

Combination Harvester

Exeggutor. Back in first gen, one of the few pokemon who mattered (because it was psychic type). In second gen, still pretty good. In third gen, borderline good. Fourth gen, underused. This pokemon has been falling in power as more and more pokemon come in that do what it does better. Finally, fifth gen. Executor got a pretty much exclusive (only tropius also got it) ability that makes up for all the lost love over the years.

[B]#103 Exeggutor[/B]
Typing: Ground / Steel
Ability 1: 
    Pokemon's Speed doubles in sunshine.
Ability 2: 
Ability 3: (Dream World)
    Pokemon's held berry is recycled. If use condition is met twice, it is used twice and gone for good.

HP:  95
Atk: 95
Def: 85
SpA: 125
SpD: 65
Spe: 55

[B]Pre-Evo Moves:[/B]
Lv1: Barrage 
Lv1: Uproar
Lv1: Hypnosis
Lv7: Reflect
[B]Lv11: Leech Seed[/B]
Lv17: Bullet Seed
Lv19: Stun Spore
Lv21: PoisonPowder
[B]Lv23: Sleep Powder[/B]
Lv27: Confusion
Lv33: Worry Seed
[B]Lv37: Natural Gift[/B]
Lv43: Solarbeam
Lv47: Psychic
Lv53: Gift Pass

Gift Pass: Normal Other PP: 15 / Power: - / Accuracy: - 
Gives the target your item if it has none.

[B]Level-Up Moves:[/B]
Lv1: Seed Bomb
Lv1: Barrage
Lv1: Hypnosis
Lv1: Confusion
Lv1: Stomp
Lv17: Psycho Shock
Lv27: Egg Bomb
Lv37: Wood Hammer
Lv47: Leaf Storm

Psycho Shock: Psychic Special PP: 10 / Power: 80 / Accuracy: 100
Calcualtes the damage from the target's defense.

[B]TM Moves:[/B]
TM03 - Psycho Shock
[B]TM06 - Toxic[/B]
TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day
TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM16 - Light Screen
TM17 - Protect
TM19 - Telekinesis
TM21 - Frustration
TM22 - Solar Beam
TM27 - Return
TM29 - Psychic
TM32 - Double Team
TM33 - Reflect
TM36 - Sludge Bomb
TM42 - Facade
[B]TM44 - Rest[/B]
TM45 - Attract
TM46 - Thief
TM48 - Troll
TM53 - Energy Ball
TM64 - Explosion
TM68 - Giga Impact
TM70 - Flash
TM75 - Swords Dance
TM77 - Psych Up
TM85 - Dream Eater
TM86 - Grass Knot
TM87 - Swagger
[B]TM90 - Substitute[/B]
TM92 - Trick Room
HM04 - Strength

[B]Egg Moves:[/B]
Nature Power
Lucky Chant
Leaf Storm
Power Swap
Giga Drain
[B]Skill Swap[/B]
[B]Natural Gift[/B]
There are a lot of very cool things this 'mon can do. Let's go down the line of things I immediately notice when looking at him.

  • Harvest
    Harvest is definitely one of the potentially most broken abilities in the game. Infinite (provided they don't activate twice in one turn) berries has tons of potential. Lets look at some possibilities:
    • Sitrus Berry + Substitute
      This is definitely the big set in my mind. Basically, you can inconvenience your opponent with some status, for example Toxic or Leech Seed, and then substitute. Since Sitrus Berries activate under 50%, it should be no problem to activate it. Then next turn you can substitute, your sub will break, and sitrus will restore you're health. Substitute has only 16 PP, but it should be easy to stall out until toxic kills them, especially if you use protect to halve Sub use. If another pokemon swiches in, just use toxic again.
    • Rest + Lum / Chesto Berry
      Another Stall set. Infinite Lum/Chesto Berry wakes you up whenever you need to heal.
    • X Berry + Natural Gift
      Exeggutor has a horrible physical movepool. But it gets swords dance and Seed Bomb. With infinite berries for coverage and natural gift, natural gift works exactly like hidden power.

  • Lots of support moves
    Exeggutor has access to Toxic, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Swagger and Leech seed to inconvinece the opponent. It has Reflect, Light Screen and Sunny Day for Set up. It also has Synthesis, Moonlight and Rest to keep itself alive.
  • Sun Sweeping
    With the advent of legal (permanent) sun in OU, Executor can, with Chloryphyll, be a useful special sweeper. It has 125 SA and reaches 418 Spd modest, or 460 Timid. It has [Grass Move Of Choice] for stab, Psycho Shock for special walls, and [HP Coverage]. It also is one of the fastest sleepers under sun, which it has the bulk to set up itself (in tiers where there is no nintales [or vulpix]).
  • Little Cup
    Infinite Oran Berry Exeggcute. Anxiety was made to stop this. Nuff said.
The sets I showed earlier:

Exeggutor @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SD
Nature: Calm (+Atk, -SpA)
~ Toxic/Leech Seed
~ Substitute
~ Protect
~ Grass Knot / Leech Seed

Exeggutor @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SD
Nature: Calm (+ SD, -Atk)
~ Toxic/Leech Seed
~ Substitute
~ Protect
~ Grass Knot / Leech Seed

Exeggutor @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: Evs of choice
Nature: Nature of Choice
~ Move of Choice
~ Move of Choice
~ Move of Choice
~ Rest

Can be run offensively or defensively.

swords Dance
Exeggutor @ Coverage Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)
~ Swords Dance
~ Seed Bomb
~ Return
~ Natural Gift

Sun Sweeper
Exeggutor @ Life Orb
Ability: Chloryphyll
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Modest (-Atk, +SpA)
~ Psychic / Psycho Shock
~ SolarBeam
~ Hidden Power Fire
~ Sleep Powder / Explosion

Import from 4th Gen.

