Empoleon (Analysis)


credit to SsAaVv for the previous analysis


<p>Another generation has arrived, and for some returning Pokemon, it has been amazing. Then, there are those who cannot keep up with the new threats that have shown up. Empoleon is of the latter because, aside from a few minor additions to its movepool, nothing much has changed for it. It also has to contend with the many new Ground and Fighting types that dominate the standard game. None the less, Empoleon still possesses well distributed stats and many resistances that can be key components critical on a competitive team that is built to support it.</p>

name: Specially Defensive
move 1:
move 2:
Roar / Yawn
move 3: Stealth Rock / Protect

move 4: Ice Beam / Grass Knot

ability: Torrent
item: Leftovers
252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe

<p>With base 84 HP and 101 special defence, Empoleon is good at taking hits on the special side spectrum. Leftovers is a given for any defensive set unless they are using an Evolite. Scald is a great new move that has a 30% chance of burn that is usually helpful. Empoleon also has 2 ways to force switches, through Roar or Yawn (Roar generally being the better option due to Sleep Clause). The choice between Grass Knot and Ice Beam is always a tough one so you might want to adapt your team for such with the choice in mind.</p>


<p>The EV spread is to allows you to take many special attacks however, an EV spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD can be used instead to be defensive on each spectrum but it is not that wise of an option since there are better Pokemon who do this to give Empoleon more even defenses, but this is generally unadvisable as Empoleon's overall defensive stats are not high enough to avoid being outclassed by other potential tanking Pokemon. If you do not have a teammate that can lay down Stealth Rock, it is the preferred option. Protect is good for stalling and causing passive damage / healing but do note that it can be used against you. Sometimes you will need to heal more than just a sixteenth of your health therefore a teammate with With no source of recovery outside Leftovers, Empoleon greatly appreciates Wish support from Pokemon such as Blissey or Jirachi can help you heal off damage from certain attacks. Electric-types and special walls are usually Empoleon's most common threats. On that note, defensive Empoleon fit well onto sandstorm teams as Excadrill can easily demolish most of Empoleon's counters with ease.</p>

name: Agility
move 1: Agility
move 2: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Grass Knot
nature: Modest
ability: Torrent
item: Life Orb / Air Balloon
evs: 16 HP / 252 SpA / 240 Spe


<p>A typical special sweeper, therefore Modest nature is a given. Hydro Pump is preferred because of the extra power but it is perfectly fine to use Surf if accuracy bugs you. Grass Knot hits Water-types and Ice Beam hits Grass-types. Life Orb might be able to boost the power of your attacks but the Air Balloon grants you immunity to Ground-type moves, a good choice considering the continued popularity of Earthquake and knowing how popular they are, it is a good choice for a surprise counter.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, the Petaya Berry is currently unreleased, but a set with it and Substitute would be superior if it was available is much better however it is not possible at the moment. 240 speed EVs with a +2 speed boost makes lets you reach a blistering 432 speed, allowing you to outrun most common threats. The 16 EVs in HP give you an odd amount of HP for residual damage. This set fits well on both rain and sandstorm teams. Gliscor is a good teammate as it easily sponges up Mach Punch and can attack with a stab Acrobatics. Special walls also harm this set a lot so a teammate like Machamp can sponge an attack and then hit back with stab Dynamicpunch Blissey, Chansey and the odd Snorlax are also troublesome for this set, so bringing your own Fighting-types to kill or set up on the fat blobs is probably a good idea. On rain teams, Against rain teams, Lidicolo's typing and abilities also help out against common Water-type counters.</p>

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Hidden Power Fire
nature: Modest
ability: Torrent
item: Choice Specs
evs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 Spe


<p>This set is more proof that not much has changed for Empoleon. Again, maximize special attack. Again, Hydro Pump is preferred over Surf because it has more power. As stated in the previous sets, Grass Knot and Ice Beam are givens.</p>


