Exactly as planned: A UU Warstory

So, I was on the UU ladder, trying to get my rating below 45, when I get paired with Erazor. I'd seen him around on the forums and on the leaderboard, so I was expecting a good battle. But the result was definitely more than I expected.

A lot of people are trying to get low deviations lately, with the suspect voting coming up soon. I already reached it, but I enjoy playing UU, so I was looking around for a match. I encounter petrie911. Now I know that he's on the leaderboard, and so we should have a decent game.

My Team


You can check out the details of this team in the RMT forum, under the name "Perfect Balance". It's a team I've been using a lot, and to great success. I don't think it'd be unreasonable to say there's nothing (in UU) this team can't handle.

My team:

petrie911.1's moves will look like this.
petrie911's comments will look like this
Erazor's moves will look like this.
Erazor's comments will be in Purple.
other text will look like this.
Leftovers will be removed.
Nicknames will be removed.
Scores will be shown after each KO.

Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause
petrie911.1 sent out Valiant (lvl 100 Swellow ?).
Erazor sent out Glass Monkey (lvl 100 Ambipom ?).

100% vs

So, lead Ambipom. He's going to use Fake Out. There's really no question about that. Since my Swellow does not have Protect, I can't exactly stay in. So, it's off to Registeel to sponge the hit.

Ah, a Swellow lead. They usually Protect first off, to prevent a Fake Out and activate that darn Guts. However, there are a few that forego Protect for more coverage. However, Fake Out is really the best and safest option for me here. If he stays in, he gets hit or shows me his moves. If he switches in a steel type to absorb it, I don't really lose anything.

petrie911.1 switched in WALL E (lvl 100 Registeel).
Ambipom used Fake Out.
It's not very effective...
Registeel lost 10% of its health.
Ambipom lost 10% of its health.

Well, looks like I was right about that. Registeel takes almost nothing, and he loses a good 10%. Which means this is a Life Orb Ambipom. This gives me a difficult decision. While a Sashed Ambipom would know Taunt, it's less clear that a LO one would. Still, Iron Head will do a lot of damage if he stays in and Taunts, and it's a bit early in the match for him to risk his Fire-type switch-in getting paralyzed. I should be safe with Iron Head.

Yes, he switched in a Steel type. This must mean that Swellow doesn't carry Protect.
Anyway, I can't stay in on Registeel. I don't know Taunt, or Brick Break, so I can't really hurt him. Thuunder Wave would cripple me, and Iron Head would 2HKO. I have two possible choices to bring in: Slowbro or Registeel. They both don't mind Paralysis(Slowbro actually likes it, seeing as he can't be poisoned when Paralyzed) but then I wouldn't be able to actually hurt him. Registeel, however, can take anything thrown at him, and can set up Rocks as well. So...

96% vs

Ambipom used U-turn.
It's not very effective...
Registeel lost 7% of its health.
Erazor switched in MJOLNIR (lvl 100 Registeel).
Glass Monkey lost 10% of its health.
Registeel used Iron Head.
It's not very effective...
Registeel lost 9% of its health.

95% vs

I was fairly right, but looks like SR was the better option here. He's almost certainly going to set up rocks this turn, so looks like I will, too. I'm not going to switch in my Blaziken for the reasons said above.

He gets a bit greedy and goes for an easy kill. However, his head just bounces off my metallic hide.
I'm just going to set up SR, since Registeel can't really hurt me. Plus it gives Swellow limited switch ins.

Registeel used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around your foe's team!
Registeel used Stealth Rock.

100% vs

That went as planned. Boringly, but as planned. Now he might switch, so this is a good time to catch his switch with Twave. If he doesn't switch, I haven't lost anything.

We both set up our rocks, nothing great here.
Now, let's see. I can hope he switches to a fire or fighting type, and thunder wave them on the switch. Even if he stays in, he won't enjoy being fully paralyzed every now and then. Or I could Earthquake, and deal some damage... but Registeel isn't really threatened by another Registeel's Earthquake. Thunder Wave looks like the best option.

