OU Emboar

By running SubPunch, you effectively only have 1 moveslot. You're running Sub, Focus Punch, Flare Blitz and filler. If you run sucker punch in the last slot, you're dead walled by every type of bulky water, and 2HKOing gliscor doesn't matter when it has poison heal, protect and roost. It can basically spam protect + roost and emboar kills itself eventually from recoil.
Wallbreaker Emboar can't OHKO Gliscor anyway, so that whole argument is moot, and dying from recoil isn't as much a factor with Leftovers. Choice/LO Emboar isn't anymore qualified to handle Slowbro outside of perfect prediction. And SubPunch is a different role, it handles different things, dependent on your team. While you can't hit Azumaril or Tentacruel, but you throw up a Sub so that you aren't so reliant on prediction. They switch in Keldeo? Focus Punch takes care of it. They send in Starmie, Gengar, or Lati@s for your STAB or if they predict a Sucker Punch on what you're currently facing, you are now protected and aren't locking yourself into a more or suffering unnecessary recoil damage against a foe you can't defeat. All the above are handled by Sucker Punch.

252 Atk Life Orb Reckless Emboar Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 259-305 (65.7 - 77.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Reckless Emboar Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 219-258 (55.5 - 65.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Clefable is still taken care of either way, only you have far more HP left from EV spread and not taking damage from Clefable's attacks, Life Orb recoil. Instead, you're gaining health back.

SubPunch handles different threats that the wallbreaker set doesn't. I already said it is better against balance and bulky offense. Some bulky waters like Politoed you handle just fine. This isn't objectively a worse set, it's a trade off based on your team.


is a Tutor Alumnus
split the the pros & cons as this is less confusing to read and give an better oversight when u satrt reading the analysis as this is the basic info for the pokemon in general. other than that this looks pretty good. 2/3
split the the pros & cons as this is less confusing to read and give an better oversight when u satrt reading the analysis as this is the basic info for the pokemon in general. other than that this looks pretty good. 2/3
thanks, I'll start writing this up!
edit: written!
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I see only one mention of a teammate in team options that you say would appreciate Emboar's wallbreaking. Pokemon like Dragon Dance Mega Altaria, Agility Mega Metagross, Substitute + Calm Mind Keldeo, and Swords Dance Talonflame all appreciate Emboar's ability to weaken / KO their defensive checks, such as Slowbro, Landorus-T, Rotom-W, and Skarmory.
I see only one mention of a teammate in team options that you say would appreciate Emboar's wallbreaking. Pokemon like Dragon Dance Mega Altaria, Agility Mega Metagross, Substitute + Calm Mind Keldeo, and Swords Dance Talonflame all appreciate Emboar's ability to weaken / KO their defensive checks, such as Slowbro, Landorus-T, Rotom-W, and Skarmory.
In addition to the above, why is mega gardevoir not in team options? That duo is incredible, not sure how you missed out on that.
don't know how I missed mgarde, will definitely add all of this!

P Squared

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GP 1/2
Here's an exercise to help you figure out whether you should be using its or it's. Every time you type it's, replace it with it is and reread the sentence. If it makes sense, it's good. If it doesn't make sense, you should be using its.
ex: Emboar is easily worn down due to it's use of recoil moves.
Replace and reread: Emboar is easily worn down due to it is use of recoil moves.
That's clearly not right. So it's is wrong. It should be its.

Emboar's great offensive STAB combination and Reckless makes make it a powerful physical wallbreaker that is extremely hard to wall. It also has the perfect movepool to abuse it's its ability, consisting of moves such as Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, and Head Smash. Emboar is also immune to burn, while also has having a solid defensive typing that allows it to check threats such as Bisharp. However, it is quite slow, but access to Sucker Punch can somewhat remedy this. Emboar is also weak to common priority moves such as Brave Bird and Aqua Jet, (remove comma) and is easily worn down due to it's its use of recoil moves, (remove comma) and susceptibility to entry hazards.