<p>The EV spread allows you to take more hits and hit harder. Since you will be switching out a lot, 248 HP EVs give you an odd number of HP for passive damage. Hidden Power Fire gives you a way to deal with Ferrothorn and Magnezone (Hydro Pump and Surf hit Zone harder than HP Fire). That said, it is not an unfavourable choice on rain teams as Surf deals more damage to Magnezone in rain and Hidden Power fire still has 140 base damage when used on Ferrothorn in the rain. Empoleon is not a bad choice on rain teams considering the power its Specs Water attacks in Rain. With rain teams in mind, this makes Dream World Politoed an obvious team option. Conkeldurr's Mach Punch also ruins this set so again, Gliscor is a good option once more. Electivire is also a handy teammate as it can take Electric-type attacks to boost its speed then finish the job. Since this set relies on its special attack, Conkeldurr is a notable potential teammate for its ability to defeat common special walls like Chansey and Blissey is a good teammate since many special walls lack in physical defence.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>A set with Swords Dance is totally possible with access to Earthquake, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Drill Peck, Return, Avalanche and more other viable options, but Empoleon's Attack stat is lacking. Flash Cannon might be an appealing STAB move but it does not help against counters. Scald can be used on offensive sets but the lack of power really diminishes its value. makes it unfavourable. On the choice set, Sleep Talk can be used as it randomly selects a move, common sleep inducers still exist and the new sleep mechanics are a bonus but again, it is not favourable could potentially find its use against sleep inducing enemies, but is generally a very inferior option. Rest can heal you instantly but even with Sleep Talk, it is risky and best left up to someone else Empoleon's low Speed, common weaknesses and relatively low offensive power (without EV investment) make it an unappealing choice for a RestTalk tank. Knock Off can be used to rid foes of their items but they can easily switch out to regain it. Hidden Power Electric can be used to hit light Water-types and Gyarados. Signal Beam is an idea but does not aid much an ok special attack but does little for Empoleon's offensive abilities.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>As for counters, special walls such as Blissey and Chansey are obvious choices. The Agility set is destroyed by anything faster or with priority has trouble with enemies that outspeed it at +2, as well as Mach Punch or Vacuum Wave users. Conkeldurr and Mienshao (with a Choice Scarf) and Conkeldurr are obvious choices as they take advantage of strike at Empoleon's weaker physical Defense, have great physical Attack, powerful super effective STAB moves and either priority or greater speed. Magnezone has Magnet Pull, trapping Empoleon and many resistances but it must be careful of boosted water attacks and Hidden Power fire allowing it to trap Empoleon, though it must be wary of Empoleon's boosted STAB Water-type attacks. Ferrothorn is an excellent counter as it resists all easily shrugs off all of Empoleon's main moves but including Ice Beam, but it still has to be careful of Hidden Power Fire. Suicune and Vaporeon resist Water and Ice moves, while Vaporeon's low weight also allows it to easily absorb Grass Knot and don't take much from Grass Knot.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Empoleon's Dream World ability has been released. Defiant raises Attack by two stages when a stat is lowered. A Swords Dance set can be used, with Defiant netting a +1 Attack from Intimidate enemies and trick opponents into sending out a Pokémon with Intimidate. Unfortunately, Empoleon has a lot of problems with Defiant. Its 86 base Attack leaves much to be desired, making any purely physical Empoleon set something of a gimmick. Furthermore, the most common Intimidate users, Salamence and Gyarados, resist Aqua Jet (not that opponents will apt to switch Intimidate users into a Defiant user). faces 2 problems while running Defiant: base 86 attack is not that great, even with boosts and not many Pokémon with Intimidate are considered good Empoleon counters or they counter it very easily and are able to take a boosted +3 Aqua Jet. It is best to stick with Torrent (despite how iffy it is to begin with).</p>


Might I recommend that the special sweeper set have its nature changed to a quiet nature for a trick room set? This may be effective for Trick Room teams, utilizing his unfortunatly poor speed to catapult him into sweeper territory, also it would add as a somewhat complex check to take out Excadrill. I've been using him in this fashion, though not in tournaments, but he seems to kick ass behind a trick room, I'll have to keep trying online until I can try and make something official.