Registeel used Thunder Wave.
Registeel is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
Registeel used Thunder Wave.
Registeel is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
Erazor: lol
petrie911.1: this happens every time I have regi vs regi

100% Par vs
100% Par

Apparently we were thinking the same thing. Since Registeel has nothing left to do here, it's time to go to my 100% Steel counter: Torterra. I do run the risk of him bringing in that probable Fire-type, but the threat of EQ should put him off it.

"Lol" pretty much sums it up. We both Thunder Wave the expected switch ins, and instead we have 2 Paralyzed Iron blocks.

Anyway, Registeel isn't doing anything more here. And he's probably going to switch out. I use Earthquake to hit the possible fire type-switch in.

petrie911.1 switched in Aladar (lvl 100 Torterra ?).
Pointed stones dug into Torterra.
Torterra lost 6% of its health.
Registeel used Earthquake.
It's not very effective...
Torterra lost 9% of its health.

91% vs
100% Par

Despite being my least used member of the team, Torterra still comes in handy sometimes. Registeel is switching out, as it's got nothing on me, so a good Rock Polish should let me get the drop on his switch. I won't exactly be revealing anything, as every Torterra has Rock Polish.

But he brings in someone less common, Torterra. Now, I have to switch, as I can't do jack to him, and Earthquake will maul me, seeing as I invested heavily in Special Defense.
I'm going to have to bring in Shaymin. Slowbro can take Earthquakes all day, but Wood Hammer destroys him, it's one of the few things that can OHKO Slowbro. Shaymin, however, takes rduced damage from both Torterra's STABs, so he seems like a safe switch in. I'm expecting a Rock Polish anyway, it's what I would do if I got a free turn.
All Torterra have Rock Polish, it's his only really viable set in UU, along with the Subseeder, which Shaymin probably does better.

Erazor switched in Panamaxis (lvl 100 Shaymin).
Pointed stones dug into Shaymin.
Shaymin lost 12% of its health.
Torterra used Rock Polish.
Torterra's speed was sharply raised.

97% (+2 Spd) vs

*sigh* This is why I should always remember to Stone Edge on the switch. Anyways, Stone Edge is not going to OHKO, but his Seed Flare, might. So it's back to my Shaymin counter. Registeel, the floor is yours.

As expected, he Rock Polishes, and Shaymin comes in for free. That tiny Hedgehog isn't at all fazed by that big Tortoise, and the Tortoise can't stay in, can it?
Well, he could stay in, hoping that Stone Edge KOes(it doesn't). Or he could switch.
I decide to use Air Slash. It hits Torterra hard if he gets any bright ideas about staying in, and hits Swellow nicely. He could switch in Registeel, but he might be scared of Earth Power. However, if I Earth Power, it gives Swellow a free switch in.

petrie911.1 switched in WALL E (lvl 100 Registeel).
Pointed stones dug into Registeel.
Registeel lost 6% of its health.
Shaymin used Air Slash.
It's not very effective...
Registeel lost 9% of its health.
Shaymin lost 10% of its health.

91% Par vs

His next move is probably Earth Power, as he's been playing fairly conservatively so far. However, he's seen Swellow, and might predict my switch and Air Slash. Iron Head should do good damage, and it can take an EP from Shaymin.

Bleh, that's what you get with being scared to take risks. His Registeel comes in practically for free.
Now he can do a couple of things here: Stay in, take the Earth Power, and Iron Head back, or predict the Earth Power and go to Swellow.
I'm really scared of one thing, and that's Explosion. I don't actually know if he carries Explosion at all, but if he does, then Shaymin is screwed.
However, he's seen me playing pretty conservatively, and might expect me to change tactics. Time to continue playing conservatively!

Shaymin used Earth Power.
It's super effective!
Registeel lost 43% of its health.
Shaymin lost 10% of its health.
Registeel used Iron Head.
Shaymin lost 27% of its health.

54% Par vs

Shaymin's down to 41%, meaning it can't risk not using EP and having me stay in. Now is a good time for Swellow to come in and force it out.

