I've found Balloon Empoleon to be a pretty good check/revenge killer to Excadrill.
I particularly use it on the Specially defensive set, but you need to invest in some EV's to reach 280+ special attack (or somewhere around their) cause 269 special attack fails to OH-KO Exca with surf unless you have life orb or torrent activated. A lot of people will sword dance you or try to earthquake you for the kill or a switch, but Empoleon can switch in safely as long as they aren't using any other attack and avoid a 1 hit kill after a sword dance from Excadrill. In the case they don't have any threatening earthquake users pokemon, you can at least set up stealth rocks and phaze when needed without taking too much damage. Might be better on other Empoleon sets, but I use it on that one because its not hard to switch in Empoleon to set-up with hazards and phaze pokemon who use substitute and does its job either way. Haven't tried it on the sword dance set yet, but I'm sure Empoleon needs to reach that same attack bench-mark or carry a life orb and one hit kill with water fall.
I particularly use it on the Specially defensive set, but you need to invest in some EV's to reach 280+ special attack (or somewhere around their) cause 269 special attack fails to OH-KO Exca with surf unless you have life orb or torrent activated. A lot of people will sword dance you or try to earthquake you for the kill or a switch, but Empoleon can switch in safely as long as they aren't using any other attack and avoid a 1 hit kill after a sword dance from Excadrill. In the case they don't have any threatening earthquake users pokemon, you can at least set up stealth rocks and phaze when needed without taking too much damage. Might be better on other Empoleon sets, but I use it on that one because its not hard to switch in Empoleon to set-up with hazards and phaze pokemon who use substitute and does its job either way. Haven't tried it on the sword dance set yet, but I'm sure Empoleon needs to reach that same attack bench-mark or carry a life orb and one hit kill with water fall.