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Flare Blitz
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Wild Charge
move 4: Sucker Punch / Head Smash
ability: Reckless
item: Life Orb / Choice Band
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Flare Blitz and Superpower are the two very powerful STAB moves, while and Flare Blitz is also boosted by Reckless. Wild Charge is a must on Emboar, as it is also boosted by Reckless boosted, while also being able to hit bulky Water-types such as Azumarill, (comma) which could otherwise wall this set. Sucker Punch remedies Emboar's low Speed, but should only be used in combination with a Life Orb, as it is a horrible move to be locked into. Head Smash is also an option to hit Pokemon that wall it's Emboar's STAB combination, such as Mega Altaria, however but it is inaccurate and is best used with a Choice Band.

Set Details

Reckless is the only reason Emboar is used, as it turns it Emboar into a mediocre physical attacker into an extremely powerful wallbreaker. Life Orb allows Emboar to switch moves and is therefore makes it less reliant on prediction, but it wears down Emboar very quickly. Choice Band gives Emboar much more immediate power, at the cost of locking it being locked into a move. 252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature maximize Emboar's Speed, allowing it to outpace Gliscor and defensive variants of Mega Altaria. The rest of the EVs are poured into Attack so that Emboar can hit harder.

Usage Tips

Emboar is a wallbreaker, so it should be used as such. Try to use Emboar to break down bulkier walls so that a teammate can muscle past them. You should be clicking Flare Blitz most of the time, as it is Emboar's strongest move and deals heavy damage even to Pokemon that resist it. Don't be afraid of playing recklessly, (heheheh) as Emboar's main job is to punch major holes in the opposing team. Sucker Punch only has 8 PP and can easily be taken advantage of; only use it in certain situations, (comma) such as against faster Pokemon that threaten to outspeed and KO Emboar.

Team Options

Rotom-W has good synergy with Emboar; it is immune to Ground-type attacks, (remove comma) and resists Water- and Flying-type attacks, while also having a slow Volt Switch to bring in Emboar safely. Healing Wish users such as Jirachi and Latias are good teammates, as they can fully heal Emboar and cure it's its status, giving it another shot at wallbreaking. Emboar greatly appreciates entry hazard support, as it which allows it to obtain crucial 2HKOs and OHKOs. Ferrothorn is capable of setting up Stealth Rock and Spikes; it can also take Water- and Psychic-type attacks for Emboar, while Emboar can sponge Fire-type attacks aimed at Ferrothorn. Garchomp can set up Stealth Rock, while Emboar can break down walls for Garchomp, allowing Garchomp to sweep late-game with Swords Dance. Dragon Dance Mega Altaria, Rock Polish Mega Metagross, SubCM Substitute + Calm Mind Keldeo, and Swords Dance Talonflame all appreciate Emboar's ability to weaken their counters, such as Slowbro, Landorus-T, Rotom-W, and Skarmory. (match the order of these counters to the potential teammates, so that the first one listed above - DD Mega Altaria - is countered by the first one listed here, and so on. ignore this if it's already in order, I'm pretty dumb) Mega Gardevoir is also a fantastic partner for Emboar, as Emboar can easily defeat it's its checks and counters, (comma) such as Chansey, Skarmory, Scizor, and Ferrothorn, while Mega Gardevoir can defeat Mega Altaria and other physical walls that can take Emboar's attacks. Emboar can easily be worn down by entry hazards, so entry hazard removal is strongly appreciated. Latios and Latias can Defog away hazards, while Emboar can ward off Bisharp. Starmie can spin away entry hazards, while Emboar is able to defeat Ferrothorn and Chansey.

Other Options

Grass Knot can be used to lure in deal with Pokemon such as Quagsire, Alomomola, and Hippowdon, which Emboar often lures in; however, (comma) they are already hit quite hard by it's Emboar's STAB moves. Choice Scarf allows Emboar to act as a revenge killer, but it takes away it's its main purpose of being a wallbreaker. Will-O-Wisp neuters common switch-ins to Emboar such as Landorus-T and Mega Altaria, but Emboar will either miss out on coverage or priority. A stallbreaker set with Taunt is also feasible, but Emboar is quite slow, and it would be walled by Mega Sableye.