Earthpower is a 3HKO, but so is Iron Head. I doubt that he's just going to stay in and let Registeel die. This is also a great opportunity for Swellow to come back in. Sensing a Swellow switch-in, I make a switch to Registeel.

petrie911.1 switched in Valiant (lvl 100 Swellow ?).
Pointed stones dug into Swellow.
Swellow lost 25% of its health.
Erazor switched in MJOLNIR (lvl 100 Registeel).
Pointed stones dug into Registeel.
Registeel lost 6% of its health.
Swellow was badly poisoned!

75% vs

Hmm...I wonder if that was prediction or just switching to a Steel resist. Swellow's got to U-turn out. There's nothing it can do to Registeel. I choose to go to Torterra here, but Blaziken may have been the better choice, as Registeel is unlikely to EQ or Twave Swellow. But hindsight is 20/20, so in comes Torterra.

The advantage of double switching: it gets you into a good position. Swellow comes in expecting dinner, but instead faces a metal behomoth.
He has to U-turn now, and probably to Torterra. However, due to the nature of U-turn, making a switch here is going to be bad for me. I elect to just Iron Head the Torterra switch in, wearing it down slowly.

Swellow used U-turn.
It's not very effective...
Registeel lost 8% of its health.
petrie911.1 switched in Aladar (lvl 100 Torterra ?).
Pointed stones dug into Torterra.
Torterra lost 6% of its health.
Registeel used Iron Head.
Torterra lost 25% of its health.

76% vs

Torterra is in safely, and Registeel is certainly switching out again. Since Shaymin and Ambipom won't be able to take the hit, I get a free Stone Edge on whatever new Pokemon is coming in. Let's hope it hits hard!

Aargh, Torterra is in. Now it's probably going to use earthquake, as it still kills Ambipom and Shaymin at their current level of health. It seems like the safest option. I'm forced to go to Mismagius. I don't like involving Mismagius until mid-late game, but my hand is being forced here.

Erazor switched in Missy M (lvl 100 Mismagius ?).
Pointed stones dug into Mismagius.
Mismagius lost 12% of its health.
Torterra used Stone Edge.
Mismagius lost 59% of its health.

82% vs

Score. Mismagius takes a hefty blow, and since it can't OHKO Torterra, Wood Hammer should finish it off nicely. It will hit everything I've seen so far quite hard except Registeel, who can be dispatched with EQ.

Aargh. Petrie makes a beautiful choice of move and Mismagius gets severely crippled on the switch.
Now, I could sub once, and hope for Stone Edge to miss, but relying on a 20% chance is not good, and if it doesn't miss, I'll simply be in a worse position.
So I'm forced to switch... Slowbro can take a Stone edge.

Erazor switched in Clueless (lvl 100 Slowbro ?).
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro.
Slowbro lost 12% of its health.
Torterra used Wood Hammer.
It's super effective!
Slowbro lost 74% of its health.
Torterra was hit by recoil!
Torterra lost 28% of its health.
petrie911.1: ouch
Erazor: yeah

60% vs

Clueless? How appropriate. Torterra takes a hefty chunk out of the unsuspecting crab. I still haven't seen anything that can take Wood Hammer (except Registeel), so there's no reason not to go for the KO. Looks like Torterra's decided to remind me why I keep it around.

But of course the switch was extremely predictable, and I pay for it. Slowbro gets brutalised, and sits at 20% or so. However, I'm not going to sacrifice it yet, as it might get a free switch in later and Slack Off the damage.
I can see the Wood Hammer coming from a mile, and Registeel's played his part, and his usefulness has just about come to an end. So...

Erazor switched in MJOLNIR (lvl 100 Registeel).
Pointed stones dug into Registeel.
Registeel lost 6% of its health.
Torterra used Wood Hammer.
It's not very effective...
Registeel lost 21% of its health.
Torterra was hit by recoil!
Torterra lost 7% of its health.
Erazor: ouch just about sums it up

59% vs
77% Par

Registeel's back in, which means he's probably sacrificing it. Nothing I've seen can take the EQ except Mismagius, and once its in, Wood Hammer goes back to being a threat. So EQ seems to be the safe choice here

Yes, Registeel is a sacrifice... sort of. I need to wear Torterra down. And Registeel dying gives some one a free switch. So I just use Iron Head.

Torterra used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Registeel lost 73% of its health.
Registeel used Iron Head.
Torterra lost 24% of its health.