Just a suggestion, I guess I could say, "Place it in the other options section" because a whole set for Trick room is almost a waste of space.
Changes in bold
Removals in red
Comments in bold red


<p>(backspace)Another generation has arrived, and for some returning Pokemon, it has been amazing. Then, there are those who cannot keep up with the new threats that have shown up. Empoleon is of the latter because, aside from a few minor additions to its movepool, nothing much has changed for it. It also has to contend with the many new Ground- and Fighting-types that dominate the standard game. Nonetheless, Empoleon still possesses well-distributed stats and many resistances that can be critical on a competitive team that is built to support it.</p>

name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Roar / Yawn
move 3: Stealth Rock / Protect
move 4: Ice Beam / Grass Knot
nature: Calm
ability: Torrent
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe


<p>With base 84 HP and 101 Special Defense, Empoleon is good at taking hits on the special side. Leftovers is a given for any defensive set. Scald is a great new STAB move for Empoleon that has a 30% chance of burn, which usually proves quite helpful. Empoleon also has 2 ways to force switches, through Roar or Yawn (Roar generally being the better option due to Sleep Clause). The choice between Grass Knot and Ice Beam is always a tough one so you might want to adapt your team with the choice in mind.</p>


<p>The EV spread allows Empoleon to take many special attacks extremely well. However, an EV spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD can be used to give Empoleon more even defenses, but this is generally inadvisable as Empoleon's overall defensive stats are not high enough to avoid being outclassed by other potential tanking Pokemon. If you do not have a teammate that can lay down Stealth Rock, it is the preferred option. Protect is good for stalling and causing passive damage / healing but do note that it can be used against you. With no source of recovery outside Leftovers, Empoleon greatly appreciates Wish support from Pokemon such as Blissey or Jirachi. Electric-types and special walls are usually Empoleon's most common checks. On that note, defensive Empoleon fit well onto sandstorm teams as Excadrill can easily demolish most of those checks with ease.</p>

name: Agility
move 1: Agility
move 2: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Grass Knot
nature: Modest
ability: Torrent
item: Life Orb / Air Balloon
evs: 16 HP / 252 SpA / 240 Spe


<p>A typical special sweeper(backspace), so a Modest nature is a given. Hydro Pump is preferred for the extra power, (comma) but it is perfectly fine to use Surf if accuracy bugs you. Grass Knot hits Water-types and Ice Beam hits Grass-types. Life Orb might be able to boosts the power of Empoleon's attacks significantly, but the Air Balloon grants it an immunity to Ground-type moves, a good choice considering the continued popularity of Earthquake.</p>


<p>(backspace)Unfortunately, the Petaya Berry is currently unreleased, but a set with it and Substitute would be superior if it was available(backspace). 240 Speed EVs with a +2 speed boost lets you reach a blistering 432 Speed after an Agility, allowing Empoleon to outrun most common threats. The 16 EVs in HP give it an odd amount of HP for residual damage. This set fits well on both rain and sandstorm teams. Gliscor is a good teammate as it easily sponges up Mach Punch and can attack with a stab Acrobatics. Blissey, Chansey and the odd Snorlax are also troublesome for this set, so bringing your own Fighting-types to kill or set up on the fat blobs is probably a good idea. Against rain teams, Ludicolo's typing and abilities also help out against common Water-type counters.</p>

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Hidden Power Fire
nature: Modest
ability: Torrent
item: Choice Specs
evs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 Spe


<p>(backspace)This set is more proof that not much has changed for Empoleon. Again, maximize special attack. Again, Hydro Pump is again preferred over Surf because it has more power. As stated in the previous sets, while Grass Knot and Ice Beam are givens for type coverage.</p>


