Fakemon Central (read the rules in the OP)


More refined eel snake
I don't do much fakemon these days, but I do have one I'd like to show:

Iron projector, a future paradox Zoroark. It uses the eye like orbs and blue patches across it's body to project hologram disguises or doubles. Feel free to give any criticisms you may have, I won't get better if I don't think I need too
I don't do much fakemon these days, but I do have one I'd like to show:
View attachment 666107
Iron projector, a future paradox Zoroark. It uses the eye like orbs and blue patches across it's body to project hologram disguises or doubles. Feel free to give any criticisms you may have, I won't get better if I don't think I need too
The pose and lore is super cool, though regarding the stats, future paradoxes always have even numbers, while past paradoxes have odd numbers. (except the cover legends)
I don't do much fakemon these days, but I do have one I'd like to show:
View attachment 666107
Iron projector, a future paradox Zoroark. It uses the eye like orbs and blue patches across it's body to project hologram disguises or doubles. Feel free to give any criticisms you may have, I won't get better if I don't think I need too
really really love the concept here! The body shape reminds me of EMMI's from metroid, it's a really neat balance of creepy and cool-looking. That being said, the hair shape seems a bit hard to make out, and there's plenty of room to get creative with it to elevate the design. Anyway, I'm a sucker for paradox fakemon, and holograms are such a cool way of making a future zoroark <3
really really love the concept here! The body shape reminds me of EMMI's from metroid, it's a really neat balance of creepy and cool-looking. That being said, the hair shape seems a bit hard to make out, and there's plenty of room to get creative with it to elevate the design. Anyway, I'm a sucker for paradox fakemon, and holograms are such a cool way of making a future zoroark <3
The hair was definitely the hardest part, and personally, I'm not super happy with it myself. I'm glad you liked however :p
So, turns out making paradox mons is really fun! I came here with another one:

A past para Sableye based on another creature that likes shiny things-crows. I'd always thought the things on sable's head looked like wings- so now they are! If you see one without a large crystal, it's likely been in a fight with another Selfish Talon and had its gem stolen.
Edit- After posting this, I decided to make a future variant to go with it, so here that is:

A robot that's been exposed to, absorbed by, and was corrupted by the crystals you see on its body. They interfere with its built in coding, preventing logical calculations, and leaving only the inherent greed in it.
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So, I've been working on this idea for a Fakemon that played on the similarities between the Tapus and the Treasures of Ruin by making a Pokemon that was a fifth member of both groups at once; a Tapu brought over to Paldea as a treasure that ended up bonding with a helmet or crown in the process. I'm not an artist, but I tried to draw what was kind of in my head because the AI picture I shared elsewhere is both not accurate and also, y'know, AI. I gave it a statblock, a unique ability, and a level-up movepool but I don't know how good or bad I made it so I would really appreciate feedback on that front.

GK Statblock No AI.png

Crown of Ruin: Turns the ground into Malevolent Terrain when the Pokemon enters the battle and lowers the Speed stats of all Pokemon except itself

Malevolent Terrain: Spread moves become single-target moves. The power of Dark moves is boosted.

I tried to think what sort of field effect a Dark-type would make and I thought that inhibiting everyone's sightlines made sense, and Speed was the only stat none of the Treasures cut already. I gave it what I understood to be a mediocre speed stat, but I wonder if it's a tad high because if it's 90 and everyone else on the field is cut by 25%, then it's outspeeding anything with less than 120, which seems like a lot. It's movepool is a blend of what both groups have, and I also worry I made it too annoying because... that's a LOT of stat manipulation between the two groups.
Screenshot 2024-09-07 150106.png
Tahoma starters and evos.png

Here's my starter trio, themed after Japanese media (Insect fighting, Tokusatsu productions, and kappa/Sumo).

Beetwig -> Treetle -> Cannopytle
Type: Grass/Bug
HA: Compound Eyes -> Heavy Armor (Reduces super-effective damage by 50%)
Base stats: 90/120/115/60/85/60 (Cannonpytle)
Signature move: Napalm Seed (Grass - Physical - BP: 110 - PP: 10 - Acc: 100% - The user fires a seed at the target that will explode upon impact. This will leave the target with a burn.)
Can also learn: Wood Hammer, Megahorn, Iron Defense, Endure, Reversal, High Horsepower, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb

Flarrapin -> Ignishell -> Eruptoise
Type: Fire -> Fire -> Fire/Ground
HA: Evaporate (Water-type version of Lightning Rod)
Base stats: 79/83/119/116/65/68
Signature move: Krakatoa Beam (Fire - Special - BP: 140 - PP: 5 - Acc: 95% - The user opens up its plastron to launch a very powerful beam of geothermal energy at the target. This also damages the user.)
Can also learn: Lava Plume, Earth Power, Shell Smash, Rapid Spin, Iron Defense, Flame Wheel, Curse, Eruption, Flame Charge