35% vs
10% Par

Unfortunately I miss the KO by 4%, and Torterra takes a quarter of its health. I use Wood Hammer to finish it off, just in case he tries to get clever and switches

Surprisingly, Registeel lives. I'm not even going to try and switch, because I need a free switch ,and that was the point of sending Registeel out.

Torterra used Wood Hammer.
It's not very effective...
Registeel lost 10% of its health.
Erazor's MJOLNIR fainted.
Torterra was hit by recoil!
Torterra lost 4% of its health.


37% vs

And with that, the first Pokemon goes down. Registeel's demise opens up my Shaymin and Swellow for possible sweeps, but gives my Torterra fewer opportunities to get in. Shaymin or Ambipom is probably coming in for the revenge kill now, so my Torterra's sweep is at an end for now.

It's taken a while, but first blood is finally drawn. Now, I can send in someone to kill Torterra.
In hindsight, Ambipom was NOT the best man for this job, but hey, I was sleepy.

Erazor switched in Glass Monkey (lvl 100 Ambipom ?).
Pointed stones dug into Ambipom.
Ambipom lost 12% of its health.


So Ambipom comes in. Just like before, I have just one good switch-in to Ambipom: Registeel. So the choice here is obvious.

Meh, I'm not even going to bother Faking Out. I could U-turn, but (being sleepy) I just try and slam the switch in with Return. This probably was where I dented my chances of winning, because a U-turn would have given me momentum. But I pay for it, and end up just denting Registeel.

petrie911.1 switched in WALL E (lvl 100 Registeel).
Pointed stones dug into Registeel.
Registeel lost 6% of its health.
Ambipom used Return.
It's not very effective...
Registeel lost 18% of its health.
Ambipom lost 10% of its health.

36% vs

Now we have an interesting quandary. On the one hand, if he switches, I could get a free in for one of my other Pokemon. But if he doesn't switch and I do, I'll get slammed by Return. At this point it seems too risky. I'll just Quake his switch-in; from what I've seen, it's a fairly safe bet

Registeel is getting worn out, and this is a good time to bring in Slowbro, because it can easily take a Registeel Earthquake or Iron Head. I can see a way into this match, but it's going to be extremely risky.

Erazor switched in Clueless (lvl 100 Slowbro ?).
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro.
Slowbro lost 12% of its health.
Registeel is paralysed! It can't move!

42% vs

Argh, hax strikes for the first time. And with such little health left, who knows if EQ would have netted the KO? Since he's faster than me, he's not going to waste any time using Slack Off. This is the perfect time to bring in a Shaymin of my own.

Well, I would probably have survived anyway. Who knows. I doubt I can finish him off with Surf, so I take this opportunity to Slack off.

petrie911.1 switched in Lilo (lvl 100 Shaymin).
Pointed stones dug into Shaymin.
Shaymin lost 12% of its health.
Slowbro used Slack Off.
Slowbro restored 50% of its health.

88% vs

Ah, Shaymin, destroyer of teams. Slowbro is definitely not staying in. He cannot risk Seed Flare's OHKO. As such, he's going to go to a grass resist. Since Registeel is dead, that leaves Shaymin or his unknown. Air Slash should hit it fairly hard either way, so lets use that.

Ah, Shaymin. Well, I am definitely not staying in. Now comes the extremely risky bit of play. He's probably going to Seed Flare, now that Registeel's dead and my Shaymin is weakened. So I switch in Blaziken, safe with the knowledge that on the off chance he Air Slashes, it's not a KO.