<p>The EV spread allows Empoleon to take more hits and hit harder. Since it will be switching out a lot, 248 HP EVs give it an odd number of HP for reduced passive damage. Hidden Power Fire gives Empoleon a way to deal with Ferrothorn. Empoleon is not a bad choice on rain teams considering the power of its Specs Water attacks in rain. With rain teams in mind, Politoed an obvious team option. Conkeldurr's Mach Punch also ruins this set so Gliscor is a good option once more. Electivire is also a handy teammate as it can take Electric-type attacks to boost its Speed then finish the job. Conkeldurr is a notable potential teammate for its ability to defeat common special walls like Chansey and Blissey.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>A set with Swords Dance is possible with access to Earthquake, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Drill Peck, Return, Avalanche and other viable options, but Empoleon's Attack stat is rather lacking. Flash Cannon might be an appealing STAB move but it does not help against counters. Scald can be used on offensive sets but the lack of power really diminishes its value. On the Choice set, Sleep Talk could potentially find some use against sleep-inducing enemies, but is generally a very inferior in usefulness to a coverage move. Rest can heal Empoleon instantly, (comma) but even with Sleep Talk, Empoleon's low Speed, common weaknesses, (comma) and relatively low offensive power (without EV investment) make it an unappealing choice for a RestTalk user. Knock Off can be used to rid foes of their items. Hidden Power Electric can be used to hit light Water-types and Gyarados harder. Signal Beam is an okay special attack but does little for Empoleon's type coverage.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>As for counters, special walls such as Blissey and Chansey are obvious choices. The Agility set has trouble with enemies that outspeed it at +2, as well as Mach Punch or Vacuum Wave users. Conkeldurr and Mienshao (with a Choice Scarf) are good choices as they strike at Empoleon's weaker physical Defense, have great physical Attack, powerful super effective STAB moves, (comma) and either priority or greater Speed. Magnezone has Magnet Pull, allowing it to trap Empoleon, though it must be wary of Empoleon's boosted STAB Water-type attacks. Ferrothorn is an excellent counter as it easily shrugs off all of Empoleon's main moves including Ice Beam, but it still has to be careful about Hidden Power Fire. Suicune and Vaporeon resist Water and Ice moves, while Vaporeon's low weight also allows it to easily absorb Grass Knot.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Empoleon's Dream World ability has been released. Defiant raises Attack by two stages when any stat is lowered. A Swords Dance set can be used, with Defiant netting a +1 Attack from Intimidate enemies. Unfortunately, Empoleon has a lot of problems with Defiant. Its 86 base Attack leaves much to be desired, making any purely physical Empoleon set something of a gimmick. Furthermore, the most common Intimidate users, Salamence and Gyarados, resist Aqua Jet (not that opponents will apt to switch Intimidate users into a Defiant user). It is best to stick with Torrent.</p>

  • Remember that 'you' refers to the battler and not the Pokemon, please...
  • Also, mind your spacing....
  • Finally, try not to refer to other sets in the set comments...

  • Remember that 'you' refers to the battler and not the Pokemon, please...
  • Also, mind your spacing....
  • Finally, try not to refer to other sets in the set comments...

I'll remember that for next time and thank you. Okay, Empoleon's done but I don't feel that proud.
<p> Another generation has arrived, and for some returning Pokemon, it has been amazing. Then, there are those who cannot keep up with the new threats that have shown up. Empoleon is of the latter because, aside from a few minor additions to its movepool, nothing much has changed for it. It also has to contend with the many new Ground- and Fighting-types that dominate the standard game. Nonetheless, Empoleon still possesses well-distributed stats and many resistances that can be critical on a competitive team that is built to support it.</p>

I believe this should be standard metagame.

There's a large space in the Additional Comments of the Specs set and you need a space between it and the Other Options paragraph below it.

<p>A set with Swords Dance is possible with access to Earthquake, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Drill Peck, Return, Avalanche and other viable options, but Empoleon's Attack stat is rather lacking. Flash Cannon might be an appealing STAB move but it does not help against counters. Scald can be used on offensive sets but the lack of power really diminishes its value. On the Choice set, Sleep Talk could potentially find some use against sleep-inducing enemies, but is generally inferior in usefulness to a coverage move. Rest can heal Empoleon instantly, but even with Sleep Talk, Empoleon's low Speed, common weaknesses, and relatively low offensive power (without EV investment) make it an unappealing choice for a RestTalk user. Knock Off can be used to rid foes of their items. Hidden Power Electric can be used to hit light Water-types and Gyarados harder. Signal Beam is an okay special attack but does little for Empoleon's type coverage.</p>

Shouldn't that be 'against its counters'? Right now it doesn't read right to me.

<p>Empoleon's Dream World ability has been released. Defiant raises Attack by two stages when any stat is lowered. A Swords Dance set can be used, with Defiant netting a +1 Attack from Intimidate enemies. Unfortunately, Empoleon has a lot of problems with Defiant. Its 86 base Attack leaves much to be desired, making any purely physical Empoleon set something of a gimmick. Furthermore, the most common Intimidate users, Salamence and Gyarados, resist Aqua Jet (not that opponents will apt to switch Intimidate users into a Defiant user). It is best to stick with Torrent.</p>

Apt is an adjective, I assume this is meant to be opt?
You seriously need to expand your set comments, especially for Empoleon's Choice Specs set.