Macaqua -> Sumonkey -> Yokozunami
Type: Water -> Water/Fighting -> Water/Fighting
HA: Guts -> Sturdy
Base stats: 126/104/75/85/75/65 (Yokozunami)
Signature moves: Ring Master (Water - Status - PP: 5 - Both sides preform a ceremony to make themselves stronger. Neither side can be taken off the field.) & Sidestep Slam (Fighting - Physical - BP: 80 - PP: 10 - Acc: 90% - The user dodges the target's attack and slaps them down. The move fails if the target if the target is not readying an attack.)
Can also learn: Aqua Jet, Close Combat, Heavy Slam, Arm Thrust, Liquidation, Belly Drum, Brine, Low Kick, Fake Out, Smelling Salts

TM/HM/Tutor Movelist
Cannonpytle: Thief, Grass Knot, Body Press, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Bulldoze, Return, Protect, Rain Dance, Solar Beam, Iron Head, Earth Power, Brick Break, Trailblaze, U-Turn, Rock Tomb, Smart Strike, Facade, Substitute, Rest, Sleep Talk, Curse, Dig, Cut, Rock Smash, Strength, Rock Climb, Bug Bite, Signal Beam, Seed Bomb, Double Team, Attract, Giga Drain, Knock Off, Superpower, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Frenzy Plant
Egg Moves: Smack Down, Quick Guard, First Impression, Energy Ball, Spikes

Eruptoise: Body Press, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Will-O-Wisp, Return, Protect, Acrobatics, Solar Beam, Mystical Fire, Earth Power, Fire Blast, Clear Smog, Sucker Punch, U-Turn, Rock Tomb, Facade, Substitute, Rest, Sleep Talk, Curse, Dig, Rock Smash, Flame Charge, Flamethrower, Double Team, Attract, Heat Wave, Scald, Sandstorm, Scorching Sands, Stealth Rock, Rock Slide, Strength, Rock Climb, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Stone Edge, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Fly, Blast Burn
Egg Moves: Amnesia, Scary Face, Incinerate, Dragon Pulse, High Horsepower, Crunch

Yokozunami: Toxic, Hidden Power, Ice Punch, Blizzard, Return, Protect, Rain Dance, X-Scissor, Trailblaze, Calm Mind, Chilling Water, Facade, Aerial Ace, Substitute, Rest, Sleep Talk, Water Pulse, Curse, Dig, Surf, Waterfall, Icy Wind, Gunk Shot, Double Team, Attract, Hyper Voice, Aqua Tail, Aqua Jet, Knock Off, Scald, Ice Beam, After You, Superpower, Poison Jab, Iron Head, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Bulldoze, Bulk Up, Low Sweep, Avalanche, Rock Slide, Strength, Rock Smash, Rock Climb, Drain Punch, Vacuum Wave, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Hydro Cannon
Egg Moves: Water Sport, Play Rough, Wave Crash, Rollout
While I do agree about a napalm theme being in questionable taste given its history, I love your designs and how much thought you've put into them! The artwork is very clean and the concepts are creative.
Fire starter I made a few weeks back. All I need is to color it. I'm not good at deciding colors so I will need some help. Reach out to me on my profile


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Dex entries:
Bramberry: The berries on this Pokémon's body can be used for great-tasting jam. The berries grow back quickly so it doesn't mind.
Pricklash: With its prickly arms, it can whip its opponents into submission. It gives out a mean-looking gaze when doing so.
How do they sound?
Flippiflappi - An ecologically similar Pokémon to Wishiwashi, it is based off of starlings and WWII bomber planes. Because it's similar to Wishiwashi, it has a reskin of Schooling called Flocking. Compared to Wishiwashi School Form, Flippiflappi Flock Form is less durable, but a lot faster as well as reliable recovery in the form of Roost.

HP: 45 -> 45
Attack: 25 -> 135
Defense: 20 -> 105
Sp. Atk: 25 -> 130
Sp. Def: 20 -> 105
Speed: 40 -> 100

1 - Peck
1 - Growl
4 - Helping Hand
8 - Beat Up
12 - Wing Attack
16 - Tearful Look
20 - Aerial Ace
24 - Roost
28 - Egg Bomb
32 - Drill Peck
36 - Feather Dance
40 - Endeavor
44 - Fly
48 - Brave Bird
Thief, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Return, Protect, Rain Dance, Acrobatics, U-Turn, Facade, Aerial Ace, Substitute, Rest, Sleep Talk, Air Slash, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Fly, Icy Wind, Seed Bomb, Double Team, Attract, Hyper Voice, Knock Off, Heat Wave, Roost, After You, Ominous Wind


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