Erazor switched in Extra Crispy (lvl 100 Blaziken ?).
Pointed stones dug into Blaziken.
Blaziken lost 12% of its health.
Shaymin used Air Slash.
It's super effective!
Blaziken lost 83% of its health.
Shaymin lost 10% of its health.
Erazor: how do you know my team so well?
petrie911.1: I thought you'd switch in Shaymin
petrie911.1: I was apparent;y slightly off

78% vs

And with perfect prediction, his Blaziken goes down. Well, not quite. Once again, my opponent survives with barely any HP. So now I have another problem. Blaziken switched in on me, which means he's probably Scarfed. Switching in a non-Scarfed Blaziken would be suicide. Since Milotic can take anything a Scarf Blaziken throws out, it's time for it to come in

This is probably my riskiest maneuver ever. I'm trying to bluff a Scarf (I actually run LO) to scare him out and get in his buky water, which all teams carry. However, the bulky water is more often than not called Slowbro. So I elect to use Hidden Power Grass on the switch in. Let's hope he falls for it...

froghurt has entered the room.
petrie911.1 switched in Ariel (lvl 100 Milotic ?).
Pointed stones dug into Milotic.
Milotic lost 12% of its health.
Blaziken used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Milotic lost 42% of its health.
Blaziken lost 5% of its health.
Erazor's Extra Crispy fainted.
petrie911.1: ah, I was expecting scarf

52% vs

Well, that about sums it up. In an excellent prediction and bluff, my Milotic takes heavy damage. Still, a dangerous sweeper is down, leaving my victory that much closer. Shaymin's probably coming in for the revenge kill.

Yes! He fell for it... bleh, I should have Superpowered. Still, Milotic takes a beating, and is easier to kill. I can still claw my way back into this.

Erazor switched in Panamaxis (lvl 100 Shaymin).
Pointed stones dug into Shaymin.
Shaymin lost 12% of its health.

52% vs

And so it does. But then I realize something. Shaymin is quite the threat to my team, but Milotic isn't all that necessary. If Shaymin attacks, it will be too low on health to avoid being KO'd by my Specs Blaziken's Vacuum Wave. If he expects me to switch and uses Rest, I get a free Ice Beam in. So I'm staying in to use Ice Beam, as I win either way. Let's see what he does.

I realise I can win if I keep Shaymin healthy. There's a temptation to kill Milotic, but I would be at extremely low health, easy pickings for his revenge killer. I rest to get back into good condition, hoping that he switches out in fear.

Shaymin used Rest.
Shaymin fell asleep!
Shaymin restored 72% of its health.
Milotic used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
Shaymin lost 44% of its health.

56% vs
56% SLP

TBH, I'd have preferred the other option, as a dead Shaymin is always good. Still, Shaymin has to switch, and it'll come in at less than half health next time. And since it's free switch time, I go to something that loves free switches: Swellow.

Well, 56% is better than 29%. Now, however, I'm forced to switch, which he knows and will take full advantage of. I'm pretty sure he's going to bring in Swellow.
I can win if Shaymin stays in the game, so I need to make a few sacrifices to get it free switches. Sacrifice no. 1 is Slowbro.

petrie911.1 switched in Valiant (lvl 100 Swellow ?).
Pointed stones dug into Swellow.
Swellow lost 25% of its health.
Erazor switched in Clueless (lvl 100 Slowbro ?).
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro.
Slowbro lost 12% of its health.
Swellow is hurt by poison!
Swellow lost 6% of its health.

44% vs

I now look at the rest of his team. Slowbro is the only major defensive threat. Ambipom, Mismagius, and Shaymin are all weak. I decide to sacrifice Swellow to take down my last roadblock. While (in hindsight) I should actually U-turn here and sacrifice Torterra to give Swellow a more open sweep, it'll be more exciting this way. Besides, as far as I can tell, all roads lead to victory here.

Slowbro also happens to be able to beat Swellow one on one. I can use Surf or Psychic... Psychic is the better option as it doesn't give Milotic a completely free switch.

Swellow used Brave Bird.
Slowbro lost 40% of its health.
Swellow was hit by recoil!
Swellow lost 19% of its health.
Slowbro used Psychic.
Swellow lost 25% of its health.
petrie911.1's Valiant fainted.


I lose my first pokemon, but my plan is now in action. Nothing he has can switch into Shaymin, so he will be forced to sacrifice Slowbro. I can click Seed Flare with confidence.

Yes, true, nothing can switch in, and I have to sacrifice, but that's part of my plan. Sorry Slowbro, but it's for the greater good.

petrie911.1 switched in Lilo (lvl 100 Shaymin).
Pointed stones dug into Shaymin.
Shaymin lost 12% of its health.
Shaymin used Seed Flare.
It's super effective!
Slowbro lost 29% of its health.
Erazor's Clueless fainted.
Shaymin lost 10% of its health.