<p>This set is more proof that not much has changed for Empoleon. Hydro Pump is again preferred over Surf because it has more power, while Grass Knot and Ice Beam are givens for type coverage.</p>
This doesn't tell the reader anything; it doesn't tell the reader why he or she would want to use Specs Empoleon. Having a mere sentence mentioning Empoleon's moves is completely unacceptable; surely there's more you can add. Furthermore, I'm surprised that there isn't a single mention of Empoleon's ability to take Latios's Draco Meteor's anywhere in this analysis. That's one of Empoleon's main selling points, and as such, it should be emphasized.

I'm moving this back to Copyediting for now. You really need to go back and add more to your writing before this can be considered done.
Got it! Just curious, how much does Latios's Draco Meteor do to Empoleon without any boosts, with a Life Orb, and with Choice Specs?

Also, I did some calculations and for the best IV spread for base 70 Fire Hidden Power, Empoleon's IVs must be:

31 HP / 31 Atk / 30 Def / 30 SpA / 31 SpD / 30 Spe
It looks much better since you cleaned it up, good job. But I still think the Agility set needs a tad more touching up. "A typical sweeper" isnt the best way to start a paragraph imo. It makes Empoleon sound mediocre, when it is supposed to show its strong points.
Changes in bold
comments in pink bold

credit to SsAaVv for the previous analysis


<p> Another generation has arrived, and for some returning Pokemon it has been amazing. Then, there are those who cannot keep up with the new threats that have shown up. Empoleon is of the latter because, aside from a few minor additions to its movepool, nothing much has changed for it. It also has to contend with the many new Ground- and Fighting-types that dominate the standard metagame. Nonetheless, Empoleon still possesses well-distributed stats and many resistances that can be critical on a competitive team that is built to support it.</p>

name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Roar / Yawn
move 3: Stealth Rock / Protect
move 4: Ice Beam / Grass Knot
nature: Calm
ability: Torrent
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe


<p>With base 84 HP and 101 Special Defense, Empoleon is good at taking hits on the special side. Leftovers is a given for any defensive set and it is Empoleon's only way to heal outside of Rest and (Wish support which is appreciated). Scald is a great new STAB move for Empoleon that has a 30% chance of burn, which usually proves quite helpful against those targeting its weaker Defense stat. Empoleon also has 2 ways to force switches, through Roar or Yawn (Roar generally being the better option due to Sleep Clause). The choice between Grass Knot and Ice Beam is always a tough one so you might want to adapt your team with the choice in mind as depending on what you choose, Empoleon will not be dealing much damage to either Grass- or Water-types.</p>


<p>The EV spread allows Empoleon to take special attacks extremely well including Latios' infamous Draco Meteor. A Modest Choice Specs Latios' Draco Meteor will only take away around 39.5% to 46.8% of Empoleon's health. However, an EV spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD can be used to balance out Empoleon's defenses, but this is generally not advised as Empoleon's defenses are not high enough to be an effective mixed wall unlike other pokemon such as Ferrothorn. If you're running another pokemon that carries Stealth Rock, then Protect can replace it on the moveset. Protect is good for stalling and causing passive damage / healing but do note that it can be used against you (I suggest you give an example). With no source of recovery outside Leftovers, Empoleon greatly appreciates Wish support from Pokemon such as Blissey or Jirachi. Electric-types and special walls are the bane of Empoleon's existence, so it is suggested to run Empoleon on a sandstorm team as Excadrill can easily remove most of its counters.</p>

name: Agility
move 1: Agility
move 2: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Grass Knot
nature: Modest
ability: Torrent
item: Life Orb / Air Balloon
evs: 16 HP / 252 SpA / 240 Spe