Checks & Counters

**Priority**: Emboar is weak to common priority moves such as Brave Bird and Aqua Jet, (comma) so it can easily be revenge killed. Talonflame's Brave Bird outprioritizes will hit before Emboar's (they have the same priority don't they? it's just that Talonflame is faster? if I'm wrong then ignore this) Sucker Punch, while Azumarill resists Sucker Punch.

**Mega Altaria**: Mega Altaria resists all of Emboar's moves, (remove comma) but takes lots of damage from Head Smash. However, it can switch in on Emboar's STAB moves, and it has Roost to keep itself healthy, and Emboar will eventually kill KO itself because of recoil.

**Landorus-T**: Landorus-T has Intimidate to weaken Emboar's attacks, but Flare Blitz can 2HKO it. However, it is still a solid check, being able to switch in on Superpower and Wild Charge, (remove comma) and KOing back with Earthquake.

**Faster Pokemon**: Any Pokemon that can stomach a Sucker Punch, and can outspeed, (comma) and KO back is a good check to Emboar. Pokemon in this category include Keldeo, Garchomp, (comma) and Mega Diancie.

**Weather Sweepers**: Common weather sweepers such as Excadrill and Mega Swampert can easily revenge kill Emboar when in their respective weather conditions.
ok, I'll implement this later.
just wondering, does 's express possession? for example, emboar's attacks are strong, or emboars attacks are strong. i think that's why I keep confusing it's and its because i thought 's meant possession.
anyway, I just implemented it :]
final GP check yay!
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P Squared

a great unrecorded history
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Yeah, in your example, it would be Emboar's attacks are strong. But the apostrophe in it's is a shortener for it is. Now that I think of it, it is it's pretty confusing. heheh

I guess you can try to think of it like... doesn't is short for does not, etc. so it's is short for it is, instead of the apostrophe signifying possession.
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blind curve
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add (Capitalize)

(comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)

Emboar's great offensive STAB combination (STAB combination is by definition offensive) and Reckless make it a powerful physical wallbreaker that is extremely hard to wall. It also has the perfect movepool to abuse its ability, consisting of moves such as Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, and Head Smash. Emboar is also immune to burn, while also having a solid defensive typing that allows it to check threats such as Bisharp. However, it is quite slow, but access to Sucker Punch can somewhat remedy this. Emboar is also weak to common priority moves such as Brave Bird and Aqua Jet and is easily worn down due to its use of recoil moves and susceptibility to entry hazards.

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Flare Blitz
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Wild Charge
move 4: Sucker Punch / Head Smash
ability: Reckless
item: Life Orb / Choice Band
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Flare Blitz and Superpower are two very powerful STAB moves, and with Flare Blitz is also being boosted by Reckless. Wild Charge is a must on Emboar, as it is also boosted by Reckless, while also being able allows it (important information first, I reckon you're using it primarily to check bulky Waters, with the Reckless boost being a bonus) to hit bulky Water-types such as Azumarill, which could otherwise wall this set, while also being boosted by Reckless. Sucker Punch remedies Emboar's low Speed, but it should only be used in combination with Life Orb, as it is a horrible move to be locked into. Head Smash is also an option to hit Pokemon that wall Emboar's STAB combination, such as Mega Altaria, but it is inaccurate and best used with Choice Band.

Set Details

Reckless is the only reason Emboar is used, as it turns Emboar into from a mediocre physical attacker into an extremely powerful wallbreaker. Life Orb allows Emboar to switch moves and therefore makes it less reliant on prediction, but it wears down Emboar very quickly. Choice Band gives Emboar much more immediate power at the cost of locking it into a move. 252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature maximize Emboar's Speed, allowing it to outpace Gliscor and defensive variants of Mega Altaria. The rest of the EVs are poured into Attack so that Emboar can hit harder.