56% vs

Excellent, just as I thought. Now all that remains is what he switches in. If Shaymin comes in, Torterra will be sacrificed to bring in Registeel. If Ambipom, Registeel comes in immediately. If Mismagius, Shaymin and it will kill each other, letting Blaziken revenge kill Shaymin with Vacuum Wave. Now, it's his move. Let's see what he chooses.

Ambipom comes in to either beat Shaymin if it stays in(which is unlikely) or wear out Registeel if it switches in(much more likely). Now... Return or Pursuit? Pursuit would kill Shaymin if it switched, but if he predicts it, Ambipom is dead. I decide to use Return- though in hindsight, Pursuit would have finished it off. This was actually extremely significant.

Erazor switched in Glass Monkey (lvl 100 Ambipom ?).
Pointed stones dug into Ambipom.
Ambipom lost 12% of its health.
petrie911.1 switched in WALL E (lvl 100 Registeel).
Pointed stones dug into Registeel.
Registeel lost 6% of its health.
Ambipom used Return.
It's not very effective...
Registeel lost 16% of its health.
Ambipom lost 10% of its health.

26% Par vs

Ah, he chooses Ambipom. I go to Registeel, like I said. Now, if he doesn't switch out, Ambipom dies to Iron Head. If he switches to Mismagius, it dies to Iron Head. If he switches to Shaymin, Iron Head, and a switch to Torterra on the next turn seals his fate.

(I'm extremely angry with myself, because I've played too damn conservatively this entire game)
Yeah, Registeel comes in. sitting at 26%. I can get in Shaymin now, as Iron Head doesn't do too much to it.

Erazor switched in Panamaxis (lvl 100 Shaymin).
Pointed stones dug into Shaymin.
Shaymin lost 12% of its health.
Registeel is paralysed! It can't move!

32% vs

Ack, hax strikes again, throwing a wrench into my plans. At this point, Registeel is lost.

Well, Shaymin comes in for free, and Registeel should finally succumb.

Shaymin used Earth Power.
It's super effective!
Registeel lost 33% of its health.
petrie911.1's WALL E fainted.
Shaymin lost 10% of its health.
petrie911.1: that full para cost me


No kidding. Shaymin is now useless to me, so I bring it in. I run max speed timid, so at worst I'll speed tie. If Erazor wins the tie, Blaziken revenges, and Milotic switches into any Mismagius switch-ins

petrie911.1 switched in Lilo (lvl 100 Shaymin).
Pointed stones dug into Shaymin.

It all comes to who wins this tie. If I win this speed tie, then I have a real chance of winning if I play smartly. I've clawed my way back so far, it would be cruel for me to lose now.

Shaymin lost 12% of its health.
Shaymin used Air Slash.
It's super effective!
Shaymin lost 34% of its health.
Erazor's Panamaxis fainted.
Shaymin lost 10% of its health.
Erazor: spped tie
Erazor: :(
Erazor: *speed

33% vs

Well, looks like the hax goes my way this time. That makes things go a bit easier. Regardless of what comes in, Shaymin will need to be sacrificed.

That smiley pretty much sums it up.
Well. Payback's a bitch. Now that Shaymin's gone, I've pretty much lost. I'll try to make a last stand anyway, as there is still technically a chance of a win.

Erazor switched in Missy M (lvl 100 Mismagius ?).
Pointed stones dug into Mismagius.
Mismagius lost 12% of its health.
Mismagius used Shadow Ball.
Shaymin lost 33% of its health.
petrie911.1's Lilo fainted.


I underestimate Mismagius's strength here and have Torterra try for the KO. This is a mistake. I should go straight to Milotic, saving Torterra for death fodder against Ambipom. It doesn't make a difference, but it does look a bit bad

Missy at least gets the pleasure of killing Shaymin, but it can't sub at this point.

petrie911.1 switched in Aladar (lvl 100 Torterra ?).
Pointed stones dug into Torterra.
Torterra lost 6% of its health.
Mismagius used Shadow Ball.
Torterra lost 35% of its health.
petrie911.1's Aladar fainted.