<p>Empoleon is a unique special sweeper having base 84 / 88 / 101 defensive stats to back up its base 111 Special Attack. As a sweeper, maximum Special Attack through a Modest nature and 252 Special Attack EVs is an obvious choice. Hydro Pump is preferred for the extra power, but it is perfectly fine to use Surf if accuracy bugs you. Grass Knot hits Water-types and Ice Beam hits Grass-types. Life Orb boosts the power of Empoleon's attacks significantly, but the Air Balloon grants it an immunity to Ground-type moves, a good choice considering the continued popularity of Earthquake.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, the Petaya Berry is currently unreleased, but a set with it and Substitute would be superior if it was available. 240 Speed EVs reach a blistering 432 Speed after an Agility, allowing Empoleon to outrun most common threats. The 16 EVs in HP give it an odd amount of HP for residual damage. This set fits well on both rain and sandstorm teams. Gliscor is a good teammate as it easily sponges up Mach Punch and can attack with a stab Acrobatics. Blissey, Chansey, and the odd Snorlax are also troublesome for this set, so bringing your own Fighting-types to kill or set up on the fat blobs is probably a good idea. Against rain teams, Ludicolo's typing and abilities also help out against common Water-type counters.</p>

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Hidden Power Fire
nature: Modest
ability: Torrent
item: Choice Specs
evs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 Spe
ivs: 31 HP / 31 Atk / 30 Def / 30 SpA / 31 SpD / 30 Spe


<p>Despite having Agility to hit opponents fast it might just not be enough to finish them off making a Choice Specs set favorable. The EV spread allows Empoleon to take more hits and hit harder. What makes it better are Empoleon's resistance to Stealth Rock and immunity Toxic Spikes allowing it to switch-in and switch-out without much worry. Nonetheless 248 HP EVs give it an odd number of HP for reduced passive damage against the likes of Spikes and Hail. As for attacks, it is similar to the Agility set. Again, Hydro Pump is preferred for more power but Surf can be used if accuracy bugs you. Grass Knot takes care of Water-types and Ice Beam takes care of Grass-types both which resist Empoleon's Water STAB. Hidden Power Fire gives Empoleon a way to deal with the ever so common Ferrothorn, in order to get the highest stats possible and base 70 Hidden Power Fire, the following IVs are used.</p>


<p>Choice Specs Empoleon is not a bad choice on rain teams considering the power of its boosted Water attacks in rain. With rain teams in mind, Politoed an obvious team option. Do not look at Politoed as a burden to Empoleon's Hidden Power Fire as it still deals more damage to Ferrothorn than Surf in the rain. Conkeldurr's Mach Punch also ruins Empoleon's fun, so Gliscor is a good option once more. Electivire is also a handy teammate as it can take Electric-type attacks to boost its Speed then finish the job. Conkeldurr is a notable potential teammate for its ability to defeat common special walls like Chansey and Blissey.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>A set with Swords Dance is possible with access to Earthquake, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Drill Peck, Return, Avalanche, and other viable options, but Empoleon's Attack stat is rather lacking. Flash Cannon might be an appealing STAB move but it does not help against its counters. Scald can be used on offensive sets but the lack of power really diminishes its value. On the Choice set, Sleep Talk could potentially find some use against sleep-inducing enemies, but is generally inferior in usefulness to a coverage move. Rest can heal Empoleon instantly, but even with Sleep Talk, Empoleon's low Speed, common weaknesses, and relatively low offensive power (without EV investment) make it an unappealing choice for a Rest-Talk user. Knock Off can be used to rid foes of their items. Hidden Power Electric can be used to hit light Water-types harder. Signal Beam is an okay special attack but does little for Empoleon's type coverage.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>As for counters, special walls such as Blissey and Chansey are obvious. The Agility set has trouble with enemies that outspeed it at +2, as well as Mach Punch or Vacuum Wave users. Conkeldurr and Mienshao (with a Choice Scarf) are good choices as they strike at Empoleon's weaker physical Defense, have great Attack, powerful super effective STAB moves, and either priority or greater Speed. Magnezone has Magnet Pull, allowing it to trap Empoleon, though it must be wary of Empoleon's boosted STAB Water-type attacks. Ferrothorn is an excellent counter as it easily shrugs off all of Empoleon's main moves including Ice Beam, but it has to be careful about Hidden Power Fire. Suicune and Vaporeon resist Water and Ice moves, while Vaporeon's low weight also allows it to easily absorb Grass Knot.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Empoleon's Dream World ability has been released. Defiant raises Attack by two stages when any stat is lowered. A Swords Dance set can be used, with Defiant netting a +1 Attack from Intimidate enemies. Unfortunately, Empoleon has a lot of problems with Defiant. Its 86 base Attack leaves much to be desired, making any purely physical Empoleon set something of a gimmick. Furthermore, the most common Intimidate users, Salamence and Gyarados, resist Aqua Jet (not that opponents will opt to switch Intimidate users into a Defiant user). It is best to stick with Torrent.</p>

There were some awkward phrases that I fixed, but otherwise this is pretty okay!