Usage Tips

Try to use Emboar to break down bulkier walls so that a teammate can muscle past them. You should be clicking Flare Blitz most of the time, as it is Emboar's strongest move and deals heavy damage even to Pokemon that resist it. Don't be afraid of playing recklessly, as Emboar's main job is to punch major holes in the opposing team. Sucker Punch only has 8 PP and can easily be taken advantage of; only use it in certain situations, such as against faster Pokemon that threaten to outspeed and KO Emboar.

Team Options

Rotom-W has good synergy with Emboar; it is immune to Ground-type attacks and resists Water- and Flying-type attacks, while also having a slow Volt Switch to bring in Emboar safely. Healing Wish users such as Jirachi and Latias are good teammates, as they can fully heal Emboar and cure its status, giving it another shot at wallbreaking. Emboar greatly appreciates entry hazard support, which allows it to obtain crucial 2HKOs and OHKOs. Ferrothorn is capable of setting up Stealth Rock and Spikes; it can also take Water- and Psychic-type attacks for Emboar, while Emboar can sponge Fire-type attacks aimed at Ferrothorn. Garchomp can set up Stealth Rock, while Emboar can break down walls for Garchomp, allowing Garchomp to sweep late-game with Swords Dance. Dragon Dance Mega Altaria, Rock Polish Mega Metagross, Substitute + Calm Mind Keldeo, and Swords Dance Talonflame all appreciate Emboar's ability to weaken their counters, such as Skarmory, Slowbro, Rotom-W, and Landorus-T. Mega Gardevoir is also a fantastic partner for Emboar, as Emboar can easily defeat its checks and counters, such as Chansey, Skarmory, Scizor, and Ferrothorn, while Mega Gardevoir can defeat Mega Altaria and other (you're calling MAlt a physical wall right now and idk to what extent that's actually true; if you didn't mean to do so, you should remove 'other') physical walls that can take Emboar's attacks. Emboar can easily be worn down by entry hazards, so entry hazard removal is strongly appreciated. Latios and Latias can Defog away hazards, while Emboar can ward off Bisharp. Starmie can spin away entry hazards, while Emboar is able to defeat Ferrothorn and Chansey.

Other Options

Grass Knot can be used to deal with Pokemon such as Quagsire, Alomomola, and Hippowdon, which Emboar often lures in; however, they are already hit quite hard by Emboar's STAB moves. Choice Scarf allows Emboar to act as a revenge killer but takes away its main purpose of being a wallbreaker. Will-O-Wisp neuters common switch-ins to Emboar such as Landorus-T and Mega Altaria, but Emboar will either miss out on coverage or priority. A stallbreaker set with Taunt is also feasible, but Emboar is quite slow, and it would be walled by Mega Sableye.

Checks & Counters

**Priority**: Emboar is weak to common priority moves such as Brave Bird and Aqua Jet, so it can easily be revenge killed. Talonflame's Brave Bird will hit before Emboar's Sucker Punch, while Azumarill resists Sucker Punch.

**Mega Altaria**: Mega Altaria resists all of Emboar's moves but takes lots of damage from Head Smash. However, it can switch in on Emboar's STAB moves and has Roost to keep itself healthy, and Emboar will eventually KO itself because of recoil.

**Landorus-T**: Landorus-T has Intimidate to weaken Emboar's attacks, but Flare Blitz can 2HKO it. However, it is still a solid check, being able to switch in on Superpower and Wild Charge and KO back with Earthquake.

**Faster Pokemon**: Any Pokemon that can stomach a Sucker Punch, outspeed, and KO back is a good check to Emboar. Pokemon in this category include Keldeo, Garchomp, (AC) and Mega Diancie.

**Weather Sweepers**: Common weather sweepers such as Excadrill and Mega Swampert can easily revenge kill Emboar when in their respective weather conditions.

GP 2/2
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