I feel I've only scratched the surface of his potential. And since I don't know little cup, I will leave it to one of our experts to enlighten us. Please do so!
Eggy can also shed one weakness by using a resist berry.
Say, Occa Berry. Voila, Exeggutor isn't weak to fire anymore! Maybe. Kind of. I guess.

Ok, it's still weak, but it gets a pseudo neutrality to fire. I guess...

All good for the eggs. I don't like eggs, but i do like Eggy!!
Ah, the only Pokémon I have trouble spelling, including the 5th Gen mons :c

SpecsEggy is by far my favourite set of all time. Used to run rampant in NU. Then it lost its uses, so I hope harvest can be exploited for all its worth and people can find great uses for it.

But, let's keep it ol' school.

Exeggutor @ Choice Specs
Ability: Cholorphyll
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
~ Leaf Storm
~ Psychic
~ Hidden Power Fire
~ Explosion

and let's not forget LO Eggy!

Exeggutor @ Life Orb
Ability: Cholorphyll
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Modest
~ Grass Knot
~ Psychic
~ Hidden Power Fire / Ground
~ Substitute
Natural Gift SD Eggy's items should be Occa Berry/Watmel Berry. Essentially a fire resist, Occa+Natural Gift is also a physical Hidden Power Fire backed by SD and maybe sun, without that annoying 30 IV. Watmel is 20 more bp, but no resist. Apicot beats Heatran, but you lose out of Skarm/Zong/Scizor/Natorrei.

And Pokemon Lab even fixed the berry glitch! ^__^

In conclusion,

no mention of custap eggy?

Exeggutor@Custap Berry
252 HP/252 Spa
Sleep powder/hp fire/hp ice
psycho shock
grass knot

sub down to activate custap, you always go first. you can pretty much always sleep some of your counters and switch out or whittle them down. Fairly beastly
no mention of custap eggy?

Exeggutor@Custap Berry
252 HP/252 Spa
Sleep powder/hp fire/hp ice
psycho shock
grass knot

sub down to activate custap, you always go first. you can pretty much always sleep some of your counters and switch out or whittle them down. Fairly beastly

This is effing hilarious. One thought though, maybe use Leaf Storm? It can switch in and out, so why not?

Sleep Powder doesn't seem like it should be slashed though... HP Fire and Sunny Day (to bluff that you're chlorophyll eggy) seem like necessities.
Executor just got upgrade in the walling department and why bother with the chesto berry (only sleep prevention) when you could rock the lum berry (All status prevention)
I don't think this thing could handle OU, looks like a new UU wall though
Take the Lum berry for permanent status immunity.
Then Exe can absorb predicted for the status team and insta heal up.
He'd be like a Hydration pokemon, if Hydration was even better.
Take the Lum berry for permanent status immunity.
Then Exe can absorb predicted for the status team and insta heal up.
He'd be like a Hydration pokemon, if Hydration was even better.

The big problem with this is that (EDIT: all of the defensive) Hydration pokemon have water or water-ice typing.

Exeggutor has one of the shoddiest defensive typings in the game. Seriously, so many things can hit it SE or neutral, it's not even funny...

(In fact, I can't think of a single OU pokemon that can't hit it for super effective or neutral damage, lol)

Oh yeah and it's a cool erufuun counter with psychic... sure it doesn't outspeed but if you pass it speed it does :)
Thank you, GF, for dashing my hopes once again. It baffles me why Exeggutor cannot get the common grass move Growth, or the common Psychic move Calm Mind.

Harvest is interesting, but I really prefer the standard sweeping sets.
You have to remember that in 4th gen Celebi had the same defensive typing, and it was still a great defensive pokemon.

Celebi, while possessing the same godawful typing, is more defensive (it has far more respectable defenses; while 80/95/65 (iirc) is good, 100/100/100 is far better) and thus more able to wield its resistances to grass, psychic, fighting, water, electric, and ground (water especially, as it is carried by many bulky waters that could easily OHKO exeggutor with their ice beams).

Note however that Celebi is going down in popularity due to Shaymin, who has far, far better typing (I.E. not quad weak to bug).
The big problem with this is that Hydration pokemon all have water or water-ice typing.

Exeggutor has one of the shoddiest defensive typings in the game. Seriously, so many things can hit it SE or neutral, it's not even funny...

(In fact, I can't think of a single OU pokemon that can't hit it for super effective or neutral damage, lol)

Oh yeah and it's a cool erufuun counter with psychic... sure it doesn't outspeed but if you pass it speed it does :)

Agirudaa gets Hydration.