All right, I noticed some further errors with this.

Additions / Corrections


<p> Another generation has arrived, and for some returning Pokemon, it has been amazing. Then, there are those who cannot keep up with the new threats that have shown up. Empoleon is of the latter because, aside from a few minor additions to its movepool, nothing much has changed for it. It also has to contend with the many new Ground- and Fighting-types that dominate the standard metagame. Nonetheless, Empoleon still possesses well-distributed stats and many resistances that can be critical on a competitive team that is built to support it.</p>

name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Roar / Yawn
move 3: Stealth Rock / Protect
move 4: Ice Beam / Grass Knot
nature: Calm
ability: Torrent
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe


<p>With base 84 HP and 101 Special Defense, Empoleon is good at taking hits on the special side. Leftovers is a given for any defensive set, and it is Empoleon's only way to heal outside of Rest and (Wish support which is appreciated). Scald is a great new STAB move for Empoleon that has a 30% chance of burn, which usually proves quite helpful against those targeting its weaker Defense stat. Empoleon also has 2 ways to force switches, through Roar or Yawn (Roar generally being the better option due to Sleep Clause). The choice between Grass Knot and Ice Beam is always a tough one, so you might want to adapt your team with the choice in mind as depending on what you choose, Empoleon will not be dealing much damage to either Grass- or Water-types.</p>


<p>The EV spread allows Empoleon to take special attacks extremely well, including Latios's infamous Draco Meteor. A Modest Choice Specs Latios' Draco Meteor will only take away around 39.5% to 46.8% of Empoleon's health. However, an EV spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD can be used to balance out Empoleon's defenses, but this is generally not advised, as Empoleon's defenses are not high enough for it to be an effective mixed wall unlike other pokemon such as Ferrothorn. If you're running another Pokemon that carries Stealth Rock, then Protect can replace it on the moveset. Protect is good for stalling and causing passive damage / healing, but do note that it can be used against you as a free turn can allow your opponent to switch or set up on you. With no source of recovery outside Leftovers, Empoleon greatly appreciates Wish support from Pokemon such as Blissey or Jirachi. Electric-types and special walls are the bane of Empoleon's existence, so it is suggested to run Empoleon on a sandstorm team as Excadrill can easily remove most of its counters.</p>

name: Agility
move 1: Agility
move 2: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Grass Knot
nature: Modest
ability: Torrent
item: Life Orb / Air Balloon
evs: 16 HP / 252 SpA / 240 Spe


<p>Empoleon is a unique special sweeper having base 84 / 88 / 101 defensive stats to back up its base 111 Special Attack. As a sweeper, maximum Special Attack through a Modest nature and 252 Special Attack EVs is an obvious choice. Hydro Pump is preferred for the extra power, but it is perfectly fine to use Surf if accuracy bugs you. Grass Knot hits Water-types, and Ice Beam hits Grass-types. Life Orb boosts the power of Empoleon's attacks significantly, but the Air Balloon grants it an immunity to Ground-type moves, a good choice considering the continued popularity of Earthquake.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, the Petaya Berry is currently unreleased, but a set with it and Substitute would be superior if it was available. 240 Speed EVs allow Empoleon to reach a blistering 432 Speed after an Agility, allowing Empoleon helping it to outrun most common threats. The 16 EVs in HP give it an odd amount of HP for residual damage. This set fits well on both rain and sandstorm teams. Gliscor is a good teammate, as it easily sponges up Mach Punch and can attack with a STAB Acrobatics. Blissey, Chansey, and the odd Snorlax are also troublesome for this set, so bringing your own Fighting-types to kill or set up on the fat blobs is probably a good idea. Against rain teams, Ludicolo's typing and abilities also help out against common Water-type counters.</p>