After that unpleasantness, it's time to end this. Mismagius will not be able to beat a hazing Milotic. To break its sub, get it out of Sub range, or KO any uppity Ambipom, I choose Surf

Torterra, who gave me so many problems this game, finally goes down.
The score says that it's even, but it's leaning heavily towards petrie.

petrie911.1 switched in Ariel (lvl 100 Milotic ?).
Pointed stones dug into Milotic.
Milotic lost 12% of its health.
Mismagius used Calm Mind.
Mismagius's special attack was raised.
Mismagius's special defence was raised.
Milotic used Surf.
Mismagius lost 26% of its health.

51% vs

A second CM will not save him here. I Surf for the KO.

I calm mind pretty much for the heck of it, trying to damage Milotic enough for Ambipom.

Mismagius used Shadow Ball.
Milotic lost 31% of its health.
Milotic used Surf.
Mismagius lost 15% of its health.
Erazor's Missy M fainted.

26% vs

Milotic will now have to go, as I can't switch Blaziken directly into Ambipom. But her loss will not be in vain.

Ambipom can now kill it. I'm pretty sure Fake Out can KO it at this point.
Erazor switched in Glass Monkey (lvl 100 Ambipom ?).
Pointed stones dug into Ambipom.
Ambipom lost 12% of its health.
Ambipom used Fake Out.
Milotic lost 26% of its health.
Ambipom lost 10% of its health.
Milotic flinched!

7% vs

Or, apparently, happen this turn. More Life Orb recoil can't hurt, I suppose.

Milotic survives with 1 HP or so, but it makes no difference to either of us. Ambipom is still killing Milotic and is going to die.

Ambipom used Return.
Milotic lost 7% of its health.
petrie911.1's Ariel fainted.
Ambipom lost 10% of its health.


This is it; the final turn. We both know it, and say our ggs.

GG petrie, you deserved the win.

petrie911.1 switched in Chicken Little (lvl 100 Blaziken ?).
Pointed stones dug into Blaziken.
Blaziken lost 12% of its health.
Erazor: gg
petrie911.1: gg
Blaziken used Vacuum Wave.
It's super effective!
Ambipom lost 3% of its health.
Erazor's Glass Monkey fainted.


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And that's game. A good, close, match, and a battle of wits and prediction all the way through. A great game, Erazor.

It all came down to Shaymin vs Shaymin, and the game was pretty much decided by a speed tie. That's pretty much as close as you get. Good Game petrie.

-Torterra, for breaking my opponent's team and proving that it does pull its weight on the team
-Blaziken, for learning Vacuum Wave, without which I would have been screwed
-Erazor, for that rather spectacular Blaziken stunt, and being a great opponent
-Not too much hax. In fact, I don't think there was a single crit.
-New UU, for being as awesome as it is.

-That bit of Parahax I ran into
-Swellow, for not doing all that much.

Torterra. Seriously, it practically won the game for petrie. My team is quite weak to Torterra when used by a skilled battler, and I payed for it.
-Shaymin, for nearly winning the game for me.
-Blaziken, for pulling off an extremely risky move.
-Petrie's Shaymin, for general mayhem.
-Petrie himself, for some brilliant predictions

Blaziken, for not doing anything else.
-Me, for not using Ambipom properly this match.
-Shaymin for losing the speed tie, and with it, the match, or at least the significant chance of me winning it.
-Payback, for being a bitch.
-Me, for playing conservatively.

Well, we hope you enjoy this. We tried to provide insightful comments as far as possible, and I definitely learned from my mistakes in this game.

Well, that's it for my first warstory. I hoped you liked it.
I actually think this was a good warstory. A very good warstory, especially for a first.

I also liked how you played with prediction, while Erazor played conservative. Made it interesting.

5 stars.
Great warstory, especially for a first. Having comments from both battlers that detailed both of your thought processes was a nice touch, too.
Yeah, like Lightsabre, when i read that comment, the first thing that comes to my mind is that Petrie won.

