Dunsparce only has one viable set, it has many other options that require much more team support. A RestTalk set is viable with Coil, but unless Dunsparce can set up quickly, it will be easily defeated. Aqua Tail is an alternative coverage move against Rock- and Ground-type Pokemon, but it doesn't offer much beyond that. Finally, a combination of Curse and Gyro Ball is plausible, as it not only raises Dunsparce's Attack and Defense, but it makes Gyro Ball stronger by moving slower against its adversary.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Dunsparce is in most cases very easy to defeat, but if it begins setting up with Coil or spreads paralysis to your team, it becomes increasingly difficult to defeat. Taunt users, specifically Misdreavus and Liepard, are prime choices to shut down Dunsparce. Pokemon that can potentially brush off paralysis, such as Shed Skin Dragonair, Gurdurr, and Roselia, can easily set up on Dunsparce. Substitute users such as Serperior and Eelektross can avoid Dunsparce's Glare and phaze it out with Dragon Tail before it can set up.</p>
<p>There is a plethora of Pokemon that can outright KO Dunsparce; most special attackers such as Gardevoir can tear through Dunsparce, but they must be wary of Glare. Fighting-types and strong physical attackers, such as Sawk and Swords Dance Armaldo, can handle Dunsparce easily.</p>
<p>Ironically, if Dunsparce is statused, it is rendered useless. Misdreavus and Probopass can status Dunsparce and take very little from its attacks. Toxic also completely checkmates Dunsparce, as it has no way to remove status by itself. Lastly, the majority of physical walls, such as Alomomola and Golem, can sponge any of Dunsparce's attacks.</p>