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Hidden Power Fire
nature: Modest
ability: Torrent
item: Choice Specs
evs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 Spe
ivs: 31 HP / 31 Atk / 30 Def / 30 SpA / 31 SpD / 30 Spe (just mention the modified IVs)


<p>Despite having Agility to hit opponents fast, it Empoleon might just not be enough able to finish them off, making a Choice Specs set favorable. The EV spread allows Empoleon to take more hits and hit harder. What makes it better are Empoleon's resistance to Stealth Rock and immunity to Toxic Spikes, allowing it to switch-in and switch-out (remove hyphens) without much worry. Nonetheless, 248 HP EVs give it an odd number of HP for reduced passive damage against the likes of Spikes and hail. As for attacks, it is similar to the Agility set. Again, Hydro Pump is preferred for more power, but Surf can be used if accuracy bugs you. Grass Knot takes care of Water-types, and Ice Beam takes care of Grass-types, both of which resist Empoleon's Water-type STAB. Hidden Power Fire gives Empoleon a way to deal with the ever so common Ferrothorn. In order to get the highest stats possible and base 70 Hidden Power Fire with 70 Base Power, the following IVs are used.</p>


<p>Choice Specs Empoleon is not a bad choice on rain teams, considering the power of its boosted Water-type attacks in rain. With rain teams in mind, Politoed an obvious team option. Do not look at Politoed as a burden to Empoleon's Hidden Power Fire, as it still deals more damage to Ferrothorn than Surf in the rain. Conkeldurr's Mach Punch also ruins Empoleon's fun, so Gliscor is a good option once more. Electivire is also a handy teammate, as it can take Electric-type attacks to boost its Speed and then finish the job. Conkeldurr is a notable potential teammate for its ability to defeat common special walls like such as Chansey and Blissey.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>A set with Swords Dance is possible, with access to Earthquake, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Drill Peck, Return, Avalanche, and other viable options, but Empoleon's Attack stat is rather lacking. Flash Cannon might be an appealing STAB move, but it does not help against its Empoleon's counters. Scald can be used on offensive sets, but the lack of power really diminishes its value. On the Choice set, Sleep Talk could potentially find some use against sleep-inducing enemies, but is generally inferior in usefulness to a coverage move. Rest can heal Empoleon instantly, but even with Sleep Talk, Empoleon's low Speed, common weaknesses, and relatively low offensive power (without EV investment) make it an unappealing choice for a RestTalk user. Knock Off can be used to rid foes of their items. Hidden Power Electric can be used to hit light Water-types harder. Signal Beam is an okay special attack, but does little for Empoleon's type coverage.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>As for counters, special walls such as Blissey and Chansey are obvious. The Agility set has trouble with enemies that outspeed it at +2, as well as Mach Punch or Vacuum Wave users. Conkeldurr and Mienshao (with a Choice Scarf) are good choices, as they strike at Empoleon's weaker physical Defense, have great Attack, powerful super effective STAB moves, and either priority or greater Speed. Magnezone has Magnet Pull, allowing it to trap Empoleon, though it must be wary of Empoleon's boosted STAB Water-type attacks. Ferrothorn is an excellent counter, as it easily shrugs off all of Empoleon's main moves including Ice Beam, but it has to be careful about Hidden Power Fire. Suicune and Vaporeon resist Water- and Ice-type moves, while Vaporeon's low weight also allows it to easily absorb Grass Knot.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Empoleon's Dream World ability has been released. Defiant raises Attack by two stages when any stat is lowered. A Swords Dance set can be used, with Defiant netting a +1 Attack from Intimidate enemies users. Unfortunately, Empoleon has a lot of problems with Defiant. Its 86 base Attack leaves much to be desired, making any purely physical Empoleon set something of a gimmick. Furthermore, the most common Intimidate users, Salamence and Gyarados, resist Aqua Jet (not that opponents will opt to switch Intimidate users into a Defiant user). It is best to stick with Torrent.</p>


GP 4 / 4
I think gliscor should be listed as almost a partner for empoleon in the other options/team options, for it is immune to two of its weaknesses and resists the other. For gliscor, empoleon resists water 2x and ice 4x, the same as gliscor's weaknesses.
I personally use Flash Cannon instead of Ice beam on the agility set because you only loose the ability to hit Ferrothorn for neutral damage and the STAB is greatly appreciated.