Eggy got a fairly big boost this gen. It still won't be as good as it was in it's glorious days of RBY.
You have to remember that in 4th gen Celebi had the same defensive typing, and it was still a great defensive pokemon.

Stats play a really important role in that. Look at Tyranitar for example... Rock is already innately one of the worst defensive typings, but paired with Dark, they yield weaknesses against Water, Ground, Fighting, Steel, Bug, and Grass, and some of the most common attacks are those types. Then look at its stat distribution and movepool, along with its ability, which is self-boost to special defense. Same story with Celebi... its stat distribution is coupled with an amazing movepool, which defensively includes Recover, Leech Seed, and Thunder Wave, backed by its Natural Cure ability. Not that Exeggutor is terrible now since Harvest has a lot of potential, but as said already, it could've benefited from being a different type like even just pure Grass like Shaymin.
Stats play a really important role in that. Look at Tyranitar for example... Rock is already innately one of the worst defensive typings, but paired with Dark, they yield weaknesses against Water, Ground, Fighting, Steel, Bug, and Grass, and some of the most common attacks are those types. Then look at its stat distribution and movepool, along with its ability, which is self-boost to special defense. Same story with Celebi... its stat distribution is coupled with an amazing movepool, which defensively includes Recover, Leech Seed, and Thunder Wave, backed by its Natural Cure ability. Not that Exeggutor is terrible now since Harvest has a lot of potential, but as said already, it could've benefited from being a different type like even just pure Grass like Shaymin.

I reckon Exeggutor would give Celebi competition if he still had his massive Special Defence from RBY. In RBY he was pretty much a staple. In Gen V, he was a gimmick sun sweeper.
To be honest, I see this more benefitting a Sword Dance/Natural Gift Exxegutor more, as Lum wouldn't matter if you can barely take a hit. However, I do like what this gives Exxecute in Little Cup. Unlimited Oran Berries...Yowch.
Just a note,
Harvest has been documented to work in an inconsistent manner.

I think it's something like the berry regenerates 1-4 turns after use at the end of the turn. EDIT: I looked over it again; it mostly regenerates at the turn's end, but sometimes regenerates after a few turns (inconsistent)

This may mean that Chestorest sets may not be as useful as they seem. Stat-up sets that are less reliant on them seem like a good idea though.

EDIT2: Lum Rest test
Use 1 - 0 turns
Use 2 - 0 turns
Use 3 - 3 turns
Use 4 - 0 turns
Use 5 - 0 turns
Use 6 - 0 turns
Use 7 - 0 turns
Use 8 - 0 turns
Use 9 - 0 turns
Use 10 - 0 turns
Use 11 - 0 turns
Use 12 - 1 turns
Use 13 - 0 turns
Use 14 - 0 turns
Use 15 - 4 turns
Use 16 - 2 turns
Use 17 - 0 turns
Use 18 - 1 turn
Use 19 - 3 turns
Use 20 - 0 turns
I have a set, it's called Starf Berry Abuse and it's probably a pointless gimmick, but eh, it's worth a shot.

Exeggutor @ Starf Berry
Harvest, Timid?
4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Speed.

~ Substitute
~ Protect
~ Giga Drain / Energy Ball
~ Psychic / Zen Headbutt

This could be improved easily, but it's late. Basically, get in on something you scare, and start subbing. Once you hit 25%, your Starf berry will activate, giving you a random +2 boost. Next, you use Protect (or an attacking move if you were lucky enough to get a SpA boost) to gain another boost and scout. Now, you'll have 2 +2 boosts, which will put you in a good position. Defense and SpD boosts will make your Subs fairly unbreakable, letting you stall for more random boosts. SpA boosts will make you ridiculously powerful, with Giga Drain OHKOing a lot of stuff. Speed boosts are also very nice, giving you a real opportunity to sweep. Evasion boosts are sweet, but may backfire. Unfortunately, you won't really be able to put Accuracy and Attack boosts to use (Zen Headbutt is a physical option, but even +2 it won't be much more powerful than Psychic) Giga Drain is mostly listed in case you need to tank a hit whilst you're without a Sub, whilst also dealing some very respectible damage. Even with a sub, you'll still very much appreciate some residual healing. Hopefully you'll be able to amass enough +2 boosts to really start wrecking shit up. :)
I don't think Grass/Psychic is as bad as people say it is. Sure, weaknesses to Fire, Ice, Bug, Ghost and Dark is really bad but it resists Ground, Fighting, Water and Electric so there's some swtich-in potential.

EDIT: I know he has Poison and Flying weaknesses, but I didn't list them because I don't think they're very important.
It's uh...grass/psychic. Not ground/steel lol.
Another thing, you have sub-sitrus twice.

Anyways, for Chesto Rest, here's a set:


Exeggutor @ Chesto Berry
252 HP/ 252 ATK/ 4 SPE
~Swords Dance
~Seed Bomb/Wood Hammer
~Sleep Powder

Simply sleep the opponent, swords dance, swords dance, rest, then one more swords dance. GG.