But the battle was good, the comments were nice, and it was a very nice Warstory overall, it entertained me :)
I find it funny how both teams were extremely similarly structured;

Normal-type not able to beat Steels / Registeel / Shaymin / Bulky-water / Blaziken / late-game sweeper

Anyway, it was a decent wartsory altogether, however it lacked the suspense or "wow factor" to make it great. It was honestly just kind of...a normal UU battle. 3/5 thanks and keep working on them.
Slowbro is the only major defensive threat. Ambipom, Misdreavus, and Shaymin are all weak
If Misdreavus, Shaymin and it will kill each other, letting Blaziken revenge kill Shaymin with Vacuum Wave
If he switches to Misdreavus, it dies to Iron Head
If Erazor wins the tie, Blaziken revenges, and Milotic switches into any Misdreavus switch-ins
I underestimate Misdreavus's strength here and have Torterra try for the KO
Misdreavus will not be able to beat a hazing Milotic

Did you mean Mismagius?
Hey guys, thanks for the comments!

might've been a great warstory, but I stopped reading there

Maybe that sounded too extreme... I've asked Petrie to edit that. Sorry to ruin your experience.

@kjt: nice catches. They'll be fixed, don't worry.
I thought this was a pretty good warstory. The one thing that annoyed me was attempting to finish off Slowbro when it was at 20% with Wood Hammer when a neutral Earthquake would have done the job while being a much safer option. But it was quite good.
I thought this was a pretty good warstory. The one thing that annoyed me was attempting to finish off Slowbro when it was at 20% with Wood Hammer when a neutral Earthquake would have done the job while being a much safer option. But it was quite good.

That was because he didn't want to risk giving Mismagius a free switch in.

The comments have been really encouragaing guys, thanks a lot!

(And I know I play conservatively, because after a moment of overprediction some time ago, I decided not to risk it. I'm trying to change my style however)
What is it with warstories coming along in bunches at a time?

Anyway, this one was particularly enjoyable. The teams were a bit boring and predictable, but the battle sure wasn't (for the most part), which is the important thing. I also greatly appreciate the effort put into the commentary on both sides, it really kept me interested all the way through.

One question though: how does Ambipom's Pursuit kill a Shaymin at 56% health?
OK, I fixed your line and all the Misdreavus references. I have no idea why I did that.

Good to see positive feedback.

I find it funny how both teams were extremely similarly structured;

Normal-type not able to beat Steels / Registeel / Shaymin / Bulky-water / Blaziken / late-game sweeper

Eh, it's a good structure, though I wonder if Steelix/Roserade/other mixed fire sweeper could replace the named pokemon.
What is it with warstories coming along in bunches at a time?

Anyway, this one was particularly enjoyable. The teams were a bit boring and predictable, but the battle sure wasn't (for the most part), which is the important thing. I also greatly appreciate the effort put into the commentary on both sides, it really kept me interested all the way through.

One question though: how does Ambipom's Pursuit kill a Shaymin at 56% health?

Well, I don't know about KO, but it would have put it within Stealth Rock range, wouldn't it?
I don't think "giving away the ending," is such a bad thing to be honest. Just because the defining point of the battle wasn't right at the end, doesn't make it a boring read. I enjoyed this because it was a good honest battle, between two decent people, who both played pretty well, although it's a shame there wasn't a grand set-up for a torterra sweep =( Well Done Guys!

EDIT: A little pushy Erazor ;) but sure.
Thanks Imran!

Could you rate the thread then?

EDIT: there was no need for a Torterra sweep, it broke me just fine without setting up :(
Very nice warstory. Good players and comments from both sides! (I do the Misdreavus thing, and I also say Roselia :P)

It makes me happy to see my Blaziken set all over the place :)
Erazor's Panamaxis fainted.

Anyway, this was a good warstory, but I don't understand why you would waste 10% LO health by U-turning against registeel which does jack all. I always like Collaborate warstories the best so extra points for that.

Good work.
Erazor's Panamaxis fainted.

Anyway, this was a good warstory, but I don't understand why you would waste 10% LO health by U-turning against registeel which does jack all. I always like Collaborate warstories the best so extra points for that.

Good work.

I shared your pain when Panamaxis fainted.

Thanks for the nice reviews, everyone!